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Samuel Pepys: diarist, administrator … budding fashionista

New analysis of 17th-century diarist’s French fashion engravings shows he was not only a shrewd political operator but had a keen eye for new trends

He may be best known for his juicy diary, administrative prowess and wandering eye – but new research has highlighted a different side of Samuel Pepys: that of a budding fashionista.

A historian from Cambridge University has conducted a fresh analysis of the diarist’s collection of French fashion engravings, arguing they not only show Pepys was keeping up with the scholarly and gentlemanly trend of collecting prints, but reflect a long-term interest in the latest styles of dress, and the link between clothes and social status.

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Β© Photograph: see data fields


Β© Photograph: see data fields

Vulnerable people with Covid struggling to access treatments in England, experts warn

Responsibility for prescriptions moving to 42 integrated care boards has led to patients having to work out how to get treatment, often when ill

Clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) people with Covid are struggling to get timely access to treatments such as antiviral drugs, charities, patients and doctors have warned amid a summer wave of the virus.

People with certain health conditions or who meet other specific criteria are eligible for medications that can help the body fight the virus that causes Covid. They include those 85 years or older or who have Down’s syndrome, an organ transplant, a weakened immune system, lung cancer or sickle cell disease.

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Β© Photograph: EYESITE/Alamy


Β© Photograph: EYESITE/Alamy

Genetic test could eradicate a type of inherited blindness in dogs

Research inspired by a rescue dog may allow breeders to avoid using canines with progressive retinal atrophy

A mountain rescue dog whose duties ended after her eyesight failed has helped scientists create a test that could eradicate the genetic eye condition in her breed for good.

Shola the English shepherd has an inherited eye disease called progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) that causes the light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye to deteriorate, eventually leading to blindness.

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Β© Photograph: John Coombs


Β© Photograph: John Coombs
