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Gordon Brown launches London’s first β€˜multibank’ amid UK child poverty fears

The ex-PM is opening the new facility supplying food and basic necessities against a backdrop of concerns for the wellbeing of children over the summer holidays

The first β€œmultibank” in London, distributing everything from basic foods to baby products and toiletries, will be officially launched this week, amid continued concerns about levels of poverty as the school summer holidays begin.

The opening of Felix’s Multibank, which has the backing of former prime minister Gordon Brown and London mayor Sadiq Khan, is the latest in a growing network of multibanks.

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Β© Photograph: Katherine Anne Rose/The Observer


Β© Photograph: Katherine Anne Rose/The Observer

Tories who lost seats at general election want formal role in leadership race

Former MPs plan to return swiftly to parliament amid fears of a lurch to the right if Conservatives fail to explore reasons for defeat

β€’ Tobias Ellwood: the Conservative party faces an onerous task to rebuild itself, and every Tory must have a say

Former Tory MPs defeated in Labour’s landslide election win are calling for a formal role in the election postmortem, amid fears that their party risks a lurch to the right without a thorough examination of the defeat.

Many former Conservative MPs who lost their seats by tight margins are already considering trying to make a swift return at the next opportunity.

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Β© Photograph: Getty Images


Β© Photograph: Getty Images

Optimism surges in Britain – but how long can Labour’s honeymoon last?

Number of voters upbeat about the UK rises from 31% to 45% – but feelgood factor may be short-lived with key challenges on the horizon

Britain has experienced a surge in optimism since the general election, with more people now upbeat about the country’s future than pessimistic, in a sign that Keir Starmer is enjoying a honeymoon period after Labour’s landslide victory.

There has been a 14-point rise in those feeling upbeat since the election took place. Polling by the Public First consultancy found that only 31% of voters were optimistic about the country heading into the election, with 43% pessimistic. In the wake of the election, sentiment had flipped - with 45% optimistic about the country and 30% pessimistic.

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Β© Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/AP


Β© Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/AP
