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Today β€” 29 June 2024World News

β€˜It’s the quagmire of teenage existence - vulnerability with confidence’: Denise Marcotte’s best phone picture

29 June 2024 at 05:00

The photographer updates her 80s teen series, capturing young people in their bedrooms

In the late 80s and early 90s, Denise Marcotte had a project photographing teens in their bedrooms. Decades later, with aΒ teenage son of her own, the Massachusetts-based photographer decided to revisit the subject. Back then she used a Fujica 6x9 film camera with a tripod; this time she used an iPhone.

β€œThere is nothing that makes a teenager feel more comfortable than an iPhone,” Marcotte says. β€œSo using one brings me a sense of freedom on many levels: technically, artistically and in my connection to my young subjects.”

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Β© Photograph: Denise Marcotte


Β© Photograph: Denise Marcotte
