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History of Urology

By: paduasoy
2 July 2024 at 10:11
The British Association of Urological Surgeons has a Virtual Museum. You can navigate through the timeline or visit rooms in the museum, including the toilets. Exhibits include instruments and diseases and procedures.

There is a page on institutions, including the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, founded in 1771. There is a gallery of clinicians, including two women, E Catherine Lewis, 1882 to 1965, and Helen Wingate, 1895 to 1985. Another biography, William Keith, 1802 to 1871, describes the state of hygiene in the operating theatre of the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, which was "the favoured retiring room for the ward sister's cats". There are conference poster abstracts, and details of annual meetings from 1945. There are photographs by Eric Riches of the 1947 annual meeting, and a 1961 photograph of many men, and one woman. There is an art gallery of members' work, including Cathy Corbishley's cyanotypes on fabric, some on historical themes and one, Blood Film, made as a retirement present for a haematologist.