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Yesterday — 2 July 2024Lifehacker

How to Know If It's a Good Time for a Roth IRA Conversion

2 July 2024 at 16:30

The Roth IRA is a top-tier retirement savings tool. For young people especially, it’s the best way to take full advantage of compound interest while minimizing your tax exposure. In the simplest terms, with Roth IRAs, you pay taxes on your savings now. This is compared to traditional IRAs, when you pay taxes later. We’ve written about the differences in more detail here, and I generally lean pro-Roth over traditional.

With Trump-era tax cuts set to expire in 2025, now might be a strategic time to take advantage of that "pay taxes now" element. Let's explore whether a Roth IRA conversion could be the smart move for you.

Why consider a Roth IRA conversion now?

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 is set to sunset at the end of 2025, unless Congress extends it. If no action is taken, tax rates would revert to the higher levels of 2017 and earlier. This means that converting to a Roth IRA now, while tax rates are relatively low, could result in significant long-term tax savings.

Anyone with an existing retirement account, such as a 401(k) or traditional IRA, can convert to a Roth IRA. This option is available regardless of income levels, making it an attractive strategy for high-income earners who may not qualify for direct Roth IRA contributions. As always, a major draw of the Roth IRA comes down to future tax-free withdrawals. It's a smart account for anyone who expects to be in a higher tax bracket down the line (which is most people).

Is a Roth IRA conversion right for you?

Regardless of the 2025 deadline, consider whether a Roth conversion is right for you.

1. Current vs. expected future tax rates: If you anticipate being in a higher tax bracket in retirement, a Roth conversion may be beneficial.

2. Time horizon: The longer you have until retirement, the more time your Roth IRA has to grow tax-free.

3. Ability to pay taxes: Can you afford to pay the taxes on the conversion without using funds from the retirement account itself?

4. Estate planning goals: Roth IRAs can be an effective tool for leaving tax-free assets to heirs.

What else to keep in mind

While a Roth conversion can offer benefits, it's not without challenges.

1. Immediate tax liability: The amount converted is treated as taxable income in the year of conversion, which could push you into a higher tax bracket now.

2. Five-year rules: Roth IRAs have several "five-year rules" that require funds to remain in the account for a minimum period before becoming fully tax-free. This can complicate matters for those planning to access their retirement funds soon.

3. Uncertain future tax landscape: Like I mention above, basing a significant financial decision on speculation about future government actions carries inherent risks.

For more, these are mistakes to avoid with your Roth IRA. Given the complexities involved in Roth IRA conversions, it's advisable to consult with a financial advisor who specializes in retirement planning.

The bottom line

While the potential expiration of current tax rates in 2025 has brought Roth IRA conversions into the spotlight, it's crucial to approach this decision carefully. A Roth conversion can offer significant benefits for some individuals, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. By carefully considering your unique financial circumstances and seeking expert advice, you can make an informed decision about whether a Roth IRA conversion aligns with your long-term financial goals.

Before yesterdayLifehacker

The Pros and Cons of a Cash-Out Refinance

1 July 2024 at 12:00

A cash-out refinance is a financial tool that allows homeowners to tap into their home's equity by replacing their existing mortgage with a new, larger loan. The difference between the new loan amount and the balance of the old mortgage is provided to the homeowner in cash, which can be used for various purposes such as home improvements, debt consolidation, or other financial needs. However, a bigger loan, naturally, means more debt. Let's take a look at how cash-out refinances work, and when they might—or might not—be the right move for you.

How a cash-out refinance works

In a cash-out refinance, a homeowner takes out a new mortgage for more than they currently owe on their existing loan. For example, if a homeowner owes $200,000 on their current mortgage and their home is worth $300,000, they might opt for a cash-out refinance of $250,000. After paying off the existing $200,000 loan, they would receive the additional $50,000 in cash, minus closing costs and fees.

Pros of cash-out refinancing

Whenever interest rates are on the rise, homeowners who locked in low rates might be reluctant to refinance at higher rates. However, for those who bought homes when rates were higher, cash-out refinancing might still be beneficial. Here are the main draws of cash-out refinancing:

  1. Lower interest rates: This is the main reason for cash-out refinances. If market rates have dropped since the original mortgage was taken out, a cash-out refinance could potentially offer a lower interest rate.

  2. Tax deductibility: In many cases, the interest paid on a cash-out refinance used for home improvements may be tax-deductible.

  3. Large lump sum: Homeowners can access a significant amount of cash at once, which can be useful for major expenses or investments.

  4. Potential credit score improvement: Using the cash to pay off high-interest debt could improve one's credit score over time.

Cons of cash-out refinancing

While cash-out refinancing can provide some flexibility, it's crucial to approach it strategically and consider the drawbacks.

  1. Increased debt: The homeowner is taking on more debt, which could be risky if financial circumstances change. If home values decline, the homeowner could end up underwater on their mortgage.

  2. Higher monthly payments: The new, larger loan often results in higher monthly payments.

  3. Closing costs: Like any refinance, there are closing costs associated with the process, which can be substantial.

  4. Risk of foreclosure: If payments can't be met, the home is at risk, since it serves as collateral for the loan.

Cash-out refinance vs. home equity line of credit (HELOC)

Cash-out refinancing reduces home equity in the short term. For example, if a home is worth $300,000 with a $200,000 mortgage balance, the homeowner has $100,000 in equity. If they do a cash-out refinance for $250,000, their equity drops to $50,000 immediately after the transaction. However, if the cash is used for home improvements that increase the property's value, equity may recover or even increase over time.

If you own a home, you should have a home equity line of credit open. While both options allow homeowners to access their home's equity, there are key differences:

  1. Interest rates: Cash-out refinances typically offer fixed interest rates, while HELOCs usually have variable rates.

  2. Disbursement: A cash-out refinance provides a lump sum, whereas a HELOC offers a line of credit to draw from as needed.

  3. Repayment: Cash-out refinances are repaid in fixed monthly installments, while HELOCs often have a draw period with interest-only payments followed by a repayment period.

  4. Closing costs: Cash-out refinances generally have higher closing costs than HELOCs.

  5. Impact on existing mortgage: A cash-out refinance replaces the existing mortgage, while a HELOC is a separate loan in addition to the current mortgage.

Besides cash-out refinancing and HELOCs, other options include:

  • Home equity loans: Similar to cash-out refinancing but as a separate loan, often with higher interest rates

  • Reverse mortgages: For homeowners 62 and older, allowing them to borrow against equity without monthly payments

  • Personal loans: Unsecured loans that don't use the home as collateral but typically have higher interest rates

How to qualify for a cash-out refinance

To qualify for a cash-out refinance, homeowners typically need:

  • A credit score of 620 or higher (some lenders may require higher scores)

  • A debt-to-income ratio below 43% (including the new loan payment)

  • At least 20% equity remaining in the home after the refinance

  • A stable income and employment history

  • A home appraisal to determine current value

Lenders will also review the homeowner's payment history on the existing mortgage and other debts.

What else to keep in mind

Before opting for a cash-out refinance, homeowners should carefully consider their financial goals, current interest rates, and long-term plans for the property. It's crucial to ensure that the benefits outweigh the costs and risks associated with increasing the overall mortgage debt. Cash-out refinancing can have significant long-term effects:

  • Extended loan term: Refinancing often resets the loan term, potentially extending the time until the mortgage is fully paid off.

  • Retirement planning: Using home equity now may reduce assets available for retirement.

  • Investment opportunities: The cash could be used for investments that outperform the interest rate on the mortgage.

  • Tax implications: Interest on cash used for home improvements may be tax-deductible, affecting overall tax strategy.

To mitigate these risks, don't take out more than necessary and have a solid repayment plan. Compare offers from multiple lenders to ensure the best terms, and don't hesitate to consult with a financial advisor to understand the long-term implications.

A cash-out refinance can be a powerful financial tool when used wisely. However, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully and consider alternatives like HELOCs before making a decision. Consulting with a financial advisor or mortgage professional can help homeowners make the best choice for their individual circumstances.

How to Get a Credit Card With Bad Credit

27 June 2024 at 16:30

It's one thing to get a credit card when you have no credit history—but what if the history you do have is, well, not great? Sure, having a low credit score will make obtaining a traditional credit card challenging, but it's not impossible. Let's take a look at the options available to help you secure a credit card, even with bad credit.

Consider secured credit cards

Secured credit cards are an excellent starting point for those with poor credit. With a secured card, you place a refundable security deposit, typically $200 or more, that becomes your credit limit. The deposit acts as collateral, reducing the issuer's risk. Many major banks and credit card companies offer secured cards.

Of course, be sure to make all of your payments on time and keep your balance low. After 12 to 18 months of responsible usage, you can often upgrade to a regular unsecured card and get your initial deposit back.

Look for cards designed for bad credit

Several issuers offer unsecured credit cards specifically designed for people with poor credit. However, do keep in mind that these cards often have higher fees and interest rates, and lower credit limits. Read the terms carefully before applying to understand all associated costs.

Become an authorized user

This strategy involves asking a family member or trusted friend to add you as an authorized user on their credit card account. You'll receive a card in your name linked to their account, and their positive payment history can help boost your credit score. Ensure the primary cardholder has a good credit history and responsible habits. Not all issuers report authorized user activity to credit bureaus, so check first.

Try store credit cards

Target, Kohl's, whatever suits your fancy—retail store cards can be easier to qualify for than traditional credit cards. While not ideal in the long run, retail store credit cards can at least help give your score a boost, since they often have more lenient credit requirements. However, it's crucial to be cautious of high APRs on these bad boys, which can often exceed 25%. Still, their limited use (only at the specific store or chain) can help control spending. Some stores offer instant approval, allowing immediate purchases.

Explore alternative credit cards

Some newer companies offer credit cards based on alternative data, considering factors like income, employment, and bank account history instead of just credit scores. While I don't have any personal experience with them, examples include the Petal Card and the Tomo Credit Card.

Improve your credit score

While working on getting a credit card, take steps to improve your overall credit health:

  • Pay all bills on time, every time.

  • Reduce your credit utilization ratio by paying down existing debts.

  • Dispute any errors on your credit report.

  • Avoid applying for too many cards in a short period, as this can further lower your score.

As your credit improves, you'll qualify for better card offers.

Get a credit-builder loan

With a credit-builder loan, you borrow an amount like $500 or $1,000 and make fixed payments over six to 24 months. The lender deposits the borrowed amount into a locked savings account, and once you've completed the loan payments the money is unlocked and given to you. These loans are designed solely for building credit history.

Be cautious of predatory lenders

When desperate for credit, it's easy to fall prey to predatory lenders. Avoid:

  • Cards with extremely high fees or interest rates.

  • Offers that seem too good to be true.

  • Lenders who use high-pressure tactics or rush you to decide.

  • Payday loans or cash advance loans, which can trap you in a cycle of debt.

Check for pre-qualification

Many credit card issuers offer pre-qualification tools on their websites. These tools perform a soft credit pull, which doesn't affect your credit score. Pre-qualification gives you an idea of your approval odds before applying, but it doesn't guarantee approval.

Remember, the key to rebuilding your credit is using any new credit responsibly. Make payments on time, keep your credit utilization low, and avoid overspending. With patience and good financial habits, you can improve your credit score and qualify for better credit cards in the future. For more, here are some of the best credit cards for people with bad credit.

Here's What Happens If You Simply Stop Paying Your Debts

27 June 2024 at 08:30

Student loans, credit cards, medical bills—we've all thought about just saying, you know, "screw it." I mean, seriously—what's the worst that can happen if you simply never pay off your debts? Sure, there are obvious impacts, like a major blow to your credit score. But if you're feeling tempted to eschew a debt payment plan altogether, you should know that the long-term consequences are often severe.

What happens if you just don't pay your debts

Ignoring debts doesn’t just cause your credit score to drop and your balance to increase, according to debt attorney Leslie Tayne Esq. of Long Island-based Tayne Law Group. She explains how your creditors will begin collection efforts, "which means you’ll start receiving regular calls and letters, even messages on social media, from debt collectors." These calls can feel like borderline harassment, coming in at all times of the day and night.

"While collectors are legally prohibited from discussing your debt with your family, friends, and coworkers, they can reach out to these people to verify your contact information and essentially try to track you down," Tayne says. Think how this invasion of your privacy would add significant stress and annoyance not just to your life, but to those around you.

If you continue to ignore these debts or fail to pay them down, creditors may pursue legal action, which can lead to a lawsuit. If you lose, a judgment will be filed against you, giving the creditor the legal authority to garnish your wages, seize certain assets, or place a lien on your property. Tayne explains how these consequences work:

  • Wage garnishment: Imagine a portion of your paycheck automatically deducted and sent to your creditor each payday. This can significantly impact your take-home pay, making budgeting tight and even more difficult to keep up with your daily living expenses.

  • Asset seizure: Depending on the debt and state laws, creditors might be able to seize non-essential assets like a second car or expensive jewelry to recoup their money. This can be a traumatizing, stressful, and humiliating experience.

  • Property lien: A lien placed on your property essentially restricts you from selling it or refinancing freely. You'd either need to pay off the debt first or convince the creditor to remove the lien before selling or refinancing. So with refinancing, if and when interest rates go down, you may not be able to take advantage of getting a new lower interest rate, keeping your mortgage interest rates high. And, with selling, this can significantly complicate the process, which could severely delay the time it takes for you to go through with the whole transaction. Depending on your situation with the home sale, this could put your whole life on hold until the lien is removed. 

The consequences of being late on credit card bills

The most immediate consequences of skipping your credit card bills are increased costs due to late fees and penalty APRs.

"A penalty APR is a higher interest rate that kicks in if you miss a payment, making it even harder to pay off your debt," says Tayne. "Your credit score will also take a hit, making it tougher to borrow money in the future or be approved for things like renting an apartment, opening utility accounts, or getting a cell phone."

However, if you continue missing payments, your account will go into collections. This is even worse for your credit, and you’ll start getting calls from debt collectors. Eventually, unpaid debt could lead to a lawsuit.

Some people believe that just because the debt isn’t on their credit report, it’s gone away. But that simply is not accurate. If the debt indeed exists, then a simple search will lead to the debtor and could have long-term effects described above.

Bankruptcy should be a last resort

Although it can be tempting, Tayne urges that bankruptcy really should be a last resort since the consequences can impact you far into the future. While you may be overwhelmed by high debt balances and find paying bills challenging, bankruptcy "can be—and often is—a long and expensive process."

Depending on the type of bankruptcy, you may have to sell some of your assets (real estate, vehicles, etc.) in order to come up with the funds to pay back creditors, or you may be on a payment plan that lasts three to five years that forces you to pay back 100% of the debt amounts you owe. It’s also not automatic—you have to qualify through a means test.

The impact on your credit score is significant and lasts seven to 10 years. This can make it incredibly difficult to secure loans, buy a home, or even get a job in some cases. Essentially, bankruptcy can derail your financial life for a decade, making it much harder to rebuild. That’s why it should only be considered if the benefits of getting out of debt outweigh these negative and long-lasting consequences. For more, here's our guide to what really happens when you declare bankruptcy.

Don't make these mistakes when you're in debt

One of the biggest mistakes Tayne sees her clients make is paying the minimum on all debts and "thinking that’s enough." With interest rates on credit cards at an all-time high, paying only the minimum won’t make a dent in your balance, and your debt will continue to grow. Instead, it's crucial to identify your highest-rate debts and create a plan to tackle them aggressively before they balloon out of control.

Another mistake is simply not knowing how much you owe or to whom. Tayne says many clients find this question difficult to answer, "which is a huge problem because we need to know and understand the baseline debt to really address the root of the problem." Many times, those who get in over their heads with debt will ignore the problem, but this only leads to worse consequences down the road. Without a clear understanding of your debts, creating a plan for tackling them is impossible.

It's easy to overspend if you aren't focused on the end goal. Tayne sees clients with out-of-control spending, and she'll typically recommend budgeting before spending to know what funds are available and resist the temptation of impulse buys.

Not reviewing your credit report annually is another common mistake. Tayne recommends pulling free copies of your credit reports from and making a list of all your debts, the current balance on each, and the interest rates. She explains that "this gives you a clear picture of your debt journey and helps in setting appropriate goals."

The bottom line

The consequences described above are all major headaches on their own. In terms of your debt, each consequence significantly reduces the amount of income you have access to, making these headaches even greater. In other words, ignoring debt won’t make it go away, and your creditors will get that money one way or another. So it’s better to take a proactive approach to handling debt and look for possible solutions, rather than let things get progressively worse.

If you're struggling with debt, consider speaking to a credit counselor or financial advisor about your options. There are better solutions than simply walking away.

The Best Strategies for Lowering Your Credit Card Interest Rate

24 June 2024 at 14:00

If you carry a balance on your credit card, you're paying interest charges. First things first: Figure out how to avoid being charged that interest in the first place. Otherwise, the easiest way to reduce your credit card interest payments is surprisingly simple: just ask. Many cardholders overlook this straightforward approach, potentially leaving money on the table. Here's how to go about lowering your interest rate, so you have a better shot of getting on top of your credit card debt.

Evaluate your current situation

Before making any moves, it's important to understand your current financial position. Start by reviewing your credit score and payment history, as these factors significantly influence your negotiating power. Next, compare your current interest rate to what's available in the market for similar credit profiles. This research will give you a realistic idea of what you might qualify for. Finally, calculate how much you could potentially save with a lower rate. This figure will not only motivate you but also provide a concrete goal for your negotiations.

Prepare before calling

Preparation is key to any successful negotiation. Begin by gathering information on competitor offers, especially those you've recently received in the mail or online. These can serve as leverage during your conversation. Make a mental note of your positive account history, including how long you've been a customer and your record of on-time payments. Be ready to discuss your loyalty as a customer, highlighting any other accounts or services you have with the same institution.

Making the call

When you're ready to negotiate, contact your card issuer's customer service line. Ask to speak with a representative specifically about lowering your interest rate. Remember to be polite but firm in your request. Your demeanor can significantly impact the outcome of the conversation. Approach the call with confidence, knowing you've done your homework and have a strong case for a rate reduction.

What to say on the phone

During the conversation, focus on highlighting your good payment history and loyalty to the company. Mention any better offers you've received from competitors, using them as a point of comparison. Be specific about the rate you're seeking, based on your research of current market offers. Remember, the representative may not agree to your first request, so be prepared to negotiate.

If they don't agree

If the representative doesn't agree to lower your rate, don't give up. Ask to speak with a supervisor who may have more authority to adjust rates. Inquire about temporary promotional rates that could provide short-term relief. If all else fails, consider a balance transfer to a card with a lower rate, but be sure to factor in any balance transfer fees when calculating potential savings. Remember, even if you don't succeed on your first attempt, you can always try again in a few months, especially if your credit score improves or your financial situation changes.

How much you can save

There are no guarantees your credit card company will approve a decreased interest rate, but the potential savings make it worth trying. According to LendingTree, the average reduction that people receive is 6.3 percentage points. Not only that, but more than three in every four cardholders who asked for a lower interest rate on one of their credit cards got one, according to that same 2023 survey.

Depending on your circumstances, that type of decrease could save you $500 or more in interest. Let's say a cardholder has $5,000 credit card balance and pays $250 per month.

  • A 6.3-percentage point reduction from 23.84% to 17.54% saves $478 and two months worth of payments. That adds up to $1,436 over 26 months (versus $958 over 24 months).

  • A 6.3-percentage-point reduction from 27.00% to 20.70% saves $532 and two months worth of payments. That adds up to $1,717 over 26 months (versus $1,185 over 24 months).

How to Decide If a Credit Card Balance Transfer Is the Right Move

24 June 2024 at 08:00

Credit card balance transfers are a useful yet often misunderstood tool. When used strategically, they can offer a path to debt reduction and financial stability. However, like any financial instrument, balance transfers come with both opportunities and pitfalls.

At its core, a balance transfer is the process of moving debt from one credit card to another, typically to take advantage of a lower interest rate. Many credit card issuers offer promotional balance transfer rates, often as low as 0% APR for a limited time, as an incentive for new customers. Here's when a balance transfer does and doesn't make sense, and the steps it takes to do it.

When a balance transfer makes sense (and when it doesn't)

Balance transfers can be an excellent strategy when you have a plan to pay off the debt within the promotional period. It makes sense when interest savings outweigh the balance transfer fee, and when you're committed to not accumulating new debt on the old card.

However, balance transfers may not be advisable if you can't qualify for a card with better terms than your current one, or the transfer fee would cost more than you'd save on interest. If you don't have a realistic plan to pay off the balance before the promotional rate expires, then you might slip into to viewing the transfer as a reason to accumulate more debt.

Pros and cons of balance transfers


  • Interest savings: The primary advantage of a balance transfer is the potential for significant interest savings, especially with 0% APR offers.

  • Debt consolidation: Transferring multiple balances to a single card can simplify your finances and make it easier to track payments.

  • Breathing room: A promotional period can give you time to catch up on payments without accruing additional interest.


  • Transfer fees: Most balance transfers come with a fee, typically 3-5% of the transferred amount.

  • Limited time offer: The low interest rate is temporary. If you don't pay off the balance in time, you could face high interest rates.

  • Credit score impact: Applying for a new card and increasing your credit utilization on one card can temporarily lower your credit score.

Steps to complete a balance transfer

If a balance transfer is right for you, here's how to do it.

  1. Assess your current situation: Begin by taking a hard look at your existing credit card debt. Note the balance on each card, their respective interest rates, and your current monthly payments. This information will be crucial in determining whether a balance transfer makes financial sense for you.

  2. Research balance transfer offers: Explore the market for balance transfer offers. Look for cards offering low or 0% introductory APR periods. Pay attention to the length of these promotional periods, which typically range from six to 21 months.

  3. Calculate potential savings: Use online balance transfer calculators or create a spreadsheet to estimate how much you could save with different offers. Don't forget to factor in balance transfer fees, which usually range from 3% to 5% of the transferred amount.

  4. Check your credit score: The best balance transfer offers are usually reserved for those with good to excellent credit. Check your credit score to get an idea of which offers you might qualify for.

  5. Apply for the new card: Once you've identified the best offer for your situation, apply for the new credit card. Be prepared to provide personal and financial information.

  6. Initiate the transfer: If approved, contact the new card issuer to initiate the balance transfer. You'll need to provide information about your old card and the amount you wish to transfer.

  7. Continue payments on the old card: Until you receive confirmation that the transfer is complete, continue making payments on your old card to avoid late fees.

  8. Create a repayment plan: Develop a strategy to pay off the transferred balance before the promotional period ends. Divide the total balance by the number of months in the promotional period to determine your monthly payment goal.

Finding a long term solution

While balance transfers can provide immediate relief, they're not a cure-all for financial troubles. To truly benefit from a balance transfer, it's crucial to address the underlying issues that led to the debt in the first place. This might involve creating a budget, building an emergency fund, or seeking financial counseling.

Remember, a balance transfer is a tool, not a solution. Used wisely, it can be a stepping stone to financial stability. But like any tool, its effectiveness depends entirely on how you use it.

These Numbers Will Convince Your Teen to Start Saving for Retirement

21 June 2024 at 10:00

It’s never too late to start saving for retirement, but how early should you start? Whether your teen is lifeguarding at the local pool, scooping ice cream, or mowing lawns, summer gigs offer more than just spending money—they present a golden opportunity to kickstart a lifetime of financial security. The reason for this is compound interest, which we’ll run the numbers on below. If you’ve been waiting to invest in your retirement until you check off other financial goals (cough cough, students loans), let’s breakdown why you should consider setting aside at least some savings. And if you have a teenager who rolls their eyes at the idea of contributing part of their very first paycheck to their far-off retirement, here’s how you can explain to them why it’s so important to start saving as early as possible.

Why saving early is so important

Simply put, compound interest means the interest on an investment grows exponentially—rather than linearly—over time. What this means for a retirement account like a 401(k) or Roth IRA is that every little bit you contribute goes a long way, especially compared to a traditional savings account. The key is that with compound interest, how early you start saving usually outweighs how much you contribute. Even an investment left untouched for decades can keep growing.

Let’s take a look at some specific scenarios that show how compound interest works for you. These all assume a moderate 6.5% annual investment return on their retirement funds, which is around what most return on investment calculators will be set to automatically, and a retirement age of 66.

Scenario 1: Starting at age 35

  • You save $1,500 per year from age 35 to 55

  • Total amount invested: $30,000

  • By age 66 (31 years after starting), your investment grows to: $186,138

  • Compound interest earned: $156,138

Scenario 2: Starting at age 25

  • You save $1,500 per year from age 25 to 45

  • Total amount invested: $30,000

  • By age 66 (41 years after starting), your investment grows to: $373,569

  • Compound interest earned: $343,569

Scenario 3: Starting at age 15

  • You save $1,500 per year from age 15 to 35

  • Total amount invested: $30,000

  • By age 66 (51 years after starting), your investment grows to: $749,029

  • Compound interest earned: $719,029

These scenarios clearly demonstrate the incredible advantage of starting to save early:

  1. Starting at 35: Your $30,000 investment grows about 6.2 times.

  2. Starting at 25: Your $30,000 investment grows about 12.5 times.

  3. Starting at 15: Your $30,000 investment grows about 25 times.

By starting just 10 years earlier (at 25 instead of 35), you more than double your retirement savings. Starting at 15 instead of 35 results in four times the retirement savings.

The teen summer job advantage

Now, let's put this into the context of summer jobs. If your teen saves $1,500 from summer jobs each year from age 15 to 19 (just five years):

  • Total invested: $7,500

  • By age 66, this grows to: $190,893

  • That's over 25 times the initial investment.

If they save $750 (half of the previous amount) each summer from age 15 to 19:

  • Total invested: $3,750

  • By age 66, this grows to: $95,446

  • Still over 25 times the initial investment!

Even small amounts saved from summer jobs during the teen years can grow into substantial sums by retirement age. The key is to start early and let compound interest work its magic over many decades.

Of course, the best-case scenario is that you start saving early and never stop investing. But the scenarios above demonstrate how important time is as a factor, and how any savings at all—even if left untouched for years—can go a long way.

Motivating your teen

While retirement may seem like a distant concern to a teenager, these numbers can help illustrate the incredible opportunity at hand. Here are some tips to encourage your teen to start saving:

  1. Show them the math: Use an online compound interest calculator to demonstrate how their money could grow. To run the numbers yourself, has a calculator that allows you to test out different saving scenarios that work for your financial situation.

  2. Make it relatable: Discuss future goals like buying a house or traveling the world, and how early saving can help achieve these dreams.

  3. Start small: Encourage them to invest even a small percentage of their earnings.

  4. Lead by example: Share your own retirement saving strategies and experiences.

The bottom line

Encourage your teenagers and young adult children to contribute to a Roth IRA or 401(k) from their very first paycheck—and they’ll thank you later as they watch those numbers grow and grow. And remember that no matter your age, you can still take advantage of compound interest, too, even with a small initial investment. What matters is that you start to save and invest ASAP. Check out our guide to how much you should have saved at every age.
