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Today โ€” 29 June 2024Main stream

From potholes to HS2, transport gets voters going โ€“ but some solutions are unsayable

As Labour and Tories promise rail reform and court motorists, many experts think road pricing is inevitable

Better railways, safer roads, cleaner fuels: in another decade, they would be the kind of transport issues commanding a pragmatic consensus in British politics.

But this election lands with transport wildly politicised, with clean air, speed limits and high-speed rail all dragged into the wider culture wars.

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ยฉ Photograph: Transport Picture Library/paul ridsdale/Alamy


ยฉ Photograph: Transport Picture Library/paul ridsdale/Alamy

Before yesterdayMain stream

Collision between train and bus in Slovakia causes multiple deaths

At least six dead in crash at railway crossing near Novรฉ Zรกmky, which involved Prague to Budapest service

At least six people have been killed and five others injured after a passenger train and bus collided at a railway crossing in southern Slovakia, rescuers have said.

The crash occurred just after 5pm (3pm GMT) near the south-western town of Novรฉ Zรกmky, the CTK news agency reported. The railway spokesperson, Vladimira Bahylova, told AFP the Eurocity train had been heading from Prague to Budapest.

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ยฉ Photograph: Robert Novak/Reuters


ยฉ Photograph: Robert Novak/Reuters
