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looking at one thing at a time

The just-before or the just-after tell a story; whether of becoming, or of letting go. For over 12 years, Mary Jo Hoffman has been taking a daily image of a gathered natural object (usually plants, sometimes dead birds and in one case, a live toad). Click on "details" at the bottom right of each object for, well, details. Hoffman on technique: "I spend a lot of time waiting for the sun to go behind a cloud so I can get softer lighting."


The Thing with Feathers podcast , hosted by Courtney Ellis, has lots of great episodes. Check out the interview with the Inept Birder (twitter) who prompted the#WorstBirdPic trend almost a decade ago and is still chugging along. @TheIneptBirder is here with vaguely reassuring words about your terrible and/or blurry picture of a bird or a bird butt!

The best internet trend of 2015 so far has arrived - and it's a series of blurry photos and half-photos of what looks like, or could possibly be (maybe), some type of bird. In a valiant rejection of the strict norms of birding, one nearsighted Twitter user - appropriately named @TheIneptBirder - tweeted a crappy photo of a bird he saw. An actually-good birder, @AmOrnithologist, then responded using a hashtag that will go down in the annals of birding history #WorstBirdPic