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Thousands of Spaniards to descend on MΓ‘laga to protest against mass tourism

Demonstrators from popular destinations such as Granada and Seville to join protest amid anger at lack of housing

Thousands of people from across southern Spain are expected to take to the streets of MΓ‘laga on Saturday in the latest in a series of protests against mass tourism.

Demonstrators from the popular Andalusian destinations of Granada, Seville and CΓ‘diz will join others in the Mediterranean city following recent protests in the Canary and Balearic islands, with another scheduled for a week later in Barcelona.

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Β© Photograph: AndKa/Alamy


Β© Photograph: AndKa/Alamy

Exuberantly undisciplined

But this isn't really about the software. It's about what software promises usβ€”that it will help us become who we want to be, living the lives we find most meaningful and fulfilling. The idea of research as leisure activity has stayed with me because it seems to describe a kind of intellectual inquiry that comes from idiosyncratic passion and interest. It's not about the formal credentials. It's fundamentally about play. It seems to describe a life where it's just fun to be reading, learning, writing, and collaborating on ideas. from research as leisure activity by Celine Nguyen [Personal Canon]