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Today — 8 July 2024Main stream

This App Will Create Unique Daily Walking Loops for You

8 July 2024 at 08:00

It doesn't matter whether you're visiting a new city or at home—sometimes you just want to take a walk, but you don't know where to go. A new, free iPhone app called Strolly is the perfect solution. Open the app and it will create three walking routes, usually a loop, near your current location: one short, one long, and one in between. You can flip between the routes and choose the one you like.

That's it—there are no turn-by-turn directions, and you only get three suggestions every day. The app aims to include local points of interest and to not go over the same road twice. The loops are created entirely on the device, meaning there's no data about your current location being sent to a server somewhere.

There are also no ads, aside from a small button in the settings you can use to send a the developers a tip if you like. There may be advanced paid features later, according to their announcement post, but for now it's one of those simple apps built for a specific person by only a couple of people (Natalia Panferova and Matthaus Woolard).

How Strolly works

A map showing a random part of Portland I scrolled to. The text"removing dead ends" shows up in a bubble.
Credit: Justin Pot

Once you do, you will see a few different options. I tried the app out in a few different locations, and typically it would serve me up one walk around 15 minutes, one walk around 30 minutes, and another around an hour, with some variation. If you know you're not likely to want to take very long walks, you can adjust your settings so you will be given any combination of long, medium, and short walks.

The bottom of the apps, which includes three "cards" representing three different walks I could take.
Credit: Justin Pot

You can switch between the different randomly generated walks by flipping through the cards in the bottom-left corner. You can also tap and hold the cards to either pin a walk—saving it for later—or to wipe out the current walks and generate more. There's also a feature that allows you to mark areas that aren't actually great for walking, which will train the application not to include such areas going forward, though again, the information itself remains local to your device and is not uploaded to a server.

Overall, Strolly is a very simple app, but that's the point. Give it a shot next time you want to take a walk and don't know exactly where to go.

Before yesterdayMain stream

Why You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Your Screen Time

3 July 2024 at 18:00

I write for a living, which means I reflexively spend a good chunk of my day trying to avoid writing. Computers are perfect for this: I have quick access to every distraction you can possibly dream of, all on the device I should in theory be using to write.

Perhaps the best part of this whole arrangement is how easy it is to feel guilty about all of the writing I'm not doing. The best tool for this is the screen time feature offered on Apple and Android devices, which allow you to review how much time you've spent using each app on your device. These are perfect applications for feeling guilty in a way that doesn't really inspire any kind of self reflection or change: they just make me feel bad.

And you know what? I think me feeling guilty, and not doing anything about it, is on some level the reason these apps are built into phone operating systems. Such features subtly push the blame away from the intentionally addictive and habit forming applications I use and toward me.

To make this argument, I'm going to talk about littering. Please don't leave.

Pay no attention to the multinationals behind the curtain

Littering is obviously bad—I'm not going to pretend that it isn't. But a lot of the anti-littering messaging you've seen is funded by the companies that produce the wasteful packaging that ends up on the ground. Put simply: there wouldn't be as much litter if regulations forced companies not to over-package everything, but that would cut into profits. Anti-littering campaigns were a specific corporate tactic to prevent regulation. Here's Bradford Plumer, writing for Mother Jones:

In 1953, the packaging industry—led by American Can Company and Owens-Illinois Glass Company, inventors of the one-way can and bottle, respectively—joined up with other industry leaders, including Coca-Cola and the Dixie Cup Company to form Keep America Beautiful (KAB), which still exists today. KAB was well-funded and started a massive media campaign to rail against bad environmental habits on the part of individuals rather than businesses.

This isn't a conspiracy theory—everyone involved was fairly transparent about their motivations, as Plumer's reporting makes plain. I am not saying that all the people who work for Keep America Beautiful are cynical—I'm sure some sincerely want to reduce litter, and reducing litter is good. But what I am saying is that there is value, for companies, in shifting the blame for litter away from wasteful packaging practices and toward individuals, and that value is the main reasons such large companies are diverting money to such a tactic.

I think the screen time feature on your phone is similar. I am certain that there are people inside both Apple and Google who are sincerely concerned about users' phone habits, and that screen time features exist in part out of those sincere concerns. At the same time, though, this feature plays a trick similar to the anti-littering campaign: to subtly switch the blame for how much time we all spend on our phones away from the tech industry and toward the individual.

It's not about the time, it's about what you do with it

Companies like Google, TikTok, and Facebook employ some of the smartest people on the planet and incentivize them to build software that gets users to spend as much time as possible using their products. Using self control to limit your screen time in that context isn't bringing a knife to a gun fight—it's bringing a water pistol to a thermonuclear war. Tech companies know this—believe me, they obsess over user data more than you could possibly imagine, and they know that screen time as a tool can, at best, help you aim that water pistol a little better.

Put simply: if knowing how much time you looked at your screen really helped you waste less time on your devices, the feature wouldn't exist. I think that there needs to be more regulations around the kinds of tactics applications use to pull us into scrolling trances, though I don't think that's likely to happen anytime soon.

I recently read an article on that outlined this all well, in much fewer words than I've used here:

Here’s the truth: Screen time doesn’t matter. It’s not about how much you use your phone. It’s about whether your phone is a needy, attention-sucking vampire. If that’s the case, the only healthy screen time is no screen time. Zero. That’s why the main metric tracked by screen time apps is deceptive: 10 minutes of shooting crack cocaine intravenously are still 10 minutes of shooting crack cocaine intravenously.

I am not going to sit here and tell you which applications are good and which applications are bad—only you can figure that out for yourself. And I'm not going to try to tell you how you should use your device—again, that's on you.

What I am going to do is tell you that there's value to thinking critically about how you're using your technology. Devices are, in theory, a tool. When you use them it should be toward accomplishing a specific goal. That might be writing, an art project, or coding. It also might be relaxing. It is valuable, no matter what your goal is, to be intentional about it. Your attention is valuable—what you do with it literally shapes the person you become.

My advice is to think less about how much time you're spending on your devices and to think more about what you're doing during that time. Two hours spent scrolling through Reddit posts is different than two hours spent reading an ebook. I can go even further: two hours spent scrolling r/all on Reddit is different than two hours spent reading Reddit reviews of a tool you're thinking of buying. The important thing isn't how much time your spend on the device—it's about noticing, at any given moment, whether the time you're currently spending is being spent well.

Believe me: this is going to be an annoying habit to build, and in many ways the task is impossible. But your relationship with technology, like any other relationship, is complicated, and you need to work on it regularly if you want it to be healthy. Keep that in mind, and consider turning off screen time notifications altogether.

This App Alerts You As Soon As Your Mac Loses Internet

2 July 2024 at 17:30

Anyone who regularly uses the public wifi at an airport, hotel, or cafe knows that being connected to a network and having internet access are not the same thing. Unfortunately, your Mac isn't great about telling you whether you're actually online or not, which can lead to some frustrating troubleshooting.

A free application Online Check solves this problem. It is a menu bar icon that turns red when you're offline. You can also ask it to send you notifications when your online status status changes. It's a simple program, but life saving if you're somewhere with an unstable connection. You can install Online Check from the Mac App Store or the developer's website.

The same screenshot as aboveonly this time the system is offline.
Credit: Justin Pot

How Online Check works

I used to work in IT, which meant spending a lot of time troubleshooting network connection issues. Usually the quickest way to test whether the internet connection is working on a Mac is to open the Terminal and type "ping," which will launch an attempt to connect to; this will let you know whether your internet connection actually works. Online Check is just a menu bar app that does this for you on a regular basis.

Online Check's menu bar icon gives you quick access to the Mac's wifi settings, which is helpful while troubleshooting, and you can click a button to see a log of when your computer connected to and disconnected from the internet.

There's not a lot on offer in the way of settings. You can decide whether or not the application launches at login, and opt to only show the menu bar icon when your computer is offline (handy if you're trying to free up space on your menu bar). Basically, you can install the application and not think about it until you need it, which is honestly how most tools should work.

'Hush' Blocks Cookie and Newsletter Popups on Safari

26 June 2024 at 20:30

Tired of popups constantly asking you to enable cookies or pop-ups asking you to sign up for a newsletter? A free and open source extension for Safari called Hush means you'll never see them, along with nags for things like enabling notifications. It's the kind of thing you install and then forget about until you use someone else's computer or phone, then wonder how anyone lives without it.

Hush isn't an ad blocker, though it does use the same Safari features utilized by ad blockers. Joel Arvidsson, who created and maintains the tool, states that it has "absolutely no access to your browser habits or passwords" and that it doesn't track behavior.

After installing Hush, you will need to ensure that the extension is enabled in Safari. On a Mac, you can do this by opening Safari, opening Safari's settings, and heading to the Extensions tab. Make sure that "Hush" is checked. On an iPhone or iPad you'll need to open the Settings application, scroll and open Safari, then scroll to an open Extensions. Ensure that Hush is set to on.

The mobile screenshots. The left is the app itself, which doesn't do anything but tell you how to enable the Safari extension. The middle screenshot shows the Safari settings. The right screenshot shows the extension settings, where you can enable the extension.
Credit: Justin Pot

After that, you're done—Hush will run in the background and block various annoyances. The entire application is half a megabyte, meaning it won't have a significant impact on your system performance.

What it does have an impact on is your browsing. All of us are sick of prompts for enabling cookies and will be glad to simply not see them. Now, this doesn't mean that you're blocking all cookies—that would break a lot of websites. Legally, according to the European Union regulation known as GDPR, websites have to ask permission for any "non-essential" cookies. Not every website complies with that law, though, in part because it only applies in Europe and in part because some people disobey the law. Hush simply stops you from every seeing the cookie pop-up, which means you can browse the web without that particular interruption. It also means that you never give consent to non-essential cookies, which probably on balance is good for your privacy even if it doesn't force anything.

'DockDoor' Lets You Preview Windows on the Mac Dock

26 June 2024 at 18:30

Windows lets you preview a window by hovering your mouse over the icon in the taskbar. The Mac can't do that, unless you install DockDoor. This free and open-source application adds previews to the dock and also gives you a proper Ctrl-Tab keyboard shortcut for switching windows.

DockDoor is simple to install: just download it, drag it to the applications folder, and launch it. You will need to provide both accessibility and screen recording permission to the application in order for it to function. After that, the application will run in the background—you can configure it by clicking the menu bar icon.

Hover over any dock icon and you will see a real-time preview of what's happening in that application. If there are two windows open in that app you will see both windows, and you can click on it to open it. These are all features Windows has had for over a decade that haven't yet made their way to macOS.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Tab to cycle through all windows open on the current space. This is a great way to jump to a particular window without having to hunt it down with the mouse.

Another screenshot, this time showing the ctrl-tab tool in action. It's a row of various window previews. t
Credit: Justin Pot

DockDoor isn't perfect. It can't preview hidden windows, or windows on another space, due to limitations in how macOS operates. If you're a single-space-full-of-windows kind of person, and you miss the window preview from Windows, DockDoor just might be perfect for you.

This App Is the Best Way to Lurk on Reddit

25 June 2024 at 17:30

It's been roughly a year since Reddit's API changes killed off all the good clients, and the company hasn't backed down yet. The problem: Reddit's mobile app and website can both be pretty annoying to use, thanks to a combination of bugs and intrusive engagement gimmicks.

Third party Reddit clients capable of posting and voting aren't coming back, but if you're more of a lurker, you should still check out RDX. This open source interface, available online or as an iOS app, lets you browse Reddit without having to actually open Reddit. This tool works around the recent API limitations by not actually using the API at all—it scrapes the actual JSON pages that constitute Reddit in order to present you with posts, comments, and media in a super clean format—a streamlined version of Reddit that loads instantly, even if you can't post (or interact with posts) while using it.

Another cute Reddit post, this time with a toddler and a cat sitting outside by a pond. There's a comment: "Cats don't just want to go outside. They want to go outside WITH YOU. They want to explore with you and play in the grass with you and nap in the sun with you. When I figured that out I started taking a blanket into the front yard and my cat and I would lay out there while I played with my laptop and he scratched at the trees."
Credit: Justin Pot

By default, the service serves up r/all, which is just the most popular posts on the site at the moment. You can browse any subreddit directly—from within the app or using the web version, just tap or click the word "rdx" by the arrow in the top bar of the site and type the name of the community you want to browse. You will see suggestions as you type—pick the community you want or hit "Enter" to open the top match.

The user is typing "hockey" in the search bar to open that community.
Credit: Justin Pot

There is also support for subscribing to subreddits, meaning you can customize the home page to show only posts from communities you care about. The application can even import your existing subscriptions from Reddit—the process takes about 30 seconds. Beyond that, you can choose custom color themes, fonts, and an infinite scroll mode. That's about it in terms of options, but the experience is still better than Reddit's first-party options.

But to reiterate, there's a big downside to RDX, at least for active Reddit users: You can't use the client to post, leave comments, or upvote/downvote. That won't change unless Reddit walks back the changes to its API. But if you're more of a lurker than a poster, RDX is near perfect—a lightweight, speedy alternative to the clutter of the standard Reddit user interface.

This App Lets You Set a Homepage for Safari on Your iPhone or iPad

21 June 2024 at 11:30

Safari, on mobile devices, does not offer a homepage. This isn't a big deal if you like the default new tab page, which shows links to your hand-picked "Favorites," tabs you have open on other devices, and a few more recommend pages. If you'd rather have your favorite search engine or landing page show up instead, though, you need an app called Homepage. This tool is completely free and does one thing: lets you set a homepage in Safari.

Open the application and you can type any URL for your homepage and hit "Save". Simple, right? You're not done: you need to enable the extension in Safari. Open System Settings and head to Safari > Extensions. Here you'll see that "Homepage" is turned off.

Screenshot of Safari extensions
Credit: Justin Pot

Tap Homepage and then make sure Allow Extension is turned on. Then tap Open New Tabs and make sure With "Homepage" is selected.

A screenshot of the extension settings for "Homepage"
Credit: Justin Pot

Now head to Safari and open a new tab. If everything was configured properly, you should see your chosen URL instead of the default "new tab" page. It's a simple thing, sure, but if you want your favorite webpage every time you open the browser, this is the best way to do it.

Habo Is a Simple (and Free) Habit Tracking App

20 June 2024 at 11:00

We've talked a lot about the "don't break the chain" method of building habits over the years, where you visually mark the completion of a habit every day to help you build it. The classic method is to put an "X" on a paper calendar every day. The longer your streak goes on, the more motivated you are to keep it going—as anyone with Snapchat streak with a friend knows.

Paper is fantastic for this, granted, but some people prefer digital tools. That's why I like Habo, an open-source habit tracking app for Android and iPhone that couldn't be simpler. There are no ads and no upselling—it's just a way to help build habits. Once you've downloaded and opened the app, add as many habits as you like. The idea is that you will check things off as you do them.

Three screenshots of the application in action. The first shows the various statuses you can apply to a habit, including failure to complete and skipping. The second shows the advanced habit setting, which allow you to specify a routine and reward. The third shows the settings for the application.
Credit: Justin Pot

There's an indicator on the top of each habit that lets you know how many days your streak has lasted. And you can configure the settings to do things no paper calendar can, like reminding you about your habit every day at a particular time. For example: You want to start doing 20 pushups before lunch every day. You can set the application to send you a notification right at 11:55. You can also add specific details about your routine and the reward you'll give yourself after completing it.

What I really appreciate about this app is its simplicity—and the fact that it's completely free. Too many productivity tools become needlessly complicated as they pursue monetization. Habo does what you need it to do and nothing else.

You Should Try Airdash to Share Files Across Platforms

20 June 2024 at 09:30

If you have some mix of Apple, Windows, and Android devices it can be a pain to quickly send a file from one to the other. Airdash is an open-source program that solves this problem—just install the app on all your devices and you can send files directly, meaning nothing of yours is ever stored on some server somewhere. Even better: Because there's no server, there are no file size limits, outside what can fit on the receiving device.

To get started, install the application on all of your devices. Next you'll need to pair your devices, which is quick: You'll just need to type four digit codes on both devices. You'll need to repeat this process between any two devices you want to share files between.

A pop-up window says "Pair New Device" and asks for the pairing code from the other device.
Credit: Justin Pot

Then, when it's time to transfer files simply choose the device you want to send the file to and select which file you want to send. Note that the application needs to be open on both devices (the desktop version can optionally run in the system tray, which makes this easier).

iPhone screenshot of AirDash, showing how it looks on that device.
AirDash on the iPhone Credit: Justin Pot

Hit send and the file will show up in the "Downloads" folder of the receiving device after the transfer is done.

Back on Windows we see the video file has been received
Credit: Justin Pot

Because there is no server involved, the speed of the transfer is going to depend entirely on the internet speed of the two devices. I tested this locally and found it close to instant; I tested it on devices on two different networks and found it a little slower. The main use case for this, in my mind, is quickly sending large files from one device to another, especially if you're trying to maximize your free file storage—though it could also be handy for the occasional small file.

You Should Try 'MediaMate' to Control Audio and Video on Your Mac

18 June 2024 at 18:30

I listen to a lot of music while working and love to quickly check what's currently playing, which is why I checked out MediaMate. It's an indie app for Mac that costs €7 (roughly $7.50) that shows the current track, either as an extension to the MacBook "notch" or as a semi-transparent pop-up. It can show up every time the track changes, every time you adjust the volume, or when you hover your mouse over the notch.

This is nice for quickly checking what's playing but also for figuring out which media application currently "owns" the media control keys. For example: sometimes I click play on a video online while I'm also listening to music. I'll hit "pause" with the intention of pausing the music only for the video to pause. This is annoying because I don't really understand what's going on, but with MediaMate I can at least see in real time which application I'm pausing and playing.

A simple overlay showing the currently playing track (2am by The Beths)
Credit: Justin Pot

MediaMate also replaces the bulky volume and brightness popups with slimmer ones. Granted, this is a minor cosmetic change, but it's one I appreciate. You can even combine this with the now-playing section in the notch, as seen at the top of this article. Another choice is to have a thin volume display at the bottom of the screen.

A slimmer volume indicator than what the Mac ships with.
Credit: Justin Pot

All of this can be customized a create deal in the settings—you can choose between four different styles for the volume and brightness overlays and configure quite a bit about how they all work. If you're the kind of person who loves tweaking things and isn't quite happy with how macOS handles the volume and brightness overlays, it's worth a download.
