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Check Your Wallet? How Mobile Driver’s Licenses are Changing Online Transactions

Can you recall the last time you opened a bank account? It’s likely you walked into a local bank branch and spoke to a representative who asked for your driver’s license and social security card to verify your identity. Now imagine you want to create a bank account online. The process is likely similar—type in your social security number, take a picture of your driver’s license, and submit both to the bank via their webpage. Seems straightforward, right? Identity verification is important—it protects us from identity theft and reduces the risk of fraud and unauthorized access for organizations

Giving NIST Digital Identity Guidelines a Boost: Supplement for Incorporating Syncable Authenticators

We all need supplements sometimes. Whether it’s a little extra vitamin C during flu season or some vitamin D during the dark days of Winter. When used correctly, supplements help our body adjust to the changing conditions around us. Similarly, we are applying this same concept for the first time to our NIST SP 800-63B, Digital Identity Guidelines: Authentication and Lifecycle Management. Today, we published a supplement that provides interim guidance for agencies seeking to make use of ‘syncable authenticators’ ( for example, passkeys) in both enterprise-facing and public-facing use cases

A Note on progress…NIST’s Digital Identity Guidelines.

In August 2023 the Digital Identity Guidelines team hosted a two-day workshop to provide a public update on the status of revision 4. As part of that session, we committed to providing further information on the status of each volume going forward. In fulfillment of this commitment, we wanted to offer a quick update on where we stand. Our goal remains to have the next version of each volume out by the Spring of 2024. With our gratitude for the robust and substantive engagement we received during the comment period, at this time we would like to announce that all four volumes of Special

Mapping out our Destination: Responsible Innovation via the NIST Identity Roadmap

RSA Conference week is always a whirlwind. NIST was there front and center last month, and we learned a lot, shared a lot, and made a big announcement during the festivities… We were excited to announce that NIST’s DRAFT Identity and Access Management Roadmap was released for public comment on Friday, April 14 th and that the comment period will be extended to June 16 th. What is the Roadmap? The Roadmap provides a consolidated view of NIST’s planned identity efforts over the coming years and serves as a vehicle to communicate our priorities. It provides guiding principles, strategic

Phishing Resistance – Protecting the Keys to Your Kingdom

If you own a computer, watch the news, or spend virtually any time online these days you have probably heard the term “phishing.” Never in a positive context…and possibly because you have been a victim yourself. Phishing refers to a variety of attacks that are intended to convince you to forfeit sensitive data to an imposter. These attacks can take a number of different forms; from spear-phishing (which targets a specific individual within an organization), to whaling (which goes one step further and targets senior executives or leaders). Furthermore, phishing attacks take place over multiple

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022: Enabling Multi-factor Authentication Key behavior: Multi-factor Authentication

In celebration of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, NIST will be publishing a dedicated blog series throughout October; we will be sharing blogs each week that will match up to four key behaviors identified by the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA). Today’s interview-style blog features two NIST experts —Bill Newhouse and Ryan Galluzzo—discussing different reasons to enable multi-factor authentication (a mechanism to verify an individual’s identity by requiring them to provide more information than just a username and password). Here are the questions they both were asked, along with their