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Yesterday β€” 25 June 2024The Guardian

The Constituent review – timely Joe Penhall political drama makes the specific universal

25 June 2024 at 18:50

Anna Maxwell Martin excels as a good MP, while James Corden’s ex-soldier shows he can be dark as well as funny

A drama featuring a face-off between an MP and a constituent outraged by the failings of the system might be considered provident timing a week before election night.

But Joe Penhall’s drama is a very different animal from the quintessential political play, with no cynicism, spin or party politics, none of the brash polemics of David Hare nor the wide-ranging scope of James Graham.

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Β© Photograph: Manuel Harlan


Β© Photograph: Manuel Harlan

From a plea deal to a 2am prison call: how Julian Assange finally gained freedom

A lawyer’s offer, a judgment that foretold years of legal wrangling, and diplomatic pressure all played a part in the release of the WikiLeaks founder

It was, as his friends described it, the β€œlast kick of the British establishment”. At 2am on Monday, Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, was woken in his small cell in the high-security Belmarsh prison, south-east London, and ordered to dress before being put in handcuffs.

It was the beginning of the end of Assange’s incarceration in Britain but it was going to be on his jailers’ terms.

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Β© Photograph: Daniel Leal/AFP/Getty Images


Β© Photograph: Daniel Leal/AFP/Getty Images

Diaries of actor who inspired character of Withnail to be auctioned in London

25 June 2024 at 10:59

Vivian MacKerrell – who really did drink lighter fluid – shared a house with Withnail and I director Bruce Robinson

β€œI must have some booze!” So goes the famous line exclaimed by Richard E Grant in his turn as the title character in the cult classic Withnail and I.

And judging by recently unearthed diaries kept by one of the struggling actors the film was based on, it’s clear to see how that kind of dialogue came so easy.

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Β© Photograph: Sotheby's


Β© Photograph: Sotheby's

β€˜People feel very betrayed’: the British Palestinian out to unseat Labour’s Wes Streeting in Ilford

Leanne Mohamad gave up her Labour membership last year and believes she is in a two-horse race in east London seat

In late October, Leanne Mohamad relinquished her membership of the Labour party, dismayed after Keir Starmer said Israel had the right to withhold water and power from Palestinians trapped in Gaza. β€œWhen Keir Starmer said what he did on LBC, I was like, I’m done with politics, I’m done with this whole system,” she said.

She was not the only one. Although Starmer later sought to clarify his stance, the interview sparked criticism and prompted resignations among Labour councillors, which was seen as a sign that the party’s position on Gaza could prove costly at the ballot box.

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Β© Photograph: Alicia Canter/The Guardian


Β© Photograph: Alicia Canter/The Guardian
