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Today β€” 29 June 2024World News

What time will we know who won? Hour-by-hour guide to election night

Want to catch a few results before bed, or see it through to the moment of reckoning? We’ve got you covered

After months of speculation on when the election might be held, six weeks of actual campaigning, D-day blunders, gambling scandals, smashing the gangs, stopping the boats, surrendering finances, triple-lock-pluses, national service, VAT on private schools, taxes up and taxes down, the election night will soon be upon us. Here’s how it may unfold:

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Β© Composite: Guardian Design Team/Getty


Β© Composite: Guardian Design Team/Getty

Yesterday β€” 28 June 2024World News

Man accused of Holly Willoughby kidnap plot tells court he spent β€˜99.9%’ of time online

28 June 2024 at 11:30

Gavin Plumb claims previous convictions for false imprisonment were attempt to escape a toxic relationship

A man accused of plotting to rape and murder the TV presenter Holly Willoughby has told a court he spent 99.9% of his time online as he struggled with mental health problems triggered by his life-threatening weight gain.

Gavin Plumb, 37, who denies plotting to kidnap, rape and murder Willoughby, told the judge, Mr Justice Murray, he would be unable to stand as he started to give evidence in his defence at Chelmsford crown court on Friday.

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Β© Photograph: Essex Police/PA


Β© Photograph: Essex Police/PA

Elvis Presley’s blue suede shoes could sell for Β£120,000 at auction

28 June 2024 at 06:16

Singer wore footwear on and off stage during 1950s before giving them to a friend when called up to US army

Well it’s one for the money … a lot of money actually.

The blue suede shoes worn by Elvis Presley during the early part of his career are expected to fetch Β£120,000 at auction on Friday.

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Β© Photograph: Henry Aldridge & Son/PA


Β© Photograph: Henry Aldridge & Son/PA

Before yesterdayWorld News

Man on trial posed β€˜imminent threat’ to Holly Willoughby, US officer tells jury

27 June 2024 at 11:29

Undercover officer says Gavin Plumb sent him photos of an β€˜abduction kit’ and bottles of chloroform

A security guard on trial for allegedly plotting to murder Holly Willoughby posed an β€œimminent threat” to her safety, the US-based undercover officer who flagged his apparent intentions to UK police told a jury on Thursday.

The officer appeared at Chelmsford crown court via video link using the alias David Nelson to give evidence in the trial of 37-year-old Gavin Plumb, who denies plotting to kidnap, rape and murder Willoughby.

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Β© Photograph: Elizabeth Cook/PA


Β© Photograph: Elizabeth Cook/PA
