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Dark Web Actors Reveals New Banking Trojan Sniffthem

banking trojan Sniffthem

A newly surfaced banking trojan named "Sniffthem," also known as Tnaket has emerged on the dark web forums. This Sniffthem trojan, introduced by threat actor oliver909 on the XSS Russian language forum, targets a wide spectrum of Windows operating systems ranging from Windows 7 to the latest Windows 11. Oliver909's forum post on June 24, 2024, detailed the capabilities of the banking trojan Sniffthem, highlighting its advanced functionalities designed for financial fraud. Among its notable features, Sniffthem possesses the ability to perform HTML injection, enabling it to compromise websitesβ€”even those secured with SSL certificatesβ€”by injecting malicious HTML code. This tactic undermines the integrity of supposedly secure web pages, facilitating the theft of sensitive information.

Dark Web Actors Reveals Banking Trojan Sniffthem

[caption id="attachment_78990" align="alignnone" width="1906"]Banking Trojan Sniffthem Source: Dark Web[/caption] Another key feature of Sniffthem is its credit card grabber capability, allowing it to stealthily capture credit card details through the injection of fake web pages. This method operates covertly, ensuring that the theft of financial data goes unnoticed by users and security measures alike. Moreover, the trojan supports a wide range of web browsers including Firefox, Google Chrome, Edge, and Yandex, ensuring compatibility across various user environments. To evade detection, the banking trojan Sniffthem employs crypters, enhancing its stealth and persistence on infected systems. These crypters cloak the trojan's code, making it difficult for antivirus programs and security defenses to detect and remove the malware effectively. Oliver909 demonstrated the trojan's functionalities through a video shared on the forum, showcasing its management panel and user interface designed for seamless control over malicious activities. In terms of pricing, oliver909 offers Sniffthem on a subscription basis, setting a monthly rate of USD 600. This pricing strategy positions Sniffthem as a lucrative option within the cybercriminal marketplace, appealing to threat actors looking to capitalize on financial fraud opportunities.

Technical Insights into Sniffthem Banking Trojan

Sniffthem's technical specifications highlight its sophistication and potential impact on cybersecurity. The Sniffthem banking trojan operates persistently as a hidden process, evading detection and maintaining a covert presence on infected systems. Its integration with a web-based management panel allows threat actors to efficiently control compromised devices and orchestrate malicious activities remotely. Furthermore, Sniffthem's compatibility with a wide array of browsersβ€”64 in totalβ€”highlights its versatility and ability to infiltrate diverse user environments. This capability extends its reach across various sectors, with a particular focus on the BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) industry where financial transactions and sensitive data are prime targets. The emergence of Sniffthem signifies a heightened threat to organizations and individuals alike, particularly within the financial sector. To mitigate risks associated with banking trojans like Sniffthem, cybersecurity best practices are essential. Organizations should prioritize regular software updates, endpoint protection, and employee training to recognize and respond to phishing attempts effectively. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Breaking Down the New China-Linked Remote Access Trojan ValleyRAT Variant


ValleyRAT, a notorious remote access trojan (RAT) with origins traced back to early 2023, has resurfaced with a vengeance. Designed with the malicious intent to infiltrate and seize control over systems, this Chinese threat actor-backed malware continues to evolve, presenting new challenges to cybersecurity experts worldwide. According to Zscaler ThreatLabz’s research, a new campaign orchestrated by a China-based threat actor unleashed the latest iteration of ValleyRAT. This threat campaign, characterized by its multi-stage approach, utilizes various tactics to ensnare unsuspecting victims.

ValleyRAT and the Intricate Attack Chain

[caption id="attachment_76569" align="alignnone" width="1080"]ValleyRAT infection chain Source: ValleyRAT Infection Chain[/caption] At the heart of this campaign lies ValleyRAT's intricate attack chain. It begins with an initial stage downloader leveraging an HTTP File Server (HFS) to procure essential files for subsequent stages. Employing anti-virus checks, DLL sideloading, and process injection techniques, the downloader and loader meticulously navigate through defenses, ensuring seamless execution. Understanding the intricacies of this RAT and the makers behind it, the campaign's technical analysis unveils the sophisticated mechanisms employed by ValleyRAT. From XOR and RC4 decryption to dynamic API resolving, every step is meticulously crafted to obfuscate its malicious intentions. The malicious DLLs and shellcodes deployed in subsequent stages further attest to the threat actor's ingenuity. Persistence is key for ValleyRAT's longevity on compromised systems. By manipulating autorun keys and concealing file attributes, the malware ensures its survival, ready to execute its nefarious operations at a moment's notice.

Evolution of ValleyRAT

The latest variant of ValleyRAT boasts significant enhancements. From refined device fingerprinting capabilities to revamped bot ID generation processes, the malware is more adept at blending into its environment and evading detection. Moreover, the introduction of new commands expands its arsenal, empowering threat actors with greater control over infected systems. Mitigating ValleyRAT's threat requires a multi-faceted approach. Leveraging advanced threat detection mechanisms like Zscaler Cloud Sandbox is essential. Additionally, staying vigilant and leveraging threat intelligence to identify and thwart emerging threats is paramount in safeguarding against ValleyRAT's onslaught. As ValleyRAT continues to evolve, so must our defenses. With each iteration, online threats becomes moreΒ complex, necessitating proactive measures to counter emerging threats effectively. By staying informed and leveraging cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions, organizations can fortify their defenses and mitigate the risks posed by ValleyRAT and similar threats.