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OpenAI’s ChatGPT ‘Voice Mode’ Doesn’t Meet Safety Standards; Rollout Pushed to July

Voice Mode, OpenAI Voice Mode

Experts are raising eyebrows after OpenAI announced a one-month delay in the rollout of its highly anticipated “Voice Mode” feature for ChatGPT, citing safety concerns. The company said it needs more time to ensure the model can “detect and refuse certain content.”
“We’re improving the model’s ability to detect and refuse certain content. We’re also working on enhancing the user experience and scaling our infrastructure to support millions of users while maintaining real-time responses.” - OpenAI
The stalling of the rollout comes a month after OpenAI announced a new safety and security committee that would oversee issues related to the company’s future projects and operations. It is unclear if this postponement was suggested by the committee or by internal stakeholders.

Features of ChatGPT’s ‘Voice Mode’

OpenAI unveiled its GPT-4o system in May, boasting significant advancements in human-computer interaction. “GPT-4o (‘o’ for ‘omni’) is a step towards much more natural human-computer interaction,” OpenAI said at the time. The omni model can respond to audio inputs at an average of 320 milliseconds, which is similar to the response time of humans. Other salient features of the “Voice Mode” promise real-time conversations with human-like emotional responses, but this also raises concerns about potential manipulation and the spread of misinformation. The May announcement gave a snippet at the model’s ability to understand nuances like tone, non-verbal cues and background noise, further blurring the lines between human and machine interaction. While OpenAI plans an alpha release for a limited group of paid subscribers in July, the broader rollout remains uncertain. The company emphasizes its commitment to a “high safety and reliability” standard but the exact timeline for wider access hinges on user feedback.

The ‘Sky’ of Controversy Surrounding ‘Voice Mode’

The rollout delay of “voice mode” feature of ChatGPT follows the controversy sparked by actress Scarlett Johansson, who accused OpenAI of using her voice without permission in demonstrations of the technology. OpenAI refuted the claim stating the controversial voice of “Sky” - one of the five voice modulation that the Voice Mode offers for responses – belonged to a voice artist and not Johansson. The company said an internal team reviewed the voices it received from over 400 artists, from a product and research perspective, and after careful consideration zeroed on five of them, namely Breeze, Cove, Ember, Juniper and Sky. OpenAI, however, did confirm that its top boss Sam Altman reached out to Johannson to integrate her voice.
“On September 11, 2023, Sam spoke with Ms. Johansson and her team to discuss her potential involvement as a sixth voice actor for ChatGPT, along with the other five voices, including Sky. She politely declined the opportunity one week later through her agent.” - OpenAI
Altman took a last chance of onboarding the Hollywood star this May, when he again contacted her team to inform the launch of GPT-4o and asked if she might reconsider joining as a future additional voice in ChatGPT. But instead, with the demo version of Sky airing through, Johannson threatened to sue the company for “stealing” her voice. Owing to the pressure from her lawyers, OpenAI removed the Sky voice sample since May 19.
“The voice of Sky is not Scarlett Johansson's, and it was never intended to resemble hers. We cast the voice actor behind Sky’s voice before any outreach to Ms. Johansson. Out of respect for Ms. Johansson, we have paused using Sky’s voice in our products. We are sorry to Ms. Johansson that we didn’t communicate better.” – Sam Altman
Although the issue seems to have resolved for the time being, this duel between Johannson and Altman brought to the fore the ethical considerations surrounding deepfakes and synthetic media.

Likely Delays in Apple AI and OpenAI Partnership Too

If the technical issues and the Sky voice mode controversy weren’t enough, adding another layer of complication to OpenAI’s woes is Apple’s recent brush with EU regulators that now casts a shadow over the future of ChatGPT integration into Apple devices. Announced earlier this month, the partnership aimed to leverage OpenAI's technology in Cupertino tech giant’s “Apple Intelligence” system. However, with Apple facing potential regulatory roadblocks under the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), the integration’s fate remains unclear. This confluence of factors – safety concerns, potential for misuse, and regulatory hurdles – paints a complex picture for OpenAI's “Voice Mode.” The cybersecurity and regulatory industry will undoubtedly be watching closely as the technology evolves, with a keen eye on potential security vulnerabilities and the implications for responsible AI development.

Switzerland Walks Tightrope as Cyberattacks, Disinformation Threaten Peace Summit


Switzerland has seen a notable increase in cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns as it prepares to host a crucial summit aimed at creating a pathway for peace in Ukraine. On Monday, the government reported these developments in a press conference, highlighting the challenges of convening a high-stakes international dialogue amidst rising digital threats. The summit, Summit on Peace in Ukraine is scheduled at a resort near Lucerne from June 15-16, and will gather representatives from 90 states and organizations. About half of the participants come from South America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Notably, absent from the attendee list is Russia which was not invited due to its lack of interest in participating. However, the Swiss government emphasized that the summit’s goal is to "jointly define a roadmap" to eventually include both Russia and Ukraine in a future peace process. Swiss President Viola Amherd addressed the media, acknowledging the uptick in cyberattacks and disinformation efforts leading up to the event. These cyberattacks have targeted various facets of the summit, including personal attacks on President Amherd herself, particularly in Russian media outlets publicized within Switzerland. "We haven't summoned the ambassador," Amherd stated in response to these attacks. "That's how I wanted it because the disinformation campaign is so extreme that one can see that little of it reflects reality."

Switzerland Disruption Efforts and Cybersecurity

Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis also spoke at the press conference, noting a clear "interest" in disrupting the talks. However, he refrained from directly accusing any particular entity, including Russia, when questioned about the source of the cyberattacks. This restraint highlights the delicate diplomatic balancing act Switzerland is attempting as host. Switzerland agreed to host the summit at the behest of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and has been actively seeking support from countries with more neutral or favorable relations with Moscow compared to leading Western powers. This strategic outreach aims to broaden the coalition backing the peace efforts and mitigate the polarized dynamics that have characterized the conflict thus far.

Agenda and Key Issues

The summit will address several critical areas of international concern, including nuclear and food security, freedom of navigation, and humanitarian issues such as prisoner of war exchanges. These topics are integral to the broader context of the Ukraine conflict and resonate with the international community's strategic and humanitarian interests. Turkey and India are confirmed participants, though their representation level remains unspecified. There is still uncertainty regarding the participation of Brazil and South Africa. Switzerland noted that roughly half of the participating countries would be represented by heads of state or government, highlighting the summit's high profile and potential impact. The summit aims to conclude with a final declaration, which ideally would receive unanimous backing. This declaration is expected to outline the next steps in the peace process. When asked about potential successors to Switzerland in leading the next phase, Foreign Minister Cassis indicated ongoing efforts to engage regions beyond the Western sphere, particularly the Global South and Arabian countries. Such inclusion could foster a more comprehensive and globally supported peace initiative.

To Wrap Up

The summit represents a significant diplomatic effort to address the Ukraine conflict. However, the surge in cyberattacks on Switzerland and disinformation campaigns, highlights the complexities of such high-stakes international dialogue. In March 2024, Switzerland’s district court in the German-speaking district of March, home to around 45,000 residents, fell victim to a cyberattack. While details are scarce, the court’s website suggests it could potentially be a ransomware attack. As Switzerland navigates these challenges, the outcomes of this summit could set important precedents for future peace efforts and international cooperation.