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Today โ€” 3 July 2024Main stream

Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the leaks & drips of an overactive bladder

2 July 2024 at 19:06
A video lecture: "To pee or not to pee." The problem is clinicians don't ask about urinary incontinence. It's under recognized, under diagnosed, under treated, under discussed, understudied despite the fact it affects close to half of older women and about a third of older men. FAQ for an overactive bladder.

More from the Geripal podcast transcript:
I've seen many cases where patients come in and they're basically homebound, and then you see that, you know, they shouldn't be homebound. Their mobility isn't that bad. And then you realize the reason they're homebound is because, you know, they have urgency or urge incontinence, literally every hour, every half hour...
Dr. Jen Gunter on menopause and incontinence and how best to clean your vulva if you have incontinence. More on urology.
Before yesterdayMain stream

blur the boundary between fashion, sculpture and performance

30 June 2024 at 17:38
Fiber artist and dancer Nick Cave is best-known for his elaborate head-to-toe Soundsuits, the first of which originated as a metaphorical suit of armor in response to Rodney King beating. He also has celebrated Black queer culture through "The Let Go" installation. Forothermore is a short documentary about his work. Previously on Mefi.

He named them for the rustling he heard as he moved around in them. I never think anything is finished. But I do know when a piece has life, when it has a pulse, when it's breathing...Then I can walk away because I know it can sustain itself in the world. (via) Title of post from here.

It's fruity, it's woody, it's David the Gnome & his wife at a rave

26 June 2024 at 13:49
Sarah Brown on scented candles and perfume descriptions. One of the all-time greats [of fever dream copy] was Byredo announcing their Palermo perfume back in 2010 with this: "With clacking oars the Phoenicians arrived millennia ago to found their center of ancient exchange. Under golden Roman yoke the port gained gleaming palaces and mosaics. Ostrogoths, Vandals, and Byzantines alternately wrecked and rebuilt." Take Jessica DeFino's quiz on whether you can distinguish actual perfumes from fake: "Picture a Barbie melting in a hot car: vanilla, candy floss, white summer florals, hedione, cashmeran, ambroxan, musk, strawberry, ginger. The artificial epitome of sex."

looking at one thing at a time

17 June 2024 at 19:13
The just-before or the just-after tell a story; whether of becoming, or of letting go. For over 12 years, Mary Jo Hoffman has been taking a daily image of a gathered natural object (usually plants, sometimes dead birds and in one case, a live toad). Click on "details" at the bottom right of each object for, well, details. Hoffman on technique: "I spend a lot of time waiting for the sun to go behind a cloud so I can get softer lighting."