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Passkeys: The Future of Passwordless Authentication

Say goodbye to passwords! Passkeys are the next generation of authentication, offering enhanced security and convenience. Learn how passkeys work, their benefits over passwords, and why they are the future of secure online access.

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Beyond ‘Password123’: 6 Steps to Create Unbreakable Passwords

By: Editorial
15 June 2024 at 10:24


Whenever people ask the best way to protect their accounts and devices, the answer is always to use a strong password. But how exactly does one do that? What constitutes a good password? In this article, we explain six ways to create a strong password that makes hackers give up trying to guess your details and steal your information. Keep reading to find out what your password should consist of to stay protected!

Steps to Create a Strong Password

1. Avoid Common Words

Avoid using easily guessable words or phrases. Examples include "123456," "password," or "qwerty." Instead, use phrases that may hold an unobvious personal meaning to you, such as a combination of words from a favorite book or a childhood memory. Hackers often use common password lists to guess and breach accounts, so avoid anything too predictable.

2. Avoid Personal Information

Refrain from including any personal information in your password, such as your name, birthday, or address. Hackers can easily obtain this information through social engineering or data breaches, making it relatively simple for them to guess your password. Keeping your password unrelated to your personal life adds an extra layer of security.

3. The Lengthier, the Better

The longer your password, the harder it is for hackers to crack through brute force attacks. A minimum of 12 characters is recommended, but going longer is better. For example, using a 16-character password significantly increases the number of possible combinations, making it more challenging for hackers to guess and increasing their likelihood of failing.

4. Use Complex Characters and Words

Passwords that use a variety of character types—such as uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters—are better protected. For instance, a password like "P@ssw0rd123!" is much stronger than "password123." The complexity of using different forms of characters makes guessing much harder, especially if hackers use automated tools.

5. Randomize Passwords

Generating random passwords using browser-recommended ones or a password manager can be very effective in protecting your account. Password managers can store the randomized passwords after creating them. If you are worried about forgetting these randomly generated ones, you can create your own passphrase that makes sense only to you, such as "Green!Apple#Mountain*Sky." Ensure it's not easily guessable or uses common phrases.

6. Update and Change Regularly

Changing your passwords regularly is essential, especially if you have been warned of possible attempts at breaches or passwords being compromised. Regularly updating your passwords helps mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to your accounts, even if your current password is strong. It is important to create new ones instead of reusing old passwords, as hackers could use previously compromised credentials to gain access to other accounts.


When these six tips are combined, your password will keep your information secure. Repeating passwords or making variations of the same one fails to protect you. But with these tips, your first level of authentication is set to be almost impossible for hackers to penetrate. In a world where hacking and stealing information in cyberspace is becoming more common, it is essential for users to take the necessary steps to keep their passwords strong and their data protected. By following these guidelines, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyberattacks and ensure your personal information remains safe.

MFA bombing taken to the next level

29 March 2024 at 12:45

Simply put, MFA bombing (also known as “push bombing” or “MFA fatigue”) is a brute force attack on your patience. Cybercriminals use MFA bombing to break into accounts that are protected by multi-factor authentication (MFA).

MFA normally requires a user to enter a six-digit code sent by SMS, or generated by an app, or to respond to a push notification, when they enter a username and password. It provides an enormous increase in security and makes life much harder for criminals.

Because it’s so hard to break, criminals have taken to getting users to defeat their own MFA. They do this by using stolen credentials to try logging in, or by trying to reset a user’s password over and over again. In both cases this bombards the user with push notifications asking them to approve the login, or messages asking them to change their password. By doing this, the criminals hope that users will either tap the wrong option or get so fed up they just do whatever the messages are asking them to do, just to make the bombardment stop.

Now, according to this blog by Bran Krebs, these attacks have evolved. If you can withstand the pressure of the constant notifications, the criminals will call you pretending to come to your rescue.

In one example Krebs writes about, criminals flooded a target’s phone with password reset notifications for their Apple ID. Each notification required the user to choose either “Allow” or “Don’t Allow” before they could go back to using their device.

After withstanding the temptation to click “Allow”, and declining “100-plus” notifications, the victim receved a call from a spoofed number pretending to be Apple Support.

The call was designed to get the victim to trigger a password reset, and then to hand over the one-time password reset code sent to their device. Armed with a reset code, the criminals could change the victim’s password and lock them out of their account.

Luckily, in this situation the victim thought the callers seemed untrustworthy, so he asked them to provide some of his personal information, and they got his name wrong.

Another victim of MFA bombing learned that the notifications kept coming even after he bought a new device and created a new Apple iCloud account. This revealed that the attacks must have been targeted at his telephone number, because it was the only constant factor between the two device configurations.

Yet another target was told by Apple that setting up an Apple Recovery Key for his account would stop the notifications once and for all, although both Krebs and the victim dispute this.

Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a lot you can do once an MFA bombing attack starts other than be patient, and be careful not to click Allow. If you get a call, know that Apple Support will never call you out of the blue, so don’t trust the caller, no matter how convenient their timing.

If you lose control of your Apple ID, go to to start the account recovery process.

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