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World's Worst Most Divorced Dad

In an interview with noted right wing figure and transphobe Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk attacked his estranged transgender daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson, proceeding to deadname her while calling her "dead" because she transitioned, and saying he was "tricked" into signing off on her gender affirming care. In response, Wilson has given an interview with NBC News in which she details how Musk was both an abusive and absentee father while she was growing up, and how he lied about her interests growing up as well as his signing off on her care.

The interview with Wilson also calls out Walter Issacson for his disrespectful behavior towards Wilson in writing Musk's biography, including not actually working to get a hold of her to make sure his details were right, not using her proper name in his writing, and using third party sources to talk about her views.

Solidarity Never Changes

In a surprising move, the staff of Bethesda Game Studios - creators of the first person based Fallout games, Starfield, and The Elder Scrolls - have moved to collectively unionize under the Communication Workers of America (CWA). (SLIGN)

This is a full "wall-to-wall" unionization of the studio covering not just developers but also artists, designers, and other technical staff, and comes after successful drives at Bethesda Montreal and the ZeniMax (Bethesda's direct corporate parent) QA staff. Microsoft has chosen to accept the card check after 241 Bethesda staff signed one.