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US presidential debates: the 10 most memorable moments

Ahead of Biden and Trump’s first debate of the 2024 election cycle, here are some memorable moments from history

Joe Biden and Donald Trump will debate on Thursday for the first time this election cycle, and it holds the potential for some history-making moments.

Debates can inform voters on both the issues and temperaments of the candidates, potentially swaying an undecided voter toward one candidate’s direction. They can also make for good TV, creating soundbites that resonate for decades to come.

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Β© Photograph: Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images


Β© Photograph: Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images

The law is where you buy it in this town

Los Angeles History Project: Raymond Chandler's L.A. a.k.a. The Los Angeles History Project: Trouble in Angel City Youtube link 28m alt link: American Archive of Public Broadcasting 31m

In 1988, Los Angeles PBS affiliate produced this half hour video telling of a particular 1930s scandal, the likes of which were inspiration to a hungry writer of pulp fiction, Raymond Chandler. Narrated by Richard Widmark. The story covers a bit of the Clifford Clinton bombing. Clinton, a L.A. restaurant owner and aspiring reform politico, drew the ire of Mayor Frank L. Shaw. Shaw sent Captain Earl Kynette, leader of the LAPD intelligence squad, to intimidate Clinton by bombing his house, and attempting to kill private eye Harry J. Raymond, who was in the employ of Clinton. The tricks failed and the aftermath upended Shaw and his administration.

A watershed, not a holiday

We might now be on the cusp of a similar sea change, with American policymakers, especially Democrats and the broader center-Left, beginning to craft a new industrial policy and seeking to decouple economically from China. This decoupling is accompanied by an ersatz new Cold War with Chinaβ€”reminding us of how an earlier era of more activist liberal government required the Cold War to legitimate and underpin it. Whether such efforts will take hold is, for now, unclear. But understanding what these efforts are designed to overturn requires returning to the pivotal years of America in the 1990s. from What the 1990s Did to America [Public Books]