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Before yesterdayNYT: Science

At Animal Hospitals, Social Workers Offer Care for the Humans

Though still rare, social workers in animal hospitals are growing in their ranks.

Claire Johnson, a veterinary social worker, left, comforted Zorro, a 16-year-old cockapoo, as he was prepared for euthanasia at MedVet, a 24-hour pet care facility in Chicago.

How Pet Care Became a Big Business

24 June 2024 at 09:31
People have grown more attached to their pets โ€” and more willing to spend money on them โ€” turning animal medicine into a high-tech industry worth billions.

ยฉ Audra Melton for The New York Times

Heather Massey of Carlton, Ga., with her dog, Lunabear. She is still paying off a bill for scans and care six years after her previous dog, Ladybird, was diagnosed with brain cancer.