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Yesterday β€” 28 June 2024The Guardian

After Robert Fico’s shooting, Slovakia is heading full throttle towards authoritarianism | John Kampfner

28 June 2024 at 02:00

Since the attempted assassination of the prime minister, the far right has wasted no time in silencing its critics

Last Friday, I was sitting on the terrace of the cafe of the Slovakian parliament talking to an opposition MP about the government’s assault on independent media. The previous afternoon a law had been passed that puts the public broadcaster, RTVS, under the direct control of the Ministry of Culture.

β€œIt’s part of a cycle. That’s what’s so scary,” Dana Kleinert of Progressive Slovakia told me, pointing also to the abolition of a special prosecutor’s office looking at political corruption and plans to curb public protests. β€œHow far can they go? The answer is as far as they want.” She also noted the withdrawal of funding for LGBTQ+ groups, and the closure of a museum considered to be β€œputting the future of children in Slovakia in jeopardy”.

John Kampfner is the author of In Search of Berlin, Blair’s Wars and Why the Germans Do It Better

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Β© Photograph: Kenzo Tribouillard/AFP/Getty Images


Β© Photograph: Kenzo Tribouillard/AFP/Getty Images

Before yesterdayThe Guardian

β€˜Culture embarrasses them’: how 14 years of Tory fiascos strangled arts in the UK

26 June 2024 at 07:46

They came to power promising β€˜a golden age for the arts’. Now, 12 disastrous culture secretaries later, they leave it in tatters. What a stunning missed opportunity to capitalise on an asset that was the envy of the world

The fishing industry contributes barely Β£1bn to the British economy. That is 0.03% of GDP. Put it another way: it is roughly equivalent in size to visual effects, a sub-category of a category of the creative industries.

Conservative ministers made repeated visits to the nation’s ports to extol the virtues of an almost moribund trade. By contrast, a sector that has been the fastest growing for two decades, that contributes more than Β£120bn, that in other countries would be seen as an essential component of the good society, was largely seen as an afterthought.

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Β© Photograph: Justin Tallis/AFP/Getty Images


Β© Photograph: Justin Tallis/AFP/Getty Images
