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Today β€” 26 June 2024News

Biden Officials Pressed Trans Medical Group to Change Guidelines for Minors, Court Filings Show

25 June 2024 at 21:54
Newly released emails from an influential group issuing transgender medical guidelines indicate that U.S. health officials lobbied to remove age minimums for surgery in minors because of concerns over political fallout.

Β© Ramsay de Give for The New York Times

Staff for Adm. Rachel Levine, an assistant secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services, urged the World Professional Association for Transgender Health to drop proposed age limits from the group’s guidelines.
Before yesterdayNews

More Women in Africa Are Using Long-Acting Contraception, Changing Lives

Methods such as hormonal implants and injections are reaching remote areas, providing more discretion and autonomy.

Sandra Dadjan, left, administering a three-month contraceptive injection to her client Mary Amoako at Kwapong Health Centre in the Ahafo Region of Ghana.

Law Enforcement Unit Formed to Crack Down on Illegal E-Cigarettes

10 June 2024 at 13:26
Agents from various federal agencies will focus on unauthorized candy-flavored and nicotine-laden vapes that have flooded the U.S. market from overseas.

Β© Mike Blake/Reuters

Disposable e-cigarette vape products on a California store shelf bearing flavors like β€œpeach berry,” β€œpineapple strawberry” and β€œtriple berry ice.”

How a Climate Backlash Influenced Campaigning in Europe

9 June 2024 at 12:15
After years of political consensus on the transition to cleaner energy, a β€˜greenlash’ began bubbling up as prices rose and right-wing candidates gained ground.

Β© Kenzo Tribouillard/Agence France-Presse β€” Getty Images

The European Parliament in Brussels. Elections are being held through the weekend.

India’s Next Government Will Face Serious Climate Challenges

4 June 2024 at 13:59
Farmers have repeatedly protested over grievances tied to global warming, a major political and economic test given the importance of India’s rural economy.

Β© Arun Sankar/Agence France-Presse β€” Getty Images

Farmers near the Yamuna River in New Delhi. Tens of thousands of farmers have protested in the capital in recent years.

Fauci Grilled by Lawmakers on Masks, Vaccine Mandates and Lab Leak Theory

Dr. Fauci testified before a House panel investigating Covid’s origins. The panel found emails suggesting that his aides were skirting public records laws.

Β© Michael A. McCoy for The New York Times

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci during his last press briefing as the White House’s chief medical adviser on Covid-19, in 2022.

Health Officials Tried to Evade Public Records Laws, Lawmakers Say

28 May 2024 at 19:09
N.I.H. officials suggested federal record keepers helped them hide emails. If so, β€œthat’s really damaging to trust in all of government,” one expert said.

Β© Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

Dr. David Morens, a former adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci, speaking before the House subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic on May 22.

Louisiana Lawmakers Vote to Make Abortion Pills Controlled Substances

The legislation would make possession of the drugs without a prescription a crime in Louisiana, punishable with jail time.

Β© Jackie Molloy for The New York Times

The Food and Drug Administration does not consider the two medications to have potential for abuse or dependence, and years of research have shown both pills to be overwhelmingly safe.

New Star Wars Plan: Pentagon Rushes to Counter Threats in Orbit

17 May 2024 at 18:31
Citing rapid advances by China and Russia, the United States is building an extensive capacity to fight battles in space.

Β© Craig Bailey/Florida Today, via Associated Press

A rocket carrying the Pentagon’s secretive X-37B crewless space plane launching last year from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla.

U.S. Suspends Funding for Group at Center of Covid Origins Fight

15 May 2024 at 16:17
The decision came after a scorching hearing in which lawmakers barraged EcoHealth Alliance’s president with claims of misrepresenting work with Chinese virologists.

Β© Ting Shen for The New York Times

Peter Daszak, the president of EcoHealth Alliance, faced a barrage of questions during a congressional hearing this month.

Republicans Step Up Attacks on Scientist at Heart of Covid Lab Leak Theory

1 May 2024 at 18:54
A heated hearing produced no new evidence that Peter Daszak or his nonprofit, EcoHealth Alliance, were implicated in the Covid outbreak.

Β© Ting Shen for The New York Times

Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, testifying during a hearing on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.

UnitedHealth’s CEO Slammed Over Cyberattack

Several lawmakers questioned whether the company had become so large β€” with tentacles in every aspect of the nation’s medical care β€” that the effects of the hack were outsize.

Β© Ting Shen for The New York Times

Andrew Witty, the chief executive of UnitedHealth Group, acknowledged before the Senate Finance Committee that hackers had found a weakness in its cybersecurity that forced the shutdown of a vast billing and payments system.

Energy Dept. Releases New Efficiency Rules for Water Heaters and Other Appliances

30 April 2024 at 16:59
The Biden administration is tightening efficiency rules for water heaters, stoves and other appliances, and conservative politicians are dialing up their criticisms.

Β© Beth Hall for The New York Times

The new rules will save nearly $1 trillion over 30 years, the D.O.E. said. Conservatives counter that machines will cost more up front.