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Biden v Trump: the first presidential debate of 2024, explained

The 90-minute debate is scheduled for 9pm ET inside a CNN studio in Atlanta, with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash as moderators

Joe Biden and Donald Trump will hold the first of two scheduled US presidential debates on Thursday, a high-stakes rematch between two well-defined political foes.

The earlier-than-usual confrontation will give both men a chance to make their case for a second-term to what could be one of the largest television โ€“ and internet โ€“ audiences of the election cycle.

Ten defining presidential debate moments

Debate could open up the race for the White House

An election rarity: two ex-presidents in a contest

RFK Jr fails to qualify for the first debate and blames CNN

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ยฉ Illustration: Marcus Peabody/Guardian Design


ยฉ Illustration: Marcus Peabody/Guardian Design
