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Today β€” 21 July 2024Main stream

Aircraft industry high-flyers touch down at Farnborough airshow amid supply chain turbulence

21 July 2024 at 06:00

Fears about keeping up with demand have replaced post-pandemic concerns about a slump in the aviation sector

The residents of Farnborough, Hampshire, are constantly disturbed by flights to and from the UK’s busiest airport for private jets. But for one week in July every two years, the whine of commercial aircraft is replaced by the bone-juddering roar of fighter planes.

The occasion is the Farnborough international airshow, a gathering of top executives from airlines, aircraft makers and arms manufacturers hoping to sell their wares and pressΒ flesh.

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Β© Photograph: Alberto Pezzali/AP


Β© Photograph: Alberto Pezzali/AP
