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Critical SSH Vulnerability, Facial Recognition Flaws, How to Safely Dispose of Old Devices

In episode 337, we cover β€œbroken” news about the new SSH vulnerability β€˜regreSSHionβ€˜ highlighting the vulnerability discovered in the OpenSSH protocol by Qualys and its implications. We then discuss the Detroit Police Department’s new guidelines on facial recognition technology following a lawsuit over a wrongful arrest due to misidentification, shedding light on the broader issues […]

The post Critical SSH Vulnerability, Facial Recognition Flaws, How to Safely Dispose of Old Devices appeared first on Shared Security Podcast.

The post Critical SSH Vulnerability, Facial Recognition Flaws, How to Safely Dispose of Old Devices appeared first on Security Boulevard.


Social Media Warning Labels, Should You Store Passwords in Your Web Browser?

In this episode of the Shared Security Podcast, the team debates the Surgeon General’s recent call for social media warning labels and explores the pros and cons. Scott discusses whether passwords should be stored in web browsers, potentially sparking strong opinions. The hosts also provide an update on Microsoft’s delayed release of CoPilot Plus PCs […]

The post Social Media Warning Labels, Should You Store Passwords in Your Web Browser? appeared first on Shared Security Podcast.

The post Social Media Warning Labels, Should You Store Passwords in Your Web Browser? appeared first on Security Boulevard.


Ticketmaster Data Breach and Rising Work from Home Scams

In episode 333 of the Shared Security Podcast, Tom and Scott discuss a recent massive data breach at Ticketmaster involving the data of 560 million customers, the blame game between Ticketmaster and third-party provider Snowflake, and the implications for both companies. Additionally, they discuss Live Nation’s ongoing monopoly investigation. In the β€˜Aware Much’ segment, the […]

The post Ticketmaster Data Breach and Rising Work from Home Scams appeared first on Shared Security Podcast.

The post Ticketmaster Data Breach and Rising Work from Home Scams appeared first on Security Boulevard.

