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Trump Advisers Call for U.S. Nuclear Weapons Testing if He Is Elected

A former national security adviser says Washington β€œmust test new nuclear weapons for reliability and safety in the real world,” while critics say the move could incite a global arms race that heightens the risk of war.

Β© Los Alamos National Laboratory

A drop test of a B61 nuclear bomb. An aide to Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser said a redesign of this type of bomb, the B61-13, announced in October, was in need of explosive testing.

On Titan Submersible Anniversary, World Rethinks Deep Sea Exploration

A year after the first deaths of divers who ventured into the ocean’s sunless depths, an industry wrestles with new challenges for piloted submersibles and robotic explorers.

Β© Walt Disney Pictures/AJ Pics, via Alamy

A 2003 expedition by a piloted submersible to the wreckage of the Titanic on the sea floor, as documented in the James Cameron film β€œGhosts of the Abyss.” A pair of robots are scheduled to revisit the site next month.