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I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One!

Taika Waititi is remaking Time Bandits as a TV series for Apple TV. The original was one of the funniest movies ever, when it came out. Eminently quotable, it featured a large cast of big name actors and a slew of not-so-big unexpectedly awesome actors who don't normally take the spotlight.

The new version is not without it's problems. An actress is alleging assault by a fellow actor and big issues with receiving worker's comp for it. Taika Waititi himself is not without problems with one of his films getting blasted for transphobic issues with the portrayal of a transgender character, despite his stated interest in and support for LGBTQ causes, not helped by some old tweets coming to life. The new series has no little people, to avoid negative commentary and controversy., which failed after Abbie Purvis, granddaughter of Jack Purvis (who played Wally), blasted him for not providing opportunities for litle people. Time Bandits (original trailer) always has been and always will be one of my favorite movies, despite all its problems (aging British actors (archived), mostly), the suicide of David Rappaport (not because of the movie) and the unexpected death of Jack Purvis . All I have to say is "Nipples for men! ... Are we not in the hands of a lunatic?". Little things hitting each other. THAT'S WHAT I LIKE!