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Yesterday β€” 30 June 2024World News

My in-laws think Keir Starmer is β€˜an idiot’. Should I pick a fight? | Ask Philippa

30 June 2024 at 01:00

Don’t fall out with these people who, apart from their political views, you really appreciate

The question My partner and I recently had our first child. We live in a one-bedroom flat and money is very tight. The biggest help and support we’ve had has been from my partner’s parents, who have been fantastic. My relationship with them, which has never been bad, but always been distant, has improved and I get the feeling that they’ve grown to respect and like me, which is important to me.

The other day, regarding the upcoming election, they said they were deciding between Reform UK or the Conservatives and added: β€œKeir Starmer can’t be prime minister because he’s an idiot.”

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Β© Photograph: Sam Frost/The Guardian


Β© Photograph: Sam Frost/The Guardian
