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Today โ€” 10 July 2024Other

on earth, rematriation

By: HearHere
10 July 2024 at 09:36
Artists across several national pavilions are exploring notions of contested land, land restitution, and rematriation โ€” the latter of which signifies the return of objects to their original cultural contexts, avoiding the patriarchal and colonial overtones of "repatriation." Several have also brought soil itself into the gallery space, emphasizing an engagement with land as a living entity that supports broader ecological and cultural systems [hyperallergic]
Yesterday โ€” 9 July 2024Other
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cobalt blue/read

By: HearHere
6 July 2024 at 13:07
'Following her habitual line of work, Cristina Lucas proposes for us a performative conference, covering the astrophysical emergence of cobalt, the way in which it forms part of the planet and our bodies; the functions it performs on the organism; the relationship with art, in the form of blue pigment; its use in industry, especially in technology; the relationship with IBM, and the future of cobalt and its sustainability.' [Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya]

npr reviews 'Cobalt Red' [content note: exploitation]; cobalt, previously started exploring the blog del Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya after reading a recent blue post

people power

By: HearHere
5 July 2024 at 11:28
democracy has always defied clear definition. Taken literally, the term is an amalgam of two Greek words โ€“ "demos", meaning people, and "kratos", meaning power, but nobody has ever really been able to agree on what the ensuing "people power" should mean.[cambridge]

a History of People Power: Six times (so far) the American people have overruled SCOTUS to secure the rights of Americans ["a simple and powerful goal: passage of the For Our Freedom constitutional amendment to restore reasonable limits on money in our campaigns and elections": American Promise] Installed the same month as the city's Octavius Catto statue (the first monument in Philadelphia dedicated to a historic person of color on public land), and amid public debates about the Frank Rizzo statue, Willis's temporary monument prompted conversations about equal justice and civic belonging. [monumentlab:] Hank Willis Thomas, All Power to All People 46:15 when i did join the Black Panther Party, we thought that you just had to have a gun and that was it. And i was told that 'you were wrong' what you had to do was pick up some books... All Power to the People: the Black Panther Party & Beyond [content note: violence; 1h56m]

โ˜๏ธ chance of wicked rain

By: HearHere
2 July 2024 at 20:12
"Cloud problems offer no such assurances. They are inherently complex and unpredictable, and they usually have social, psychological, or political dimensions. Because of their dynamic, shape-shifting nature, trying to "fix" a cloud problem often ends up creating several new problems." [mit]

"For instance, to make nuclear reactors as reliable as jetliners, that industry would need to commit to one common reactor design, build tens of thousands of reactors, operate them for decades, suffer through thousands of catastrophes, slowly accumulate lessons and insights from those catastrophes, and then use them to refine that common reactor design. "This obviously won't happen." cf. [Harper's:] "It's generational," observed Navin. "If you were active in the environmental movement in the Seventies, if you went through Three Mile Island"โ€”the plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, that sparked panic in 1979 when it began melting downโ€”"you're likely to be antinuclear today. But for young people concerned about the environment, anyone under thirty-five, it's not an issue. The polls barely registered a blip over Fukushima." . . . Moorpark, a small town northwest of Los Angeles, became the first American community to draw its electricity from a nuclear reactor. Moorpark's power came from the Sodium Reactor Experiment, operated by the Atomic Energy Commission at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory twenty miles away. ...intoned Murrow. "Here at Moorpark, a chain reaction that started with [Fermi/wiki] washed the dishes and lit a book for a small boy to read." No such lyrical announcement marked the day in July 1959 when the plant's coolant system failed and its uranium oxide fuel rods began melting down. With the reactor running out of control and set to explode, desperate operators deliberately released huge amounts of radioactive material into the air for nearly two weeks, making it almost certainly the most dangerous nuclear accident in U.S. history.

don't have energy for this

By: HearHere
2 July 2024 at 09:06
Amazon Web Services is reportedly making a deal for electricity from a nuclear power plant [quartz]

[wsj: exclusive! yesterday] [fortune] [wapo, 1 wk ago] [npr, 2 wks ago] [forbes, 3 wks ago] previously [bulletin of atomic scientists: "Arguably the most problematic aspect of Oklo's microreactor concept is the proliferation implications of its fuel cycle. Simply put, Oklo's concept could increase the availability of fissile materials needed for nuclear weapons"]

shine on, pink glitter diamond

By: HearHere
29 June 2024 at 18:22
at document scale. I took the 8.5-by-11-inch FBI pages, which were heavily redacted and punctuated with officious markings and handwritten margin notes, and splashed them with bright pink spray paint and pastel rhinestones. The spray paint points to graffiti and "tagging" (an act of reclamation), to my own lexicon of redactions and the unknowable. The crystal adornment is an impossible and tiny act of healing. I also figured pink glitter would be a kind of kryptonite to J. Edgar Hoover's tortured ghost. [Sadie Barnette]

a bit more

By: HearHere
29 June 2024 at 06:15
The dispute over portable art was, however, as nothing to that which preceded the acceptance of parietal art โ€” images painted or engraved on the walls and ceilings of caves. Today, we know that parietal art is not confined to deep caves; that was only true of the first discoveries. ... That most of the parietal art known today is of this kind may be a result of the effects of natural weathering on art in exposed places โ€” though we cannot be certain about this point. [mind in the cave: consciousness and the origins of art (g)] previously

motor city's train station

By: HearHere
28 June 2024 at 06:11
In the Grand Hall, miles of new grout secure 29,000 Guastavino ceiling tiles, while in the south concourse a glass roof now protects original brickwork (miraculously intact despite flooding). All throughout Michigan Central Station, stonework has been refreshed or replaced, lighting faithfully reproduced, and period details revived thanks to some 1.7 million hours of work. "They poured their memories and love for Detroit into this project" [Architectural Digest] previously

i met Dante

By: HearHere
27 June 2024 at 07:01
included within a recent announcement by the the Internet Archive is a list of banned books. this is a great resource! started reading & only got as far as Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe [gbooks]. there's apparently also a film. looking forward to exploring further! thank you Internet Archive folx โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

ugly love machine

By: HearHere
26 June 2024 at 06:13
The manifesto opens with the kind of pun Vonnegut could never resist. "Gentlemen," the professor writes, "As the first superweapon with a conscience, I am removing myself from your national defense stockpile. Setting a new precedent in the behavior of ordnance, I have humane reasons for going off." The manifesto goes on for another page and a half. The tone is Norbert Wiener's, [wiki] but the politics are even more overt. [sciencefriday]

this post is inspired by a recent comment by torokunai linking current thinking about Machine Learning to Kurt Vonnegut's first published novel. the FPP quote is from an unpublished earlier work (Vonnegut is one of my favorite writers, having discovered Sirens of Titan at a young age). Westworld [fanfare] came to mind, thinking about all of this. happy to see that was by design: "Westworld co-producer Jonathan Nolan has credited Vonnegut with inspiring the show's player piano, referring to it as a touchstone image of the show's first season." [the conversation; playlist, denofgeek] Nine Inch Nails (inspiration for the post title [wiki]) when the simulacra starts to fray at the edges, things begin to rock [season 3, content note: violence] Common People, originally (bonus: cover by Star Trek's Captain Kirk) Westworld previously on the tech [illanoise.edu]