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Today β€” 29 June 2024World News

British hiker found dead in Pyrenees mountains after four-day search

29 June 2024 at 07:00

Spanish Guardia Civil says 70-year-old man discovered by rescue team near Aspe peak in western Pyrenees

A 70-year-old British hiker has been found dead in the Pyrenees mountains four days after disappearing.

The man, who was from London, went missing on Monday. He was discovered in the mountain range by a rescue team on Thursday at around 1pm, the Spanish Guardia Civil said.

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Β© Photograph: Xavier Fores/Joana Roncero/Alamy


Β© Photograph: Xavier Fores/Joana Roncero/Alamy

New York Times first US paper urging Biden to drop out of presidential race

29 June 2024 at 05:48

Editorial board says exiting is β€˜greatest public service’ Biden can perform after disastrous debate performance

The New York Times’s editorial board has called on Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race after a disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump.

Biden’s poor performance sent leading Democrats into a panic on Thursday night, after the US president appeared shaky and at points struggled to finish sentences. It amplified fears about his age and fitness for office that it had been hoped the debate would allay.

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Β© Photograph: Chris Delmas/AFP/Getty Images


Β© Photograph: Chris Delmas/AFP/Getty Images

Russia-Ukraine war live: Kremlin refuses to comment on Trump’s claims he would settle war

Donald Trump claimed he could end the war in Ukraine, while his political rival Joe Biden said Trump had β€˜no idea’

Russia has taken control of village of Shumy in the Donetsk region, Russian-state media reports.

Citing the country’s ministry of defence, Russian state-owned news agency Ria reported on Saturday that the army had seized control of the settlement, which is near the city of Toretsk.

This is why we constantly remind all of our partners: only a sufficient amount of high-quality of air defense systems, only a sufficient amount of determination from the world at large can stop Russian terror,” he said.

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Β© Photograph: Steve Helber/AP


Β© Photograph: Steve Helber/AP

Yesterday β€” 28 June 2024World News

Wimbledon urged to drop Barclays as sponsor over fossil fuel links

28 June 2024 at 10:42

Climate groups and anti-war activists say bank using reported Β£20m deal to β€˜hide its multitude of sins’

Wimbledon is facing calls to drop Barclays as a sponsor over the bank’s ties to fossil fuels and defence companies supplying Israel.

Ahead of the 2024 championships, which begin on Monday, climate groups and anti-war activists say the bank is using the event to β€œcover up its role” in funding the climate crisis and to β€œhide from accountability for its role in enabling Israel’s war crimes”.

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Β© Photograph: Action Plus Sports Images/Alamy


Β© Photograph: Action Plus Sports Images/Alamy

Before yesterdayWorld News

Vernon Kay uses CDs to keep BBC Radio 2 show going after technical issue

27 June 2024 at 11:24

Presenter forced to improvise after track cuts out because of computer system failure

β€œPlease don’t stop the music,” Rihanna once sang. On Thursday, producers at BBC Radio 2 scrambled to oblige as Vernon Kay was forced to use CDs to play music on the station after its digital system failed.

The radio presenter, 50, was playing Won’t Get Fooled Again by The Who towards the end of his show when the issue occurred. At about 11.30am, the track cut out and he came back on air laughing. He said: β€œThis has never happened to me, where the computer system has just failed.”

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Β© Photograph: BBC


Β© Photograph: BBC

Israel-Gaza war live: Israel warns it could take Lebanon β€˜back to the Stone Age’ as defence minister wraps up Washington trip

Yoav Gallant said Israel is preparing for war with Hezbollah but stressed that his government preferred a diplomatic solution

Here are some of the latest images from Israel, where an anti-government demonstration has again attempted to block highways while demanding that Benjamin Netanyahu strike a deal to return Israeli hostages held by Hamas, and to call elections in Israel.

Haaretz reporter Bar Peleg has posted this video, which shows protesters blocking a road by setting a fire.

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Β© Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters


Β© Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Wimbledon school crash driver will not face prosecution, says CPS

26 June 2024 at 12:28

CPS says woman had epileptic seizure at wheel and had no prior diagnosis of medical condition

A woman who crashed her Land Rover into a preparatory school and killed two eight-year-old girls will not be charged after it was found she had an epileptic seizure at the wheel.

Nuria Sajjad and Selena Lau, both eight, were killed when a Land Rover Defender crashed through the fence of the Study Prep school in Wimbledon last July. The school was holding an end-of-year tea party at the time.

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Β© Photograph: Leon Neal/Getty Images


Β© Photograph: Leon Neal/Getty Images
