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EU says Apple violated app developers’ rights, could be fined 10% of revenue

Apple logo is displayed on a smartphone with a European Union flag in the background.

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | SOPA Images )

The European Commission today said it found that Apple is violating the Digital Markets Act (DMA) with App Store rules and fees that "prevent app developers from freely steering consumers to alternative channels for offers and content." The commission "informed Apple of its preliminary view" that the company is violating the law, the regulator announced.

This starts a process in which Apple has the right to examine documents in the commission's investigation file and reply in writing to the findings. There is a March 2025 deadline for the commission to make a final ruling.

The commission noted that it "can impose fines up to 10 percent of the gatekeeper's total worldwide turnover," or up to 20 percent for repeat infringements. For "systematic infringements," the European regulator could respond by requiring "a gatekeeper to sell a business or parts of it, or banning the gatekeeper from acquisitions of additional services related to the systemic non-compliance."

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ONNX Store Phishing Kit Leverages QR Codes To Target Financial Sector

ONNX Store Phishing Kit

Researchers have discovered a new phishing campaign that relies on a phishing-as-a-service platform called ONNX Store, available for purchase over Telegram. ONNX Store appears to be a rebranded version of an already existing phishing kit called Caffeine. The kits share infrastructure and are advertised on the same Telegram channels. The phishing campaign targets financial institutions with QR codes embedded in PDF attachments. When victims scan these codes with their phones, they are redirected to fake login pages designed to collect login credentials and two-factor authentication keys.

ONNX Store Enables Theft of Credentials in Real Time

[caption id="attachment_77987" align="alignnone" width="1179"]ONNX Store Phishing Kit 2 Source: blog.eclecticiq.com[/caption] ONNX Store offers aΒ  variety of powerful phishing tools designed to support cybercriminals, including custom phishing pages, webmail servers, 2FA cookie stealers, and "fully undetectable" referral services that use trusted domains to direct victims to phishing landing pages. Researchers from EclecticIQ have noticed that threat actors using the ONNX Store phishing kit tend to distribute PDF files as attachments in phishing emails. Impersonating a reputable service, these documents contain a QR code that directs victims to malicious phishing landing pages. This tactic, known as "quishing," takes advantage of the lack of detection or prevention present on employee's personal mobile devices, which are usually left unprotected. The lack of protection on mobile devices also makes it challenging to monitor these threats. The phishing landing pages aim to steal sensitive credentials using the Adversary-in-The-Middle (AiTM) method, which allows for real-time capture and transmission of stolen data without the need for frequent HTTP requests. This makes the phishing operation more efficient and harder to detect. The ONNX Store Phishing Kit uses encrypted JavaScript code that decrypts itself upon page load and includes a basic anti-JavaScript debugger. This adds a layer of protection against phishing scanners and complicates detection. The decrypted JavaScript code then collects the victims' network metadata, including details such as browser name, IP address, and location. The decrypted JavaScript code is designed to steal 2FA tokens entered by the victims. This allows attackers to bypass typical 2FA protection and gain unauthorized access to the victim's account before it expires. Researchers identified similarities in domain registrant and SSL issuer across various infrastructures deployed by the ONNX Store phishing kit. These similarities indicated the use of bulletproof hosting services to host the campaign.

Researchers Believe ONNX Store is Rebranding of Caffeine Kit

Researchers have assessed that the ONNX Store phishing kit is likely a rebranding of the Caffeine phishing kit. This assessment is based on the significant overlaps in infrastructure and advertising on the same Telegram channels. This overlap includes the involvement of the Arabic-speaking threat actor MRxC0DER as the likely developer and maintainer behind the Caffeine kit. [caption id="attachment_77989" align="alignnone" width="1393"]ONNX Store Source: blog.eclecticiq.com[/caption] The rebranding of the platform appears to be focused on improving operational security for malicious actors. The ONNX Store service enables threat actors to control operations through Telegram bots with an additional support channel to assist clients rather than a single web server. This shift in infrastructure and management makes it more challenging to take down the platform's phishing domains. To further increase its resilience, ONNX Store uses Cloudflare services to delay the removal process of its phishing domains. This abuse of Cloudflare's CAPTCHA feature and IP proxy helps attackers avoid detection through the use of phishing web crawlers and URL sandboxes. This practice also hides the original host and makes it more difficult to take down phishing domains. Advertised with slogans like "Anything is allowed" and "Ignore all reports of abuse", these services are designed to support a wide range of illegal activities without the risk of being blocked, creating a safe haven for cybercriminals. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Marvel’s Midnight Suns is free right now, and you should grab it (even on Epic)

Characters in battle, with cards in the forefront, in Midnight Suns

Enlarge / All these goons are targeting Captain America, as shown in icons above their heads. Good. That's just how he likes it. (No, really, he's a tank, that's his thing.) (credit: 2K/Firaxis)

I fully understand why people don't want multiple game launchers on their PC. Steam is the default and good enough for (seemingly) most people. It's not your job to compel competition in the market. You want to launch and play games you enjoy, as do most of us.

So when I tell you that Marvel's Midnight Suns is a game worth the hassle of registering, installing, and using the Epic Games Launcher, I am carefully picking my shot. For the price of giving Epic your email (or a proxy/relay version, like Duck), or just logging in again, you can play a fun, novel, engaging turn-based strategy game, with deckbuilding and positioning tactics, for zero dollars. Even if you feel entirely sapped by Marvel at this point, like most of us, I assure you that this slice of Marvel feels more like the comic books and less like the overexposed current films. Just ask the guy who made it.

Tactical deckbuilding is fun

The game was very well-regarded by most criticsΒ but was not a financial success upon release in December 2022, or was at least "underwhelming." Why any game hits or doesn't is a combination of many factors, but one of them was likely that the game was trying something new. It wasn't just X-COM with Doctor Strange. It had some Fire Emblem relationship-building and base exploration, but it also had cards. The cards blend into the turn-based, positional, chain-building strategy, but some people apparently saw cards and turned away.

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