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Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the leaks & drips of an overactive bladder

A video lecture: "To pee or not to pee." The problem is clinicians don't ask about urinary incontinence. It's under recognized, under diagnosed, under treated, under discussed, understudied despite the fact it affects close to half of older women and about a third of older men. FAQ for an overactive bladder.

More from the Geripal podcast transcript:
I've seen many cases where patients come in and they're basically homebound, and then you see that, you know, they shouldn't be homebound. Their mobility isn't that bad. And then you realize the reason they're homebound is because, you know, they have urgency or urge incontinence, literally every hour, every half hour...
Dr. Jen Gunter on menopause and incontinence and how best to clean your vulva if you have incontinence. More on urology.