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Yesterday β€” 30 June 2024World News

Dim Dowden is not the right Tory frontman to energise flatlining campaign | John Crace

30 June 2024 at 08:46

It was a bad day all round for TV election interviews, and Sunak’s abrasive chat with Kuenssberg will not win points

Get this. You’re still 20 points behind in the polls. Some even show you to be in third place behind Reform. Your personal popularity ratings are through the floor. There’s just four days in which to stave off complete humiliation before the election. And then you discover that the person Conservative HQ has chosen to represent the government on the Trevor Phillips Sunday morning politics show is Oliver Dowden. Time for the whisky and the revolver. Was he really the best anyone could find?

It’s hard to imagine a less dynamic performer than Olive. Even if you dosed him up with several lines of amphetamines you’d be hard pushed to find a pulse. The kindest thing that anyone has ever said about him is that he’s nice but dim. The sole reason he was made deputy prime minister is his gormlessness. Just making it through the day without getting lost is enough of a struggle for him, so there’s never been any danger of him plotting against anyone. He’s like a labrador with a lobotomy.

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Β© Photograph: Jordan Pettitt/PA


Β© Photograph: Jordan Pettitt/PA

Before yesterdayWorld News

UK election diary: Integrity and accountability? Don’t bet on it

28 June 2024 at 08:33

Sometimes Sunak only makes sense if you assume he is actively trying to lose this joyless election

Less than a week to go. For which everyone – most politicians included – will be breathing a huge sigh of relief. Rishi Sunak must be wondering why on earth he chose to go for a six-week campaign when he had so little to say and such a poor record to defend. It’s as if he’s already given up and is just going through the motions.

Nor have Labour appeared that energised by being clear favourites to win a large majority next Thursday. Their main aim has been to do as little as possible. To not rock the boat and to let the Tory party self-destruct. To be fair, it looks to have been a successful strategy so far but it has made the last few weeks feel particularly joyless. Keir Starmer, knowing he will inherit a mess, is so desperate not to raise expectations too high that his pitch has often sounded like: β€œVote for me. Things will be a bit less rubbish.”

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Β© Photograph: WPA/Getty Images


Β© Photograph: WPA/Getty Images

The Farage faithful know he’s a fraud but they don’t care | John Crace

27 June 2024 at 13:03

The Reform UK candidate brought the air of a televangelist to a rally in Sunderland that was all show and no substance

Call it confirmation bias. The media were the ones who wanted endless debates – the public would have been happy with one or two at most – and so it was inevitable that the media would declare them to be important waypoints on the campaign trail. But were they?

Sure, the debates were picked over forensically, but strip out the sound and fury and you’re left with very little we didn’t already know. Rishi Sunak might have been even more thin-skinned and tetchy and Keir Starmer rather more wooden than we might have imagined but this is all surface trivia. Nothing new in concrete policy terms was revealed. Just the familiar half-truths and evasions with which we are all too familiar. Manifesto pledges that almost certainly won’t stand contact with reality.

Guardian Newsroom: Election results special On Friday 5 July, 7.30pm-9pm BST, join Hugh Muir, Gaby Hinsliff, John Crace, Jonathan Freedland and Zoe Williams for unrivalled analysis of the general election results. Book tickets here or at theguardian.live.

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Β© Photograph: Ian Forsyth/Getty Images


Β© Photograph: Ian Forsyth/Getty Images

Sunak and Starmer wrap up their final debate of despair | John Crace

26 June 2024 at 17:41

PM and his expected successor repeat same evasions to leave us none the wiser about our future government

Ring the Bells that Still can Ring. Forget your Perfect Offering. There is a Crack in Everything. That’s how the Light Gets in.

Look on the bright side. It’s nearly over. Finally. For the last four weeks the broadcasters have been testing the axiom that insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result to destruction.

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Β© Photograph: Phil Noble/PA


Β© Photograph: Phil Noble/PA
