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Today β€” 26 June 2024Cybersecurity

The US Is Banning Kaspersky

26 June 2024 at 07:06

This move has been coming for a long time.

The Biden administration on Thursday said it’s banning the company from selling its products to new US-based customers starting on July 20, with the company only allowed to provide software updates to existing customers through September 29. The banβ€”Β­the first such action under authorities given to the Commerce Department in 2019Β­β€”follows years of warnings from the US intelligence community about Kaspersky being a national security threat because Moscow could allegedly commandeer its all-seeing antivirus software to spy on its customers.

Before yesterdayCybersecurity

Researchers Deep Dive into UNC3886 Actors’ Cyberespionage Realm


After unearthing a malware campaign targeting ESXi hypervisors two years ago, researchers have now revealed extensive details into their investigation of UNC3886, a suspected China-nexus cyberespionage group targeting strategic global organizations. In January 2023, Google-owned cybersecurity firm Mandiant identified that UNC3886 had exploited a now-patched FortiOS vulnerability. In March 2023, further analysis revealed a custom malware ecosystem affecting Fortinet devices with compromised VMware technologies facilitating access to guest virtual machines.

Persistent and Evasive Techniques of UNC3886 Group

UNC3886 demonstrated sophisticated and cautious approaches by employing multiple layers of persistence across network devices, hypervisors and virtual machines to maintain long-term access, Mandiant said in its detailed analysis. The threat group's strategies include:
  • Using publicly available rootkits like REPTILE and MEDUSA for long-term persistence.
  • Deploying malware that leverages trusted third-party services for command and control (C2) communications.
  • Installing Secure Shell (SSH) backdoors to subvert access and collect credentials.
  • Extracting credentials from TACACS+ authentication using custom malware.
[caption id="attachment_77918" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]UNC3886 UNC3886 Attack Lifecycle (Source: Mandiant)[/caption]

Initial Access through Zero-Days

Mandiant's earlier findings detailed UNC3886's exploitation of CVE-2023-34048, an out-of-bounds write vulnerability in the implementation of the DCERPC protocol in VMware's vCenter Server. This critical-rated flaw allowed unauthenticated malicious actor remote command execution on vCenter servers. Additional zero-day vulnerabilities exploited included:
  • CVE-2022-41328 in FortiOS for executing backdoors on FortiGate devices. CVE-2022-22948 in VMware vCenter to access encrypted credentials in vCenter's postgres DB. CVE-2023-20867 in VMware Tools for unauthenticated guest operations from ESXi host to virtual machines.

Rootkits and Malware

The deeper investigation into UNC3886's operations also revealed their expansive malware arsenal that includes customized open-source variants.


REPTILE, an open-source Linux rootkit, was heavily utilized by UNC3886 for its backdoor and stealth functionalities, enabling the threat actor to maintain undetected access to compromised systems. Key components include:
  • REPTILE.CMD: A user-mode component for hiding files, processes, and network connections. REPTILE.SHELL:Β A reverse shell backdoor activated by specific network packets. Kernel-Level Component:Β A loadable kernel module (LKM) for achieving rootkit functionality. LKM Launcher:Β A custom launcher for loading the kernel module into memory.
UNC3886 modified REPTILE for persistence and stealth using unique keywords and customized scripts to evade detection.

MEDUSA Rootkit

MEDUSA employs dynamic linker hijacking to log user credentials and command executions, which complements UNC3886’s strategy of using valid credentials for lateral movement. Deployment on MEDUSA involved a customized installerΒ  called "SEAELF" and modified configuration files.

Malware Leveraging Trusted Third-Party Services

MOPSLED is aΒ modular backdoor that communicates over HTTP or a custom binary protocol, retrieving plugins from its C2 server. It was shared among Chinese cyberespionage groups and used by UNC3886 primarily on vCenter servers. RIFLESPINEΒ is a backdoor that uses Google Drive for command and control communication and executes commands from encrypted files. It relied on "systemd" for persistence but was less favored due to its detectable nature.

Network Reconnaissance and Lateral Movement

UNC3886 has employed internal reconnaissance and lateral movement techniques using custom tools like LOOKOVER to capture TACACS+ credentials. Backdoored TACACS+ binaries further facilitated unauthorized access and credential logging.

VMCI Backdoors

UNC3886 also used VMCI backdoors for communication between guest and host systems, enhancing their control over compromised environments. Notable VMCI backdoors included:
  • VIRTUALSHINE: Provided access to a bash shell via VMCI sockets. VIRTUALPIE: A Python-based backdoor supporting file transfer, command execution and reverse shell capabilities.
Mandiant observed UNC3886 using valid credentials for lateral movement between guest VMs on compromised VMware ESXi. The threat actor deployed backdoored SSH clients and daemons to intercept and collect credentials stored in XOR-encrypted files.

Backdoored SSH Executables

The threat group modified SSH client (/usr/bin/ssh) and daemon (/usr/sbin/sshd) to harvest and store credentials. The SSH client stored credentials in "/var/log/ldapd<unique_keyword>.2.gz," while the SSH daemon stores them in "/var/log/ldapd<unique_keyword>.1.gz." To persist the malicious SSH components, the threat actor used yum-versionlock to prevent OpenSSH package upgrades.

Custom SSH Server

UNC3886 also used the MEDUSA rootkit to deploy a custom SSH server. They employed executables (/usr/sbin/libvird and /usr/bin/NetworkManage) to hijack SSH connections and redirect them to a Unix socket for credential collection. SELinux contexts ensured socket accessibility. Additional tools (sentry and sshdng-venter-7.0) were used on another endpoint for similar injection and redirection operations.

Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)

Mandiant has published IOCs to aid in detecting UNC3886 activities. These IOCs, along with detection and hardening guidelines, help organizations protect against sophisticated threats posed by UNC3886.

On the Zero-Day Market

24 May 2024 at 07:07

New paper: β€œZero Progress on Zero Days: How the Last Ten Years Created the Modern Spyware Marketβ€œ:

Abstract: Spyware makes surveillance simple. The last ten years have seen a global market emerge for ready-made software that lets governments surveil their citizens and foreign adversaries alike and to do so more easily than when such work required tradecraft. The last ten years have also been marked by stark failures to control spyware and its precursors and components. This Article accounts for and critiques these failures, providing a socio-technical history since 2014, particularly focusing on the conversation about trade in zero-day vulnerabilities and exploits. Second, this Article applies lessons from these failures to guide regulatory efforts going forward. While recognizing that controlling this trade is difficult, I argue countries should focus on building and strengthening multilateral coalitions of the willing, rather than on strong-arming existing multilateral institutions into working on the problem. Individually, countries should focus on export controls and other sanctions that target specific bad actors, rather than focusing on restricting particular technologies. Last, I continue to call for transparency as a key part of oversight of domestic governments’ use of spyware and related components.
