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Eurostar passenger carries stranger’s postal ballot from Paris to London

Lawrence Cheung received his card too late to post home, so went to the Gare du Nord to find someone who might be travelling to the UK

If the swing constituency of the Cities of London and Westminster is won by a single vote, it may all be down to one man who was not even eligible to vote himself.

Moritz Hauschulz, a German citizen living in London, was about to board a Eurostar train at the Gare du Nord in Paris on Thursday morning when he was approached by stranger clutching an envelope.

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Β© Photograph: Guardian Community


Β© Photograph: Guardian Community

Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

Labour leader also says he cannot foresee circumstances where UK would re-enter single market or customs union

Keir Starmer has insisted the UK will not rejoin either the EU, the single market or the customs union within his lifetime, in his firmest pledge yet that Labour will not seek much closer relations with Europe for as long as he is prime minister.

The Labour leader told reporters on Wednesday he did not think Britain would go back into any of the three blocs while he was alive, all but ruling out rejoining even if he wins a second term in office.

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Β© Photograph: Murdo MacLeod/The Guardian


Β© Photograph: Murdo MacLeod/The Guardian
