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Today โ€” 27 July 2024MetaFilter

2057 (maybe) (more or less)

By: mittens
26 July 2024 at 20:42
"To be sure, the worry is not that the AMOC is on the verge of a complete stop. The fear is that it will cross a pivotal threshold, and then begin a decline that is unstoppable. ... It follows, then, that you'd wonder how close we humans are to that threshold. Perhaps you'd heard about the AMOC's frailty; the shutdown threat; maybe even the decades of fighting among scientists as they try to fathom this gigantic, interconnected, barely understood current. But it was only rather recently that someone dared to go right to the core and ask: How much time do we have left before the AMOC breaks?" How Soon Might The Atlantic Ocean Break, in Wired (archive), on the work of Peter and Susanne Ditlevsen to understand the timing of what's happening to the AMOC.
Before yesterdayMetaFilter

The Economic Weapon

By: mittens
25 July 2024 at 12:31
"The mentality, almost a weird reflex, in Washington has just become: If something bad happens, anywhere in the world, the U.S. is going to sanction some people. And that doesn't make sense. We don't think about the collateral damage of sanctions the same way we think about the collateral damage of war. But we should." From the Washington Post: How Four US Presidents Unleashed Economic Warfare Across the Globe.