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Yesterday β€” 28 June 2024Main stream

Owning Manhattan review – please stop putting real-estate agents on TV!

28 June 2024 at 09:57

The backbiting egotists behind these multimillion dollar sales ooze confidence – which is as horrible as it sounds. The wildly expensive (and tasteless) properties aren’t much nicer

At first, I thought I had run out of hatred. An unsettling sensation. Fortunately, order was soon restored. It turns out that the opening episode of Owning Manhattan – the latest product in Netflix’s attempt to saturate the market for real-estate shows – is an uncharacteristically gentle lead-in to what becomes a characteristic maelstrom of backbiting, warring egos, frightening fashion choices, daily Oscar-ceremony levels of grooming and gobsmacking commissions up for grabs.

After the most recent iteration – the essentially dismal Buying London, set in essentially dismal London and unable to field the level of monstrosity required in property and human terms that the Americans manage so effortlessly – this is at least a return to suitably excessive form. Fans of Selling Sunset who are not yet sated should find something toΒ help them here.

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Β© Photograph: Netflix


Β© Photograph: Netflix

Digested week: A sadly corrupted deer and the coming cyborg apocalypse

28 June 2024 at 08:46

We start with evidence of humanity’s unfathomable stupidity, before moving to Exhibit B: Glastonbury

A Highlands red deer known as Callum the Stag has had to be put down. His teeth had rotted, leaving him unable to forage for his natural diet, and his overall health had deteriorated largely, it is posited – though the National Trust for Scotland did not make the connection directly – because tourists kept feeding him their snacks whenever he approached them as they took his picture.

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Β© Photograph: Murdo MacLeod/The Guardian


Β© Photograph: Murdo MacLeod/The Guardian

Before yesterdayMain stream

Douglas Is Cancelled review – you might hate this show for daring to exist

27 June 2024 at 17:00

Steven Moffat’s drama about one half of a TV news couple being accused of sexism takes no prisoners. It's fast, fun – and furious about every liberal taboo

It is clear within a few minutes of Steven Moffat’s latest venture, Douglas Is Cancelled, that he has set out if not to slaughter every liberal/leftist/wokeist cow (delete according to personal definition – one of the main themes of this drama is that we can no longer depend on words or meaning), then lacerate them.

Douglas, played by Hugh Bonneville, is the older male half of the nation’s favourite TV news couple. His co-presenter on the sofa is Madeline (Karen Gillan), a 30-something hottie there to keep the dads watching. Thus it was, is and apparently evermore shall be.

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Β© Photograph: Sally Mais/ITV


Β© Photograph: Sally Mais/ITV

My Lady Jane review – you know what Tudor dramas are missing? Magic animals

27 June 2024 at 04:00

This joyously bananas look at the nine-day queen features shapeshifting servants transforming into owls. It’s a wild, fun bit of escapism – perfect summer viewing

I would love to have been in the room when My Lady Jane was pitched – either in its original book form or as an adaptation to the commissioners at Prime Video.

β€œIt’s the story of Lady Jane Grey.”

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Β© Photograph: Jonathan Prime/Prime Video


Β© Photograph: Jonathan Prime/Prime Video
