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The challenge is to meet the text with generosity

Generosity, commensurability, conversationβ€”how calm, how dispassionate these words can seem. They do not, however, mean that the critic must be uncritical or mild-mannered. Far from it. It would be wrong to confuse generosity with approval, or commensurability with inattention. Being generous does not mean ignoring a friend's lapses. Nor does it mean maintaining a perfect equanimity, a composure so thoroughgoing that it shades into neutrality or indifference or, worse, into a laissez-faire injunction to simply let people enjoy things. from The Critic as Friend by Merve Emre [The Yale Review]

Once Again, Every Frame A Painting

Every Frame A Painting is a series of essays on the art of filmmaking by filmmakers Tony Zhou and Taylor Ramos, covering topics like how Vancouver never plays itself or how the MCU lacks a musical identity, among discussions of the techniques of notable filmmakers. Sadly, the channel has been defunct since 2017...until now.

With this announcement, the channel will not just present a limited series of new video essays, but a short film by Zhou, titled The Second.