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Supreme Court Declines to Rule on Social Media Laws in Florida and Texas

The justices unanimously returned two cases, which concerned state laws that supporters said were aimed at β€œSilicon Valley censorship,” to lower courts. Critics had said the laws violated the sites’ First Amendment rights.

Β© Kenny Holston/The New York Times

Federal appeals courts reached conflicting conclusions in 2022 about the constitutionality of laws in Florida and Texas meant to stop discrimination against conservative points of view on social media.

Final Arguments in Google Antitrust Trial Conclude, Setting Up Landmark Ruling

Judge Amit P. Mehta must now decide whether Google violated the law, potentially setting a precedent for a series of tech monopoly cases.

Β© Jason Henry for The New York Times

The Justice Department and state attorneys general say that Google has abused a monopoly over the search business, stifling competitors and limiting innovation, something the company denies.