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More than $250M Seized in Global Online Scam Crackdown

Global Online Scam, Global Online Scam Crackdown, Interpol

A coordinated international police operation led by Interpol has resulted in the disruption of global online scam networks that carried out phishing, investment fraud, romance and impersonation scams and operated fake online shopping sites. The global operation, codenamed “First Light,” led to the seizure of assets amounting to $257 million and froze more than 6,700 bank accounts linked to the online scam syndicates. Under the banner of Operation First Light 2024, the police also arrested a total of 3,950 suspects and identified another 14,643 as likely members of the global online scam syndicates.
“By confiscating such large amounts of money, and disrupting the networks behind them, we not only safeguard our communities but also deal a significant blow to the transnational organized crime groups that pose such a serious threat to global security.” - Director of Interpol’s Financial Crime and Anti-Corruption Centre (IFCACC), Dr Isaac Kehinde Oginni

Global Online Scam Crackdown Impact

The impact of this police operation against global online scam is “more than just numbers – they represent lives protected, crimes prevented, and a healthier global economy worldwide,” Oginni said. Interpol’s Global Rapid Intervention of Payments (I-GRIP) mechanism traced and intercepted the illicit proceeds from online scams across borders in both, fiat currency cash ($135 million) and cryptocurrency ($2 million). An example of this interception was a business email compromise fraud that involved a Spanish citizen who unwittingly transferred $331,000 to Hong Kong, China, the Interpol said. In another case, the Australian authorities successfully recovered AU$ 5.5 million (approximately $3.7 million) for an impersonation scam victim, after the online scammers fraudulently transferred the funds to Malaysia and Hong Kong-based bank accounts. The global nature of online scams was underscored by the operation’s diverse participants. From rescuing 88 young people forced to work in a Namibian scam ring to preventing a tech support scam targeting a senior citizen in Singapore, Operation First Light 2024 showcased the importance of international cooperation. Operations of First Light have been coordinated since 2014 and are designed to fight social engineering and telecom fraud. The operation is funded by China’s Ministry of Public Security and coordinated by Interpol. [caption id="attachment_79238" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Global Online Scam, Global Online Scam Crackdown, Interpol Operation First Light conclusion meeting in Tianjin, China (Source: Interpol)[/caption] In 2022, First Light saw a coordinated effort between law enforcement of 76 countries that resulted in the seizure of $50 million worth of illicit funds that was defrauded from more than 24,000 victims. “The world is grappling with the severe challenges of social engineering fraud, and organized crime groups are operating from Southeast Asia to the Middle East and Africa, with victims on every continent,” Oginni said.
“No country is immune to this type of crime, and combating it requires very strong international cooperation.” - Dr Isaac Kehinde Oginni

Investment and Phishing Scams Top Threats to U.S.

According to FBI's Internet Crime report (IC3), Investment scams led to the highest reported losses in the United Stated last year. Totaling $4.57 billion, investment scams saw a 38% increase from 2022. Crypto-investment fraud also rose 53% to $3.94 billion. Scammers mainly targeted individuals aged 30-49 in these scam types. Phishing schemes, on the other hand, were the most reported crime in 2023, with over 298,000 complaints, comprising 34% of all complaints received. In the FBI San Francisco division, there were 364 complaints with nearly $1.5 million in losses. Santa Clara County had the most complaints, while Alameda County had the highest losses at $500,000.

ANY.RUN Malware Sandbox Provider’s Employee Email Compromised


ANY.RUN has disclosed a recent cybersecurity incident in which one of its employees fell victim to a sophisticated phishing attack, potentially compromising sensitive information. ANY.RUN is an online malware analysis environment that helps researchers study and simulate the creation of malware and threat processes in real time. While the full extent of the breach is still under investigation, ANY.RUN affirmed its commitment to transparency and stated that it would provide regular updates on the incident as they work to mitigate potential damage.

ANY.RUN Employee Email Compromise

[caption id="attachment_78600" align="alignnone" width="531"]ANY.RUN Phishing Source: (@anyrun_app)[/caption] According to a post on X from the company's official handle, the attack originated from a compromised customer account, which had been used to send a convincing phishing email to a staff member. This led to unauthorized access to the employee's email account. Subsequently, the attacker forwarded a phishing message to contacts within the compromised email address book. ANY.RUN stated that it had already notified data controllers of affected individuals and is working closely with them to address any concerns. They emphasized that the compromised employee did not have access to the production environment or any code base, which limits the potential scope of the breach.

ANY.RUN Response and Next Steps

Upon discovery of the incident, ANY.RUN took steps to minimize possible compromise and share details about the incident. An ongoing investigation is being done to determine the full impact of the breach and gather additional details. While the comprehensive report, the company has assured its customers that they are taking the matter seriously. In the coming days and weeks, ANY.RUN would work to: 1. Continue their investigation and analysis of the incident 2. Provide regular updates on their progress 3. Compile a detailed report of their findings The company acknowledges that many questions remain unanswered at this stage. However, they are committed to keeping all parties informed throughout the process. Customers appear to have viewed the effort at communication positively, highlighting it as an example of transparency around cybersecurity incident reporting and disclosure. The incident serves as a stark reminder that even companies working in the cybersecurity industry remain a potential target for attacks. Last year, Okta, a provider of identity and access management software, had suffered a security incident in which attackers had managed to access its support incident management through the use of stolen credentials. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

ONNX Store Phishing Kit Leverages QR Codes To Target Financial Sector

ONNX Store Phishing Kit

Researchers have discovered a new phishing campaign that relies on a phishing-as-a-service platform called ONNX Store, available for purchase over Telegram. ONNX Store appears to be a rebranded version of an already existing phishing kit called Caffeine. The kits share infrastructure and are advertised on the same Telegram channels. The phishing campaign targets financial institutions with QR codes embedded in PDF attachments. When victims scan these codes with their phones, they are redirected to fake login pages designed to collect login credentials and two-factor authentication keys.

ONNX Store Enables Theft of Credentials in Real Time

[caption id="attachment_77987" align="alignnone" width="1179"]ONNX Store Phishing Kit 2 Source:[/caption] ONNX Store offers a  variety of powerful phishing tools designed to support cybercriminals, including custom phishing pages, webmail servers, 2FA cookie stealers, and "fully undetectable" referral services that use trusted domains to direct victims to phishing landing pages. Researchers from EclecticIQ have noticed that threat actors using the ONNX Store phishing kit tend to distribute PDF files as attachments in phishing emails. Impersonating a reputable service, these documents contain a QR code that directs victims to malicious phishing landing pages. This tactic, known as "quishing," takes advantage of the lack of detection or prevention present on employee's personal mobile devices, which are usually left unprotected. The lack of protection on mobile devices also makes it challenging to monitor these threats. The phishing landing pages aim to steal sensitive credentials using the Adversary-in-The-Middle (AiTM) method, which allows for real-time capture and transmission of stolen data without the need for frequent HTTP requests. This makes the phishing operation more efficient and harder to detect. The ONNX Store Phishing Kit uses encrypted JavaScript code that decrypts itself upon page load and includes a basic anti-JavaScript debugger. This adds a layer of protection against phishing scanners and complicates detection. The decrypted JavaScript code then collects the victims' network metadata, including details such as browser name, IP address, and location. The decrypted JavaScript code is designed to steal 2FA tokens entered by the victims. This allows attackers to bypass typical 2FA protection and gain unauthorized access to the victim's account before it expires. Researchers identified similarities in domain registrant and SSL issuer across various infrastructures deployed by the ONNX Store phishing kit. These similarities indicated the use of bulletproof hosting services to host the campaign.

Researchers Believe ONNX Store is Rebranding of Caffeine Kit

Researchers have assessed that the ONNX Store phishing kit is likely a rebranding of the Caffeine phishing kit. This assessment is based on the significant overlaps in infrastructure and advertising on the same Telegram channels. This overlap includes the involvement of the Arabic-speaking threat actor MRxC0DER as the likely developer and maintainer behind the Caffeine kit. [caption id="attachment_77989" align="alignnone" width="1393"]ONNX Store Source:[/caption] The rebranding of the platform appears to be focused on improving operational security for malicious actors. The ONNX Store service enables threat actors to control operations through Telegram bots with an additional support channel to assist clients rather than a single web server. This shift in infrastructure and management makes it more challenging to take down the platform's phishing domains. To further increase its resilience, ONNX Store uses Cloudflare services to delay the removal process of its phishing domains. This abuse of Cloudflare's CAPTCHA feature and IP proxy helps attackers avoid detection through the use of phishing web crawlers and URL sandboxes. This practice also hides the original host and makes it more difficult to take down phishing domains. Advertised with slogans like "Anything is allowed" and "Ignore all reports of abuse", these services are designed to support a wide range of illegal activities without the risk of being blocked, creating a safe haven for cybercriminals. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Chinese Citizens Targeted in QR Code-Based Phishing Campaign

QR code-based phishing campaign

Researchers from Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) have discovered a QR code-based phishing campaign that uses malicious Word documents masquerading as official documents from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China. Users are tricked into providing bank card details and passwords under the guise of identity verification and authentication processes.

QR Code-Based Phishing Campaign

QR code phishing attacks have escalated significantly this year, with cybercriminals leveraging this technology to steal personal and financial information. Threat actors (TAs) are embedding QR codes in office documents and redirecting users to fraudulent websites designed to harvest sensitive data. In the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape, a new vector has emerged: QR code-based phishing campaign. Cybercriminals are increasingly embedding QR codes in malicious documents, which when scanned direct users to fraudulent websites. This tactic has seen a marked rise in 2024 following a trend that started during the COVID-19 pandemic, when QR codes became widely adopted for contactless transactions and information sharing. The Hoxhunt Challenge highlighted a 22% increase in QR code phishing during late 2023, and research by Abnormal Security indicates that 89.3% of these attacks aim to steal credentials. The growing familiarity with QR codes has created a false sense of security, making it easier for cybercriminals to exploit them. QR codes can mask destination URLs, preventing users from easily verifying the legitimacy of the site they are being redirected to.

Recent QR Code Campaigns and Techniques

Recently, Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs uncovered a sophisticated phishing campaign targeting individuals in China. This campaign saw the use of Microsoft Word documents embedded with QR codes, which are distributed via spam email attachments. The documents were designed to appear as official notices from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China, offering labor subsidies above 1000 RMB to lure victims. [caption id="attachment_77666" align="aligncenter" width="769"]QR code-based phishing campaign MS Word file containing QR code (Source: Cyble)[/caption] The documents are meticulously crafted to look authentic, complete with official logos and language that mimics government communications. Once the QR code in the document is scanned, it redirects the user to a phishing site designed to collect sensitive information. This particular campaign stands out due to its use of a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA), which generates a series of seemingly random domain names. DGA is a program that generates large numbers of new domain names. Cybercriminals and botnet operators generally use it to frequently change the domains used to launch malware attacks. This technique enables hackers to avoid malware-detection solutions that block specific domain names and static IP addresses. The latest campaign isn't an isolated incident. A similar phishing operation was documented in January 2023 by Fortinet, where cybercriminals impersonated another Chinese government agency. This resurgence in QR code phishing attacks indicates a persistent threat targeting Chinese citizens, with malicious actors continually refining their tactics to evade detection.

The QR Code Phishing Process

The phishing process begins with the user scanning the QR code from the malicious Word document. This action takes them to the phishing site, which initially displays a dialogue box promising a labor subsidy. The site is designed to appear official, complete with government logos and formal language to enhance credibility. The phishing site instructs the user to provide personal information, starting with their name and national ID. This step is presented as a necessary part of the application process for the subsidy. Once the user enters this information, they are directed to a second page that requests detailed bank card information, including the card number, phone number, and balance. This information is ostensibly required for identity verification and to process the subsidy. After collecting the bank card details, the phishing site asks the user to wait while their information is "verified." This waiting period is a tactic used to add a sense of legitimacy to the process. Following this, the site prompts the user to enter their bank card password, under the guise of further verification. This password is suspected to be the same as the payment password used for domestic credit card transactions. By obtaining this password along with the card details, the threat actors can perform unauthorized transactions, leading to significant financial losses for the victim.

Phishing Activity Technical IoCs

The phishing activity begins when the user scans the QR code embedded in the Word document. This action directs them to the link “hxxp://wj[.]zhvsp[.]com”. This initial URL then redirects to a subdomain, “tiozl[.]cn”, created using a DGA. The use of a DGA means the phishing URLs are constantly changing, making them harder to block preemptively. [caption id="attachment_77670" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]QR code-based phishing campaign Landing page of phishing site (Source: Cyble)[/caption] The domain “tiozl[.]cn” is hosted on the IP address “20.2.161[.]134”. This IP address is associated with multiple other domains, suggesting a large-scale phishing operation. The domains linked to this campaign are: - 2wxlrl.tiozl[.]cn - op18bw[.] - gzha31.tiozl[.]cn - i5xydb[.] - hzrz7c.zcyyl[.]com Further investigation revealed that the SHA-256 fingerprint of an SSH server host key associated with the IP address “20.2.161[.]134” is linked to 18 other IPs, all within the same Autonomous System Number (ASN), AS8075, and located in Hong Kong. These IPs host URLs with similar patterns, indicating a coordinated effort to deploy numerous phishing sites. The rise in QR code phishing attacks underscores the increasing sophistication and adaptability of cybercriminals. By exploiting the widespread use of QR codes - especially in a post-pandemic world - these attacks effectively lure users into divulging sensitive financial information. The recent campaign targeting Chinese citizens highlights the severity of this threat, as malicious actors use seemingly official documents to gather card details and passwords, leading to significant financial losses. This trend emphasizes the need for heightened vigilance and robust security measures to protect against such evolving threats.

Recommendations for Mitigation

To mitigate the risk of QR code phishing attacks, CRIL said it is crucial to follow these cybersecurity best practices: 1. Scan QR codes from trusted sources only: Avoid scanning codes from unsolicited emails, messages, or documents, especially those offering financial incentives or urgent actions. 2. Verify URLs before proceeding: After scanning a QR code, carefully check the URL for legitimacy, such as official domains and secure connections (https://). 3. Install reputable antivirus and anti-phishing software: These tools can detect and block malicious websites and downloads. 4. Stay informed about phishing techniques: Educate yourself and others about the risks associated with QR codes to prevent successful phishing attacks. 5. Use two-factor authentication (2FA): This adds an extra layer of security, making it harder for attackers to gain unauthorized access. 6. Keep software up to date: Ensure your operating systems, browsers, and applications are updated with the latest security patches to protect against known vulnerabilities. 7. Use secure QR code scanner apps: Consider apps that check URLs against a database of known malicious sites before opening them. 8. Monitor financial statements regularly: Review your bank and credit card statements for unauthorized transactions and report any suspicious activity immediately.

Threat Actors Use Obscure or Self-Made Link Shortener Services for Credential Harvesting

An illustration of a door with a shortened link on it leading to a red lit room.

Threat Actors Use Obscure or Self-Made Link Shortener Services for Credential Harvesting Earlier this month our expert takedown team responded to a bad actor that used link shortener services to obfuscate a link to a phishing page that impersonated one of our financial institution customers. The destination was a sign-in webpage presenting malicious content including […]

The post Threat Actors Use Obscure or Self-Made Link Shortener Services for Credential Harvesting first appeared on alluresecurity.

The post Threat Actors Use Obscure or Self-Made Link Shortener Services for Credential Harvesting appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Feeding the Phishes


Bypassing Phishing Link Filters

You could have a solid pretext that slips right by your target secure email gateway (SEG); however, if your link looks too sketchy (or, you know, “smells phishy”), your phish could go belly-up before it even gets a bite. That’s why I tend to think of link filters as their own separate control. Let’s talk briefly about how these link filters work and then explore some ways we might be able to bypass them.

What the Filter? (WTF)

Over the past few years, I’ve noticed a growing interest in detecting phishing based on the links themselves–or, at least, there are several very popular SEGs that place a very high weight on the presence of a link in an email. I’ve seen so much of this that I have made this type of detection one of my first troubleshooting steps when a SEG blocks me. I’ll simply remove all links from an email and check if the message content gets through.

In at least one case, I encountered a SEG that blocked ANY email that contained a link to ANY unrecognized domain, no matter what the wording or subject line said. In this case, I believe my client was curating a list of allowed domains and instructed the SEG to block everything else. It’s an extreme measure, but I think it is a very valid concern. Emails with links are inherently riskier than emails that do not contain links; therefore, most modern SEGs will increase the SPAM score of any message that contains a link and often will apply additional scrutiny to the links themselves.

How Link Filters Work — Finding the Links

If a SEG filters links in an email, it will first need to detect/parse each link in the content. To do this, almost any experienced software engineer will directly go to using Regular Expressions (“regex” for short):

Stand back! I know regular expressions

To which, any other experienced software engineer will be quick to remind us that while regex is extremely powerful, it is also easy to screw up:

99 problems (and regex is one)

As an example, here are just a few of the top regex filters I found for parsing links on stackoverflow:






Don’t worry if you don’t know what any of these mean. I consider myself to be well versed in regex and even I have no opinion on which of these options would be better than the others. However, there are a couple things I would like to note from these examples:

  1. There is no “right” answer; URLs can be very complex
  2. Most (but not all) are looking for strings that start with “http” or something similar

These are also some of the most popular (think “smart people”) answers to this problem of parsing links. I could also imagine that some software engineers would take a more naive approach of searching for all anchor (“<a>”) HTML tags or looking for “href=” to indicate the start of a link. No matter which solution the software engineer chooses, there are likely going to be at least some valid URLs that their parser doesn’t catch and might leave room for a categorical bypass. We might also be able to evade parsers if we can avoid the common indicators like “http” or break up our link into multiple sections.

Side Note: Did you see that some of these popular URL parsers account for FTP and some don’t? Did you know that most browsers can connect to FTP shares? Have you ever tried to deliver a phishing payload over an anonymous FTP link?

How Link Filters Work — Filtering the Links

Once a SEG has parsed out all the links in an email, how should it determine which ones look legitimate and which ones don’t? Most SEGs these days look at two major factors for each link:

  1. The reputation of the domain
  2. How the link “looks”

Checking the domain reputation is pretty straightforward; you just split the link to see what’s between the first two forward slashes (“//”) and the next forward slash (“/”) and look up the resulting domain or subdomain on Virustotal or similar. Many SEGs will share intelligence on known bad domains with other security products and vice versa. If your domain has been flagged as malicious, the SEG will either block the email or remove the link.

As far as checking how the link “looks”, most SEGs these days use artificial intelligence or machine learning (i.e., AI/ML) to categorize links as malicious or benign. These AI models have been trained on a large volume of known-bad links and can detect themes and patterns commonly used by SPAM authors. As phishers, I think it’s important for us to focus on the “known-bad” part of that statement.

I’ve seen one researcher’s talk who claimed their AI model was able to detect over 98% of malicious links from their training data. At first glance, this seems like a very impressive number; however, we need to keep in mind that in order to have a training set of malicious links in the first place, humans had to detect 100% of the training set as malicious. Therefore, the AI model was only 98% as good as a human at detecting phishing links solely on the “look” of the link. I would imagine that it would do much worse on a set of unknown-bad links, if there was a way to hypothetically attain such a set. To slip through the cracks, we should aim to put our links in that unknown-bad category.

Even though we are up against AI models, I like to remind myself that these models can only be trained on human-curated data and therefore can only theoretically approach the competence of a human, but not surpass humans at this task. If we can make our links look convincing enough for a human, the AI should not give us any trouble.

Bypassing Link Filters

Given what we now know about how link filters work, we should have two main tactics available to us for bypassing the filter:

  1. Format our link so that it slips through the link parsing phase
  2. Make our link “look” more legitimate

If the parser doesn’t register our link as a link, then it can’t apply any additional scrutiny to the location. If we can make our link location look like some legitimate link, then even if we can’t bypass the parser, we might get the green light anyway. Please note that these approaches are not mutually exclusive and you might have greater success mixing techniques.

Bypassing the Parser

Don’t use an anchor tag

One of the most basic parser bypasses I have found for some SEGs is to simply leave the link URL in plaintext by removing the hyperlink in Outlook. Normally, link URLs are placed in the “hypertext reference” (href) attribute of an HTML anchor tag (<a>). As I mentioned earlier, one naive but surprisingly common solution for parsing links is to use an HTML parsing library like BeautifulSoup in Python. For example:

soup = BeautifulSoup(email.content, 'html.parser')
links = soup.find_all("a") # Find all elements with the tag <a>
for link in links:
print("Link:", link.get("href"), "Text:", link.string)

Any SEG that uses this approach to parse links won’t see a URL outside of an anchor tag. While a URL that is not a clickable link might look a little odd to the end user, it’s generally worth the tradeoff when this bypass works. In many cases, mail clients will parse and display URLs as hyperlinks even if they are not in an anchor tag; therefore, there is usually little to no downside of using this technique.

Use a Base Tag (a.k.a BaseStriker Attack)

One interesting method of bypassing some link filters is to use a little-known HTML tag called “base”. This tag allows you to set the base domain for any links that use relative references (i.e., links with hrefs that start with “/something” instead of direct references like “”). In this case, the “” would be considered the “base” of the URL. By defining the base using the HTML base tag in the header of the HTML content, you can then use just relative references in the body of the message. While HTML headers frequently contain URLs for things like CSS or XML schemas, the header is usually not expected to contain anything malicious and may be overlooked by a link parser. This technique is known as the “BaseStriker” attack and has been known to work against some very popular SEGs:

The reason why this technique works is because you essentially break your link into two pieces: the domain is in the HTML headers, and the rest of the URL is in your anchor tags in the body. Because the hrefs for the anchor tags don’t start with “https://” they aren’t detected as links.

Scheming Little Bypasses

The first part of a URL, before the colon and forward slashes, is what’s known as the “scheme”:

URI = scheme ":" ["//" authority] path ["?" query] ["#" fragment]

As mentioned earlier, some of the more robust ways to detect URLs is by looking for anything that looks like a scheme (e.g. “http://”, or “https://”), followed by a sequence of characters that would be allowed in a URL. If we simply leave off the scheme, many link parsers will not be able to detect our URL, but it will still look like a URL to a human:

A human might easily be convinced to simply copy and paste this link into their browser for us. In addition, there are quite a few legitimate schemes that could open a program on our target user’s system and potentially slip through a URL parser that is only looking for web links:

There are at least a few that could be very useful as phishing links ;)

QR Phishing

What if there isn’t a link in the email at all? What if it’s an image instead? You can use a tool like SquarePhish to automate phishing with QR codes instead of traditional links:

GitHub - secureworks/squarephish

I haven’t played with this yet, but have heard good things from friends that have used similar techniques. If you want to play with automating this attack yourself, NodeJS has a simple library for generating QRs:


Bypassing the Filter

Don’t Mask

(Hold on. I need to get on my soapbox…) I can’t count how many times I’ve been blocked because of a masked link only to find that unmasking the link would get the same pretext through. I think this is because spammers have thoroughly abused this feature of anchor tags in the past and average email users seldom use masked links. Link filters tend to see masked links as far more dangerous than regular links; therefore, just use a regular link. It seems like everyone these days knows how to hover a link and check its real location anyway, so masked links are even bad at tricking humans now. Don’t be cliche. Don’t use masked links.

Use Categorized Domains

Many link filters block or remove links to domains that are either uncategorized, categorized as malicious, or were recently registered. Therefore, it’s generally a good idea to use domains that have been parked long enough to be categorized. We’ve already touched on this in “One Phish Two Phish, Red Teams Spew Phish”, so I’ll skip the process of getting a good domain; however, just know that the same rules apply here.

Use “Legitimate” Domains

If you don’t want to go through all the trouble of maintaining categorized domains for phishing links, there are some generally trustworthy domains you can leverage instead. One example I recently saw “in-the-wild” was a spammer using a link. They just hosted their phishing page on Google! I thought this was brilliant because I would expect most link filters to allow Google, and even most end users would think anything on must be legit. Some other similar examples would be hosting your phishing sites as static pages on GitHub, in an S3 bucket, other common content delivery networks (CDNs), or on SharePoint, etc. There are tons of seemingly “legitimate” sites that allow users to host pages of arbitrary HTML content.

Arbitrary Redirects

Along the same lines as hosting your phishing site on a trusted domain is using trusted domains to redirect to your phishing site. One classic example of this would be link shorteners like TinyURL. While TinyURL has been abused for SPAM to the point that I would expect most SEGs to block TinyURL links, it does demonstrate the usefulness of arbitrary redirects.

A more useful form of arbitrary redirect for bypassing link filters are URLs with either cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that allow us to specify a ‘window.location’ change or URLs that take an HTTP GET parameter specifying where the page should redirect to. As part of my reconnaissance phase, I like to spend at least a few minutes on the main website of my target to look for these types of vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities are surprisingly common and while an arbitrary redirect might be considered a low-risk finding on a web application penetration test report, they can be extremely useful when combined with phishing. Your links will point to a URL on your target organization’s main website. It is extremely unlikely that a link filter or even a human will see the danger. In some cases, you may find that your target organization has configured an explicit allow list in the SEG for links that point to their domains.

Link to an Attachment

Did you know that links in an email can also point to an email attachment? Instead of providing a URL in the href of your anchor tag, you can specify the content identifier (CID) of the attachment (e.g. href=“”). One way I have used this trick to bypass link filters is to link to an HTML attachment and use obfuscated JavaScript to redirect the user to the phishing site. Because our href does not look like a URL, most SEGs will think our link is benign. You could also link to a PDF, DOCX, or several other usually allowed file types that then contain the real phishing link. This might require a little more setup in your pretext to instruct the user, or just hope that they will click the link after opening the document. In this case, I think it makes the most sense to add any additional instructions inside the document where the contents are less likely to be scrutinized by the SEG’s content filter.

Pick Up The Phone

This blog rounds out our “message inbound” controls that we have to bypass for social engineering pretexts. It would not be complete without mentioning one of the simplest bypasses of them all:

Not using email!

If you pick up the phone and talk directly to your target, your pretext travels from your mouth, through the phone, then directly into their ear, and hits their brain without ever passing through a content or reputation filter.

Along the same lines, Zoom calls, Teams chats, LinkedIn messaging, and just about any other common business communication channel will likely be subject to far fewer controls than email. I’ve trained quite a few red teamers who prefer phone calls over emails because it greatly simplifies their workflow. Just a few awkward calls is usually all it takes to cede access to a target environment.

More interactive forms of communication, like phone calls, also allow you to gauge how the target is feeling about your pretext in real time. It’s usually obvious within seconds whether someone believes you and wants to help or if they think you’re full of it and it’s time to cut your losses, hang up the phone, and try someone else. You can also use phone calls as a way to prime a target for a follow-up email to add perceived legitimacy. Getting our message to the user is half the battle, and social engineering phone calls can be a powerful shortcut.

In Summary

If you need to bypass a link filter, either:

  1. Make your link look like it’s not a link
  2. Make your link look like a “legitimate” link

People still use links in emails all the time. You just need to blend in with the “real” ones and you can trick the filter. If you are really in a pinch, just call your targets instead. It feels more personal, but it gets the job done quickly.

Feeding the Phishes was originally published in Posts By SpecterOps Team Members on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

The post Feeding the Phishes appeared first on Security Boulevard.

A New Tactic in the Rapid Evolution of QR Code Scams

QR code phishing

QR codes have been around for three decades, but it wasn’t until the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020 that they got wide use, with restaurants, health care facilities, and other businesses turning to them to customers contactless ways to read menus, buy items, or track the health of people in their buildings. Around the same..

The post A New Tactic in the Rapid Evolution of QR Code Scams appeared first on Security Boulevard.

FTC: Half of Fraud Involves Impersonation

According to data released by the FTC in its annual Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book, nearly half of the fraud reported to the federal government in 2023 fell into the category of impersonation fraud — 330,000 scams impersonating businesses and 160,000 scams impersonating government institutions. Allure Security’s online brand impersonation detection data corroborates the FTC’s […]

The post FTC: Half of Fraud Involves Impersonation first appeared on alluresecurity.

The post FTC: Half of Fraud Involves Impersonation appeared first on Security Boulevard.

One Phish Two Phish, Red Teams Spew Phish


How to Give your Phishing Domains a Reputation Boost

“Armed with the foreknowledge of my own death, I knew the giant couldn’t kill me. All the same, I preferred to keep my bones unbroken” — Big Phish

When we send out our phishing emails, we are reckoning with giants. Spamhaus, SpamAssassin, SpamTitan, Barracuda, and many more giants wish to grind your bones to bake their bread. They are big. They are scary. But they don’t catch everything. Just like Edward Bloom learned; the best way to deal with giants is to make a good first impression.

What’s your name, giant? — Karl

That’s how we will deal with these giants as well. Let’s talk about proper etiquette when speaking with giants.

“He Ate My Dog”

The first opportunity a mail server has to reject your email is right at the beginning of an SMTP exchange. The server can run checks on the reputation of both your sending IP, and the domain you are claiming to be in your FROM address. In general, the main controls that will get you blocked by a good secure email gateway (SEG) are some version of the following:

  • Does your sending IP show up on a known SPAM list like Spamhaus?
  • Is the geographical location of the sending IP in another country?
  • What’s the reputation/category of the sending domain?
  • What’s the age of the sending domain?
  • Does SPF fail?
He ate my dog

Of course, all of these checks are generally configurable, and not every SEG will perform all of these checks. These are just some of the most common controls I tend to expect are the root cause of a failure at this stage in the phish’s lifecycle. None of these is really all that difficult to address/bypass so by taking them into account, we can usually ensure our phishing campaigns are not blocked at this layer.

Bypassing Sender Reputation Checks

When we attempt to deliver our message, we will be connecting to a mail server for the target email’s domain, telling it who we are and who we want to send a message to, and then giving it the contents of the message. Here is an example of what that conversation looks like under the hood with data we control in blue and server responses in green:

SMTP Greetings

In general, IP address blocks are easy for us to troubleshoot because if our sending IP is blocked, the server will typically just terminate the TCP connection and we won’t even be able to start this SMTP call and response. It’s pretty rare to be blocked by IP right off the bat, and typically means you’re sending from an IP that is associated with sending a lot of SPAM, or the GeoIP result for your sending IP is in a blocked country or region. If that’s the case, just try sending from another IP.

The next opportunity for the server to block us is by the reputation of the domain we supply as the sending domain. Notice in our example that the sending domain is ‘’ and is used in both the EHLO and MAIL FROM commands. These domains typically match, but they don’t have to. Feel free to tinker with mismatching these values to see how different mail servers respond.

You can think of the EHLO and MAIL FROM commands as saying “I’m a mail server for, and I’m going to send an email from to one of your users”. At this point, the receiving server has an opportunity to accept or reject our claim by checking a few things:

  • Is on a known SPAM list? (never going to let it through)
  • Is explicitly whitelisted? (always going to let it through)
  • How old is the domain?
  • Is categorized? And if so, what category is it?
  • Has the server ever received emails from before?
  • Does’s MX record match your sending IP address?
  • Does a reverse DNS lookup of your sending IP resolve to <something>
  • Does publish an SPF record that includes your sending IP address?

Most mail servers will perform one or more of these checks to obtain hints about whether you can be trusted or not. Some of these hints, like reverse DNS records, will increase our reputation if they pass the check, but won’t really hurt our reputation too much if they fail. Others, like trying to spoof a domain from an IP that is not in that domain’s SPF record, will likely get us burned right away. Therefore, we should try to pass as many of these checks as we can, while avoiding techniques that could be clearly identified as a spoof.

So, Which Domain Should I Use?

When choosing our sending domain, we have a few options, each with its own pros and cons. We can either spoof a domain that we do not own, or buy a domain. If we buy a domain, we can either get a brand new domain of our choosing, or buy an expired domain that was previously bought by someone else. No one method is inherently better than the others, but we should have a clear understanding of how to get the most out of each technique when making our choice.

Spoofed Domains


  • Free! ‘Nough said
  • Makes attribution difficult. You are basically framing someone else. (Note: this could be a con if you have to go through attribution and deconfliction with the blue team)
  • Probably already categorized and old enough to pass checks for newly registered domains
  • Successful spoofs can look very legitimate, and therefore boost success rates


  • Limited to existing domains that you can find
  • You may be able to use non-existent domains, but they are easy to identify and often blocked. It’s generally better to purchase in this case.
  • Most high-value domains have implemented email security settings like SPF that could make it difficult, if not impossible to spoof without detection
  • We can’t set up our own email security settings on the domain that might boost our reputation (no control and no proof-of-ownership)
  • We have no influence over domain category or reputation

Considerations When Spoofing Domains

Does our target mail server actually check SPF?

If not, we should be able to successfully spoof just about any domain. I’ve seen several cases where, for whatever reason, SPF checks were either turned off or misconfigured so that failing SPF did not result in rejected emails. It’s often worth a shot to try to deliver a few benign emails while intentionally failing SPF to see if the server sends back an error message or says it delivered them. While you won’t receive any bounce messages or responses from recipients (those would go to the mail server for your spoofed domain), you could try putting image links or tags for remote CSS resources in the emails that point to a web server you own and track requests for these resources as potential indicators that the emails were delivered.

Is there a similar registered domain that lacks an SPF record?

You may be able to find domains that have been registered that look very similar to your target organization’s domain, but have not been configured with any email security settings that would allow a mail server to confirm or deny a spoof attempt. In some cases, I’ve seen clients that buy up domains similar to their own to prevent typosquatting, but then forget to apply email settings to prevent spoofing. In other cases, I’ve seen opportunistic domain squatters who buy look-alike domains in case they may become valuable, and don’t bother to set up any DNS records for their domains. In either case, we can potentially spoof these domains and the mail server will have no way of knowing we don’t own them. While this might mean we are starting off with a generally low trust score, most mail servers will not outright reject messages just because the sending domain lacks a properly configured SPF record. That is because there are so many legitimate organizations that have never bothered to set one up.

Does your target organization have an expired domain listed in an ‘include’ statement in their SPF record?

Let’s say our target organization’s email domain is, and we would like to spoof an internal email address ( while sending to our target users. Consider that has the following SPF record as an example:

v=spf1 mx a ip4: -all

This SPF record lists the hosts/IPs that are allowed to send emails from Here is a breakdown of what each piece means:


This is an SPF version 1 TXT record. Used to distinguish SPF from other TXT records.


The IP of the domain’s MX (mail server) record is trusted to send emails from


the IP from doing a forward DNS lookup on the domain itself is also trusted


Any IP in this small range is trusted to send emails from

any IPs or IP ranges listed in’s SPF record are also trusted

any IPs or IP ranges listed in’s SPF record are also trusted


every other sending IP that was not listed in the previous directives is explicitly denied from sending emails claiming to be from

As this demonstration shows, the ‘include’ directive in SPF allows you to trust other domains to send on your domain’s behalf. For example, emailing services like sendgrid can be configured to pass SPF checks so that sendgrid can deliver marketing emails from to their customers. In the case of our example, if our client previously trusted to send emails, but the domain is now expired, it means we buy and add our own server to’s SPF record. We will then be able to pass SPF checks for and spoof internal users.

Can we bypass SPF protections with other technical tricks?

Depending on the receiving mail server’s configuration, there may be other ways we can spoof domains that we do not own. For example, some email servers do not require SPF alignment. This means that we can have a mismatch between the domain we specify in the ‘MAIL FROM’ SMTP command, and the ‘From’ field in the message content itself. In these cases, we can use either a domain we own and can pass SPF for, or any domain without an SPF record in the ‘SMTP FROM’ command and then choose any other domain for the email address that our target user sees in their mail client. Another trick we can sometimes use is to supply what’s known as the “null sender”. To do this, we simply specify “<>” as the sender. The null sender is used for bounce messages and is sometimes allowed by spam filters for troubleshooting.

SMTP is a purely text-based protocol. This means that there is often ambiguity in determining the beginning and end of each section of data and SMTP implementations often have parsing flaws that can be abused to bypass security features like SPF and DKIM. In 2020, Chen Jianjun et. al published a whitepaper demonstrating 18 separate such flaws they discovered and that affected even some big email providers like Google:

They also published the tool they used to discover these vulnerabilities, as well as their research methodology. While they disclosed these vulnerabilities to the vendors they tested, they did not test every major SEG for all of these vulnerabilities, and you might find that some popular SEGs are still vulnerable ;)

In 2023, Marcello Salvati demonstrated a flaw in a popular email sending service that allowed anyone to pass SPF for millions of legitimate domains.

His DefCon talk on the subject demonstrates his research and discovery process as well. I know that there are similar flaws in some other major email sending services, but I will not be throwing them under the bus in this post. Happy hunting!

Purchasing Brand New Domains


  • We can set up SPF, DMARC, DKIM to ensure we pass these checks
  • We control the MX record so we can receive mail at this domain
  • More granular creative control over the name


  • May take some time to build a reputation before sending a campaign

Purchasing Expired Domains


  • We can set up SPF, DMARC, DKIM and ensure we pass these checks
  • We control the MX record so we can receive mail at this domain
  • More likely to already be categorized
  • You may have wayback machine results to help keep the current category
  • You might salvage some freebee social media accounts


  • Little control over the domain name. You can get key words but otherwise just have to get lucky on which ones become available

Considerations for any Purchased Domain

The two major advantages to using domains we own for phishing is that we can specify the mail server and mail security settings for the domain. This means that we can actually have back-and-forth conversations with phishing targets if we need to. This opens up the possibility for more individualized pretexts. By setting up our own SPF, DMARC, and DKIM records, we can ensure that we pass these checks to give our emails a high probability of passing reputation based checks.

The third benefit of owning a domain is that we can control more factors that might help us categorize the domain. Email gateways, web proxies, and DNS security appliances will often crawl new domains to determine what kind of content is posted on the domain’s main website if one exists. They then make a determination of whether to block or allow requests for that domain based on the type of site it is. Security products that include category checks like this are often configurable. For example, some organizations block social media sites while others allow employees to use social media at work. In general, most network administrators will allow certain common benign categories. A couple classic desirable categories for red teamers are ‘healthcare’ and ‘finance’. These categories have additional benefits when used for command and control (C2) traffic, though for the purposes of delivering emails, we really just need to be categorized as anything that’s not sketchy. If your domain is not categorized at all, or in a ‘bad’ category, then your campaign will be dead in the water, so here’s some tips on getting off the naughty list.

Categorizing New Domains

.US.ORG Domains

One of my favorite shortcuts for domain categorization is to register domains off the ‘’ or similar top levels. Because ‘’ is a domain registrar, its Bluecoat category is ‘Web Hosting’, and has been around for many years. The minute you buy one of these domains, you are automatically going to be lumped in a generally benign and frequently allowed category.

Categorize with HumbleChameleon

While Humble Chameleon (HC) was designed to bypass multi-factor authentication on phishing assessments, it also has some great features for ‘hiding behind’ benign domains. You can set HC’s ‘primary_target’ option to point at a site you would like to mimic and let the transparent proxy do the rest.

Warning: any time your domain is crawled, your server will be forwarding traffic to the impersonated site. I have seen logs on my server before where someone was scanning my site for WordPress vulnerabilities, and therefore causing my server to send the same malicious traffic to the site I was impersonating. While the chances of being sued for this are pretty low, please be aware that this technique may put you in a bit of a gray area. Choose targets wisely and keep good logs.

Categorizing with Clones and Nginx/Apache

If you’ve never used httrack to clone a site, you should really do yourself a favor and explore this absolute classic! How classic you ask? Xavier Roche first released this website cloner back in 1998 and it’s still a great utility for quickly cloning a site. Httrack saves website resources in a directory structure that is ideal for hosting with a static Nginx or Apache web server. The whole setup process can be easily scripted with Ansible to stand up clones for domain categorization.

Categorizing with Chatgpt and S3

The more modern version of static site hosting is to ask an AI bot to write your website for you, and then serve the static content using cheap cloud services like S3 buckets and content delivery networks. If you get stuck, or don’t know how to automate this process, you can just ask the robot ;)

Categorizing Expired Domains

Whenever you purchase an expired domain, you should go ahead and check its category before you buy. It’s much easier to maintain a good category than to try to re-categorize a domain, so only buy it if it’s already in a benign category. Once you buy one, you have two options to maintain the category. You can either generate some new content or re-host the site’s old content. If you want to generate new content, the AI route is probably the most efficient. However, my preferred approach is to just put the content of the old site back up on the Internet. If that content was what got the original categorization, then it should also keep it in the same category.

Categorizing with Wayback

If the expired domain you just purchased was indexed by the Wayback Machine, then you can download the old pages with a simple Ruby script:

This script is insanely easy to install and use, and will generally get you a nice static site clone within minutes when paired with Nginx, Apache, etc. Keep in mind that you may want to manually modify site content that might still be under copyright or trademark from the prior owner.

Social Media Account Bonus

For expired sites you’ve bought, have you ever set up a mail server and monitored for incoming emails? I have! And the results can be fascinating. What you might find is that the domain you just bought used to belong to a functioning company, and some of that company’s employees used their work email to sign up for services like social media sites. Now, the company went under, those employees don’t have access to their former work email, but you do. Once again, I need to stress that this is a legal gray area, so do what you can to give these people back their accounts, and change PII on any others you decide to keep as catphish accounts.

General Tips for any Domain

Send Some ‘Safe’ Emails First

Some SEGs will block emails from domains they have never seen before regardless of reputation. Therefore, it’s generally a good idea to send some completely benign emails with your new domain before you send out any phishing pretexts. You can address these to the ‘info@’ or similar generic mailboxes and keep the messages vague to hopefully go unnoticed/ignored by any humans on the other end. We’re just trying to prime the SEG to make a determination that emails from our domain are safe and should be allowed in the future. I’ve also heard that adding hidden links to emails with HREFs that point to your domain will also work against some SEGs, though I have not personally experimented with this technique.

Use Sendgrid, MailChimp, etc.

These services specialize in mass email delivery for their clients. They work tirelessly to keep their email servers off of block lists and help marketers deliver phishing campaigns… ahem I mean ‘advertisements’ to their targets… oops I mean ‘leads’. Once again, marketing tools are your friend when cold emailing. Keep in mind that these services don’t appreciate scammers and spammers like you, so don’t be surprised if you get too aggressive with your phishing and your account gets blocked. Yet another argument for keeping campaigns small and targeted.

Use your Registrar’s Email Service

Most domain registrars also offer hosting and email services. Some even provide a few mailboxes for free! Similar to email sending services, your registrar’s mail servers will often be delivering tons of legitimate messages for other customers and therefore have a good reputation from an IP perspective. If you take this route, be sure to let the registrar know that you are a penetration tester and which domains you will be using for what campaigns. Most I’ve worked with have an abuse email address and will honor your use case.

Use Gmail for the Long Con

Personal emails are often a blind spot for corporate email filters. Completely blocking inbound emails from Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc. is a tough pill to swallow and most network administrators decide to allow them instead of answering constant requests from employees to put in an exception for this or that sender. In addition, it’s extremely difficult to apply reputation scores to individual senders. Therefore, if you can think of a pretext that would make sense to come from a Gmail account, you have a high probability of at least bypassing domain reputation checks. This can work really well for individualized campaigns where you actually have a back-and-forth conversation with the targets before link/payload delivery.


For sending domains you own, it will always work in your favor to set up email security settings. Check the API documentation for your registrar and write a script to set these DNS settings.

Read the Logs!

When you do start sending emails with a domain, make sure to watch your SMTP logs carefully. They are often extremely helpful for identifying if your messages are being blocked for reasons you control. For example, I know Mimecast will frequently block emails from new senders that it hasn’t seen before, but will respond with a very helpful message explaining how to get off their ‘gray list’. The solution is simply to resend the email within the next 24 hours. If you aren’t watching the logs, you would be blocked when you could easily deliver your email.

Parting Wisdom

“What I recalled of Sunday School was that the more difficult something became, the more rewarding it was in the end.” — Big Phish

One Phish Two Phish, Red Teams Spew Phish was originally published in Posts By SpecterOps Team Members on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

The post One Phish Two Phish, Red Teams Spew Phish appeared first on Security Boulevard.

AI Will Increase the Quantity—and Quality—of Phishing Scams

A piece I coauthored with Fredrik Heiding and Arun Vishwanath in the Harvard Business Review:

Summary. Gen AI tools are rapidly making these emails more advanced, harder to spot, and significantly more dangerous. Recent research showed that 60% of participants fell victim to artificial intelligence (AI)-automated phishing, which is comparable to the success rates of non-AI-phishing messages created by human experts. Companies need to: 1) understand the asymmetrical capabilities of AI-enhanced phishing, 2) determine the company or division’s phishing threat severity level, and 3) confirm their current phishing awareness routines.

Here’s the full text.

Understanding Credential Phishing

Credential phishing is a type of cyberattack where attackers attempt to deceive your employees into providing their sensitive information, such as their Microsoft usernames and passwords. What is not obvious is credential phishing is the root cause of many breaches, including the recent ransomware breach at UnitedHealth subsidiary Change Healthcare. According to UnitedHealth Group CEO […]

The post Understanding Credential Phishing first appeared on SlashNext.

The post Understanding Credential Phishing appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Scammers can easily phish your multi-factor authentication codes. Here’s how to avoid it

More and more websites and services are making multi-factor-authentication (MFA) mandatory, which makes it much harder for cybercriminals to access your accounts. That’s a great thing. But as security evolves, so do cybercriminals who are always looking for new ways to scam us.

A type of phishing we’re calling authentication-in-the-middle is showing up in online media. While these techniques, named after man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks, have existed for a while, they appear to be gaining traction now.

It works like this: A user gets lured to a phishing site masquerading as a site they normally use, such as a bank, email or social media account. Once the user enters their login into the fake site, that information gets redirected by the cybercriminals to the actual site, without the user knowing.

The user is then prompted for their MFA step. They complete this, usually by entering a code or accepting a push notification, and this information is then relayed to the criminals, allowing them to login to the site.

Once the criminals are into an account, they can start changing settings like the account’s email address, phone number, and password, so the user can no longer log in, or they can simply clean out a bank account. This may help you understand why many platforms ask for your PIN or other authentication again when you try to change one of these important settings.

Victims are lured to phishing sites like these via links from social media or emails where it can be hard to identify the real link.  Phishing sites can even show up in sponsored search results, in the same way as we reported about tech support scams.

How to protect yourself from authentication-in-the-middle attacks

  • Keep your wits about you. Being aware of how scammers work is the first step to avoiding them. Don’t assume sponsored search results are legit, and trust that if something seems suspicious then it probably is.
  • Use security software. Many security programs block known phishing sites, although domains are often short-lived and get rotated quickly. Malwarebytes Browser Guard can help protect you.
  • Use a password manager. Password managers will not auto-fill a password to a fake site, even if it looks like the real deal to you.
  • Consider passkeys. Multi-factor authentication is still super-important to enable, and will protect you from many types of attacks, so please continue to use it. However, authentication-in-the-middle attacks only work with certain types of MFA, and passkeys won’t allow the cybercriminals to login to your account in this way. Many services have already begun using passkeys and they’re no doubt here to stay.

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Law enforcement reels in phishing-as-a-service whopper

A major international law enforcement effort involving agencies from 19 countries has disrupted the notorious LabHost phishing-as-a-service platform.

Europol reports that the organization’s infrastructure has been compromised, its website shut down, and 37 suspects arrested, including four people in the UK linked to the running of the site, which also allegedly included the original developer of the service.

Europol’s announcement also hints that this isn’t the end of the story, and users of the platform should ready themselves for some uncomfortable encounters with law enforcement in the future. As Europol said in its release:

A vast amount of data gathered throughout the investigation is now in the possession of law enforcement. This data will be used to support ongoing international operational activities focused on targeting the malicious users of this phishing platform.

The UK’s Metropolitan Police (“The Met”), which spearheaded the operation, says it has already contacted the criminals who used the site:

Shortly after the platform was disrupted, 800 users received a message telling them we know who they are and what they’ve been doing. We’ve shown them we know how much they’ve paid to LabHost, how many different sites they’ve accessed and how many lines of data they’ve received. Many of these individuals will remain the focus of investigation over the coming weeks and months.

In a phishing attack, criminals use emails to trick users into entering details like passwords or credit card numbers into fake websites. The emails and websites typically mimic popular brands like UPS, Amazon, or Microsoft, and copy the format of emails sent by those companies, luring victims with things like fake security alerts.

Phishing-as-a-Service (PaaS) provides the tools and infrastructure criminals need to carry out phishing attacks on a subscription basis, so they don’t have to create and run it themselves. This lowers the barrier to entry for these kinds of crimes and puts sophisticated tools in the hands of people who wouldn’t otherwise have access to them.

LabHost was set up in 2021 and grew to become one of the largest PaaS vendors. Europol says that “with a monthly fee averaging $249, LabHost would offer a range of illicit services which were customizable and could be deployed with a few clicks.” Those services reportedly included a menu of over 170 fake websites for users to choose from, and a campaign management tool called “LabRat” that could capture two-factor (2FA) authentication codes.

The phishing platform is reported to have had 2,000 registered users and was used to create “more than 40,000 fraudulent sites.” The Met says that around 70,000 individual UK victims have been phished using the service, and that globally, it swallowed up 480,000 card numbers, 64,000 PIN numbers, and more than one million passwords.

Victims in the UK have been contacted by the Met to inform them that some of their data has been compromised. Ironically, thousands of victims being contacted in this way creates an opportunity for copycat phishing emails with Met branding. For that reason, the Met has been careful not to include any links in its communications and warns potential victims that:

…if you receive any contact from the Met with links in, this will be fraudulent so please do not engage with this.

If you’ve been contacted by the Metropolitan Police about the LabHost breach you can find some useful guidance and support on its LabHost Disruption page. Automatically Changing Link Text but Not URLs

Brian Krebs reported that X (formerly known as Twitter) started automatically changing links to links. The problem is: (1) it changed any domain name that ended with “,” and (2) it only changed the link’s appearance (anchortext), not the underlying URL. So if you were a clever phisher and registered, people would see the link as, but it would send people to

Thankfully, the problem has been fixed.

Twitter’s Clumsy Pivot to Is a Gift to Phishers

On April 9, Twitter/X began automatically modifying links that mention “” to read “” instead. But over the past 48 hours, dozens of new domain names have been registered that demonstrate how this change could be used to craft convincing phishing links — such as fedetwitter[.]com, which until very recently rendered as in tweets.

The message displayed when one visits, which Twitter/X displayed as in tweets and messages.

A search at shows at least 60 domain names have been registered over the past two days for domains ending in “,” although research so far shows the majority of these domains have been registered “defensively” by private individuals to prevent the domains from being purchased by scammers.

Those include, which Twitter/X truncated to when the domain appeared in user messages or tweets. Visiting this domain currently displays a message that begins, “Are you serious, X Corp?”

Update: It appears Twitter/X has corrected its mistake, and no longer truncates any domain ending in “” to “”

Original story:

The same message is on other newly registered domains, including (, (, (, ( and ( The message left on these domains indicates they were defensively registered by a user on Mastodon whose bio says they are a systems admin/engineer. That profile has not responded to requests for comment.

A number of these new domains including “” appear to be registered defensively by Twitter/X users in Japan. The domain (, to Twitter/X users) now displays a message saying it was “acquired to prevent its use for malicious purposes,” along with a Twitter/X username.

The domain mentioned at the beginning of this story — — redirects users to the blog of a Japanese technology enthusiast. A user with the handle “amplest0e” appears to have registered, which Twitter/X users would see as the CEO’s “” The domain “” already redirects to the real

Some of the domains registered recently and ending in “” currently do not resolve and contain no useful contact information in their registration records. Those include firefotwitter[.]com (, ngintwitter[.]com (, and webetwitter[.]com (

The domain, which Twitter/X until very recently rendered as “,” redirects to this blog post warning about the recent changes and their potential use for phishing.

Sean McNee, vice president of research and data at DomainTools, told KrebsOnSecurity it appears Twitter/X did not properly limit its redirection efforts.

“Bad actors could register domains as a way to divert traffic from legitimate sites or brands given the opportunity — many such brands in the top million domains end in x, such as webex, hbomax, xerox, xbox, and more,” McNee said. “It is also notable that several other globally popular brands, such as Rolex and Linux, were also on the list of registered domains.”

The apparent oversight by Twitter/X was cause for amusement and amazement from many former users who have migrated to other social media platforms since the new CEO took over. Matthew Garrett, a lecturer at U.C. Berkeley’s School of Information, summed up the Schadenfreude thusly:

“Twitter just doing a ‘redirect links in tweets that go to to instead but accidentally do so for all domains that end like eg going to’ is not absolutely the funniest thing I could imagine but it’s high up there.”

Thread Hijacking: Phishes That Prey on Your Curiosity

Thread hijacking attacks. They happen when someone you know has their email account compromised, and you are suddenly dropped into an existing conversation between the sender and someone else. These missives draw on the recipient’s natural curiosity about being copied on a private discussion, which is modified to include a malicious link or attachment. Here’s the story of a thread hijacking attack in which a journalist was copied on a phishing email from the unwilling subject of a recent scoop.

In Sept. 2023, the Pennsylvania news outlet published a story about Adam Kidan, a wealthy businessman with a criminal past who is a major donor to Republican causes and candidates, including Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-Pa).

The LancasterOnline story about Adam Kidan.

Several months after that piece ran, the story’s author Brett Sholtis received two emails from Kidan, both of which contained attachments. One of the messages appeared to be a lengthy conversation between Kidan and a colleague, with the subject line, “Re: Successfully sent data.” The second missive was a more brief email from Kidan with the subject, “Acknowledge New Work Order,” and a message that read simply, “Please find the attached.”

Sholtis said he clicked the attachment in one of the messages, which then launched a web page that looked exactly like a Microsoft Office 365 login page. An analysis of the webpage reveals it would check any submitted credentials at the real Microsoft website, and return an error if the user entered bogus account information. A successful login would record the submitted credentials and forward the victim to the real Microsoft website.

But Sholtis said he didn’t enter his Outlook username and password. Instead, he forwarded the messages to LancasterOneline’s IT team, which quickly flagged them as phishing attempts.

LancasterOnline Executive Editor Tom Murse said the two phishing messages from Mr. Kidan raised eyebrows in the newsroom because Kidan had threatened to sue the news outlet multiple times over Sholtis’s story.

“We were just perplexed,” Murse said. “It seemed to be a phishing attempt but we were confused why it would come from a prominent businessman we’ve written about. Our initial response was confusion, but we didn’t know what else to do with it other than to send it to the FBI.”

The phishing lure attached to the thread hijacking email from Mr. Kidan.

In 2006, Kidan was sentenced to 70 months in federal prison after pleading guilty to defrauding lenders along with Jack Abramoff, the disgraced lobbyist whose corruption became a symbol of the excesses of Washington influence peddling. He was paroled in 2009, and in 2014 moved his family to a home in Lancaster County, Pa.

The FBI hasn’t responded to LancasterOnline’s tip. Messages sent by KrebsOnSecurity to Kidan’s emails addresses were returned as blocked. Messages left with Mr. Kidan’s company, Empire Workforce Solutions, went unreturned.

No doubt the FBI saw the messages from Kidan for what they likely were: The result of Mr. Kidan having his Microsoft Outlook account compromised and used to send malicious email to people in his contacts list.

Thread hijacking attacks are hardly new, but that is mainly true because many Internet users still don’t know how to identify them. The email security firm Proofpoint says it has tracked north of 90 million malicious messages in the last five years that leverage this attack method.

One key reason thread hijacking is so successful is that these attacks generally do not include the tell that exposes most phishing scams: A fabricated sense of urgency. A majority of phishing threats warn of negative consequences should you fail to act quickly — such as an account suspension or an unauthorized high-dollar charge going through.

In contrast, thread hijacking campaigns tend to patiently prey on the natural curiosity of the recipient.

Ryan Kalember, chief strategy officer at Proofpoint, said probably the most ubiquitous examples of thread hijacking are “CEO fraud” or “business email compromise” scams, wherein employees are tricked by an email from a senior executive into wiring millions of dollars to fraudsters overseas.

But Kalember said these low-tech attacks can nevertheless be quite effective because they tend to catch people off-guard.

“It works because you feel like you’re suddenly included in an important conversation,” Kalember said. “It just registers a lot differently when people start reading, because you think you’re observing a private conversation between two different people.”

Some thread hijacking attacks actually involve multiple threat actors who are actively conversing while copying — but not addressing — the recipient.

“We call these multi-persona phishing scams, and they’re often paired with thread hijacking,” Kalember said. “It’s basically a way to build a little more affinity than just copying people on an email. And the longer the conversation goes on, the higher their success rate seems to be because some people start replying to the thread [and participating] psycho-socially.”

The best advice to sidestep phishing scams is to avoid clicking on links or attachments that arrive unbidden in emails, text messages and other mediums. If you’re unsure whether the message is legitimate, take a deep breath and visit the site or service in question manually — ideally, using a browser bookmark so as to avoid potential typosquatting sites.

Vans warns customers of data breach

Skater brand Vans emailed customers last week to tell them about a recent “data incident.”

On December 13, 2023, Vans said it detected unauthorized activities on its IT systems, attributed to “external threat actors.” An investigation revealed that the incident involved some personal information of Vans’ customers. The affected information could include:

  • Email address
  • Full name
  • Phone number
  • Billing address
  • Shipping address

In certain cases, the affected data may also include order history, total order value, and information about the payment method used for the purchases. Vans notes that the payment method does not specify details like account number, just the method described as “credit card”, “Paypal”, or “bank account payment”, with no additional details attached.

The data incident turned out to be a ransomware attack. In a filing with the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC), parent company V.F. Corporation stated the hackers disrupted business operations and stole the personal information of approximately 35.5 million individual consumers.

The attack was claimed by the ALPHV/BlackCat ransomware group. This happened during the period that ALPHV was in a spot of trouble themselves by events eventually leading to faking their own death.  It is unclear whether VF Corporation was able to use the decryptor made available after law enforcement seized control of ALPHV’s infrastructure, even though ALPHV reportedly claimed that the company tried to obtain a decryptor from law enforcement.

Vans says there’s no evidence suggesting any actual impact on any individual consumer whose personal data were part of the affected data set, but it does warn about phishing and fraud attempts which could lead to identity theft.

Data breach tips

There are some actions you can take if you are, or suspect you may have been, the victim of a data breach.

  • Check the vendor’s advice. Every breach is different, so check with the vendor to find out what’s happened, and follow any specific advice they offer.
  • Change your password. You can make a stolen password useless to thieves by changing it. Choose a strong password that you don’t use for anything else. Better yet, let a password manager choose one for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). If you can, use a FIDO2-compliant hardware key, laptop or phone as your second factor. Some forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) can be phished just as easily as a password. 2FA that relies on a FIDO2 device can’t be phished.
  • Watch out for fake vendors. The thieves may contact you posing as the vendor. Check the vendor website to see if they are contacting victims, and verify any contacts using a different communication channel.
  • Take your time. Phishing attacks often impersonate people or brands you know, and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions, and security alerts.
  • Set up identity monitoring. Identity monitoring alerts you if your personal information is found being traded illegally online, and helps you recover after.

Check if your data has been breached

Check if your personal data has been exposed online. Submit your email address (it’s best to give the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll send you a report.

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