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Yesterday โ€” 26 July 2024MetaFilter

Generating sudokus for fun and no profit

By: Wolfdog
26 July 2024 at 07:58
Generating sudokus for fun and no profit โ€“ Once upon a time, I decided to create a complete Sudoku application as my grandma wanted to play some Sudokus on her computer, and I wasn't satisfied with the free offers available. The project went on for some years and finally led to sudoku.tn1ck.com - a free and open source Sudoku app without any tracking. While working on it, I went down the rabbit hole of generating Sudokus of a specified "human perceived" difficulty and accidentally created a quite thorough analysis of it...
Before yesterdayMetaFilter

From ฯ„แฝฐ ฯ†ฯ…ฯƒฮนฮบฮฌ (ta physika) to physics

By: Wolfdog
17 July 2024 at 08:48
From ฯ„แฝฐ ฯ†ฯ…ฯƒฮนฮบฮฌ (ta physika) to physics โ€“ In popular histories of science in Europe the history of physics is all too often presented roughly as follows, in antiquity there was Aristotle, whose writings also dominated the Middle Ages, until Galileo came along and dethroned him, following which Newton created modern physics ... In this [series] of blog posts, I shall be taking a much more detailed look at how modern physics emerged during the early modern period and the scholars who were behind that emergence...

Part XXV, not yet linked in the table of contents.