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We Didn't Start the Fire (Bardcore | Medieval/Renaissance Style Cover)

18 July 2024 at 09:40
We Didn't Start the Fire (Bardcore | Medieval/Renaissance Style Cover).

Eleanor of Aquitaine, Charles the 6th Hath gone insane Reconquista Geoffrey Chaucer, Michelangelo Marco Polo, Magna Carta Christian Schism Siege of Acre, Byzantine iconoclasm Guillaume de Machaut Charlemagne, Alfred Anne Boleyn Without a head Few things Here to read But the Nibelungenlied Castile with Aragon Second pope in Avignon Novgorod, Chinggis Khan Beowulf, Decameron

It's swan-counting season in Britain

16 July 2024 at 23:41
Swan-uppers will put on a show on the Thames for five days. Here's what to know about the 800-year-old royal tradition. In this ceremonial event, the Thames' swan population โ€” all owned by the crown and two trade companies โ€” is examined and counted in a five-day affair along the river.

Swan-upping refers to a method of conservation of the mute swan population living on the Thames, in which the crown conducts a census of the birds in one section of the river and makes assessments of their health. It is undertaken by the crown, the Vintners' Livery Company and Dyers' Livery Company โ€” a trio that shares ownership of all swans in the nation. Young cygnets are ringed with identification tags if they belong to the Vintners and the Dyers, and all those left unmarked belong to the serving monarch.

An idea to save blue-tongues

15 July 2024 at 23:37
These pygmy blue-tongues are facing extinction. A controversial idea may save them and other species. A secret field in South Australia housing a group of lizards once thought extinct. Researchers hope their conservation efforts might provide a blueprint for other animals at risk of dying out due to climate change.

Survey of the ocean floor discovers submarine canyons

15 July 2024 at 00:28
First-of-its-kind survey of the ocean floor discovers submarine canyons full of unique marine life. Ever wondered what the ocean floor around Australia's coast looks like? A first-of-its-kind survey has uncovered new information about underwater canyons.

The $450 billion crime industry targeting Australia's wildlife

11 July 2024 at 11:45
Inside the battle to stop the $450 billion crime industry targeting Australia's wildlife. Australian wildlife is showing up around the world where it shouldn't. Now animal forensics, artificial intelligence and advanced science are combining to combat the trafficking of these creatures.