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Yesterday β€” 25 June 2024The Guardian

Lesbians unleashed! The joyous, sexually explicit photographer no publisher would touch

25 June 2024 at 11:08

Tee A Corinne took fearless shots of same-sex lovers in a 1980s Oregon commune – and published a notoriously intimate colouring book that became a minor classic. Has her time come at last?

In 1993, Tee A Corinne wrote that she was β€œclose to being finished with sexual imagery”. Corinne was a prolific multimedia artist, activist, photographer and writer of erotica and autobiography. Much of her work involved what she called β€œlabia imagery and … images of women making love with other women or with themselves”. After three decades of this, however, she was thinking about moving on. β€œI have thought this before but changed my mind,” she wrote. β€œWhy? Because no one else was making the images I wanted to see.”

The images Corinne made, in part because nobody else was doing it, remain extraordinary, invigorating and quietly radical. Her Artist’s Statement: On Sexual Art is just one of many documents, posters, essays and letters gathered together by Charlotte Flint, editor of A Forest Fire Between Us, a new book collecting some of Corinne’s considerable body of work and the ephemera surrounding it.

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Β© Photograph: Β© Tee A. Corinne / Tee A. Corinne Papers, Coll. 263. Special Collections and University Archives, University of Oregon Archives, from Tee A. Corinne: A forest fire between us (MACK, 2024). Courtesy of MACK and University of Oregon Archives.


Β© Photograph: Β© Tee A. Corinne / Tee A. Corinne Papers, Coll. 263. Special Collections and University Archives, University of Oregon Archives, from Tee A. Corinne: A forest fire between us (MACK, 2024). Courtesy of MACK and University of Oregon Archives.
