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NoName Carries Out Romania Cyberattack, Downs Portals of Government, Stock Exchange

Romania Government Cyberattack

Several pro-Russia hacker groups have allegedly carried out a massive Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack in Romania on June 18, 2024. The Romania Cyberattack has affected critical websites, including the official site of Romania and portals of the country’s stock exchange and financial institutions. The attack was allegedly conducted by NoName in collaboration with the Russian Cyber Army, HackNet, and CyberDragon and Terminus. The extent of the damage, however, remains unclear. Romania Cyberattack

Details About Romania Cyberattack

According to NoName, the cyberattack was carried out on Romania for its pro-Ukraine stance in the Russia-Ukraine war. In its post on X, NoName claimed, “Together with colleagues shipped another batch of DDoS missiles to Romanian government websites.” The threat actor claimed to have attacked the following websites:
  • The Government of Romania: This is not the first time that the country’s official site was hacked. In 2022, Pro-Russia hacker group Killnet claimed to have carried out cyberattacks on websites of the government and Defense Ministry. However, at that time, the Romania Government claimed that there was no compromise of data due to the attack and the websites were soon restored.
  • National Bank of Romania: The National Bank of Romania is the central bank of Romania and was established in April 1880. Its headquarters are in the capital city of Bucharest.
  • Aedificium Bank for Housing: A banking firm that provides residential lending, home loans, savings, and financing services. It was founded in 2004 and has branches in the European Union (EU), and Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA).
  • Bucharest Stock Exchange: The Bucharest Stock Exchange is the stock exchange of Romania located in Bucharest. As of 2023, there were 85 companies listed on the BVB. Romania Cyberattack
Despite the bold claims made by the NoName group, the extent of the Romania cyberattack, details of compromised data, or the motive behind the attack remain undisclosed. A visual examination of the affected organizations’ websites shows that all the listed websites are experiencing accessibility issues. These issues range from “403 Forbidden” errors to prolonged loading times, indicating a probable disruption or compromise. The situation is dynamic and continues to unravel. It is imperative to approach this information cautiously, as unverified claims in the cybersecurity world are not uncommon. The alleged NoName attack highlights the persistent threat of cyberattacks on critical entities, such as government organizations and financial institutions. However, official statements from the targeted organizations have yet to be released, leaving room for skepticism regarding the severity and authenticity of the Romania cyberattack claim. Until official communication is provided by the affected organizations, the true nature and impact of the alleged NoName attack remain uncertain.

Romania Cyberattacks Are Not Uncommon

This isn’t the first instance of NoName targeting organizations in Romania. In March this year, NoName attacked the Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Service of Special Communications, and the Central Government. In February, Over a hundred Romanian healthcare facilities were affected by a ransomware attack by an unknown hacker, with some doctors forced to resort to pen and paper.

How to Mitigate NoName DDoS attacks

Mitigation against NoName’s DDoS attacks require prolonged cloud protection tools and specialized software and filtering tools to detect the flow of traffic before it can hit the servers. In some cases, certain antivirus software can be successful in detecting threats that can be used by organizations to launch DDoS attacks. A robust and essential cyber hygiene practice to avoid threats includes patching vulnerabilities and not opening phishing emails that are specially crafted to look like urgent communications from legitimate government organizations and other spoofed entities. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

NoName Ransomware Claims Yet Another Attack on Germany after Ukraine President’s Visit

NoName Ransomware

The NoName ransomware group has claimed responsibility for yet another cyberattack targeting government websites in Germany. The proclamation of the attack comes just 11 days after the group is said to have targeted German entities such as Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, Leistritz AG, and Aareal Bank AG. In this latest attack, the group allegedly targeted the Federal Office for Logistics and Mobility and the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community. NoName allegedly carried out a DDos (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attack, preventing other users from accessing the websites. In the message posted on a dark web forum on Tuesday, NoName claimed that the attack on German websites was to condemn the visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to the country to participate in a conference on Ukraine’s post-war recovery. NoName ransomware “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in Germany late in the evening on Monday, June 10, to take part in an international conference on Ukraine's reconstruction. In his message in Telegram, Zelenskyy said that during his visit he had meetings with German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Bundestag chairwoman Berbel Bas,” NoName said. NoName Ransomware “We decided to visit the conference too, and crush some websites,” it added. Despite the hack, NoName has not provided elaborate evidence or context of the cyberattack nor has it provided any details of how the German websites would be affected. While many experts had previously warned people not to underestimate thread actors who take out DDoS attacks, their effectiveness remains a big question, as most of the targets suffer only a few hours of downtime before returning to normal operations. As of the writing of this report, there has been no response from officials of the alleged target websites, leaving the claims unverified.

Previous Instances of NoName Ransomware Attacks

Since first emerging on dark web in March 2022, the pro-Russian hacker group NoName has been increasingly active, shortly after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The group has taken responsibility for a series of cyberattacks targeting government agencies, media outlets, and private companies across Ukraine, the United States, and Europe. Before making the claim of targeting German websites, NoName had a history of targeting prominent organizations in other countries. In April 2024, the group allegedly launched a cyberattack on Moldova, affecting key government websites such as the Presidency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the State Registry. These websites were rendered inaccessible, displaying the message, “This Site Can’t be Reached.” The attack hinted at a politically motivated agenda, though NoName did not explicitly disclose their motives. In March 2024, NoName targeted multiple websites in Denmark, including significant entities like Movia, Din Offentlige Transport, the Ministry of Transport, Copenhagen Airports, and Danish Shipping. Similarly, in January 2024, the group attacked high-profile websites in the Netherlands, including OV-chipkaart, the Municipality of Vlaardingen, the Dutch Tax Office (Belastingdienst), and GVB. More recently, NoName’s cyber onslaught on Finland raised further alarms. Finnish government organizations, including Traficom, the National Cyber Security Centre Finland (NCSC-FI), The Railways, and the Agency for Regulation and Development of Transport and Communications Infrastructure, faced temporary inaccessibility due to DDoS attacks. The ongoing cyberattacks by NoName across several countries serve as a reminder of the perils of the digital landscape. The operations of NoName ransomware, combined with their alleged political motives, highlight the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures and international cooperation. The cybersecurity community must remain vigilant and proactive in protecting digital infrastructure from such malicious actors. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.