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Moral Progress is Annoying

24 June 2024 at 11:18
Many genuinely good arguments for moral change will be initially experienced as annoying, argues a recent piece in Aeon magazine.

Two philosophers from Purdue University paint a psychological picture of "affective friction" resulting from moral change: Even when the difference between an old norm and a new one replacing it seems trivial, the disruptions caused by the shift can create feelings of anxiety, awkwardness โ€“ and anger. The article puts its readers on notice that, going forward, many of us should expect to feel annoyed: Changing the social world for the better will very often mean changing some old, harmful norms and replacing them with better ones. And very often, that's not going to feel good. Much of the time, it's going to feel preachy. It's going to grate on your nerves. It's going to make you roll your eyes. A lot of moral progress is going to be annoying. Ugh.