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Training AI music models is about to get very expensive

27 June 2024 at 04:06

AI music is suddenly in a make-or-break moment. On June 24, Suno and Udio, two leading AI music startups that make tools to generate complete songs from a prompt in seconds, were sued by major record labels. Sony Music, Warner Music Group, and Universal Music Group claim the companies made use of copyrighted music in their training data “at an almost unimaginable scale,” allowing the AI models to generate songs that “imitate the qualities of genuine human sound recordings.”

Two days later, the Financial Times reported that YouTube is pursuing a comparatively aboveboard approach. Rather than training AI music models on secret data sets, the company is reportedly offering unspecified lump sums to top record labels in exchange for licenses to use their catalogues for training. 

In response to the lawsuits, both Suno and Udio released statements mentioning efforts to ensure that their models don’t imitate copyrighted works, but neither company has specified whether their training sets contain them. Udio said its model “has ‘listened’ to and learned from a large collection of recorded music,” and two weeks before the lawsuits, Suno CEO Mikey Shulman told me its training set is “both industry standard and legal” but the exact recipe is proprietary.

While the ground here is changing fast, none of these moves should be all that surprising: litigious training-data battles have become something like a rite of passage for generative AI companies. The trend has led many of those companies, including OpenAI, to pay for licensing deals while the cases unfold. 

However, the stakes are higher for AI music than for image generators or chatbots. Generative AI companies working in text or photos have options to work around lawsuits; for example, they can cobble together open-source corpuses to train models. In contrast, music in the public domain is much more limited (and not exactly what most people want to listen to). 

Other AI companies can also more easily cut licensing deals with interested publishers and creators, of which there are many; but rights in music are far more concentrated than those in film, images, or text, industry experts say. They’re largely managed by the three biggest record labels—the new plaintiffs—whose publishing arms collectively own more than 10 million songs and much of the music that has defined the last century. (The filing names a long list of artists who the labels allege were wrongfully included in training data, ranging from ABBA to those on the Hamilton soundtrack.) 

On top of all this, it’s also just more difficult to create music worth listening to—generating a readable poem or passable illustration with AI is one technical challenge, but infusing a model with the taste required to create music we like is another. 

It’s of course possible that the AI companies will win the case, and none of this will matter; they would have carte blanche to train on a century of copyrighted music. But experts say the case from the record labels is strong, and it’s more likely that AI companies will soon have to pay up—and pay a lot—if they want to survive. If a court were to rule that AI music companies could not train for free on these labels’ catalogues, then expensive licensing deals, like the one YouTube is reportedly pursuing, would seem to be the only path forward. This would effectively ensure that the company with the deepest pockets ends up on top.

More than any training-data case yet, the outcome of this one will determine the shape of a big slice of AI—and whether there is a future for it at all. 

Merits of the case

Suno’s music generator has been public for less than a year, but the company has already garnered 12 million users, a $125 million funding round last month, and a partnership with Microsoft Copilot. Udio is even newer to the scene, having launched in April with $10 million in seed funding from musician-investors like and Common. 

The record labels allege that both of the startups are engaging in copyright infringement on the training and the output sides of their models.

“The plaintiffs here have the best odds of almost anyone suing an AI company,” says James Grimmelmann, a professor of digital and information law at Cornell Law School. He draws comparisons to the ongoing New York Times case against OpenAI, which he says offered, until now, the best example of a rights holder with a strong case against an AI company. But the suit against Suno and Udio “is worse for a bunch of reasons.”

The Times has accused OpenAI of copyright infringement in its model training by using the publication’s articles without consent. Grimmelmann says OpenAI has a bit of plausible deniability in this accusation, because the company could say that it scraped much of the internet for a training corpus and copies of New York Times articles appeared in places without the company’s knowledge. 

For Suno and Udio, that defense is far less believable. “This is not like, ‘We scraped the web for all audio and we couldn’t tell the commercially produced songs apart from everything else,’” Grimmelmann says. “It’s pretty clear that they had to have been pulling in large databases of commercial recordings.” 

In addition to complaints about training, the new case alleges that tools like Suno and Udio are more imitative than generative AI, meaning that their output mimics the style of artists and songs protected by copyright. 

While Grimmelmann notes that the Times cited examples in which ChatGPT reproduced entire copies of its articles, record labels claim they were able to generate problematic responses from the AI music models with much simpler prompts. For instance, prompting Udio with “my tempting 1964 girl smokey sing hitsville soul pop,” the plaintiffs say, yielded a song that “any listener familiar with the Temptations would instantly recognize as resembling the copyrighted sound recording ‘My Girl.’” (The court documents include links to examples on Udio, but the songs appear to have been removed.) The plaintiffs mention similar examples from Suno, including an ABBA-adjacent song called “Prancing Queen” that was generated with the prompt “70s pop” and the lyrics for “Dancing Queen.”

What’s more, Grimmelmann explains, there is more copyrightable information in a song than a news article. “There’s just a lot more information density in capturing the way that Mariah Carey’s voice works than there is in words,” he says, which is perhaps part of the reason past lawsuits navigating music copyright have sometimes been so drawn-out and complex. 

In a statement, Shulman wrote that Suno prioritizes originality and that the model is “designed to generate completely new outputs, not to memorize and regurgitate preexisting content.” He added, “That is why we don’t allow user prompts that reference specific artists.” Udio’s statement similarly mentioned “state-of-the-art filters to ensure our model does not reproduce copyrighted works or artists’ voices.”

Indeed, the tools will block a request if it names an artist. But the record labels allege that the safeguards have significant loopholes. Following the news of the lawsuits, for instance, social media users shared examples suggesting that if users separate an artist’s name with spaces, the request may go through. My own request for “a song like Kendrick” was blocked by Suno, citing an artist’s name, but “a song like k e n d r i c k” resulted in a “hip-hop rhythmic beat-driven” track and “a song like k o r n” resulted in “nu-metal heavy aggressive.” (To be fair, they didn’t resemble the respective artists’ unique styles, but to even respond in the right tightly defined genre seems to suggest that the model is in fact familiar with each artist’s work.) Similar workarounds were blocked on Udio. 

Possible outcomes

There are three ways the case could go, Grimmelmann says. One is wholly in favor of the AI startups: the lawsuits fail and the court determines that companies did not violate fair use or imitate copyrighted works too closely in their outputs. If the models are found to fall under fair use, it would mean songwriters and rights holders would need to find a different legal mechanism to pursue compensation. 

Another possibility is a mixed bag: the court finds the AI companies did not violate fair use in their training but must better control their models’ output to make sure it does not improperly imitate copyrighted works. Grimmelmann says this would be similar to one of the initial rulings against Napster, in which the company was forced to ban searches for copyrighted works in its libraries (though users quickly found workarounds). 

The third and essentially nuclear option is that the court finds fault on both the training and the output sides of the AI models. This would mean the companies could not train on copyrighted works without licenses, and also could not allow outputs that closely imitate copyrighted works. The companies could be ordered to pay damages for infringement, which could run into the hundreds of millions for each company. If they aren’t bankrupted by such a ruling, it would force them to completely restructure their training through licensing deals, which could also be cost-prohibitive. 


To license or not to license

Though the immediate goals of the plaintiffs are to get the AI companies to cease training and pay damages, the chairman of the Recording Industry Association of America, Mitch Glazier, is already looking ahead toward a future of licensing. “As in the past, music creators will enforce their rights to protect the creative engine of human artistry and enable the development of a healthy and sustainable licensed market that recognizes the value of both creativity and technology,” he wrote in a recent op-ed in Billboard.

Such a market for licenses could mirror what has already unfolded for text generators. OpenAI has struck licensing deals with a number of news publishers, including Politico, the Atlantic, and the Wall Street Journal. The deals promise to make content from the publishers discoverable in OpenAI’s products, though the ability for the models to transparently cite where they’re getting information from is limited at best.

If AI music companies follow that pattern, the only ones with the means to create powerful music models might be those with the most cash. That’s perhaps exactly what YouTube is thinking. The company did not immediately respond to questions from MIT Technology Review about the details of its negotiations, but given the massive amount of data required to train AI models and the concentration of rights owners in music, it’s fair to assume the price of deals with record labels would be eye-popping. 

In theory, an AI company could bypass the licensing process altogether by building its model exclusively on music in the public domain, but it would be a Herculean task. There have been similar efforts in the realm of text and image generation, including a legal consultancy in Chicago that created a model trained on dense regulatory documents, and a model from Hugging Face that trained on images of Mickey Mouse from the 1920s. But the models are small and unremarkable. If Suno or Udio is forced to train on only what’s in the public domain—think military march music and the royalty-free songs found in corporate videos—the resulting model would be a far cry from what they have today.

If AI companies do move forward with licensing agreements, negotiations may be tricky, says Grimmelmann. Music licensing is complicated by the fact that two different copyrights are at play: one for the song, which generally covers the composition, like the music and lyrics, and one for the master, which covers the recording—like what you’d hear if you streamed the song. 

Some artists, like Taylor Swift and Frank Ocean, have come to own the masters of their catalogues after drawn-out legal battles, and would therefore be in the driver’s seat for any potential licensing deal. Many others, though, retain only the song copyright, while the record labels retain the masters. In these cases, the record label might theoretically be able to grant AI companies a license to use the music without an artist’s permission—but at the risk of burning relationships with artists and sparking more legal battles. 

The question of whether to license their music to such companies has divided musician groups. In contract rules adopted in April by SAG-AFTRA, which represents recording artists as well as actors, AI clones of member voices are allowed, though there are minimum rates for compensation. Back in December, a group called the Indie Musicians Caucus expressed frustrations that the leading instrumental musicians’ union, the 70,000-member American Federation of Musicians (AFM), was not doing enough to protect its rank and file against AI companies in contracts. The caucus wrote that it would vote against any agreement “obligating AFM members to dig [their] own graves by participating—without a right to consent, compensation, or credit—in the training of our permanent Generative AI replacements.”

But at this point, AFM does not appear eager to facilitate any deals. I asked Kenneth Shirk, international secretary-treasurer at AFM, whether he thought musicians should engage with AI companies and push to be fairly compensated, whatever that means, or instead resist licensing deals completely. 

“Looking at those questions makes me think, would you rather have a swarm of fire ants crawling all over you, or roll around in a bed of broken glass?” he told me. “We want musicians to get paid. But we also want to ensure that there’s a career in music to be had for those that are going to come after us.”

How underwater drones could shape a potential Taiwan-China conflict

20 June 2024 at 15:00

A potential future conflict between Taiwan and China would be shaped by novel methods of drone warfare involving advanced underwater drones and increased levels of autonomy, according to a new war-gaming experiment by the think tank Center for a New American Security (CNAS). 

The report comes as concerns about Beijing’s aggression toward Taiwan have been rising: China sent dozens of surveillance balloons over the Taiwan Strait in January during Taiwan’s elections, and in May, two Chinese naval ships entered Taiwan’s restricted waters. The US Department of Defense has said that preparing for potential hostilities is an “absolute priority,” though no such conflict is immediately expected. 

The report’s authors detail a number of ways that use of drones in any South China Sea conflict would differ starkly from current practices, most notably in the war in Ukraine, often called the first full-scale drone war. 

Differences from the Ukrainian battlefield

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, drones have been aiding in what military experts describe as the first three steps of the “kill chain”—finding, targeting, and tracking a target—as well as in delivering explosives. The drones have a short life span, since they are often shot down or made useless by frequency jamming devices that prevent pilots from controlling them. Quadcopters—the commercially available drones often used in the war—last just three flights on average, according to the report. 

Drones like these would be far less useful in a possible invasion of Taiwan. “Ukraine-Russia has been a heavily land conflict, whereas conflict between the US and China would be heavily air and sea,” says Zak Kallenborn, a drone analyst and adjunct fellow with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, who was not involved in the report but agrees broadly with its projections. The small, off-the-shelf drones popularized in Ukraine have flight times too short for them to be used effectively in the South China Sea. 

An underwater war

Instead, a conflict with Taiwan would likely make use of undersea and maritime drones. With Taiwan just 100 miles away from China’s mainland, the report’s authors say, the Taiwan Strait is where the first days of such a conflict would likely play out. The Zhu Hai Yun, China’s high-tech autonomous carrier, might send its autonomous underwater drones to scout for US submarines. The drones could launch attacks that, even if they did not sink the submarines, might divert the attention and resources of the US and Taiwan. 

It’s also possible China would flood the South China Sea with decoy drone boats to “make it difficult for American missiles and submarines to distinguish between high-value ships and worthless uncrewed commercial vessels,” the authors write.

Though most drone innovation is not focused on maritime applications, these uses are not without precedent: Ukrainian forces drew attention for modifying jet skis to operate via remote control and using them to intimidate and even sink Russian vessels in the Black Sea. 

More autonomy

Drones currently have very little autonomy. They’re typically human-piloted, and though some are capable of autopiloting to a fixed GPS point, that’s generally not very useful in a war scenario, where targets are on the move. But, the report’s authors say, autonomous technology is developing rapidly, and whichever nation possesses a more sophisticated fleet of autonomous drones will hold a significant edge.

What would that look like? Millions of defense research dollars are being spent in the US and China alike on swarming, a strategy where drones navigate autonomously in groups and accomplish tasks. The technology isn’t deployed yet, but if successful, it could be a game-changer in any potential conflict.  

A sea-based conflict might also offer an easier starting ground for AI-driven navigation, because object recognition is easier on the “relatively uncluttered surface of the ocean” than on the ground, the authors write.

China’s advantages

A chief advantage for China in a potential conflict is its proximity to Taiwan; it has more than three dozen air bases within 500 miles, while the closest US base is 478 miles away in Okinawa. But an even bigger advantage is that it produces more drones than any other nation.

“China dominates the commercial drone market, absolutely,” says Stacie Pettyjohn, coauthor of the report and director of the defense program at CNAS. That includes drones of the type used in Ukraine.

For Taiwan to use these Chinese drones for their own defenses, they’d first have to make the purchase, which could be difficult because the Chinese government might move to block it. Then they’d need to hack them and disconnect them from the companies that made them, or else those Chinese manufacturers could turn them off remotely or launch cyberattacks. That sort of hacking is unfeasible at scale, so Taiwan is effectively cut off from the world’s foremost commercial drone supplier and must either make their own drones or find alternative manufacturers, likely in the US. On Wednesday, June 19, the US approved a $360 million sale of 1,000 military-grade drones to Taiwan.

For now, experts can only speculate about how those drones might be used. Though preparing for a conflict in the South China Sea is a priority for the DOD, it’s one of many, says Kallenborn. “The sensible approach, in my opinion, is recognizing that you’re going to potentially have to deal with all of these different things,” he says. “But we don’t know the particular details of how it will work out.”

Apple is promising personalized AI in a private cloud. Here’s how that will work.

11 June 2024 at 16:34

At its Worldwide Developer Conference on Monday, Apple for the first time unveiled its vision for supercharging its product lineup with artificial intelligence. The key feature, which will run across virtually all of its product line, is Apple Intelligence, a suite of AI-based capabilities that promises to deliver personalized AI services while keeping sensitive data secure.

It represents Apple’s largest leap forward in using our private data to help AI do tasks for us. To make the case it can do this without sacrificing privacy, the company says it has built a new way to handle sensitive data in the cloud.

Apple says its privacy-focused system will first attempt to fulfill AI tasks locally on the device itself. If any data is exchanged with cloud services, it will be encrypted and then deleted afterward. The company also says the process, which it calls Private Cloud Compute, will be subject to verification by independent security researchers. 

The pitch offers an implicit contrast with the likes of Alphabet, Amazon, or Meta, which collect and store enormous amounts of personal data. Apple says any personal data passed on to the cloud will be used only for the AI task at hand and will not be retained or accessible to the company, even for debugging or quality control, after the model completes the request. 

Simply put, Apple is saying people can trust it to analyze incredibly sensitive data—photos, messages, and emails that contain intimate details of our lives—and deliver automated services based on what it finds there, without actually storing the data online or making any of it vulnerable. 

It showed a few examples of how this will work in upcoming versions of iOS. Instead of scrolling through your messages for that podcast your friend sent you, for example, you could simply ask Siri to find and play it for you. Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of software engineering, walked through another scenario: an email comes in pushing back a work meeting, but his daughter is appearing in a play that night. His phone can now find the PDF with information about the performance, predict the local traffic, and let him know if he’ll make it on time. These capabilities will extend beyond apps made by Apple, allowing developers to tap into Apple’s AI too. 

Because the company profits more from hardware and services than from ads, Apple has less incentive than some other companies to collect personal online data, allowing it to position the iPhone as the most private device. Even so, Apple has previously found itself in the crosshairs of privacy advocates. Security flaws led to leaks of explicit photos from iCloud in 2014. In 2019, contractors were found to be listening to intimate Siri recordings for quality control. Disputes about how Apple handles data requests from law enforcement are ongoing. 

The first line of defense against privacy breaches, according to Apple, is to avoid cloud computing for AI tasks whenever possible. “The cornerstone of the personal intelligence system is on-device processing,” Federighi says, meaning that many of the AI models will run on iPhones and Macs rather than in the cloud. “It’s aware of your personal data without collecting your personal data.”

That presents some technical obstacles. Two years into the AI boom, pinging models for even simple tasks still requires enormous amounts of computing power. Accomplishing that with the chips used in phones and laptops is difficult, which is why only the smallest of Google’s AI models can be run on the company’s phones, and everything else is done via the cloud. Apple says its ability to handle AI computations on-device is due to years of research into chip design, leading to the M1 chips it began rolling out in 2020.

Yet even Apple’s most advanced chips can’t handle the full spectrum of tasks the company promises to carry out with AI. If you ask Siri to do something complicated, it may need to pass that request, along with your data, to models that are available only on Apple’s servers. This step, security experts say, introduces a host of vulnerabilities that may expose your information to outside bad actors, or at least to Apple itself.

“I always warn people that as soon as your data goes off your device, it becomes much more vulnerable,” says Albert Fox Cahn, executive director of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project and practitioner in residence at NYU Law School’s Information Law Institute. 

Apple claims to have mitigated this risk with its new Private Cloud Computer system. “For the first time ever, Private Cloud Compute extends the industry-leading security and privacy of Apple devices into the cloud,” Apple security experts wrote in their announcement, stating that personal data “isn’t accessible to anyone other than the user—not even to Apple.” How does it work?

Historically, Apple has encouraged people to opt in to end-to-end encryption (the same type of technology used in messaging apps like Signal) to secure sensitive iCloud data. But that doesn’t work for AI. Unlike messaging apps, where a company like WhatsApp does not need to see the contents of your messages in order to deliver them to your friends, Apple’s AI models need unencrypted access to the underlying data to generate responses. This is where Apple’s privacy process kicks in. First, Apple says, data will be used only for the task at hand. Second, this process will be verified by independent researchers. 

Needless to say, the architecture of this system is complicated, but you can imagine it as an encryption protocol. If your phone determines it needs the help of a larger AI model, it will package a request containing the prompt it’s using and the specific model, and then put a lock on that request. Only the specific AI model to be used will have the proper key.

When asked by MIT Technology Review whether users will be notified when a certain request is sent to cloud-based AI models instead of being handled on-device, an Apple spokesperson said there will be transparency to users but that further details aren’t available.

Dawn Song, co-Director of UC Berkeley Center on Responsible Decentralized Intelligence and an expert in private computing, says Apple’s new developments are encouraging. “The list of goals that they announced is well thought out,” she says. “Of course there will be some challenges in meeting those goals.”

Cahn says that to judge from what Apple has disclosed so far, the system seems much more privacy-protective than other AI products out there today. That said, the common refrain in his space is “Trust but verify.” In other words, we won’t know how secure these systems keep our data until independent researchers can verify its claims, as Apple promises they will, and the company responds to their findings.

“Opening yourself up to independent review by researchers is a great step,” he says. “But that doesn’t determine how you’re going to respond when researchers tell you things you don’t want to hear.” Apple did not respond to questions from MIT Technology Review about how the company will evaluate feedback from researchers.

The privacy-AI bargain

Apple is not the only company betting that many of us will grant AI models mostly unfettered access to our private data if it means they could automate tedious tasks. OpenAI’s Sam Altman described his dream AI tool to MIT Technology Review as one “that knows absolutely everything about my whole life, every email, every conversation I’ve ever had.” At its own developer conference in May, Google announced Project Astra, an ambitious project to build a “universal AI agent that is helpful in everyday life.”

It’s a bargain that will force many of us to consider for the first time what role, if any, we want AI models to play in how we interact with our data and devices. When ChatGPT first came on the scene, that wasn’t a question we needed to ask. It was simply a text generator that could write us a birthday card or a poem, and the questions it raised—like where its training data came from or what biases it perpetuated—didn’t feel quite as personal. 

Now, less than two years later, Big Tech is making billion-dollar bets that we trust the safety of these systems enough to fork over our private information. It’s not yet clear if we know enough to make that call, or how able we are to opt out even if we’d like to. “I do worry that we’re going to see this AI arms race pushing ever more of our data into other people’s hands,” Cahn says.

Apple will soon release beta versions of its Apple Intelligence features, starting this fall with the iPhone 15 and the new macOS Sequoia, which can be run on Macs and iPads with M1 chips or newer. Says Apple CEO Tim Cook, “We think Apple intelligence is going to be indispensable.”

AI-directed drones could help find lost hikers faster

30 May 2024 at 11:26

If a hiker gets lost in the rugged Scottish Highlands, rescue teams sometimes send up a drone to search for clues of the individual’s route—trampled vegetation, dropped clothing, food wrappers. But with vast terrain to cover and limited battery life, picking the right area to search is critical.

Traditionally, expert drone pilots use a combination of intuition and statistical “search theory”—a strategy with roots in World War II–era hunting of German submarines—to prioritize certain search locations over others. Jan-Hendrik Ewers and a team from the University of Glasgow recently set out to see if a machine-learning system could do better.

Ewers grew up skiing and hiking in the Highlands, giving him a clear idea of the complicated challenges involved in rescue operations there. “There wasn’t much to do growing up, other than spending time outdoors or sitting in front of my computer,” he says. “I ended up doing a lot of both.”

To start, Ewers took data sets of search-and-rescue cases from around the world, which include details such as an individual’s age, whether they were hunting, horseback riding, or hiking, and if they suffered from dementia, along with information about the location where the person was eventually found—by water, buildings, open ground, trees, or roads. He trained an AI model with this data, in addition to geographical data from Scotland. The model runs millions of simulations to reveal the routes a missing person would be most likely to take under the specific circumstances. The result is a probability distribution—a heat map of sorts—indicating the priority search areas. 

With this kind of probability map, the team showed that deep learning could be used to design more efficient search paths for drones. In research published last week on arXiv, which has not yet been peer reviewed, the team tested its algorithm against two common search patterns: the “lawn mower,” in which a drone would fly over a target area in a series of simple stripes, and an algorithm similar to Ewers’s but less adept at working with probability distribution maps.

In virtual testing, Ewers’s algorithm beat both of those approaches on two key measures: the distance a drone would have to fly to locate the missing person, and the likelihood that the person was found. While the lawn mower and the existing algorithmic approach found the person 8% of the time and 12% of the time, respectively, Ewers’s approach found them 19% of the time. If it proves successful in real rescue situations, the new system could speed up response times, and save more lives, in scenarios where every minute counts. 

“The search-and-rescue domain in Scotland is extremely varied, and also quite dangerous,” Ewers says. Emergencies can arise in thick forests on the Isle of Arran, the steep mountains and slopes around the Cairngorm Plateau, or the faces of Ben Nevis, one of the most revered but dangerous rock climbing destinations in Scotland. “Being able to send up a drone and efficiently search with it could potentially save lives,” he adds.

Search-and-rescue experts say that using deep learning to design more efficient drone routes could help locate missing persons faster in a variety of wilderness areas, depending on how well suited the environment is for drone exploration (it’s harder for drones to explore dense canopy than open brush, for example).

“That approach in the Scottish Highlands certainly sounds like a viable one, particularly in the early stages of search when you’re waiting for other people to show up,” says David Kovar, a director at the US National Association for Search and Rescue in Williamsburg, Virginia, who has used drones for everything from disaster response in California to wilderness search missions in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. 

But there are caveats. The success of such a planning algorithm will hinge on how accurate the probability maps are. Overreliance on these maps could mean that drone operators spend too much time searching the wrong areas. 

Ewers says a key next step to making the probability maps as accurate as possible will be obtaining more training data. To do that, he hopes to use GPS data from more recent rescue operations to run simulations, essentially helping his model to understand the connections between the location where someone was last seen and where they were ultimately found. 

Not all rescue operations contain rich enough data for him to work with, however. “We have this problem in search and rescue where the training data is extremely sparse, and we know from machine learning that we want a lot of high-quality data,” Ewers says. “If an algorithm doesn’t perform better than a human, you are potentially risking someone’s life.”

Drones are becoming more common in the world of search and rescue. But they are still a relatively new technology, and regulations surrounding their use are still in flux.

In the US, for example, drone pilots are required to have a constant line of sight between them and their drone. In Scotland, meanwhile, operators aren’t permitted to be more than 500 meters away from their drone. These rules are meant to prevent accidents, such as a drone falling and endangering people, but in rescue settings such rules severely curtail ground rescuers’ ability to survey for clues. 

“Oftentimes we’re facing a regulatory problem rather than a technical problem,” Kovar says. “Drones are capable of doing far more than we’re allowed to use them for.”

Ewers hopes that models like his might one day expand the capabilities of drones even more. For now, he is in conversation with the Police Scotland Air Support Unit to see what it would take to test and deploy his system in real-world settings. 

OpenAI and Google are launching supercharged AI assistants. Here’s how you can try them out.

15 May 2024 at 14:18

This week, Google and OpenAI both announced they’ve built supercharged AI assistants: tools that can converse with you in real time and recover when you interrupt them, analyze your surroundings via live video, and translate conversations on the fly. 

OpenAI struck first on Monday, when it debuted its new flagship model GPT-4o. The live demonstration showed it reading bedtime stories and helping to solve math problems, all in a voice that sounded eerily like Joaquin Phoenix’s AI girlfriend in the movie Her (a trait not lost on CEO Sam Altman). 

On Tuesday, Google announced its own new tools, including a conversational assistant called Gemini Live, which can do many of the same things. It also revealed that it’s building a sort of “do-everything” AI agent, which is currently in development but will not be released until later this year.

Soon you’ll be able to explore for yourself to gauge whether you’ll turn to these tools in your daily routine as much as their makers hope, or whether they’re more like a sci-fi party trick that eventually loses its charm. Here’s what you should know about how to access these new tools, what you might use them for, and how much it will cost. 

OpenAI’s GPT-4o

What it’s capable of: The model can talk with you in real time, with a response delay of about 320 milliseconds, which OpenAI says is on par with natural human conversation. You can ask the model to interpret anything you point your smartphone camera at, and it can provide assistance with tasks like coding or translating text. It can also summarize information, and generate images, fonts, and 3D renderings. 

How to access it: OpenAI says it will start rolling out GPT-4o’s text and vision features in the web interface as well as the GPT app, but has not set a date. The company says it will add the voice functions in the coming weeks, although it’s yet to set an exact date for this either. Developers can access the text and vision features in the API now, but voice mode will launch only to a “small group” of developers initially.

How much it costs: Use of GPT-4o will be free, but OpenAI will set caps on how much you can use the model before you need to upgrade to a paid plan. Those who join one of OpenAI’s paid plans, which start at $20 per month, will have five times more capacity on GPT-4o. 

Google’s Gemini Live 

What is Gemini Live? This is the Google product most comparable to GPT-4o—a version of the company’s AI model that you can speak with in real time. Google says that you’ll also be able to use the tool to communicate via live video “later this year.” The company promises it will be a useful conversational assistant for things like preparing for a job interview or rehearsing a speech.

How to access it: Gemini Live launches in “the coming months” via Google’s premium AI plan, Gemini Advanced. 

How much it costs: Gemini Advanced offers a two-month free trial period and costs $20 per month thereafter. 

But wait, what’s Project Astra? Astra is a project to build a do-everything AI agent, which was demoed at Google’s I/O conference but will not be released until later this year.

People will be able to use Astra through their smartphones and possibly desktop computers, but the company is exploring other options too, such as embedding it into smart glasses or other devices, Oriol Vinyals, vice president of research at Google DeepMind, told MIT Technology Review.

Which is better?

It’s hard to tell without having hands on the full versions of these models ourselves. Google showed off Project Astra through a polished video, whereas OpenAI opted to debut GPT-4o via a seemingly more authentic live demonstration, but in both cases, the models were asked to do things the designers likely already practiced. The real test will come when they’re debuted to millions of users with unique demands.  

That said, if you compare OpenAI’s published videos with Google’s, the two leading tools look very similar, at least in their ease of use. To generalize, GPT-4o seems to be slightly ahead on audio, demonstrating realistic voices, conversational flow, and even singing, whereas Project Astra shows off more advanced visual capabilities, like being able to “remember” where you left your glasses. OpenAI’s decision to roll out the new features more quickly might mean its product will get more use at first than Google’s, which won’t be fully available until later this year. It’s too soon to tell which model “hallucinates” false information less often or creates more useful responses.

Are they safe?

Both OpenAI and Google say their models are well tested: OpenAI says GPT-4o was evaluated by more than 70 experts in fields like misinformation and social psychology, and Google has said that Gemini “has the most comprehensive safety evaluations of any Google AI model to date, including for bias and toxicity.” 

But these companies are building a future where AI models search, vet, and evaluate the world’s information for us to serve up a concise answer to our questions. Even more so than with simpler chatbots, it’s wise to remain skeptical about what they tell you.

Additional reporting by Melissa Heikkilä.

OpenAI’s new GPT-4o lets people interact using voice or video in the same model

13 May 2024 at 15:27

OpenAI just debuted GPT-4o, a new kind of AI model that you can communicate with in real time via live voice conversation, video streams from your phone, and text. The model is rolling out over the next few weeks and will be free for all users through both the GPT app and the web interface, according to the company. Users who subscribe to OpenAI’s paid tiers, which start at $20 per month, will be able to make more requests. 

OpenAI CTO Mira Murati led the live demonstration of the new release one day before Google is expected to unveil its own AI advancements at its flagship I/O conference on Tuesday, May 14. 

GPT-4 offered similar capabilities, giving users multiple ways to interact with OpenAI’s AI offerings. But it siloed them in separate models, leading to longer response times and presumably higher computing costs. GPT-4o has now merged those capabilities into a single model, which Murati called an “omnimodel.” That means faster responses and smoother transitions between tasks, she said.

The result, the company’s demonstration suggests, is a conversational assistant much in the vein of Siri or Alexa but capable of fielding much more complex prompts.

“We’re looking at the future of interaction between ourselves and the machines,” Murati said of the demo. “We think that GPT-4o is really shifting that paradigm into the future of collaboration, where this interaction becomes much more natural.”

Barret Zoph and Mark Chen, both researchers at OpenAI, walked through a number of applications for the new model. Most impressive was its facility with live conversation. You could interrupt the model during its responses, and it would stop, listen, and adjust course. 

OpenAI showed off the ability to change the model’s tone, too. Chen asked the model to read a bedtime story “about robots and love,” quickly jumping in to demand a more dramatic voice. The model got progressively more theatrical until Murati demanded that it pivot quickly to a convincing robot voice (which it excelled at). While there were predictably some short pauses during the conversation while the model reasoned through what to say next, it stood out as a remarkably naturally paced AI conversation. 

The model can reason through visual problems in real time as well. Using his phone, Zoph filmed himself writing an algebra equation (3x + 1 = 4) on a sheet of paper, having GPT-4o follow along. He instructed it not to provide answers, but instead to guide him much as a teacher would.

“The first step is to get all the terms with x on one side,” the model said in a friendly tone. “So, what do you think we should do with that plus one?”

Like previous generations of GPT, GPT-4o will store records of users’ interactions with it, meaning the model “has a sense of continuity across all your conversations,” according to Murati. Other new highlights include live translation, the ability to search through your conversations with the model, and the power to look up information in real time. 

As is the nature of a live demo, there were hiccups and glitches. GPT-4o’s voice might jump in awkwardly during the conversation. It appeared to comment on one of the presenters’ outfits even though it wasn’t asked to. But it recovered well when the demonstrators told the model it had erred. It seems to be able to respond quickly and helpfully across several mediums that other models have not yet merged as effectively. 

Previously, many of OpenAI’s most powerful features, like reasoning through image and video, were behind a paywall. GPT-4o marks the first time they’ll be opened up to the wider public, though it’s not yet clear how many interactions you’ll be able to have with the model before being charged. OpenAI says paying subscribers will “continue to have up to five times the capacity limits of our free users.” 

Additional reporting by Will Douglas Heaven.

Correction: This story has been updated to reflect that the Memory feature, which stores past conversations, is not new to GPT-4o but has existed in previous models.

What’s next in chips

13 May 2024 at 05:00

MIT Technology Review’s What’s Next series looks across industries, trends, and technologies to give you a first look at the future. You can read the rest of them here.

Thanks to the boom in artificial intelligence, the world of chips is on the cusp of a huge tidal shift. There is heightened demand for chips that can train AI models faster and ping them from devices like smartphones and satellites, enabling us to use these models without disclosing private data. Governments, tech giants, and startups alike are racing to carve out their slices of the growing semiconductor pie. 

Here are four trends to look for in the year ahead that will define what the chips of the future will look like, who will make them, and which new technologies they’ll unlock.

CHIPS Acts around the world

On the outskirts of Phoenix, two of the world’s largest chip manufacturers, TSMC and Intel, are racing to construct campuses in the desert that they hope will become the seats of American chipmaking prowess. One thing the efforts have in common is their funding: in March, President Joe Biden announced $8.5 billion in direct federal funds and $11 billion in loans for Intel’s expansions around the country. Weeks later, another $6.6 billion was announced for TSMC. 

The awards are just a portion of the US subsidies pouring into the chips industry via the $280 billion CHIPS and Science Act signed in 2022. The money means that any company with a foot in the semiconductor ecosystem is analyzing how to restructure its supply chains to benefit from the cash. While much of the money aims to boost American chip manufacturing, there’s room for other players to apply, from equipment makers to niche materials startups.

But the US is not the only country trying to onshore some of the chipmaking supply chain. Japan is spending $13 billion on its own equivalent to the CHIPS Act, Europe will be spending more than $47 billion, and earlier this year India announced a $15 billion effort to build local chip plants. The roots of this trend go all the way back to 2014, says Chris Miller, a professor at Tufts University and author of Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology. That’s when China started offering massive subsidies to its chipmakers. 

cover of Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology by Chris Miller

“This created a dynamic in which other governments concluded they had no choice but to offer incentives or see firms shift manufacturing to China,” he says. That threat, coupled with the surge in AI, has led Western governments to fund alternatives. In the next year, this might have a snowball effect, with even more countries starting their own programs for fear of being left behind.

The money is unlikely to lead to brand-new chip competitors or fundamentally restructure who the biggest chip players are, Miller says. Instead, it will mostly incentivize dominant players like TSMC to establish roots in multiple countries. But funding alone won’t be enough to do that quickly—TSMC’s effort to build plants in Arizona has been mired in missed deadlines and labor disputes, and Intel has similarly failed to meet its promised deadlines. And it’s unclear whether, whenever the plants do come online, their equipment and labor force will be capable of the same level of advanced chipmaking that the companies maintain abroad.

“The supply chain will only shift slowly, over years and decades,” Miller says. “But it is shifting.”

More AI on the edge

Currently, most of our interactions with AI models like ChatGPT are done via the cloud. That means that when you ask GPT to pick out an outfit (or to be your boyfriend), your request pings OpenAI’s servers, prompting the model housed there to process it and draw conclusions (known as “inference”) before a response is sent back to you. Relying on the cloud has some drawbacks: it requires internet access, for one, and it also means some of your data is shared with the model maker.  

That’s why there’s been a lot of interest and investment in edge computing for AI, where the process of pinging the AI model happens directly on your device, like a laptop or smartphone. With the industry increasingly working toward a future in which AI models know a lot about us (Sam Altman described his killer AI app to me as one that knows “absolutely everything about my whole life, every email, every conversation I’ve ever had”), there’s a demand for faster “edge” chips that can run models without sharing private data. These chips face different constraints from the ones in data centers: they typically have to be smaller, cheaper, and more energy efficient. 

The US Department of Defense is funding a lot of research into fast, private edge computing. In March, its research wing, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), announced a partnership with chipmaker EnCharge AI to create an ultra-powerful edge computing chip used for AI inference. EnCharge AI is working to make a chip that enables enhanced privacy but can also operate on very little power. This will make it suitable for military applications like satellites and off-grid surveillance equipment. The company expects to ship the chips in 2025.

AI models will always rely on the cloud for some applications, but new investment and interest in improving edge computing could bring faster chips, and therefore more AI, to our everyday devices. If edge chips get small and cheap enough, we’re likely to see even more AI-driven “smart devices” in our homes and workplaces. Today, AI models are mostly constrained to data centers.

“A lot of the challenges that we see in the data center will be overcome,” says EnCharge AI cofounder Naveen Verma. “I expect to see a big focus on the edge. I think it’s going to be critical to getting AI at scale.”

Big Tech enters the chipmaking fray

In industries ranging from fast fashion to lawn care, companies are paying exorbitant amounts in computing costs to create and train AI models for their businesses. Examples include models that employees can use to scan and summarize documents, as well as externally facing technologies like virtual agents that can walk you through how to repair your broken fridge. That means demand for cloud computing to train those models is through the roof. 

The companies providing the bulk of that computing power are Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. For years these tech giants have dreamed of increasing their profit margins by making chips for their data centers in-house rather than buying from companies like Nvidia, a giant with a near monopoly on the most advanced AI training chips and a value larger than the GDP of 183 countries. 

Amazon started its effort in 2015, acquiring startup Annapurna Labs. Google moved next in 2018 with its own chips called TPUs. Microsoft launched its first AI chips in November, and Meta unveiled a new version of its own AI training chips in April.

CEO Jensen Huang holds up chips on stage during a keynote address

That trend could tilt the scales away from Nvidia. But Nvidia doesn’t only play the role of rival in the eyes of Big Tech: regardless of their own in-house efforts, cloud giants still need its chips for their data centers. That’s partly because their own chipmaking efforts can’t fulfill all their needs, but it’s also because their customers expect to be able to use top-of-the-line Nvidia chips.

“This is really about giving the customers the choice,” says Rani Borkar, who leads hardware efforts at Microsoft Azure. She says she can’t envision a future in which Microsoft supplies all chips for its cloud services: “We will continue our strong partnerships and deploy chips from all the silicon partners that we work with.”

As cloud computing giants attempt to poach a bit of market share away from chipmakers, Nvidia is also attempting the converse. Last year the company started its own cloud service so customers can bypass Amazon, Google, or Microsoft and get computing time on Nvidia chips directly. As this dramatic struggle over market share unfolds, the coming year will be about whether customers see Big Tech’s chips as akin to Nvidia’s most advanced chips, or more like their little cousins. 

Nvidia battles the startups 

Despite Nvidia’s dominance, there is a wave of investment flowing toward startups that aim to outcompete it in certain slices of the chip market of the future. Those startups all promise faster AI training, but they have different ideas about which flashy computing technology will get them there, from quantum to photonics to reversible computation. 

But Murat Onen, the 28-year-old founder of one such chip startup, Eva, which he spun out of his PhD work at MIT, is blunt about what it’s like to start a chip company right now.

“The king of the hill is Nvidia, and that’s the world that we live in,” he says.

Many of these companies, like SambaNova, Cerebras, and Graphcore, are trying to change the underlying architecture of chips. Imagine an AI accelerator chip as constantly having to shuffle data back and forth between different areas: a piece of information is stored in the memory zone but must move to the processing zone, where a calculation is made, and then be stored back to the memory zone for safekeeping. All that takes time and energy. 

Making that process more efficient would deliver faster and cheaper AI training to customers, but only if the chipmaker has good enough software to allow the AI training company to seamlessly transition to the new chip. If the software transition is too clunky, model makers such as OpenAI, Anthropic, and Mistral are likely to stick with big-name chipmakers.That means companies taking this approach, like SambaNova, are spending a lot of their time not just on chip design but on software design too.

Onen is proposing changes one level deeper. Instead of traditional transistors, which have delivered greater efficiency over decades by getting smaller and smaller, he’s using a new component called a proton-gated transistor that he says Eva designed specifically for the mathematical needs of AI training. It allows devices to store and process data in the same place, saving time and computing energy. The idea of using such a component for AI inference dates back to the 1960s, but researchers could never figure out how to use it for AI training, in part because of a materials roadblock—it requires a material that can, among other qualities, precisely control conductivity at room temperature. 

One day in the lab, “through optimizing these numbers, and getting very lucky, we got the material that we wanted,” Onen says. “All of a sudden, the device is not a science fair project.” That raised the possibility of using such a component at scale. After months of working to confirm that the data was correct, he founded Eva, and the work was published in Science.

But in a sector where so many founders have promised—and failed—to topple the dominance of the leading chipmakers, Onen frankly admits that it will be years before he’ll know if the design works as intended and if manufacturers will agree to produce it. Leading a company through that uncertainty, he says, requires flexibility and an appetite for skepticism from others.

“I think sometimes people feel too attached to their ideas, and then kind of feel insecure that if this goes away there won’t be anything next,” he says. “I don’t think I feel that way. I’m still looking for people to challenge us and say this is wrong.”

Google DeepMind’s new AlphaFold can model a much larger slice of biological life

8 May 2024 at 11:00

Google DeepMind has released an improved version of its biology prediction tool, AlphaFold, that can predict the structures not only of proteins but of nearly all the elements of biological life.

It’s a development that could help accelerate drug discovery and other scientific research. The tool is currently being used to experiment with identifying everything from resilient crops to new vaccines. 

While the previous model, released in 2020, amazed the research community with its ability to predict proteins structures, researchers have been clamoring for the tool to handle more than just proteins. 

Now, DeepMind says, AlphaFold 3 can predict the structures of DNA, RNA, and molecules like ligands, which are essential to drug discovery. DeepMind says the tool provides a more nuanced and dynamic portrait of molecule interactions than anything previously available. 

“Biology is a dynamic system,” DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis told reporters on a call. “Properties of biology emerge through the interactions between different molecules in the cell, and you can think about AlphaFold 3 as our first big sort of step toward [modeling] that.”

AlphaFold 2 helped us better map the human heart, model antimicrobial resistance, and identify the eggs of extinct birds, but we don’t yet know what advances AlphaFold 3 will bring. 

Mohammed AlQuraishi, an assistant professor of systems biology at Columbia University who is unaffiliated with DeepMind, thinks the new version of the model will be even better for drug discovery. “The AlphaFold 2 system only knew about amino acids, so it was of very limited utility for biopharma,” he says. “But now, the system can in principle predict where a drug binds a protein.”

Isomorphic Labs, a drug discovery spinoff of DeepMind, is already using the model for exactly that purpose, collaborating with pharmaceutical companies to try to develop new treatments for diseases, according to DeepMind. 

AlQuraishi says the release marks a big leap forward. But there are caveats.

“It makes the system much more general, and in particular for drug discovery purposes (in early-stage research), it’s far more useful now than AlphaFold 2,” he says. But as with most models, the impact of AlphaFold will depend on how accurate its predictions are. For some uses, AlphaFold 3 has double the success rate of similar leading models like RoseTTAFold. But for others, like protein-RNA interactions, AlQuraishi says it’s still very inaccurate. 

DeepMind says that depending on the interaction being modeled, accuracy can range from 40% to over 80%, and the model will let researchers know how confident it is in its prediction. With less accurate predictions, researchers have to use AlphaFold merely as a starting point before pursuing other methods. Regardless of these ranges in accuracy, if researchers are trying to take the first steps toward answering a question like which enzymes have the potential to break down the plastic in water bottles, it’s vastly more efficient to use a tool like AlphaFold than experimental techniques such as x-ray crystallography. 

A revamped model  

AlphaFold 3’s larger library of molecules and higher level of complexity required improvements to the underlying model architecture. So DeepMind turned to diffusion techniques, which AI researchers have been steadily improving in recent years and now power image and video generators like OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 and Sora. It works by training a model to start with a noisy image and then reduce that noise bit by bit until an accurate prediction emerges. That method allows AlphaFold 3 to handle a much larger set of inputs.

That marked “a big evolution from the previous model,” says John Jumper, director at Google DeepMind. “It really simplified the whole process of getting all these different atoms to work together.”

It also presented new risks. As the AlphaFold 3 paper details, the use of diffusion techniques made it possible for the model to hallucinate, or generate structures that look plausible but in reality could not exist. Researchers reduced that risk by adding more training data to the areas most prone to hallucination, though that doesn’t eliminate the problem completely. 

Restricted access

Part of AlphaFold 3’s impact will depend on how DeepMind divvies up access to the model. For AlphaFold 2, the company released the open-source code, allowing researchers to look under the hood to gain a better understanding of how it worked. It was also available for all purposes, including commercial use by drugmakers. For AlphaFold 3, Hassabis said, there are no current plans to release the full code. The company is instead releasing a public interface for the model called the AlphaFold Server, which imposes limitations on which molecules can be experimented with and can only be used for noncommercial purposes. DeepMind says the interface will lower the technical barrier and broaden the use of the tool to biologists who are less knowledgeable about this technology.

The new restrictions are significant, according to AlQuraishi. “The system’s main selling point—its ability to predict protein–small molecule interactions—is basically unavailable for public use,” he says. “It’s mostly a teaser at this point.”

Sam Altman says helpful agents are poised to become AI’s killer function

1 May 2024 at 15:52

A number of moments from my brief sit-down with Sam Altman brought the OpenAI CEO’s worldview into clearer focus. The first was when he pointed to my iPhone SE (the one with the home button that’s mostly hated) and said, “That’s the best iPhone.” More revealing, though, was the vision he sketched for how AI tools will become even more enmeshed in our daily lives than the smartphone.

“What you really want,” he told MIT Technology Review, “is just this thing that is off helping you.” Altman, who was visiting Cambridge for a series of events hosted by Harvard and the venture capital firm Xfund, described the killer app for AI as a “super-competent colleague that knows absolutely everything about my whole life, every email, every conversation I’ve ever had, but doesn’t feel like an extension.” It could tackle some tasks instantly, he said, and for more complex ones it could go off and make an attempt, but come back with questions for you if it needs to. 

It’s a leap from OpenAI’s current offerings. Its leading applications, like DALL-E, Sora, and ChatGPT (which Altman referred to as “incredibly dumb” compared with what’s coming next), have wowed us with their ability to generate convincing text and surreal videos and images. But they mostly remain tools we use for isolated tasks, and they have limited capacity to learn about us from our conversations with them. 

In the new paradigm, as Altman sees it, the AI will be capable of helping us outside the chat interface and taking real-world tasks off our plates. 

Altman on AI hardware’s future 

I asked Altman if we’ll need a new piece of hardware to get to this future. Though smartphones are extraordinarily capable, and their designers are already incorporating more AI-driven features, some entrepreneurs are betting that the AI of the future will require a device that’s more purpose built. Some of these devices are already beginning to appear in his orbit. There is the (widely panned) wearable AI Pin from Humane, for example (Altman is an investor in the company but has not exactly been a booster of the device). He is also rumored to be working with former Apple designer Jony Ive on some new type of hardware. 

But Altman says there’s a chance we won’t necessarily need a device at all. “I don’t think it will require a new piece of hardware,” he told me, adding that the type of app envisioned could exist in the cloud. But he quickly added that even if this AI paradigm shift won’t require consumers buy a new hardware, “I think you’ll be happy to have [a new device].” 

Though Altman says he thinks AI hardware devices are exciting, he also implied he might not be best suited to take on the challenge himself: “I’m very interested in consumer hardware for new technology. I’m an amateur who loves it, but this is so far from my expertise.”

On the hunt for training data

Upon hearing his vision for powerful AI-driven agents, I wondered how it would square with the industry’s current scarcity of training data. To build GPT-4 and other models, OpenAI has scoured internet archives, newspapers, and blogs for training data, since scaling laws have long shown that making models bigger also makes them better. But finding more data to train on is a growing problem. Much of the internet has already been slurped up, and access to private or copyrighted data is now mired in legal battles. 

Altman is optimistic this won’t be a problem for much longer, though he didn’t articulate the specifics. 

“I believe, but I’m not certain, that we’re going to figure out a way out of this thing of you always just need more and more training data,” he says. “Humans are existence proof that there is some other way to [train intelligence]. And I hope we find it.”

On who will be poised to create AGI

OpenAI’s central vision has long revolved around the pursuit of artificial general intelligence (AGI), or an AI that can reason as well as or better than humans. Its stated mission is to ensure such a technology “benefits all of humanity.” It is far from the only company pursuing AGI, however. So in the race for AGI, what are the most important tools? I asked Altman if he thought the entity that marshals the largest amount of chips and computing power will ultimately be the winner. 

Altman suspects there will be “several different versions [of AGI] that are better and worse at different things,” he says. “You’ll have to be over some compute threshold, I would guess. But even then I wouldn’t say I’m certain.”

On when we’ll see GPT-5

You thought he’d answer that? When another reporter in the room asked Altman if he knew when the next version of GPT is slated to be released, he gave a calm response. “Yes,” he replied, smiling, and said nothing more. 

The robot race is fueling a fight for training data

30 April 2024 at 05:00

Since ChatGPT was released, we now interact with AI tools more directly—and regularly—than ever before. 

But interacting with robots, by way of contrast, is still a rarity for most. If you don’t undergo complex surgery or work in logistics, the most advanced robot you encounter in your daily life might still be a vacuum cleaner (if you’re feeling young, the first Roomba was released 22 years ago). 

But that’s on the cusp of changing. Roboticists believe that by using new AI techniques, they will achieve something the field has pined after for decades: more capable robots that can move freely through unfamiliar environments and tackle challenges they’ve never seen before. 

“It’s like being strapped to the front of a rocket,” says Russ Tedrake, vice president of robotics research at the Toyota Research Institute, says of the field’s pace right now. Tedrake says he has seen plenty of hype cycles rise and fall, but none like this one. “I’ve been in the field for 20-some years. This is different,” he says. 

But something is slowing that rocket down: lack of access to the types of data used to train robots so they can interact more smoothly with the physical world. It’s far harder to come by than the data used to train the most advanced AI models like GPT—mostly text, images, and videos scraped off the internet. Simulation programs can help robots learn how to interact with places and objects, but the results still tend to fall prey to what’s known as the “sim-to-real gap,” or failures that arise when robots move from the simulation to the real world. 

For now, we still need access to physical, real-world data to train robots. That data is relatively scarce and tends to require a lot more time, effort, and expensive equipment to collect. That scarcity is one of the main things currently holding progress in robotics back. 

As a result, leading companies and labs are in fierce competition to find new and better ways to gather the data they need. It’s led them down strange paths, like using robotic arms to flip pancakes for hours on end, watching thousands of hours of graphic surgery videos pulled from YouTube, or deploying researchers to numerous Airbnbs in order to film every nook and cranny. Along the way, they’re running into the same sorts of privacy, ethics, and copyright issues as their counterparts in the world of chatbots. 

The new need for data

For decades, robots were trained on specific tasks, like picking up a tennis ball or doing a somersault. While humans learn about the physical world through observation and trial and error, many robots were learning through equations and code. This method was slow, but even worse, it meant that robots couldn’t transfer skills from one task to a new one. 

But now, AI advances are fast-tracking a shift that had already begun: letting robots teach themselves through data. Just as a language model can learn from a library’s worth of novels, robot models can be shown a few hundred demonstrations of a person washing ketchup off a plate using robotic grippers, for example, and then imitate the task without being taught explicitly what ketchup looks like or how to turn on the faucet. This approach is bringing faster progress and machines with much more general capabilities. 

Now every leading company and lab is trying to enable robots to reason their way through new tasks using AI. Whether they succeed will hinge on whether researchers can find enough diverse types of data to fine-tune models for robots, as well as novel ways to use reinforcement learning to let them know when they’re right and when they’re wrong. 

“A lot of people are scrambling to figure out what’s the next big data source,” says Pras Velagapudi, chief technology officer of Agility Robotics, which makes a humanoid robot that operates in warehouses for customers including Amazon. The answers to Velagapudi’s question will help define what tomorrow’s machines will excel at, and what roles they may fill in our homes and workplaces. 

Prime training data

To understand how roboticists are shopping for data, picture a butcher shop. There are prime, expensive cuts ready to be cooked. There are the humble, everyday staples. And then there’s the case of trimmings and off-cuts lurking in the back, requiring a creative chef to make them into something delicious. They’re all usable, but they’re not all equal.

For a taste of what prime data looks like for robots, consider the methods adopted by the Toyota Research Institute (TRI). Amid a sprawling laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, equipped with robotic arms, computers, and a random assortment of everyday objects like dustpans and egg whisks, researchers teach robots new tasks through teleoperation, creating what’s called demonstration data. A human might use a robotic arm to flip a pancake 300 times in an afternoon, for example.

The model processes that data overnight, and then often the robot can perform the task autonomously the next morning, TRI says. Since the demonstrations show many iterations of the same task, teleoperation creates rich, precisely labeled data that helps robots perform well in new tasks.

The trouble is, creating such data takes ages, and it’s also limited by the number of expensive robots you can afford. To create quality training data more cheaply and efficiently, Shuran Song, head of the Robotics and Embodied AI Lab at Stanford University, designed a device that can more nimbly be used with your hands, and built at a fraction of the cost. Essentially a lightweight plastic gripper, it can collect data while you use it for everyday activities like cracking an egg or setting the table. The data can then be used to train robots to mimic those tasks. Using simpler devices like this could fast-track the data collection process.

Open-source efforts

Roboticists have recently alighted upon another method for getting more teleoperation data: sharing what they’ve collected with each other, thus saving them the laborious process of creating data sets alone. 

The Distributed Robot Interaction Dataset (DROID), published last month, was created by researchers at 13 institutions, including companies like Google DeepMind and top universities like Stanford and Carnegie Mellon. It contains 350 hours of data generated by humans doing tasks ranging from closing a waffle maker to cleaning up a desk. Since the data was collected using hardware that’s common in the robotics world, researchers can use it to create AI models and then test those models on equipment they already have. 

The effort builds on the success of the Open X-Embodiment Collaboration, a similar project from Google DeepMind that aggregated data on 527 skills, collected from a variety of different types of hardware. The data set helped build Google DeepMind’s RT-X model, which can turn text instructions (for example, “Move the apple to the left of the soda can”) into physical movements. 

Robotics models built on open-source data like this can be impressive, says Lerrel Pinto, a researcher who runs the General-purpose Robotics and AI Lab at New York University. But they can’t perform across a wide enough range of use cases to compete with proprietary models built by leading private companies. What is available via open source is simply not enough for labs to successfully build models at a scale that would produce the gold standard: robots that have general capabilities and can receive instructions through text, image, and video.

“The biggest limitation is the data,” he says. Only wealthy companies have enough. 

These companies’ data advantage is only getting more thoroughly cemented over time. In their pursuit of more training data, private robotics companies with large customer bases have a not-so-secret weapon: their robots themselves are perpetual data-collecting machines.

Covariant, a robotics company founded in 2017 by OpenAI researchers, deploys robots trained to identify and pick items in warehouses for companies like Crate & Barrel and Bonprix. These machines constantly collect footage, which is then sent back to Covariant. Every time the robot fails to pick up a bottle of shampoo, for example, it becomes a data point to learn from, and the model improves its shampoo-picking abilities for next time. The result is a massive, proprietary data set collected by the company’s own machines. 

This data set is part of why earlier this year Covariant was able to release a powerful foundation model, as AI models capable of a variety of uses are known. Customers can now communicate with its commercial robots much as you’d converse with a chatbot: you can ask questions, show photos, and instruct it to take a video of itself moving an item from one crate to another. These customer interactions with the model, which is called RFM-1, then produce even more data to help it improve.

Peter Chen, cofounder and CEO of Covariant, says exposing the robots to a number of different objects and environments is crucial to the model’s success. “We have robots handling apparel, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and fresh groceries,” he says. “It’s one of the unique strengths behind our data set.” Up next will be bringing its fleet into more sectors and even having the AI model power different types of robots, like humanoids, Chen says.

Learning from video

The scarcity of high-quality teleoperation and real-world data has led some roboticists to propose bypassing that collection method altogether. What if robots could just learn from videos of people?

Such video data is easier to produce, but unlike teleoperation data, it lacks “kinematic” data points, which plot the exact movements of a robotic arm as it moves through space. 

Researchers from the University of Washington and Nvidia have created a workaround, building a mobile app that lets people train robots using augmented reality. Users take videos of themselves completing simple tasks with their hands, like picking up a mug, and the AR program can translate the results into waypoints for the robotics software to learn from. 

Meta AI is pursuing a similar collection method on a larger scale through its Ego4D project, a data set of more than 3,700 hours of video taken by people around the world doing everything from laying bricks to playing basketball to kneading bread dough. The data set is broken down by task and contains thousands of annotations, which detail what’s happening in each scene, like when a weed has been removed from a garden or a piece of wood is fully sanded.

Learning from video data means that robots can encounter a much wider variety of tasks than they could if they relied solely on human teleoperation (imagine folding croissant dough with robot arms). That’s important, because just as powerful language models need complex and diverse data to learn, roboticists can create their own powerful models only if they expose robots to thousands of tasks.

To that end, some researchers are trying to wring useful insights from a vast source of abundant but low-quality data: YouTube. With thousands of hours of video uploaded every minute, there is no shortage of available content. The trouble is that most of it is pretty useless for a robot. That’s because it’s not labeled with the types of information robots need, like annotations or kinematic data. 

Photo Illustration showing a robotic hand using laptop, watching YouTube

“You can say [to a robot], Oh, this is a person playing Frisbee with their dog,” says Chen, of Covariant, imagining a typical video that might be found on YouTube. “But it’s very difficult for you to say, Well, when this person throws a Frisbee, this is the acceleration and the rotation and that’s why it flies this way.”

Nonetheless, a few attempts have proved promising. When he was a postdoc at Stanford, AI researcher Emmett Goodman looked into how AI could be brought into the operating room to make surgeries safer and more predictable. Lack of data quickly became a roadblock. In laparoscopic surgeries, surgeons often use robotic arms to manipulate surgical tools inserted through very small incisions in the body. Those robotic arms have cameras capturing footage that can help train models, once personally identifying information has been removed from the data. In more traditional open surgeries, on the other hand, surgeons use their hands instead of robotic arms. That produces much less data to build AI models with. 

“That is the main barrier to why open-surgery AI is the slowest to develop,” he says. “How do you actually collect that data?”

To tackle that problem, Goodman trained an AI model on thousands of hours of open-surgery videos, taken by doctors with handheld or overhead cameras, that his team gathered from YouTube (with identifiable information removed). His model, as described in a paper in the medical journal JAMA in December 2023, could then identify segments of the operations from the videos. This laid the groundwork for creating useful training data, though Goodman admits that the barriers to doing so at scale, like patient privacy and informed consent, have not been overcome. 

Uncharted legal waters

Chances are that wherever roboticists turn for their new troves of training data, they’ll at some point have to wrestle with some major legal battles. 

The makers of large language models are already having to navigate questions of credit and copyright. A lawsuit filed by the New York Times alleges that ChatGPT copies the expressive style of its stories when generating text. The chief technical officer of OpenAI recently made headlines when she said the company’s video generation tool Sora was trained on publicly available data, sparking a critique from YouTube’s CEO, who said that if Sora learned from YouTube videos, it would be a violation of the platform’s terms of service.

“It is an area where there’s a substantial amount of legal uncertainty,” says Frank Pasquale, a professor at Cornell Law School. If robotics companies want to join other AI companies in using copyrighted works in their training sets, it’s unclear whether that’s allowed under the fair-use doctrine, which permits copyrighted material to be used without permission in a narrow set of circumstances. An example often cited by tech companies and those sympathetic to their view is the 2015 case of Google Books, in which courts found that Google did not violate copyright laws in making a searchable database of millions of books. That legal precedent may tilt the scales slightly in tech companies’ favor, Pasquale says.

It’s far too soon to tell whether legal challenges will slow down the robotics rocket ship, since AI-related cases are sprawling and still undecided. But it’s safe to say that roboticists scouring YouTube or other internet video sources for training data will be wading in fairly uncharted waters.

The next era

Not every roboticist feels that data is the missing link for the next breakthrough. Some argue that if we build a good enough virtual world for robots to learn in, maybe we don’t need training data from the real world at all. Why go through the effort of training a pancake-flipping robot in a real kitchen, for example, if it could learn through a digital simulation of a Waffle House instead?

Roboticists have long used simulator programs, which digitally replicate the environments that robots navigate through, often down to details like the texture of the floorboards or the shadows cast by overhead lights. But as powerful as they are, roboticists using these programs to train machines have always had to work around that sim-to-real gap. 

Now the gap might be shrinking. Advanced image generation techniques and faster processing are allowing simulations to look more like the real world. Nvidia, which leveraged its experience in video game graphics to build the leading robotics simulator, called Isaac Sim, announced last month that leading humanoid robotics companies like Figure and Agility are using its program to build foundation models. These companies build virtual replicas of their robots in the simulator and then unleash them to explore a range of new environments and tasks.

Deepu Talla, vice president of robotics and edge computing at Nvidia, doesn’t hold back in predicting that this way of training will nearly replace the act of training robots in the real world. It’s simply far cheaper, he says.

“It’s going to be a million to one, if not more, in terms of how much stuff is going to be done in simulation,” he says. “Because we can afford to do it.”

But if models can solve some of the “cognitive” problems, like learning new tasks, there are a host of challenges to realizing that success in an effective and safe physical form, says Aaron Saunders, chief technology officer of Boston Dynamics. We’re a long way from building hardware that can sense different types of materials, scrub and clean, or apply a gentle amount of force.

“There’s still a massive piece of the equation around how we’re going to program robots to actually act on all that information to interact with that world,” he says.

If we solved that problem, what would the robotic future look like? We could see nimble robots that help people with physical disabilities move through their homes, autonomous drones that clean up pollution or hazardous waste, or surgical robots that make microscopic incisions, leading to operations with a reduced risk of complications. For all these optimistic visions, though, more controversial ones are already brewing. The use of AI by militaries worldwide is on the rise, and the emergence of autonomous weapons raises troubling questions.

The labs and companies poised to lead in the race for data include, at the moment, the humanoid-robot startups beloved by investors (Figure AI was recently boosted by a $675 million funding round), commercial companies with sizable fleets of robots collecting data, and drone companies buoyed by significant military investment. Meanwhile, smaller academic labs are doing more with less to create data sets that rival those available to Big Tech. 

But what’s clear to everyone I speak with is that we’re at the very beginning of the robot data race. Since the correct way forward is far from obvious, all roboticists worth their salt are pursuing any and all methods to see what sticks.

There “isn’t really a consensus” in the field, says Benjamin Burchfiel, a senior research scientist in robotics at TRI. “And that’s a healthy place to be.”

Here’s the defense tech at the center of US aid to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan

26 April 2024 at 09:55

MIT Technology Review Explains: Let our writers untangle the complex, messy world of technology to help you understand what’s coming next. You can read more from the series here.

After weeks of drawn-out congressional debate over how much the United States should spend on conflicts abroad, President Joe Biden signed a $95.3 billion aid package into law on Wednesday.

The bill will send a significant quantity of supplies to Ukraine and Israel, while also supporting Taiwan with submarine technology to aid its defenses against China. It’s also sparked renewed calls for stronger crackdowns on Iranian-produced drones. 

Though much of the money will go toward replenishing fairly standard munitions and supplies, the spending bill provides a window into US strategies around four key defense technologies that continue to reshape how today’s major conflicts are being fought.

For a closer look at the military technology at the center of the aid package, I spoke with Andrew Metrick, a fellow with the defense program at the Center for a New American Security, a think tank.

Ukraine and the role of long-range missiles

Ukraine has long sought the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS), a long-range ballistic missile made by Lockheed Martin. First debuted in Operation Desert Storm in Iraq in 1990, it’s 13 feet high, two feet wide, and over 3,600 pounds. It can use GPS to accurately hit targets 190 miles away. 

Last year, President Biden was apprehensive about sending such missiles to Ukraine, as US stockpiles of the weapons were relatively low. In October, the administration changed tack. The US sent shipments of ATACMS, a move celebrated by President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, but they came with restrictions: the missiles were older models with a shorter range, and Ukraine was instructed not to fire them into Russian territory, only Ukrainian territory. 

This week, just hours before the new aid package was signed, multiple news outlets reported that the US had secretly sent more powerful long-range ATACMS to Ukraine several weeks before. They were used on Tuesday, April 23, to target a Russian airfield in Crimea and Russian troops in Berdiansk, 50 miles southwest of Mariupol.

The long range of the weapons has proved essential for Ukraine, says Metrick. “It allows the Ukrainians to strike Russian targets at ranges for which they have very few other options,” he says. That means being able to hit locations like supply depots, command centers, and airfields behind Russia’s front lines in Ukraine. This capacity has grown more important as Ukraine’s troop numbers have waned, Metrick says.

Replenishing Israel’s Iron Dome

On April 13, Iran launched its first-ever direct attack on Israeli soil. In the attack, which Iran says was retaliation for Israel’s airstrike on its embassy in Syria, hundreds of missiles were lobbed into Israeli airspace. Many of them were neutralized by the web of cutting-edge missile launchers dispersed throughout Israel that can automatically detonate incoming strikes before they hit land. 

One of those systems is Israel’s Iron Dome, in which radar systems detect projectiles and then signal units to launch defensive missiles that detonate the target high in the sky before it strikes populated areas. Israel’s other system, called David’s Sling, works a similar way but can identify rockets coming from a greater distance, upwards of 180 miles. 

Both systems are hugely costly to research and build, and the new US aid package allocates $15 billion to replenish their missile stockpile. The missiles can cost anywhere from $100,000 to $10 million each, and a system like Iron Dome might fire them daily during intense periods of conflict. 

The aid comes as funding for Israel has grown more contentious amid the dire conditions faced by displaced Palestinians in Gaza. While the spending bill worked its way through Congress, increasing numbers of Democrats sought to put conditions on the military aid to Israel, particularly after an Israeli air strike on April 1 killed seven aid workers from World Central Kitchen, an international food charity. The funding package does provide $9 billion in humanitarian assistance for the conflict, but the efforts to impose conditions for Israeli military aid failed. 

Taiwan and underwater defenses against China

A rising concern for the US defense community—and a subject of “wargaming” simulations that Metrick has carried out—is an amphibious invasion of Taiwan from China. The rising risk of that scenario has driven the US to build and deploy larger numbers of advanced submarines, Metrick says. A bigger fleet of these submarines would be more likely to keep attacks from China at bay, thereby protecting Taiwan.

The trouble is that the US shipbuilding effort, experts say, is too slow. It’s been hampered by budget cuts and labor shortages, but the new aid bill aims to jump-start it. It will provide $3.3 billion to do so, specifically for the production of Columbia-class submarines, which carry nuclear weapons, and Virginia-class submarines, which carry conventional weapons. 

Though these funds aim to support Taiwan by building up the US supply of submarines, the package also includes more direct support, like $2 billion to help it purchase weapons and defense equipment from the US. 

The US’s Iranian drone problem 

Shahed drones are used almost daily on the Russia-Ukraine battlefield, and Iran launched more than 100 against Israel earlier this month. Produced by Iran and resembling model planes, the drones are fast, cheap, and lightweight, capable of being launched from the back of a pickup truck. They’re used frequently for potent one-way attacks, where they detonate upon reaching their target. US experts say the technology is tipping the scales toward Russian and Iranian military groups and their allies. 

The trouble of combating them is partly one of cost. Shooting down the drones, which can be bought for as little as $40,000, can cost millions in ammunition.

“Shooting down Shaheds with an expensive missile is not, in the long term, a winning proposition,” Metrick says. “That’s what the Iranians, I think, are banking on. They can wear people down.”

This week’s aid package renewed White House calls for stronger sanctions aimed at curbing production of the drones. The United Nations previously passed rules restricting any drone-related material from entering or leaving Iran, but those expired in October. The US now wants them reinstated. 

Even if that happens, it’s unlikely the rules would do much to contain the Shahed’s dominance. The components of the drones are not all that complex or hard to obtain to begin with, but experts also say that Iran has built a sprawling global supply chain to acquire the materials needed to manufacture them and has worked with Russia to build factories. 

“Sanctions regimes are pretty dang leaky,” Metrick says. “They [Iran] have friends all around the world.”
