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Yesterday β€” 7 July 2024The Guardian

Biden, Putin, Xi, Modi: what is it that keeps old ideas, as well as old people, in power? | Kenan Malik

7 July 2024 at 03:00

We live in societies that celebrate youth and youth culture, yet are governed by our elders

β€˜States when they are in difficulties or in fear yearn for the rule of the elder men,” wrote Plutarch, the first-century Greek historian and philosopher, as he pondered β€œwhether an old man should engage in politics”. Only the old, he believed, possessed the wisdom granted by age, and the composure that came with experience. β€œThe state which always discards the old men,” he argued, β€œmust necessarily be filled up with young men who are thirsty for reputation and power, but do not possess a statesmanlike mind.”

What might Plutarch have made of Joe Biden’s abject performance in last month’s debate with Donald Trump and of his insistence on remaining the Democratic candidate in the presidential election in November? Plutarch recognised that old men could be enfeebled, but β€œthe evil caused by their physical weakness”, he insisted, β€œis not so great as the advantage they possess in their caution and prudence”.

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Β© Photograph: Ross D Franklin/AP


Β© Photograph: Ross D Franklin/AP
