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Cleaning up cow burps to combat global warming

20 June 2024 at 12:20
Cleaning up cow burps to combat global warming

Enlarge (credit: Tony C. French/Getty)

In the urgent quest for a more sustainable global food system, livestock are a mixed blessing. On the one hand, by converting fibrous plants that people can’t eat into protein-rich meat and milk, grazing animals like cows and sheep are an important source of human food. And for many of the world’s poorest, raising a cow or twoβ€”or a few sheep or goatsβ€”can be a key source of wealth.

But those benefits come with an immense environmental cost. A study in 2013 showed that globally, livestock account for about 14.5 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, more than all the world’s cars and trucks combined. And about 40 percent of livestock’s global warming potential comes in the form of methane, a potent greenhouse gas formed as they digest their fibrous diet.

That dilemma is driving an intense research effort to reduce methane emissions from grazers. Existing approaches, including improved animal husbandry practices and recently developed feed additives, can help, but not at the scale needed to make a significant global impact. So scientists are investigating other potential solutions, such as breeding low-methane livestock and tinkering with the microbes that produce the methane in grazing animals’ stomachs. While much more research is needed before those approaches come to fruition, they could be relatively easy to implement widely and could eventually have a considerable impact.

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These Teens Adopted an Orphaned Oil Well. Their Goal: Shut It Down.

24 May 2024 at 05:02
Students, nonprofit groups and others are fund-raising to cap highly polluting oil and gas wells abandoned by industry.

Β© Cornell Watson for The New York Times

From left: Lila Gisondi, Mateo De La Rocha and Sebastian Ng, high school seniors in Cary, N.C., who adopted an oil well in Ohio that was leaking gas.

10 Big Biden Environmental Rules, and What They Mean

9 May 2024 at 05:06
Asbestos, β€œforever” chemicals, E.V.s and endangered species. Here’s what 10 new rules cover, and why the administration has been churning them out.

Β© Tom Brenner for The New York Times

President Biden giving an Earth Day speech inside Prince William Forest Park in Virginia, last month.