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Today โ€” 26 June 2024MetaFilter

Louis, have you heard of zis amusing new dance, "ze floss"?

26 June 2024 at 11:33
AMC's Interview with the Vampire has been renewed for its third season in the run up to the final episode of season two this weekend. [Note: all links may contain spoilers!]

Despite rave critical and audience reviews, IWTV has struggled to gain traction, which may be partially due to AMC's lack of marketing and poor scheduling which has resulted in the show not being eligible for the 2024 Emmy season. It may also have something to do with the way the show has always been unapologetic about its queerness, as well as the complex traumas faced by its main characters. But it's clear AMC is definitely hoping for more from these vampires. They've invested in the entire catalogue of Anne Rice's IPs (including the recently greenlit show about the shadowy supernatural organization The Talamasca, and the sadly lackluster Mayfair Witches) and with the news that IWTV will soon be coming to Netflix in the US, I know I'm hoping the future stays bright for these nasty children of darkness! (For anyone who wants to watch or rewatch the series, please join us on FanFare to discuss it and lie together on the floor while we're overcome with emotions.)
Before yesterdayMetaFilter

"The text has disappeared under the interpretation."

By: chavenet
21 June 2024 at 14:56
"There's something really dangerous happening to us out there," he told the audience. "We're slowly getting split up into two Americas. Things are getting taken away from the people that need them and given to people that don't need them." from Red, White, and Misused: How "Born in the U.S.A." Became an Anthem for Everything That It Wasn't [The Ringer]

Includes An Incomplete Guide to the Most Misused Songs in Modern Music

From GE's Differential Analyzer to the Raspberry Pi

By: chavenet
12 June 2024 at 15:31
Starring the Computer is a website dedicated to the use of computers in film and television. Each appearance is catalogued and rated on its importance (ie. how important it is to the plot), realism (how close its appearance and capabilities are to the real thing) and visibility (how good a look does one get of it). Fictional computers don't count (unless they are built out of bits of real computer), so no HAL9000 - sorry.

Starring the Computer previously [2012], now with 12 additional years of computers, organized by title of Movie/TV Show and brand of computer.

G__d_ye, P_t S_j_k

By: chavenet
9 June 2024 at 15:31
"Well, the time has come to say goodbye ... It's been an incredible privilege to be invited into millions of homes night after night, year after year, decade after decade. I always felt that the privilege came with the responsibility to keep this daily half-hour a safe place for family fun. No social issues, no politics, nothing embarrassing I hope, just a game." from 'The Time Has Come to Say Goodbye': Pat Sajak Bids Farewell to 'Wheel of Fortune' [NY Times; ungated]

Pat Sajak leaves Wheel of Fortune with these final words [BBC] 'Wheel of Fortune' host Pat Sajak delivers speech during final episode [Fox] Vanna White sends tearful farewell to Pat Sajak on 'Wheel of Fortune': 'I love you, Pat!' [USA Today] 43 Years Ago, Pat Sajak of Wheel of Fortune Made a Brilliant Introduction. Here's Why [Inc.] Counterpoint: Don't Pour One Out for Pat Sajak, Wheel of Fortune's Die-Hard Right-Wing Host [The New Republic; ungated]